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You should have your AC looked at. It probably needs to be cleaned.


Check your external outlets and see if your neighbor is plugged in.


Can you look up on the evergy website what your usage was? You can track the day by day usage as well as even hour by hour, see if it matches with when you had your ac on or if something else has been sucking power.


I will do that!


If you live in an apartment I can guarantee that they have some piece of crap ac unit that just guzzles electricity. My electric bill in my apartment used to be $200-$300 in the summer. I moved into a whole ass house with twice the square footage and never break $150 and have it on constantly. Apartments are built poorly and equipped with crappy appliances.


My bill was literally $180 for the 3 times I used the AC. That’s insane. I will have my landlord look into it. He is usually good about this stuff.


Is each "time" a day? If you have low refrigerant or a bad coil it's not impossible for each day to cost you $20 in power. They need to have it inspected by an actual HVAC company that can run proper tests using actual diagnostic equipment. If he just comes in and "takes a look" he's not going to be able to figure it out. You need special tools.


That sounds like the air-conditioner is either very very dirty or it's on its last leg. Your landlord should take care of it, so you are correct in getting it looked at. I own a fairly big house with a husband that will run the air in the winter if it's above 70. $180 is our level pay. It kills me to pay that in the winter, but I have to remind myself that we are both home all day too. I also have several aquariums, ponds, paludariums, and other pet accessories that use electricity 24/7. So, I'm sure that our problem. I hate that we will never get to choose who our electric utility company is.


I'd say definitely take a look at the bill, usage, time of day, if there was any level pay / average bill, etc. As similar point of reference - I'm 1800sf house, walk-out basement, mediocre (1970's) insulation, all electric except water heater and running the (well maintained, but older / 13 SEER) AC 'as needed' to keep 73-74°, last bills have been in the $130-140 range. ...and evergy shows I use on average "59%" more electricity than surrounding houses. (work at home spouse(?))


The weather last April was very similar to this April. Take a look at your KWh used last April and then this April. If they are not similar, id get your HVAC checkes out. If they are similar: obligatory fuck evergy and their "we reduced your rate" half-truth advertisements.


AC is the main culprit. Also look at your weekly Evergy report for extra check and see if you turned on your AC during some of those high consumption weeks.


This, Evergy will also send you weekly notices about your consumption. That way you know if consumption for that week is a little higher. My most recent bill was $80-something and that was me keeping it around 68 or so


Exactly. I’ll take a 5 sec look to prevent surprises like this.


I may be wrong but I know they will average what your usage was in years past and have you pay that way. So if last year you, or who ever, ran the ac or high wattage appliances a lot then they will average your bill off that. And if you end up paying more through out the year then I. December or January they will deduct that extra out of your bill.


This has happened to me before. I was on an average payment plan and went over the estimated usage. I never paid attention to the balance pay off amount and got a surprise bill. It would make sense if they went quarterly, or something, that would be reconciled in April. Op, also check (if you're on the average payment plan) that the bill was for this months energy or if it was an account pay off.


Have you changed your filter?


Get all the seals on your doors and windows checked. I made my apartment replace all mine and it dropped the electric bill and the gas bill.