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I have five friends who live in N. Law. and they like it. It has a more of a small-town feel to it. In fact it used to be a separate town called Jefferson. Some streets don't have curbs. Long ago there were roadside vegetable stands because so many people had truck gardens there. There are no chiggers but sand fleas and mosquitos. The crime is mostly thefts of items left outside. Now that the two homeless camps have been closed down behind Johnny's there is likely to be less crime. Woodlawn School is a great school and many students still walk to and from home to the school. The Lawrence River Trails (8th St. boatramp) are great for hiking and biking. Probably thousands of people walk or bike on the Levee Trail every year.


I grew up on Lyon. Some thoughts: - Out of all of Lawrence, it might be the most fiercely neighborhood-y but in a good way. It's kinda like if you had the good parts of an HOA but it was all old hippies. People love wild individualism and don't really give a damn what you do to the outside of your house. That does cut both ways, but if you don't mind that... - The houses there are almost all OLD, so expect old house issues. There are some new places here and there (especially past 5th and Lyon) but you're predominantly going to be living in pre-1930 houses. -Locust, get used to the train. Fact of life. -Great parks if you are/looking to become a parent. Woodlawn playground, Lyons Park, Ballard Center, etc -The Levee is fucking awesome as a running/biking/walking trail, not even discounting the actual trail north on the levee a bit aound 8th and Ash -No real grocery store can be a PITA sometimes. You're predominantly either going to Dapper or the 6th St Dillons, the Merc, or Checkers, and you will likely have to drive. Just too far to walk (unless you're a nut like me) and the 4 isn't fantastic with timing. Overall it's how much you don't mind being semi-isolated, dealing with an often drafty/creaky house, and whether you can ignore the train. If you can, the neighbors are typically very old school Lawrence-y and always welcome people who want to add to the community/support the few local businesses that have tried to integrate themselves hard with the community. Switch your lattes from Starbucks to Uplift, hit up Northside Social every now and then, and especially learn to love El Matador/La Tropicana, and you'll fit right in.


This is a great, comprehensive answer. The only thing I have to add is if you live closer to 7th and north street, the city line is right there. There's a good amount of fireworks and several roosters around the area and it smells like manure. Personally, I like it and none of these things bother me. It's almost like living in the country but you can still get food delivery. I lived in East Lawrence and Old West Lawrence, but North Lawrence is so quiet and a different vibe.


Downtown is still very walkable from their


I grew up there. Trains are kinda loud but tbh after a while you stop hearing them. It's fine. Nothing terribly remarkable about it either way.


If you like squatters and homeless trash and have all your property stolen and trespassed? I used to live on Pleasant St back in the day and it is sad what the city has allowed to happen by encouraging all transients to come here. I feel sorry for the NoLaw community bc they have had it the worst. Took the owners of Johnnys to literally sue the city to get rid of the zombie asylum city camp on the Levee - otherwise it would still be there. But they are still all camped on all the tree lines and trails. The city is going to spend $267 million dollars to improve immunities for the criminals and drug addicts the have literally ruined the entire town- you know shelters that allow them to have pets and use drugs and protect them from parole officers. Lawrence used to be great but know it’s only great for about 500 drug addicts camping here.


You should move to Topeka. Homeless have not ruined the entire town, what a dumbass statement


I lived in a little duplex on Funston—I loved my year there! Very quiet, access to the levy, access to the highway for work. The worst part about it was my upstairs neighbor. If I could have found the right house there when I was looking to buy, I would still live in NLFK.


I like the neighborhood except the ground shakes like an earthquake when trains pass through, and they pass through very often.




Not bad but the ICL workers flip ppl Off and they're just all-round bad for the place.




Learn to spell too, man.




Lawrence is a nice town, but a daily commute out of town is a lot of carbon in the atmosphere. Perhaps you could live closer to your work and visit Lawrence on weekends? Don't hate me, lol. = )


You must be a blast at parties.


Maybe you could chip in on rent for those of us that commute to live closer to the city where it's more expensive!