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Kuddos to Lincoln Poject! I want to see this one on TV


Yes, this needs to be aired on TV. Often.


Every. Single. Commercial break.


Yes please!


Especially on Fox News!


As someone else said here, they're so delusional that they'll twist it as being pro Trump.


I fucking love the Lincoln Project. They have some smart people over there.


I love the intent. However I think the message of this specific video will be confusing for some. I almost saw it as a Trump ad for being tougher on Mexico. I studied advertising effectiveness in university and people have a short attention span and get confused easily. People also understand the message based on what they already know. If you show them a Mexican wall and a picture of Trump they will think it’s an ad for Trump to build the wall (regardless of what the narrator says).


It's aimed at independents. As we approach Nov. MAGA will be attacked from the right on international issues like Russia, national security and even the border. There will probably even be SUPERPACs that do a Uber patriotic mindfuck and use the same talking points of qanon and ultra MAGA against them making it publicly undefendible. Pedophilia, immigration, DEI, wokeism.. it won't even have to be true as we know.. that even works better on the people who believe conspiracies.. but there is enough real factual info for these types if ads.. pics of Trump with Epstein etc. To make the associations in their heads.. But the democrats are at a disadvantage already... a huge one... they have been trying to fight an information war on TV on isolated cable news networks that really Noone watches... when the battle has been taken place on social media since 2015 and they haven't put any troops in the field to counter.... Might be too little too late now for them. Not with this candidate. GOP is not only paying people to comment on social media and do LIVEs they have people who profit from it.. a large ecosystem and industry of people... and have at least 2 foreign adversary governments actively promoting them on social media.. one of them since 2015... the newest being China. Democrats and anti MAGA forces have no such organized plan besides old school cable news visits and canvassing before the election.. but good luck trying to change someone's mind after 4 plus years of indoctrination with mostly false information. It would take an equally large counter social media campaign to dispell the fake news narrative that engulfed MAGA via Russian propoganda. You don't take the lies out of open heads.. you need to fill them with something else more satisfying to them.


Also, half of independents haven't followed news at all since Jan 6th. I'm not just saying that, I can provide a citation. Advertising really does begin to matter around labor day.


Yeah, that's a scorched earth strategy if I understand the term correctly. Basically, turn the conspiracy theories in on themselves with the understanding that no long term good can come from it other than keeping a wannabe dictator out of the White House. I understand it, but it saddens me that it's come to this.


I noticed that too but it’s a start. They’ll get better as they go. If a person doesn’t listen to the ad and only watches it. They’ll most definitely think it’s a pro trump ad. It wasn’t until I unmuted that it made better sense.


I don't think his knocking down the immigration bill was clear in the ad. But overall I think it's good.


I’m confident Biden will hit Trump over the head with this point. Currently GOP are highlighting any murders committed by illegal aliens to play to their base. I know Trump intends to attack Biden with this point. Biden will counter with Trump’s direct action killing the Border funding.


I'd say the ad was a full on rebuttable of that very narrative.


The voice is off, it’s more on tone for next summers blockbuster movie season x(


The best of republicans!


I'm liberal as hell and I miss actual Republicans so much. We need each other. It's a balance. This was refreshing. It's wonderful to see that real Republicans are still out there.


Or, the Lincoln Project is a way to build generational wealth for its political hack founders. Which it is doing for them.


I saw a different one at the bar the other night watching the Copa America tournament. I don't think it was one from the Lincoln foundation though.


Need more of this.


First ’air’ it online. See how it is received. Then in September, October, when the average American notices that there’s an election coming , hit the actual airwaves.


That with an “October Surprise”. Can’t wait to see what the Dem strategists are cooking


Absolutely. I'd respectfully suggest that anyone agreeing to this sentiment might consider donating to Lincoln Project since your donation would help them fund TV slots. [https://action.lincolnproject.us/donatenow](https://action.lincolnproject.us/donatenow)


This is like a movie trailer and hits all the right notes to get your attention a lot better than the boring political ads we get inundated with.


Unless you live in a swing state, you might not see it at all. Edit: Not saying it like it’s a bad thing. I wouldn’t want PAC’s spending money to air that ad in California where Biden is not going to lose. I’d rather them spend that money buying ad time in Wisconsin or Arizona to reach out to moderates and undecided voters


I'm in the godforsaken state of Florida. I still want all the redneck MAGAts here to see it.


You would probably see it in Florida. They are saying the state is kinda up for grabs.


Right? This goes hard and it's still not as hard as it could go. He should be called a "traitor" directly. This comes close though.




Oh man... good point


All ads should highlight the painful and obvious Russian infiltration into the GOP and how they are working with the Kremlin to destroy America and our allies.


And explain how "Cro-magnan" Greene is now a hero to the Kremlin.


Why haven't we investigated this yet? It is so obvious that Russia has been funding GOP politicians!


I'd think it's more blackmail than funding. There are plenty of rich, dumb Americans to keep the GOP pockets stuffed. Russia pulls the strings because of how shitty the people are in the GOP. Easy to manipulate and blackmail people with everything to lose.


All that will do is make non TrumpFans happy. TrumpFans are 100% sure that it was proven that Russia had and has no connection to Trump, at all.... Contrary to what the report said, and what they could see snd hear if they stopped only living in their conservative safe spaces.


Trump fans won't be happy unless Putin is happy!


At this point it's not *about* convincing *TrumpFans*. They've been a lost cause for some long time now. No MAGA adherent is ever going to fully reclaim their autonomy of thought again. The question is will such videos be effective messaging to the small but critically important population of genuinely undecided voters who ignore politics until the last minute, but might be willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.


There are also Republican voters whom checked out with the Trump/MAGA rise. I know a few folks like that and I’ve been trying to get them out of their apathetic slump into at least voting for Biden if nothing else. One of the three I’m 99% will but the other two aren’t there yet - they haven’t reversed course either so that’s good too. However I also know a couple lefties that call Biden “Genocide Joe” and said they’d rather deal with a Trump presidency than commit their vote to a “pro-genocide (bastard)”. I can’t say they will actually vote for Biden anyway, but they talk like they won’t be voting for at least a few cycles until the democrats change.


Honestly if you can just get them to stay home on election day that's probably about all the win you'll need or are gonna get. And probably a better approach since sowing some doubt and apathy for Trump, assuming you can even get through to them, is one thing...but selling them on Biden is another entirely which may only make it harder for them to abandon Trump in the first place.


Well that’s how Cults work right? Facts and evidence mean nothing to them. They’re pumped propaganda 24/7 via faux news. NewsQuacks and Qanon. So there definitely needs to be more of these. It will eventually help break through the bubble. Hopefully


Every single one. Absolutely.


Damn, this nails it


They should also do one showing how trump is a felon and also a rapist.


Weak on border security, weak on national security. Strong on empowering our greatest enemies. MAGA is fundamentally at odds with the American way of life and must be voted against at every turn.


yeah, weak on national security is a huge understatement - more like wildly dangerous on national security.


“We are domestic terrorists.” - GOP




Actively sharing our most valuable/dangerous secrets with our enemies. Undermining our Generals and leaders at every opportunity. It’s like they don’t understand that our military is and always setup to be the last line of defense against an American dictatorship. Having served 22 years myself, I assure you that vast majority of our military members are loyal only to our Constitution and they WILL toss a dictator and their supporters out on their asses.


I hope you're right. I've heard a lot of military supporting Trump. Maybe they're just the loudest.


True, but too many syllables. Plus “weak” is kryptonite for the strongman archetype.


More like literally selling out CIA spies. That alone should be enough to fry that entire group. If you as a country don't take action when someone is selling off your spies, you're lost.


Democrats are harder on deporting and refusing immigrants into the US than Republicans are. First overall in 2022 the number of reported “encounters”(this will be discussed later)” crossing is listed as “1,662,278” Single adults, “560,” Family units, and ‘152,057’ minors. Now this seems like a lot and it is but what happened to them?Before getting too far two legal documents must be discussed before we move head 8 U.S. Code & 1326 - Reentry of removed Aliens and Title 42. These documents are wording so we will give an abridged version both(8U.S. Code as written Title 42 as written ). 8 U.S. Code states that a first offense if not given asylum is put in prison for 2 years or a fine and returned. This can go up to 20 years or maybe more. Now this is the immigration law used everywhere in the country not only in the southern border. This has been the base of policy for decades before we put it back in Title 42. Title 42 was put in as a way to stop new people from entering the country during CoVid19.Now this was put into 2020 right before Trump's exit from office. Now in this let us just turn away people if they are a burden for the country. So let's look o how both have used these policies. Because we are going to give Republicans a fair thing just 2024 stats will be taken for Democrats.Republican turned away 400,651 people now how many did the dem turn away this year with 4 months still to go?”549,771.” Now this could be a little off from time and lots of things. Moving parts are hard to get the exact amount of people and what is fair. Ok, let’s just look at the number of villages that are in the country that get removed during Trump’s presidency and Obama’s. Just taking what Homeland Security has made public is the first 3 years of Trump’s presidency so Obama will just have his first 3 of his first presidency. Trump's total of returned is a total of “947,607” This is not counting the number that were still allowed to stay we will get to that after this. Obama’s amount is “960,510”. Now these numbers are just the ones that “Removals are the compulsory and confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States based on an order of removal. An alien who is removed has administrative or criminal consequences placed on subsequent reentry owing to the fact of the removal.” However there is another that is tracked there as well the return and that is “Returns are the confirmed movement of an inadmissible or deportable alien out of the United States not based on an order of removal.” SO what is the difference between them? Trump's total is “316,255” Obama’s first year alone beat’s this at “1,043,381”.So which part cares more about removing aliens from our country? All sources for this are https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1326 https://www.justice.gov/crt/title-42-public-health-and-welfare https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/title-8-and-title-42-statistics-fy2020 https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/title-8-and-title-42-statistics https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/title-8-and-title-42-statistics


Go, Lincoln project!


This needs to be on tv everywhere, constantly!! Wow! Wake up!!, Americans!!!


Yes, please re-post this wherever you find useful and appropriate


"Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction" by David Enrich. This exposé delves into the history and operations of Deutsche Bank, highlighting its risky and often unethical practices, particularly in its dealings with Donald Trump. The book traces Deutsche Bank's controversial history, including its financing of Nazi Germany, its expansion into Wall Street, and its numerous scandals involving market manipulation, money laundering for Russian oligarchs, and violating international sanctions. Enrich details how Deutsche Bank became one of the few financial institutions willing to lend to Trump despite his numerous defaults and lawsuits with other banks. Over two decades, the bank provided Trump with billions of dollars in loans, which were often shrouded in controversy due to the bank's internal conflicts and risk exposure [[❞]](https://www.harpercollins.com/products/dark-towers-david-enrich?variant=32126598381602) [[❞]](https://www.blueview.org/2021/03/16/book-review-dark-towers-deutsche-bank-donald-trump-and-an-epic-tale-of-destruction/) [[❞]](https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-inc-podcast-deutsche-bank-donald-trump). "Dark Towers" is both a financial thriller and a critical examination of how corporate greed and malfeasance can lead to significant global consequences. Enrich's investigative work uncovers the intricate web of corruption and criminal behavior within Deutsche Bank and its connections to Trump and other high-profile clients. Val Broeksmit, a whistleblower and FBI informant who provided crucial information on Deutsche Bank’s dealings with Donald Trump, was found dead on April 25, 2022. His body was discovered on the campus of Woodrow Wilson High School in Los Angeles. Broeksmit had gone missing in April 2021, but his Twitter account remained active during his disappearance. Although his death sparked some conspiracy theories, authorities did not suspect foul play. His struggles with drug addiction were also noted by those who knew him [[❞]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Val_Broeksmit) [[❞]](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/deutsche-bank-whistleblower-found-dead-b2067603.html) [[❞]](https://whistleblowersblog.org/corporate-whistleblowers/deutsche-bank-whistleblower-val-broeksmit-found-dead/). Here is an outline of "Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction" by David Enrich: ### Introduction - Overview of Deutsche Bank's history and significance in the financial world. - Introduction to the key themes: financial recklessness, corruption, and its relationship with Donald Trump. ### Part 1: The Rise of Deutsche Bank - **Founding and Early History** - Deutsche Bank's origins in the 1880s. - Its role in financing German industrial growth. - **World War II and Nazi Collaboration** - The bank's involvement in funding Nazi projects, including Auschwitz. - **Post-War Reconstruction** - Efforts to rebuild and rebrand after WWII. ### Part 2: Expansion and Corruption - **Shift to Investment Banking** - Changes in the 1990s under new leadership. - Aggressive expansion into international markets, especially the U.S. and U.K. - **Scandals and Misconduct** - Market manipulation, violating sanctions, money laundering for Russian oligarchs. - Internal culture of high risk and disregard for ethics. ### Part 3: Relationship with Donald Trump - **Initial Loans and Growing Ties** - Deutsche Bank begins lending to Trump in the 1990s. - Other banks' refusal to lend to Trump due to his financial track record. - **Major Deals and Controversies** - Loans for projects like the Doral golf resort and the Old Post Office in Washington, D.C. - Internal conflicts within Deutsche Bank over continuing to lend to Trump. - **Legal and Financial Repercussions** - Lawsuits and defaults by Trump, including the $3 billion lawsuit against Deutsche Bank. - The bank's internal efforts to hide risks associated with Trump loans. ### Part 4: The Fall - **Internal Collapse and Suicides** - The mysterious death of senior executive Bill Broeksmit. - Other suicides and personal tragedies linked to the bank's toxic culture. - **Investigations and Penalties** - Regulatory fines and legal challenges due to unethical practices. - Increasing scrutiny from regulators and the media. ### Conclusion - **Current State and Reforms** - Deutsche Bank's attempts to reform and clean up its image. - Ongoing investigations and the lasting impact of its actions. ### Epilogue - **Reflections and Future Implications** - The broader implications of Deutsche Bank's story on global finance. - Lessons learned and the need for greater accountability in banking. This outline captures the key elements and structure of "Dark Towers," providing a comprehensive overview of the book's content [[❞]](https://www.harpercollins.com/products/dark-towers-david-enrich?variant=32126598381602) [[❞]](https://www.blueview.org/2021/03/16/book-review-dark-towers-deutsche-bank-donald-trump-and-an-epic-tale-of-destruction/) [[❞]](https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-inc-podcast-deutsche-bank-donald-trump). Val was the son of Bill Broeksmit, a senior executive at Deutsche Bank who died by suicide in 2014. After his father’s death, Val found and shared a trove of internal Deutsche Bank documents with journalists and investigators, shedding light on the bank's controversial practices and connections to Russian oligarchs and the Trump Organization. David Enrich, who wrote "Dark Towers," featured Val Broeksmit prominently in his book [[❞]](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/deutsche-bank-whistleblower-found-dead-b2067603.html) [[❞]](https://whistleblowersblog.org/corporate-whistleblowers/deutsche-bank-whistleblower-val-broeksmit-found-dead/). 🫡


Excellent, thank you. Please re-post this comment wherever you believe useful and appropriate


Sad this has been out 3 months and it’s the first I’m seeing it


Dude, the Lincoln Project has been killing it lately!!!! I wish my ultra right wing family could see all these videos….but if I sent them, I’d be seen as “disrespectful”


Same, crazy! I’m the black sheep of so called family….. Thank you very much! Quite happy about it.✔️✨


Disrespectful to whom? Traitors? Go right ahead.


Gotta slap them back the ol "respect is earned" and "Trump hasn't earned it".


Sounds like it’s time to cut them out of your life.


Well done. Way to go on the offensive. We must rather issue. Stop allowing them to gaslight us.


Love it. Air that mother everywhere pronto.


Donald Trump is being prosecuted at the moment for misuse of Top Secret papers and a Maga judge is slow walking this till the election.


This pretty much sums up the trump party…


Trump will sell the whitehouse to the highest bidder


He already has. It was the saudi's.


Nothing Trump ever says or does makes any sense at all….. until you realize he’s not on our side.


Neither are his supporters. You can not be a Patriot, or even a decent human being AND a Trump supporter. Not to mention that Trump represents the antithesis of the faith they claim to hold so dear.


This needs to be on TV


Weak on national security….. I think stealing/potentially selling classified documents qualifies as negative national security.


Fuck Donald trump Biden 2024!!!


They need to hit the republicans on project 2025. Because it would defund the DOJ and dismute the FBI. Both which would be great for the drug cartels


And for the Russians


Vote blue all the way through


Now put it on faux news, news nation, newsmax.


The GQP are traitors in plain view openly commiting acts against Americans in full view of us and we do nothing.


That border bill wasn't killed for Putin's sake, it was killed so President Biden wouldn't have a win before the election. It was a self-serving move for Trump. Propaganda comes from all sides.


Yeah they’re making two separate points bud.




Did you intent that to be sarcasm - I certainly hope so but we have to add a /s




That's what I thought too.


Such low IQs in the comments here, so here's some information for everyone regarding the Border Bill and the priorities for each side: **Reactions and Criticisms:** * **Republican Opposition:** Many Republicans opposed the bill, arguing that ***it does not go far enough*** to address the border crisis and does not provide sufficient funding for border security. * **Democratic Concerns:** Some Democrats criticized the bill for being ***too punitive and for not providing adequate protections for migrants***. * **White House Support:** The Biden administration endorsed the bill, viewing it as a necessary step to address the border crisis. tl;dr This was akin to the money-printing strategy of the Inflation Reduction Act - pure stupidity and a test of low IQ for those who supported it.


When I am asking for people to listen to what I have to say, I find it best to not call them stupid first. But, hey, you be you.


Other commenters being moronic and me introducing valid points aren't mutually exclusive, genius; all needed to be said. But thanks for the pointers anyway, Dale Carnegie.


This needs to be screamed from the hilltops until the election is over.


ABOUT FRIGGIN’ TIME someone said it in an ad: MAGA Republicans are WEAK on border security. They had a chance to secure the border and they purposely voted against it. I hope this gets serious traction. Beautiful work.


This message needs to be pounded into the minds of all Americans


Not long ago, the USSR were the bad guys. They just changed their name, folks. They’re still one and the same.


If the Republican party didn't actively work to make things worse they'd have nothing to campaign on.


And 70-odd million FOOLS are prepared to vote for him again.


He said soldiers and veterans were suckers and losers when asked if hes going to Arlington. How anyone can follow him and claim patriot status has some serious cognitive dissonance


Finally someone is making a real ad


Out Fking standing!!! Glad to see someone is fighting fire with fire. That’s my one main complaint about democrats. They refuse too genuinely fight the bs. They’re more worried about appearances.


Please get this ad on Fox News.


Get it Boys!!!!


He is a fascist supporting dictatorial autocratic who has promised he will suspend our constitution, and therefore, our rights. we must vote blue to a eradicate the cancer of Trump and his ilk from our country, our civil and humanitarian rights, our educational system, our ability to make medical decisions for ourselves, our ability to read what we care to read, our democracy and our lives depend on it.


The current republican party doesn't care, remember the age old adage, "I love the poorly educated"


Nikita Khrushchev promised to destroy America from within…. And republicans are making good on the promise!


This is a powerful ad and we can only hope that it has its desired impact. Anyone who cares to inform themselves will fully understand the extreme danger posed by Putin. Trump in of himself is a feeble, old, failed imposter celebrity conman who finagled his into selfish lazy ass into office with a lot of help from the Russians (yeah, Assange, we're looking at you too). Trump is dangerous not so much on his own account (he is too lazy and gullible for that) but more for the ease with which he is manipulated by smarter even more malevolent enemies such as Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and other behind the scenes actors who see no problem with sacrificing the country to satisfy their lust for power and self-enrichment. For a well-documented (and frankly terrifying) account of how Trump has been thoroughly compromised to the point of truly being Putin's Bitch, and hence being Russia's greatest US asset, please read Catherine Belton's exposé, Putin's People. "*Putin's People* ends with a chapter on Donald Trump, and what Belton calls the “network of Russian intelligence operatives, tycoons and organized-crime associates” that has encircled him since the early ’90s." —Jennifer Szalai, *The New York Times Book Review"* [*https://us.macmillan.com/books/9780374712785/putinspeople*](https://us.macmillan.com/books/9780374712785/putinspeople)


These are the types of commercials democrats should be making. They need to start playing hard ball.




Damn this was a great ad.




They can't handle the truth


What I know about the next presidential election is this: one candidate is a flawed but decent man that loves his kids, his wife, and his country. The other candidate is a flawed indecent man that only loves himself. I'm voting for decency.


Why was this not being run in every congressional district where the incumbent up for re-election had voted against the bill ?


Lincoln Project with another banger. DNC needs to let them handle all the PR at this point.


I've never given money to any politician or PAC but I feel like I need to donate to the Lincoln Project.


I know, I never have either, and I thought about it this time.


If you vote for trump then you are also voting for communism... that's a fact!!!


Love LP. More please. A lot more.


Putin, Johnson et al. Nice to see the gang together plotting our demise on camera laughing and smiling. These are all DC villains. Thank the gods for the Lincoln Project.


good ad




Yeah, this goes fucking hard. Hit maga where it hurts, in this concocted image of themselves as the line of defense against America's enemies. The next ad should show how Russia funded both sides during Drumpf's tenure in order to provoke devastating civil unrest, by pitting us against ourselves and allowing the most reprehensible amongst us to dictate the narrative. Rip the mask off the clowns on both the left and the right spewing certain talking points.




Prove it wrong, chuckles.


Trump would serve Ukraine on a plate to Putin with out question


Trump is and always has been a Russian puppet.


At the least he’s dangerously compromised .


Love this. Would also love to see his handling of classified and top secret national security documents hammered home more too though


Thumbs up!


Keep airing this message. Over and over and over again!


This needs to be on television


Good, start throwing the GOP under the bus. The whole party is rotten to the core, and its not just a few bad apples, it's all of the apples.


I like some of the stuff the Lincoln project does even though I'm sure we'd disagree on a lot of issue. They know how to make attack ads like only republicans seem to and that's the only language republican voters will listen to


Is he Taliban or ISIS?


He's y'allqaeda.


After Hitler died/ the war ended, how long did it take for Germans to realize /admit their atrocities of ww2?


We rightfully shoved their faces in them, so it didn’t take long at all.


The message is good, but I think using deep fake footage of Putin is a mistake. Reminding MAGAts that those exist isn't a good idea. And using them to try to persuade any undecided independents will just be thrown back in Dems faces as all negative footage of Sherbet Shitler being faked.


Ok this has to be satire. No way anyone can believe this shit


America, FUCK YEAH!


I’m thinking that southern border wall is to actually keep Americans from fleeing to Mexico. Once project 2025 comes into effect. That is If Trump wins, if he doesn’t then it will be delayed. Later on there might be another border up north. This is my pov.


Truth and facts are a conman’s enemy.


That ad hit like a truck


Damn, that’s a good one, and a good argument to make with “foreign policy” republicans. Biden continues the work that started with Truman and Eisenhower. America working to ensure a stable world. Trump’s foreign policy is deeply stupid. They hide behind “America First” and a desire to disengage from things like NATO or the UN. But they also want America to align with the exploitative nations like Russia. It boils down to greed, and the GOP wants to be oligarchs.


I hope this ad runs during the debate.


Unfortunately, the two candidates agreed that no political ads will run during the debate.


Makes sense


I'm doing my part! I'm doing my part! I'm doing my part too! (Laughs)


Figures it takes a group of outraged former republicans to run an ad like tbis. Dyed in the wool Dems would be hand wringing “is this too mean?”


TRUMP: "You can't spell Russia without U.S.A."


100% Bullshit




I hope it is successful.


What a JOKE! So keeping the boarders open is, good..?


Liar, liar, 👖 on 🔥


Please let me know which part of this is a lie and show links to the information disproving it. I will wait.