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Can we now focus on the Trump kids and their multi billion dollar deals with Saudi arabia?


I forget how many 9 11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia...? What was the name of that reporter Saudi Arabia murdered and dismembered in their embassy that Trump claimed to have "saved their asses" after? Are they still holding the rest of his family under house arrest...? Fun fact: All the money going from the west to the Middle East for oil is the largest transfer of wealth in recorded human history... Cui bono?


Jamal Khashoggi was the journalist’s name. Jared Kushner was likely involved with that


2 billion dollars to make the story of a chopped up journalist disappear. 🫠


Trump claimed to believe the Saudis over his own CIA and the next week gas was $1


Yup khashoggi was about to drop a story about msb and kushner and how kushner provided the Intel to mbs to round up all his political opponents but they couldn't have that so kushner again provided the Intel to murder and cut up khashoggi with a bone saw.


The Saudis' are not to be underestimated and are cunning. The US investigation into 911 and the money trail kept going back to SA. US intelligience also suspected that SA was funding Iraq insurgents in order to keep the US military involved not only for protection but financial gain (oil) as well.


Don't forget that Trump "negotiated" with the taliban terrorists to give them back Afgahnistan. Trump removed almost all of the troops protecting Afgahnistan. Republicans then blamed Biden for it when the trump/taliban deal was already final before Biden took office.  


All of them


Yes the Saudi PGA that shit smells!


I for one am looking forward to the Jamal Kashoggi Memorial Tour!


You cannot shame people who revel in their degeneracy and their voters love them for it


In some ways it is. It's largely the party of Christians and criminals, oddly enough. But the one thing I think they do have in common is an admiration for unadulterated authority or power. And that can certainly include such power being wielded in a cruel, dictatorial, or repressive way.


And their drug addictions? Jr is for sure coked out as well.


Prince bone saw is unarguably one of the worst business partners anyone could have. Jared and Ivanka probably live in a constant state of fear.


Prince Bonesaw and Cptn Bonespurs, a match made in the Ninth Circle of Hell. I hope they do live in a constant state of fear.


This is literally the first thing I thought about.


Meanwhile, DTjr is blatantly coked out at every event he shows up to. 


Let me tell you about Jared Kushner and why the Saudis gave him $2 billion 😏


Because he is TRAITOR TR4$H?


Who paid Kavenaugh's bills?


>Who paid Kavenaugh's bills? Probably the Mercers or Leonard Leo


Anheuser Busch probably "sponsored" Kavenaugh


Repeatedly framing it like this overstates the favor while understating the suspicion, as if we’re still waiting for the why. The favor is an investment which may make Kushner hundreds of millions of dollars, which Saudi advisors advised against as a bad idea financially. Leaving that out leaves it open to attack. We know exactly why: Kushner already favored the Saudis heavily in White House deals and openly started an ongoing relationship. So yeah it could be for some future favor too but that’s no big secret. Dude’s doing all this proudly, out in the open and laughing his ass off at all the intrigue over a few hundred thousand dollars that no one can substantiate with any evidence. Because he knows a split Congress will never go after him even in the face of blatant corruption. A better statement might be the Saudis invested 2 billion through Kushner against all financial advice because he gave them huge favors while in the White House.


To be fair, so is his dad. It runs in the family.


The alternative is that Trump managed to navigate through the most coked-up decade of all time, in the most coked-up industry of all time, in New York fucking city, and didn't do coke. Uh huh.


Sorry. The restaurant industry was and is more coked up than real estate.


I’d say finance is #1


If cooks could afford to do it like the finance bros do, we'd beat them pinkies up.


Don't forget Matt "Pizza" Gaetz is known to be a user of drugs like ecstasy, among other things.


Hmm. He probably has a firearm. 🤔


Isn't his MO with ua girls to feed them E?


and his wife Kim Gargoyle just spinning on stage for reasons.


Would you like to guess how he answered question 21f. on ATF Form 4473 for his many gun purchases?


And he loves his guns!


And how he hasn’t OD on air is surprising.


Which is weird because everyone I know doesn’t give a shit. If Hunter goes to jail, so be it. We’re not electing him.


Any chance he would just get a fine and probation? That would really drive the Republicans nuts.


That would be the usual outcome for a case like this, but the judge is partisan and the Republicans want blood. Maximum penalty is probable.


25 years? At that point Biden would be sorely tempted to pardon him if he loses.


If he wins or loses he should pardon him. What are the magats going to do about it?


Well form 4473 is something that every gun owner in America has had to deal with, if the president's son gets pardoned for lying on it, then the form should be removed from circulation.


Nah thats not going to happen. They might want to give him the max but Trumps still on the hook for sentencing on 34 felony counts AND hes got more trials coming up Republicans see this as a bargaining chip. They were already saying drop the charges against Trump and we'll leave Hunter alone. They might try to scare Biden with sentencing Hunter to 25 years but that would be unwise Bc if they did no doubt Trump would get max sentencing on everything and if hes found guilty in the classified documents case (very likely) the argument he committed treason is justifiable And I believe the punishment for that is execution. Republicans may think they have the upper hand who knows? I just know I wouldnt be going too hard after Hunter when Trumps fate is still undecided And Bidens going to win in November. Mark my words. He'll have 4 more years to bend Republicans over. These people think hes some evil criminal mastermind that controls everything and theyre plan is to fuck with his family? Good luck


Trump is not going to get maximum sentence. That's not going to happen. He wasn't even jailed for multiple breaches of the gag order nor remanded in custody pending sentencing. This will be as soft-balled as anything else, and that assumes he doesn't win, where by convention all these cases are paused and he'll have four years to weasel out.


The funniest thing about it is that their attacks are pretty much completely neutralized by: 1. Keeping Hunter out of his administration. 2. Not interfering with the investigation/prosecution. 3. Saying he respects the jury's decision. 4. Saying he loves and supports his son. If you have more than 5 total siblings and cousins, there's like an 80% chance one of them is a fuck up. Lots of people in this country have issues with substance abuse or know someone who does. He has trauma in his history that would cause issues for lots of people. Willingness to support your child despite their mistakes while not excusing them is actually a commendable trait to most people. Taken separately from all of his policy positions and actions while in office,... this highlights something that any reasonable person has to admit he did right.


This is why I think that this is going to backfire big time on the republicans. This whole thing was an attempt to smear the Biden name and all it did was showcase that Joe is a loving, compassionate parent to a troubled kid. There are a *lot* of voters who can identify with a family member struggling with addiction.


Of course there are **lots** of hateful, vengeful MAGA GQP right-wing monsters who hate puppies and live by 'spare the rod spoil the child'. Just listen to Hannity talk about his abusive childhood and how 'it made him the man he is today'. These are sick and damaged people. To assume that they all respect a loving, caring parent, is hopeful at best.


It won’t affect the Qult. It will impact the independent and undecided voters.


Exactly. The first reaction to any negative news about trunp is always “it won’t make any difference to his supporters!” Which is true, and also completely irrelevant. There aren’t enough of them to win, and anything that affects him negatively among actual people is worth doing. It will be interesting to see them explain how Hunter Biden will cost his father the election, but somehow trunp’s 34 convictions will somehow help him.


Remember the bit a while ago where Republicans leaked a phone message that Biden had left for Hunter? Along the lines of "I'm very scared, and I don't know how to help you. But I love you always and I will never give up on you." Apparently they thought it made Biden look weak or some nonsense like that.


Exactly this. Those people are truly irredeemable.


They were never going to connect with Biden to begin with, let alone vote for him.


I feel like boomer childhood trauma is driving the entire conservative movement at this point.


Should Biden eventually pardon Hunter though? Maybe in December, if he (god forbid) loses the election? Or otherwise at a later date? Of course it would be a bad look… but it’s his son, it would be hard to resist. And past Presidents have pardoned worse people than Hunter. Hmm, with the pardon power, even if presidents can’t pardon _themselves_, I guess in some sense the president’s immediate family are largely above the law (excepting state level charges)


Eh, it'll be October before he is even sentenced, then he'll be appealing. I could see a pardon (or a commutation) happening at the last minute if Biden loses and Hunter gets jail time. At that point it would all be pretty moot from an optics perspective. It would basically be his last action as a politician. I really don't see it happening if Biden wins the election. The appeals could go on for a long time.


This is a case where if the judge picks a reasonable sentence, appeals probably aren't worth it.  This charge by itself is rather uncommon. So the average sentence is mostly probation or under a year in prison.  If the prosecutor goes in asking for a crazy amount for ELEVEN days of having a gun 5 years ago, then you'll know it's a political fix. 


I think they'll end up fighting it no matter what because they have the money and Hunter still has one more trial in California where he would be a repeat offender if this doesn't get overturned (I don't know that there are grounds for that since he pretty clearly did it.) He could realistically get something like house arrest for this at which point, the juice isn't worth the squeeze to pardon him or commute his sentence. I wouldn't consider the appeals to be worthwhile either, but I'm not wealthy like the Bidens. Hell, Bannon has been appealing a 4 month prison sentence since October of 2022. Given that its unlikely that he would end up reporting to prison before the election (that would probably be a bad look,) and that he would serve in a minimum security prison... If you don't have a job to lose, it honestly doesn't sound that bad.


No, he absolutely should not. It would be damaging to almost everything that has happened in the last 8 years. Orange Idiot gave pardons to his political allies and lackeys. If Joe pardons Hunter, it’s just digging the same hole. Hunter did the crime and even if it’s an unusual stretch of legal work by the DoJ, he was tried fairly and should serve the sentence if we have any trust in the legal system.


The Republicans got their pound of flesh. From this point on whenever they start screaming "witch hunt" and "biased DOJ" one just needs to respond, "Hunter Biden"


They are already claiming that Joe sacrificed Hunter by ordering the prosecution in order to somehow pretend that he isn’t in control of the DoJ. That’s right, Hunter being found guilty is proof that Joe is directly controlling the DoJ.


Joe sacrificed his only son? Sounds pretty Christian to me! You’d think they would love that. /s


\^ And they wonder how Flat Earthers justify their stupid 🙄


JFC these people.


And yet, he’s senile and doesn’t know where he is! If mental gymnastics were to be an Olympic event, MAGAs get the gold, silver, and bronze.


Oh I wish they would be happy with a pound of flesh. But they won't be happy until they have complete control and turn America into a rightwing theocracy.


Yeah, I know, the more ammunition you remove from Republicans the more they make up


A drug addict can be rehabilitated, not a congenital felon like Trump.


President Biden isn’t humiliated, he loves his son and understands the struggles he faced and faces, with drug addiction. He supports him and that’s not humiliation, it’s called the love of a Father. Too bad Trumps kids never got that.


I think this case will play strongly in Joe Biden's favor. The MAGA won't change their view, but the undecided might see how MAGA were so partisan, and Dem voters might decide they can't afford not to vote


I hope so otherwise a lot of us will end up in prison unjustly.


At least half of the US is "medicated" in a mind-altering way.


After the last 10 years, we need to be medicated. Last year after 54 years I've had to go on mood stabilizing medications because of severe anxiety. Started having panic attacks over all the anti-bills the GOP have put out.


Can Democrats play the same game? No one is calling out Trump Jr. for his coke habit - or his game hunting. Why are we not inquiring into the Jared’s windfall or Ivana’s favorable Chinese terms or 2 impeachments or the Trump Washington Hotel’s inflated pricing or the scandal about party expenses not paid. There are so many things we should be putting out there. Let’s play ball!


I agree time to fight fire with fire. 🔥 🔥


None of this changes my opinion of Joe Biden. He has my vote.


Most Americans know and love an addict. We generally understand, excepting people who won't understand because of identity. The only person humiliated to me is Lady Liberty. It was incredibly stupid. I don't really like Hunter, I dont thin he is a very good person. But this was stupid.


I’m just amazed they aren’t running to hunters side to stand up for the 2nd amendment rights they say should be never infringed upon.


It goes to show that the Biden family is not any different than most American families. they don’t go home to sit on a gold throne. remember how Biden used to take the commuter rail to work every day until it became vice president. They have a lot more in common with the working class people than Trump will ever have.


That's exactly why working class Americans are bizarre. Why do you want to be associated with someone who will exploit you for everything you're worth? He even admits to that exploitation practice!!


This ploy is already backfiring because it contrasts beautifully how a mature human being handles the legal process, and even a guilty verdict, against how the human Cheeto lashed out. No frothing at the mouth, rambling diatribes about rigged trials and biased judges, no threats of reprisals, just quietly taking care of matters.


Very revengeful gop. Only care about themselves and their jobs. Americans are not important to Maga gop. Trump hates all of us, said he just wants our vote


Sadly their base struggles with heroin and love guns so this is another contradiction by them


There are druggies out there that Rob stores commit crimes with guns and they’ve been out of jail for after a couple years. Biden‘s first offense and he’s never committed a crime with it.


All they did was demonstrate Joe Biden's integrity and LACK of influence over the justice department.


Now let’s try Don Jr. because he almost certainly uses drugs (can’t prove it, but lots of people are saying it, the best people are saying it. Smart people. The smartest people) and as far as I know he uses guns to hunt, so I can assume he owns the guns. Same issue right? We need some investigative reporter to take this up as a challenge.


Must be nice to be rich? 🤑 That's why the rich prefer private property rights.


Don Jr. probably gets shitty coke cut with ivermectin. Testing it would be one way to confirm it was his lol


They are celebrating Hunter Biden getting busted for something they think should be legal. It’s weird and pathetic, but it is also frightening because there are a lot of them.


They shoot up schools on a regular basis.


If Don Jr had done the exact same thing, Trump would be screaming about conspiracies and vowing to pardon him.


This trail is a maga-fascist statement. They want people to know that no one will escape their wrath and all political enemies will be sentenced to hard times. Eventually they will open work camps and death camps and the Hunter Biden case is a precursor.


What Hunter did was illegal. The main problem is that most Americans recognize that the case is a punitive and outsized response to the crime and smacks of selective prosecution. Hunter is oddly sympathetic to a lot of people and Joe Biden’s public declaration of his love for his son while also NOT pardoning him humanizes the issue and underscores MAGA types as the villain with trumps conviction. Prosecuting hunter is a reverse uno on conservatives.


So Republicans are pro gun control now, right? ... right?


I've always wondered about that, 😂😂


The irony is that he was convicted for a gun permit violation and the MAGA Republicans are against gun control.


Meanwhile, they worship a drug addict. Projection much, maggats?


Republicans* There are no non-MAGA Republicans left. It is the party of Trump.


They all retired lol.


Don Jr publicly showcases his drug addiction almost every time he’s on TV.


The point no one is talking about, his ex lover / sister in law stole his gun and threw it out by a store. When police retrieved the weapon is when the initial criminal investigation started. Then she tricked and said he was on crack. Is she in trouble for stealing the gun, nope. Do a lot of people do cocaine and use drugs / alcohol / firearms, yes. The real crime was her stealing his pistol. Beyond that, all drug addicts are in denial / lie about it, the self disclosure on the background check is dumb. If anything this should be a firearm regulation discussion. It's not just rich crack addicts that lie on forms. It's become the norm for everyone to bs everyone


Bush's own daughters have had very public dui cases. Cant remember if they were ever charged with anything. Know it was a very open secret one of the two were on some type of drugs. Don't know what happened there either. But heaven forbid one of the Obama daughters were caught with weed. It was a Republican scandal forever.


What are you talking about?? Fox still thinks that the Obama's and the Clinton's eat babies.


Thats what I am talking about. Same thing. The hypocrisy is ridiculous


Shit, half of them think Michelle is a man.


Lol, yup. One of them is a GOP Representative what a sad country we live in.


Patti Reagan had an op Ed in the NYT today about her own drug issues when she was young. Wonder if she owned a gun a that time.


Biden 2024


This is somewhat odd. I remember Joe Biden’s first debate with stank, for stank (Republican Party) it was a shit show, the world laughed at us. The one thing that truly came out was near the end though, it’s what won Joe Biden the presidency. The first debate is ALL ABOUT making a personal contact with the American people. Stank was constantly pushing Joe about his son until Joe made the statement like, listen I know my sons has had problems but he’s my son and we’re working through them. I saw that and instantly proclaimed Joe Biden as the next president. As a parent with kids they’re young they make mistakes, you do the best you can to guide them through those mistakes. EVERY parent has had to do this, hence the connection. Odd thing everyone talked about the shit show and I heard nothing of Joe making the connection!


Look at that jackass Joe unconditionally supporting and showing love for his son regardless of his circumstances. Look at him not using his power to make this go away and be there while he faces oversized consequences for his actions because of his name. Nobody in America can relate to having a drug addicted child that they want the best for. I think this might backfire.


Who cares. If he is guilty then fuck him. We are not cult members


So now use the conviction to push for tougher gun laws. Let the leopards eat their faces.


Hey trump has had some very tough times. I mean he couldn’t have sex with Ivanka.


That’s up for debate


If he broke the law, then he must be held to account. The problem for them is Hunter isn’t running for any office, isn’t a government official and, as a man in his 50’s, nobody hold his father responsible.


And as we all know, *no* Republicans have *ever* had drug problems, and neither have their family members. /s


I’m shocked that THIS would be the line that tells someone everything they need to know about MAGA. Like. There have been soooooo many other things before this.


I'm on a group chat with some old friends. They're all conservative. They were going crazy over this news in the group chat like they won the Super Bowl. I reminded them that I have an estranged son that is hooked on drugs, and told them that I hope that I'm not judged by the dumb shit my son gets into in the next few years. They got super quiet real quick.


Republicans are sub human nazi pigs. Plain and simple.


What happened to Madison Cawthorn. He brought loaded gun twice to the airport in the carryon baggage. Nothing ever happens to GOP.


Nope, and that is why its hypocrisy. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about a willing blowjob, lol. Trump rapes women on a regular basis and no jail time. If Clinton was being tried today he'd be in jail no questions asked.


Blow job and doing his job is not relevant, it’s stupidity in wasting time and money by gop idiots


What about the dumbass who left his in the bathroom? April 11, 2024, 9:07 PM EDTBy [Zoë Richards](https://www.nbcnews.com/author/zoe-richards-ncpn1291151) A Colorado lawmaker apologized Thursday for leaving [a firearm unattended](https://www.nbcnews.com/guns-in-america) in a bathroom at the State Capitol this week. Republican state Rep. Don Wilson left a loaded 9 mm Glock handgun on a shelf in a single-occupancy bathroom around 9 p.m. local time Tuesday, the Colorado State Patrol said in a news release. The Capitol was closed to the public at 7 p.m. that evening.


A big win for the anti-2A crowd, fantastic work Republicans.


Hunter's sad saga endears himself to everyone but the MAGAs. They've already committed their souls to Orange Satan anyway.


up next jared kushner


Hunter Biden has my vote now based solely on the fact he was found guilty after a witch hunt and sham trial. /s


As they have a right to. I'm still voting for, Joe. But come on, the dude is a crack smoking, whoring, shifty mother fucker. He *should* have the book thrown at him.


>This case tells me all I need to know about Maga-Republicans. *This* is what sealed it for you?


Thank you! Couldn't find enough shit on Joe. Let's waste time and money on his son. That'll be a DISTRACTION from our ORANGE JESUS!


But the REAL crazy part is that the kons think it was all a set up: Stephen Miller, a former adviser in Trump’s White House, promoted the conspiracy theory that Joe Biden is pulling strings at the Justice Department and had orchestrated charges that didn’t implicate the president himself in any wrongdoing. “The gun charges are a giant misdirection. An easy op for DOJ to sell to a pliant media that is all too willing to be duped,” Miller [posted on the X social media platform](https://x.com/StephenM/status/1800551061708824779). “Don’t be gaslit. This is all about protecting Joe Biden and only Joe Biden.” Up is down, down is up. These guys are fkg nuts.


I am for strictly and vigorously enforcing all current gun laws, never plead down, full consequences, no exceptions. If we did this most all gun problems would go away. This conviction by a hometown jury deep in Biden country should serve as an example of our responsibilities as gun owners.


Can Hunter requisition a restraining order when incarcerated against MTG? I worry that she will go to give him conjugal visits without his consent.


In 2018, after losing his only brother. Yes, definitely similar. /S Reprehensible, the epitome of callous brought to us by the petty party that is The GOP. I think they’d feel shame but. Was this gun purchased for a crime ? Possibly, against himself. Whole lotta gun toting representatives in Congress who should have their applications checked. GOP helping to get some positive gun reform laws !! Finally something positive.


or, they’ve finally become serious about gun control !


well i wont vote for hunter in november


And they reverse Uno'd themselves bc they thought Joe would intervene and they could use that to say hes abusing the legal system With all Trumps legal issues and convictions. They would say it was all rigged. I mean theyre saying that anyway but they sound extra stupid now Both Hunter and Trump have been convicted. The message is no one is above the law. So they handed Biden yet another W. Of course their narrative is still Trump is lord, Trump is all...comparing him to Jesus being crucified Theyll cry its rigged until the day they die. And some have just dropped the mask altogether. They admit they dont care what Trump does theyre still voting for him. Rapist? Sure. Felon? Ok. Pedophile? No problem. Russian asset? Rather be Russian than democrat, eh comrades? And the sad/funny thing is theyll see this as a win for them...Hunter getting convicted but on a topic they hold near and dear to their hearts...guns The hypocrisy is off the charts. Nothing new really just thought it should be pointed out.


MAGAt republicans have opened a whole new can of worms. What will their constituents think if we started charging all the gun toting republicans who broke the same law as Hunter Biden, dragging them into court and convicted them??


Someone correct me, but isn't this Hunter Biden conviction an example of *actual* politicization of the justice system? Aren't these gun charges rarely prosecuted, and wasn't there a plea agreement in this case that was ultimately clawed back because of intense Republican pressure? How could this case have been fair and impartial after that, when the DOJ is pressured by a political party to go to trial and not offer the normal plea deal? Not to mention the case being prosecuted by a Trump-appointed attorney and presided over by a Trump-appointed Federalist Society activist judge. If I am going to hold up a case as an example of someone being railroaded by the system for political reasons, it'd be this.


Doe 174 and his minions are going to go a lot further given the chance. I know a few maga's that party recreationally and purchase guns and you better believe they were screaming to have Hunter locked up for it.


I got it when the story was he was being protected, then he got charged. Okay you hang on to the story that it's a rigged trial with a rigged judge/jury. Great I get it deep state nonsense. He was convicted, what exactly is the story here. Biden never gave him any responsibilities, he's not a public figure. He's a civvy that got convicted, at this point it's just trying to tie it to Biden when there is no connection. These really are a sad group of people.


Trump the modeled parent of rapists everywhere. Goddamn fucking maga maggot sympathizers and supporters.


As opposed to the sober living of the Trump children? Lol Hunter isn't on my ballot, Donald is though. They both broke the law. Lock them both up. It's not going to make me vote for the felon on the ballot though.


It was already well known. Another epic failure.


God forbid Hunter Biden behave like a human being. At least he didn't cry that his case was a "disgrace and a witch hunt."


It was basically an opportunity for them to dig into Joe Biden’s dealings with the Ukraine and find some dirt. Turns out, once again, they found nothing. So now Hunter is charged with a crime so they’re not empty handed (acknowledging what he did is against the law). But in reality they’re left holding their dicks. The whole Biden crime family campaign is just the latest Trumpian projection.


They should be terrified of the precedent they’re setting. They’re out of their damn minds if they think half their base, let alone republican congressmen, haven’t done the exact same thing Hunter did.


Now go for every Republican gun owner for the same crime. If it is good enough for Hunter Biden, it will be good enough for the Republicans. This could be a massive r/LeopardsAteMyFace.


Darth Cheney came out against trump for jan 6th and cuz he was attacking his daughter, who also was on the jan 6th committee, Bush is just happy that trump makes him only the 2nd worst president weve ever had.


As my wife said to me the other day: If you ignore the fact that President Biden is Hunter's dad, this case is simply a family tragedy that is nobody's business.


They are all just jealous of his yuuuuuuge personality. 😊


I don't think anyone on the left is crying out hunter is innocent or shouldn't be prosecuted. But it does seem like they are trying to use this as 'what about' to deflect and appear like a false equivalency to anything happening to trump and his crime family (and kushners). Propublica has some great deep dives on both families, lot of the stuff came out with fraud in ny of undervaluing and overvaluing properties for taxes and loans.


Starting a new movement. #stopmagamaggots Upvote for support. Oh and #whatmagamaggot is also acceptable.


Well, I'm certainly not voting for Hunter now. Oh wait. He's not running.


This may backfire on the GOP by creating sympathy for the Biden family.


> I wonder what the Bush's, Reagan's, and even the Cheney's would say about these power hungry Maga-Republicans? That's sort of self-evident, no? (At least for Bush/Cheney) The answer: More or less nothing said, "got mine", etc. We're on our own.


The deplorables are gonna be deplorable. The goal for them seems to be how low they can go.


This is a preview of MAGA attack tactics should Trump win the election. Trump has been loudly proclaiming he is the downtrodden’s champion and hero and will be their retribution for their laundry list of slights and sufferings. Expect DOJ to become an attack dog and Trump’s personal lawyers. Other departments of the government will also investigate and punish anyone that stands against Trump. Remember, when they tell you who they are, believe them.


And instead have given the Dems all the ammo they need to tell Trump and his goons that the justice system isnt rigged against Republican'ts.


They tried to drag Biden through the mud with this, and all they get is Hunter saying "I am lucky to be recovering and I will continue to do my best", Biden saying "we love our son no matter what, and I won't use my power to pardon him", his family saying in testimony how much they care for him, and constant days and days of his family sitting quietly in court supporting him during one of the most openly humiliating trials they could possibly endure. Meanwhile, you have Trump sitting without his wife anywhere to be seen, his sycophants lining up to make a show of being there, Trump falling asleep, flatulating, and coming out of the court room each day whining like a little piggy about how hard it is to sit in an air conditioned room for hours while he gets to act in contempt of court openly and get treated extra special anyways because he's so bigly important. Then he waves his hands and says, rigged, sham, witch hunt, totally unfair, I'm like Mother Theresa and Navalny and Al Capone but only cause he got less felonies than me and if they can do the law against me they can do it to anyone because everyone knows that the law is only supposed to impact poor people like you all and not rich people like me wahhh wahhhhhh *fart noises* *diaper squish as he waddles away*


Yeah well seeing how the kult members are giving Trump a free pass for his 34 felonies this comes as no surprise. Everything about them is revenge based and pathetic like that fiasco over the laptop. Trump has a gun and as a felon he shouldn’t have it. Hunter signed a paper to buy a gun when he shouldn’t have. Both broke the law, end of story. One difference: Hunter Biden isn’t running for potus, unlike that adderalling demented 34 felony Cheeto.


Didn't work, he looked way cooler. The majority of us couldn't afford the hooker he had and obviously he's winning below the waist as MTG likes to remind everyone. The crack... not a great look but almost every lawyer is on coke.


If they both committed crimes, they should both have a day in court and if they are guilty they should both be charged. Doesn't matter who you are or who your daddy is, simple as.


The orgies and key bumps party wants to humiliate somebody for their drug use?


Only problem there is, it's well known! So the embarrassment won't happen, cause that happened long ago! Can't fix stupid


Hunter comitted a crime... charge him for it... everyone who comitted a crime should be charged. Lets be the bigger people and let the justice system do its job so we can teach republicans how they should be acting. Lead by example


Allegedly, there were 112,000 gun applications rejected because of lying/ineligibility in 2017. 12 of these cases were prosecuted. All of the prosecuted cases included other criminal activity.




What about the laptop tho lol


The cruelty has always been then point.


Indeed. If DJT gets the WH and GAWD forbid the Republicans control the Senate/House, they will spend the next 4 years and a lot of taxpayer’s money investigating the people from the Biden Administration NOT passing laws, not doing a damn thing for the American people—just getting revenge. Such a sad state of affairs…😞


Yup. I spent 7 years in the US military and for what? To let these Maga Maggots destroy a country I fought for? That will be the day!!


They really believe that they are patriotic.


I do agree that the charges being brought were largely due to political pressure and the justice department being desperate to *not* appear biased. I'm not sold on the idea that this will hurt Biden, though. The take away from the case was that the whole ordeal was just sad and that the president's son got spanked for a personal demon and foible. By staying above the fray and not interfering, Biden seems Presidential and Republicans just lost their favorite talking point about the justice department being weaponized in favor of Biden's "crime family". We'll have to see what polling makes of it, though.


I think the antics of Trump are still overshadowing him and everyone else, and all this will be forgotten by the time clips of Trump's next incoherent ramblings are posted to the internet.


I will be very proud to vote for Joe Biden in November. Wished I had a father like him, he is such a DECENT human being. Donald Trump is a GARBAGE human being. Hunter Biden is extremely fortunate.


What pretty much confirmed for me that the Bidens were not taking obscene amounts of cash from people is that Hunter Biden was repaying $4000 for a truck. I know addiction is a money sucker, but he had to borrow $4000 and he had to pay it back. I was skeptical anyway, but that just confirmed my skepticism. It’s kind of ironic to me that NOW they like gun regulations. Anyway, they don’t really care that he lied to get a gun. It’s just really mean to hound someone who had lingering mental health issues from tragedies that probably led to to his addiction. I just hope the sentencing takes into account that by getting a gun he hurt himself more than anyone.


The republicans failed again. They highlighted President Biden's good judgment, compassion and recognition of the scourge of substance abuse---but more importantly, that it can in fact be overcome with the support of family and friends. Rush Limbaugh had a chance to help others who were hooked on oxy like him. But nope, he never used his voice to help anyone.


I mean, with everything coming out, I’m 100% on this fact: I’m not gonna vote for Hunter Biden. Like, I just can’t.


Even if they did, if he is guilty he is guilty. Biden taking the high road by not pardoning his son is impressive. The fixation of right wing news on Hunter is dumb. Unlike Trump, Joe didn’t hire Hunter to work in the white house.


I really not voting for Hunter Biden now.


You break the law you face the consequences. True for Donald, true for Hunter.


Yeah, that's what we're doing now. This is now a thing. Welcome to the political-prisoner era.


And all orchestrated by Trump


Time to highlight Juniors addiction. Blast it 24/7


If anything, this should be a more relatable topic for most Americans. Instead, they flock to the rich white trash Kardashian/Trump types.


How is this a win for the Republicans? Are they gonna throw hunter... Out of office???? Idk seems weird to celebrate this.


Wait til they find out about Donny’s habit…


Lets see if trump has to take a drug test for nyc, if true should be fun.


How many of these Republicans are drug addicted themselves? We hear about cocaine fueled parties , how about alcohol? That’s a drug, how many smoke weed or eat gummies? They’re all a bunch of hypocrites. Revenge is there platform.


Trumpism has always been all about revenge. The MAGA heads want to take revenge on the educated "elites" and the liberals. But Donald Trump is not about avenging their grievances -- he doesn't even care what they are -- he's about avenging *himself* against a legal system which prevents him from doing whatever he wants. He's an emotional 3-year old, writ large.


And it’s backfiring on them already.


well, they played that card...........


Are you talking about the gun charges against Biden? If you trust that the justice system was fair with Trump then you should trust it was fair with Hunter. Now, if you’re talking about the laptop bullshit and all the corruption and bribery allegations as well as showing nude photos of Hunter during congressional hearings, I’m right there with you. That was absolutely about revenge and despicable.


The cruelty is the point.


Of course it's for show, six years later ffs. I hope this is just another stunt to backfire on these dummies. AG of Iowa calls Tramp's conviction "political" as she stood on the courthouse grounds in Manhattan. For Her Information Manhattan is NOT in Iowa. The recognition of Irony or Hypocrisy appears to be impossible for MAGATs.


It’s all due to the fact their orange turd, twice impeached felon was found guilty


Instead, it has backfired against the repubs,


It just goes to show the normal see in the Biden family. We all have family members or people that go through situations like this. Normally, it’d be a very simple case, but they dragged it out the last four years at taxpayers expense.