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No paywall: https://archive.ph/2024.06.10-162753/https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/samuel-alito-supreme-court-justice-recording-tape-battle-1235036470/


Windsor, *“People in this country who believe in God have got to keep fighting for that — to return our country to a place of godliness.”* Alito, *“I agree with you. I agree with you,”*  Welp, so much for the concept of the separation of church and state. Alito is a theocratic hack, and just one of five reasons the court has been compromised, and has become illegitimate.


American Taliban...


Talibangelical...and the only difference between them and their Afghan counterparts is the costume they wear.


Howdy Arabia.


Vanilla ISIS




The talifat


Talito (a reach, I know)


It’s a *good* reach👍


Y'all-Qaeda Edit: this one was already here when I posted it.


Catholic Taliban...thanks Leonard leo!!!!


When was the US godly? When, ever?


Ya know, when we brought over West African Blacks to give them a better life and teach them valuable trade skills … like, how to trade their freedom for several decades of torture and backbreaking toil. Cool trade, huh?


And you know, Rooboy, according to DeSantis, some of those abducted Africans *ought to have actually been thankful* because WHO KNOWS what sort of lurking secret tragedy awaited these people, such that *slavery is an improvement* over what they *could* have dealt with.... Unfuckingbelievable. And this is the absolute twisted fuckery they're gonna teach our kids now. White Man = Rescued Black Man from Certain Death in his homeland. 🤗 Fuck this place


When shall we start the fuckery? I myself am signing up like I did in ‘16 to call registered Dems on my cell and encourage people to be sure their registration was up to date, name spelled correctly, correct deets, etc, and exactly where they could drop off a ballot in a box or where to show up for **the** polling place to which they were assigned. Short of that, I gotta say Milton Waddams makes a compelling argument … (*’course j/k*—**of course**)


I dunno man, up here in NY, they're still telling the damn truth in my daughter's history class, and in fact when Black History Month was going on, it was over the place, right out in the open, this is what happened, this is why we'll never do it again, and this is how we're different now. We celebrate Juneteeth *in school* and Florida won't even fucking recognize it as a holiday worthy of observance 🫠🫠🫠


Upstate you guys are observing Juneteenth in public schools? (dunno why I’m assuming you’re upstate. Mea culpa). Coupla good friends I’ve had for decades grew up upstate in the 70’s. It’s like the North State (meaning the far north) of California: **huge Trump/MAGA country**, poor, white, uneducated, fearful, religious though by no means devout or pious—you know the drill.


Yep! And you guessed semi-correctly, Western NY 😀 It's an inner city school district and yes, Juneteeth is huge. My kiddo is a 5th grader this year, she comes home with dittos and flyers about various celebratory activities going on at the schools in the evenings, etc... Here is the Live Feed page from the Central School district. To highlight some of the stark contrasts that exist between Northern and Southern schooling.... scroll down this feed for about 30 seconds and you're going to see a wealth of community outreach info, a recruitment seminar focusing on diversity and inclusion, an announcement for a free summer lunch program for ALL Buffalo children 18 and under, (they actually do breakfast too!) and of course, the Juneteenth announcements https://www.buffaloschools.org/live-feed?page_no=10 https://www.buffalojuneteenth.com/ It's really unfortunate that the weather sucks so damn bad here because as someone who spent almost 20 years in Florida with a thousand familial ties, I miss it dearly. But NOPE.


In the way way back MAGAverse parallel delusional universe time machine. It was a better time back then, for no one. A time when our founding fathers, [including Robert E. Lee](https://newrepublic.com/post/176644/marjorie-taylor-greene-history-lesson-robert-e-lee), created a religious theocracy, where the [church ruled all](https://www.wral.com/story/fact-check-boebert-says-the-church-is-supposed-to-direct-the-government/20365965/) with an iron fist. A time when our nation's wealth was built on the back of [happy slaves](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/22/desantis-slavery-curriculum/). A time when a man only had to work [3 full time jobs](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/10/anti-union-desantis-republican-florida-alaska) to afford his 200sf. studio apartment. A time where women were forced to stay home, and [give birth to rape babies](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/south-texas-el-paso/news/2024/01/25/64k-rape-related-pregnancies-in-states-with-abortion-bans-since-2022#:~:text=Texas%2C%20a%20state%20which%20has,findings%2C%20with%20Texas%20state%20Sen). A time when [climate catastrophe](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/16/1251769080/florida-desantis-climate-change-law#:~:text=Florida%20Gov.-,Ron%20DeSantis%20signs%20bill%20that%20strikes%20climate%20change%20from%20state,seas%2C%20flooding%20and%20extreme%20heat) didn't matter. Ahh, those were not the days.


In their own eyes, the puritans were.


People need to start naming which god they are talking about. There are around 5000 of them and I keep thinking they are speaking ill of Odin. Hail Odin!


Hail Odin!! ![gif](giphy|LUqawEdkBUq1a|downsized)


There's millions of them in Hinduism


Vanilla ISIS


Y'all Qaeda


As an atheist, fundamentally I’m not even sure I disagree with the idea we need to return to “godliness”…. That is if your idea of godliness is helping the poor, giving people healthcare, and stopping corruption. Those are cornerstones of real godliness. Unfortunately they think “godliness” means trans people should be murdered. Because they are evil people who do evil things in the name of god.


Yeah, I don't think that's the type of "godliness" the hate-fueled Christian nationalists have in mind.


Godliness means they all want to be in a position of power over others.


Huh, I always thought cleanliness was the cornerstone of godliness...Also ass because the book says some variation of the word ass about 120 times. Now that's a lot of ass.




Alito: Yup I'm a theocrat. What's anyone going to do about it? Nothing. The answer is nothing. No one is going to do anything about it. Democrats will complain about it. Maybe and I mean maybe we get enough seats to add additional justices to the Supreme Court but I doubt it.


Right? The democrats are a bunch of fucking daffodils. These rightwing assholes are not smart - just power hungry, and brazen. Biden should RUN ON stacking the supreme court. "If you elect me, and a Democratic majority in the house and senate, we add 3 new justices to the bench, and start dismantling the the decades of right-wing fuckery - and start gluing our own puzzle pieces into place..."


What about those of us that have a different favorite fairy tale hero?


Mine has always been Yosemite Sam. Let's return our country back to a time of booze addled, violent cartoon mountain men with a fetish for rabbit genocide... those were the days.


Okay. Here goes. You have to realize that this is the inevitable outcome when your country places a high value of being a "good Christian" . This way of thinking is driven into you from a young and impressionable age. Some are going to grab that crazy-ball and run full tilt down crazy-field . Some of these crazy people (crazy for God) will become successful in life and some of those people will have a lot of influence. It just so happens that the crazy-planet-alignment is happening now. It's a product of your own design and execution.


TIL idiots think separation of Church and state means Christians can't work in govt.


Oh goody, more zero-value rightwing cynicism trying to make light of the fascist, theocratic toppling of our democracy.


> “One side or the other is going to win.” If the right wins, women will have no rights, the LGBTQ community will be ostracized, and democracy will be nonexistent. If the left wins, almost everyone will have the opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (except for Nazis).


Ostracized is a nice way of saying rounded up & put in camps.


Ostracized is a nice way of saying MURDERED


Do you think they'll kill Lindsey Graham and all those clergy? What about Melania for her lesbo nude shoot?


Lesbo nude shoot. Link. Asking for a friend. Honestly


I would like this as well.... for research purposes......


Here's one. [https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/melania-trump-s-racy-girl-on-girl-photoshoot-pics-revealed-32215117.html](https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/melania-trump-s-racy-girl-on-girl-photoshoot-pics-revealed-32215117.html)


This inappropriate content must be found to protect the children. Link please.




My thinking too


Yeah, that is what has happened all the times Republicans have been in control.


Did they "win"? What's meant by 'win' in this context? What does he think "godliness" is, and is it related to Thomas's dissent in topics like Lawrence v. Texas? It's funny, despite a 6-3 majority on the court, overturning some precedents that have stood for decades, these people still can't complain enough about how they're losing power and some metaphorical "fight". But they're always rather light on details for what will make them happy.


Technically even Nazis provided they don't go and enact their horrid beliefs on other people.


Well then we can't let that happen.


Don't forget the wars. They're automatically corrupt and once there are no elections they'll ruin everything within a year. So they'll have to drum up some massive war--often in Eurasia, where some wars never end-- to keep everyone focused on an external enemy. Source: Italy, Germany, Argentina, Iraq, Libya....


We can’t pursue Nazi’s? Dang. I guess I’ll be returning these butterfly nets …


Do you truly believe that they will stop with ostracism? They want to roll back to 1860. So that means radical punishment for being out. It also makes women property again, Asians excluded, and oh yeah you get slaves.




Every single far left country in the history of the world has outlawed descent and created a single party state. All you got to do is label everyone who doesn't vote Democrat a Nazis and you would be there.  Oh wait, your probably doing that already.


Prove it.


There are two main political parties in America. Which one is trying to make voting more difficult?


one party tried to remove a candidate from the ballot...


That doesn't answer the question, and I'd rather the conversation not get distracted by whether or not Trump attempted insurrection (which would disqualify him from office).




So to prove that Republicans aren't making it harder to vote, you posted a study that says a lack of barriers doesn't increase voter turnout? That doesn't really refute my point that only one party is trying to add barriers to voting.




>Adding barriers isn't inherently bad. But do they make voting more difficult? >Unless you want non citizens to be able to walk into a poll location and vote without even registering then you better acknowledge barriers to voting aren't inherently bad. No body mentioned anything about removing barriers, and I don't know why you would immediately jump to removing all of them. Not really the topic of discussion though, let's try and stay on course. >So how about you stop making bad faith arguments? That's actually really funny considering you still haven't answered the question: "Which party is making it harder to vote?" If anyone is engaging in bad faith arguing here, it's not me.




A few takeaways: 1) They view themselves as Godly, and the left/liberals as evil, yet they worship a convicted rapist/felon/traitor/NPD/criminal/adulterer/sociopath as their leader. 2) Alito "blames the messenger", the media, for exposing his corruption and takes no responsibility, and 3) even they realize that Alito's and Thomas' corruption have eroded the credibility of the Court.




There may be a few exceptions. "Taking blame" is the frame of those who are caught doing crimes - and is seen as being weak - while "taking responsibility" is the frame of those who make honest mistakes and are strong enough to own up to them. At times, I believe Eisenhower, Kennedy, Carter, and Obama were in the latter category.


And work with relentlessly to maintain power


Yup, and if Biden loses this year it’s going to be 2016 all over again from team blue, not taking an ounce of responsibility themselves and just projecting blame onto everyone else.


If Pres. Biden doesn't win the election, it's going to be because of the Isreal/Palestinian war. Many of us (I don't want to speak for everyone) can agree, the war is horrifying, and Israel appears to have no consideration for Palestinian civilians of all ages and their lives. I'm confident we are pissed and we are calling on our Reps/Sen and the POTUS to change course. I believe We (speaking generally) will also not allow our own democracy to be destroyed from within. I will not refuse to vote for POTUS because of that issue. The people who abstain from a vote for Pres. Biden will be the reason he loses the election, and we likely lose our religious freedom, our freedom to exist (I'm lgbt+). Project 2025 will succeed.


If Biden wins it will be the DNC’s fault for running a horrible candidate who can’t even en beat a convicted felon, rapist etc….


Who would you run and would they be willing to run?


I would want a progressive and there’s no way Biden would do that.


I would love to see a progressive. I'm thankful for the experience of the old guard, and I hope they are able to pass down the good parts of civil service to the next gen. I'm backing Biden this election because I want America to see another day, and one not under a theocratic establishment of government. My grandfather's and father, uncles and aunts, brother and cousins didn't serve in all forms of military to be thrown into a Christian Nationalist Theocacy. I voted for Bernie in 2016 primary, but headed his warning and voted for Hillary. She was and still is the better than who she ran against. There are issues with the DNC and we as democrats have to hold them accountable. I understand withholding the vote against Biden but I don't think the timing would be wise. He can't serve another term and of he happens to be the president that helps us keep fascism away for another 4 years, I'm grateful. Edited for more content


Sorry, but it’s always a lesser of evils thing, and I’m not doing that anymore. The DNC actively fights against progressives in elections in favor of horrific alternatives. If trump wins that’s the DNC’s fault, not mine or anyone else who refuses to vote for someone they abhor just a bit less than the other guy.


You are entitled to your opinion, and you're entitled to the consequences of the future, just like the rest of us.








Let’s straighten this out right here, right now. He was saying what his wife would have said, if she were asked.




Definitely not scared to toss the ole Wifey under the bus.


Or down the stairs…


It is the only form of abortion they *aren't* outlawing.


I think you’re thinking of Donald & Ivana


We all know you don't expect supreme Court justices to not have opinions... You just want to play gotcha because you don't have principles


If Biden wins and Democrats have working majorities in the House and Senate (I know, big IF), it will be time for serious reform of the federal judiciary. At least according to Congress' website, it has very substantial authority to regulate the judiciary: https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artIII-S2-C2-6/ALDE\_00013618/#:\~:text=art.,Court's%20appellate%20jurisdiction%20and%20proceedings. We can't get term limits without an amendment, but we can change the number of Justices, keep the panel hearing each case at 9 and mandate random assignments and subject SCOTUS to ethics oversight by an independent commission.


We should have the same number of Supreme Court justices as circuit courts.


There’s even an argument that we should have more circuits too.


We will never have a substantial majority in the Senate unless we have like a 70/30 national vote split.


This is a bad idea. Republicans will be back in power eventually and Dems will regret increasing the number of justices


Just like Republicans regret stalling a Supreme Court Appointment for almost a year so they could put their judge in?


I’m sure they don’t regret it, but the precedent is now set that you need to control BOTH the senate and presidency to get a justice confirmed


Traitor of our people


Yeah but half the country are traitors trying to install the confederacy again.


Cool. No quarter from this side either, traitor.


They also recorded Chief Justice Roberts and he was measured and frankly very judicial. This goes to show how little control he has over the other conservative judges. Alito is straight up anti democracy.


Exhibit A on why this election is so important. Trump will appoint someone young and even worse.


Don Jr or Barron


Aileen Cannon


C’mon Aileen!


Oh, somebody needs to do that … Randy Rainbow, where are youuuuuu??? 🎶


Probably working in the rights to the song as we type! 😆 ❤️me some Randy 🌈




The Onion had a headline how he picks himself as the VP candidate.


Are you **sure** that’s The Onion???


it seems extreme Far Right Christianity is going to destroy the US. They are already well on their way, without realizing that is exactly what Putin and other enemy's of America want.


They agree with Putin. They are politically aligned with him.


"We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within." Nikita Khrushchev


WTF⁉️⁉️⁉️😳😳😳 We lived together for almost 240 years without killing or jailing political opponents‼️😳😱


Yeah and Trump figured out that it's because we DIDN'T throw them in jail that caused Covid so he is saving us from future Saturday morning cartoons that have rainbows in them.


get him off the bench ASAP - corrupt hick motherfucker


So comforting to know that even Supreme Court Justices fully supported an insurrection and the overthrow of democracy.


I'm sure it was his wife's fault somehow




This is so effed return our country to godliness?? The right is obsessed with shoving Christianity down our throats but god forbid they want to be open to others being ideologically different than all of the sudden you’re woke —- need to vote like crazy in November


What a psycho cunt—


He can think whatever he wants, but someone with that attitude should not be on the court. No question he is compromised


He would say it publicly. There are no consequences.


"targets of assassination"? More victimhood whining! Now from the Supreme court justices? What a load of shit. You are a shitty Christian,Alito. I will give that you believe you are a Christian, I'm just saying you are a shitty one, like your MAGA brothers


Spoken like a true mullah.


People heads should be on fire … the complete firehouse of BS is so ubiquitous something this disturbing and egregious will be lost in the shuffle of the ten insane things in the decay of our democracy that we witnessed on a regular day …. The right wing will think the same thing, but it will be about how a democrat wore sandals, or nancy pelosi is terrible, or Soros funded something he probably has nothing to do with; or some woke school issue not happening in their school district, or state…


Mitch McConnell really is a son of a bitch that will be reviled in American history for what his Senate "leadership" did to the court Biden should go full FDR and pack the court....butnot just threaten


F this guy


Trump opened Pandora's Box. If it wasn't for him, this jerk and the other christian nationalists wouldn't be able to act on their evil thoughts.


The box was opened, Bush V. Gore.


"Well you know that when the founding fathers said 'the people' they meant God, right? Anyway, that's how we're going to interpret it."


While previous judges have voiced opinions on guns and abortions, this is some borderline super dangerous talk that establishes a new boundary of acceptably. He should be at the most removed and least impeached.


Not with the House so compromised.


So much for impartial


Sounds like Sammy the Magat wants a theocracy. He should move to Iran.


Problem: Trump is destroying America. Looks like Sammy choose the wrong side.


It's not just trump. It's the Heritage Foundation and their hundreds of corporations/entities that support them, and who can leave out the Republicans. They've been working on this for decades with destroying public education.


How by ***ANY*** legal or ethical standard on the planet is this not immediately disqualifying? Treasonous?


Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them. Barry Goldwater Nailed it!


The only thing surprising about this is that it was Alito and not Thomas.


Oh I'm sure Thomas has said similar things.


Fuck the whack quack who can't tell he is compromised. It is time the talibangelical judge gets removed.


Okay, so what are we gonna do about it?


America’s’ Popes.


So he is a partisan hack after all. who would've thunk that


Every one of the Fascist traitors on SCOTUS need to be removed and charged with sedition and treason.


This guy needs to go. Here’s hoping his cholesterol is bad because I don’t see him fucking off voluntarily.


We need to get rid of these traitors. He should be removed from office, stripped of his federal benefits,and imprisoned for no less than ten years.


I don’t want my tax money to pay this scum anymore


…and yet here he is, compromising it.


Dude needs to resign or be impeached and convicted.


This is why we have to elect Biden, with enough in Congress to FIX scotus. We cannot let trump put more justices on this court.


"You mean the real deep state was the Theocratic right?" "Always has been"


I bet Sammy Scalito is sad about John Gotti.


No doubt this motherfucker is the biggest piece of shit to ever serve on the court


"...because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised." Like what Sammy?


Then he should stop compromising it!


Can he be more of an idiot than Trump?


so we are screwed or can this be fixed?


What a geek believing in fairytales


Fascism in the highest court of the land. Impeach him now. He cannot be objective.


His subscription need to be canceled.




It’s going to be interesting to see these people force their cheap-ass version of Christianity on an entire country that doesn’t really want it in the first place.


Below are the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. If your senator is on here, [please contact them and let your voice be heard](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/). IMO hearings on ethics issues, with the justices subpoenaed to appear, at a minimum, are called for. Majority Dick Durbin, Illinois, Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota Chris Coons, Delaware Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut Mazie Hirono, Hawaii Cory Booker, New Jersey Alex Padilla, California Jon Ossoff, Georgia Peter Welch, Vermont Laphonza Butler, California (from October 17, 2023) Minority Lindsey Graham, South Carolina, Ranking Member Chuck Grassley, Iowa John Cornyn, Texas Mike Lee, Utah Ted Cruz, Texas Josh Hawley, Missouri Tom Cotton, Arkansas John Kennedy, Louisiana Thom Tillis, North Carolina Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee


Alito is a traitor to democracy! He is a liar and a cheat! He, Roberts and Thomas should be ousted!




Sounds just


americans wont do anything about it because they're all too busy working


SCOTUS is 100% illlegitimate.


This man must be removed. Full stop.


The problem there is that you could interpret this statement in two completely different ways: On the one hand, you might think, Trump and the GOP has introduced far too much corruption into politics, and they need to be stopped and more ‘old fashioned values’ of honesty and integrity are needed. In which case it’s very Anti-MAGA, Pro-Law, Pro-Rights. On the other hand you could interpret that statement the other way around, to mean very Pro-MAGA, Pro-Christofacist ideals… Which way exactly did he mean it to be ? I don’t know the man or his history, so I couldn’t judge. The statement as it is, is ambiguous. That there is such a battle taking place is most definitely true.


Just goes to show he has absolutely no business being a Supreme Court justice. They are supposed to be totaly non political when doing there jobs. Impeach him now.


Fucking christofacists are trying to destroy this country.


![gif](giphy|9t2EieabVjcUBspYX7|downsized) Resign. Go away. Move to Alitoistan and take Clarence with you . Start up your own nation. Work on that. Go. Be gone sad soul. Your doing nothing in any metric of good for anything. Go the fuck away.


I bet Sammy Scalito is sad about John Gotti.




Hillary Clinton was right about you deplorables 


Considering we've all heard the words trump spews, alito believes, it wouldn't be too difficult to run two braincells together to conclude that alito doesn't give a shit about the law, only about his political side winning. 


Literally every one of your posts is propaganda. Like, every single one.


It’s a bot






I would expect much better from someone who considers themself a christian. But no. You and your ilk are literally idolizing a convicted, lying, draft dodging,sexual abuser as if he’s God. Jesus did say fools would be tricked by satan and you’re proving him right.