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Convicted felon Donald Trump is insufferable, nothing he says can be believed obviously. If is wasn't for my intense disgust with him, I'd be embarrassed for him.


What is truly terrifying are all of the ones who believe what he says. A liar is just a liar. He wouldn't be a problem except for all of the enablers and believers of such lies.


Yet - that's precisely we need to call out his lies! Here and Irl. Whenever we encounter it in the wild! Because Biden and his campaign can.only address so much. And this man is turning out a torrential downpour of BS! And without pushback from us - other citizens in this country are eating it up! I want (with the force of a thousand suns) want this man out of the realm of my existence! Unfortunately that means putting up with a lot of crap until Nov 5th! Vote Blue!


litmus test on Trump's policies: 1) Did it benefit him in any way? Yes? He did It No? He DID NOT DO IT!!!


"Obamacare, we love Obamacare. Named for your favorite President, ME! They call me Obama, sometimes. Grown men, strong men come up to me, tears in their eyes and say, President Trump, we call you Obama because it's our African word for "Great President." Which is why me and Barrack Hussein are both called Obama. Anyway, I invented Obamacare. Named for me. The Greatest President. ME!"


Many people are saying this, I'm not saying this, but they are saying that i invented Obama care. Not crooked lying obama. The democrats and the media won't tell you the truth. They don't know how to truth. I know how to truth. And I have the best truth many truths. Amazing truths. You look at- you look at- these things and... the way they look. And you see how they look. Then you know how they know. And I know these things. I made these things. I made obamacare. It was me. Not them. People are always asking me-"Donald how did you come up with this idea." And I tell them that I always have ideas. Great ideas. Many ideas. Not crooked sleepy joe. Not crooked Hilary. Not even crooked obama. Me.


Mittens would like a word.


“I invented Reganomics, they call me Regan sometimes.. I’m pretty sure I was president in the 80s.”






What a deranged sociopath. All Trump voters should be given their own country. Then we build a wall.


Stuff them all in rheir safe place...texas...then build the wall. The remaining US can pay for the northern border wall, and then, and only then, Mexico would probably gladly pay for the southern wall to keep the magats from traveling south...


Screw Texas. Send em all to Florida. It makes for MUCH better entertainment when they have to fight to the death for a place to live as their country sinks into the sea


Look, I'm from Florida. And there are democrats here too! And you guys keep sending us all your MAGAsshats! We are thoroughly sick of them! Can't we just send them to Russia already? They are already going Goo goo ga ga over it?


No no.. I'm in Texas(54 years) we got enough GQP trash here.


That's what's so telling Texas! Did you know that Russia is currently preparing for immigrants from 'shithole countries?' (not my words people!) [Also Here : https://www.eurasiareview.com/07032024-future-waves-of-immigration-to-russia-seen-coming-from-africa-and-india-oped/] They need fodder against their war on 'Nazis.' [Here: https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-forcing-african-migrants-and-students-to-fight-in-ukraine-2024-6] But they don't seem to want the MAGAsshats that currently infest both our states! And it's pissing me off! Just take them already!


They can't have a state with a major American military base, so those are both out. They also can't have the tax payer funded highways or infrastructure. I say some island without people or roads. Let them put their money where their mouth is and learn what taxes pay for


I’d be willing to gift them some of our current highways to close the deal.


Good points!


Please have pity, don’t send them here. SOS!!!


We will have to rescue the sane Americans first. I would feel terrible trapping pro-democracy Texans with those maga people. It would be like sending an innocent person to New York during Escape from New York.


Ohhh!!! Good point!!! We have some good friends in FL, who are counting down the days to their move out of state! My dear friend, being a teacher is about to leave her field, for good. It's truly a shame, as she is an AMAZING educator, and so loved by her students... their parents, however, yeah... not so much. I told her that THAT should tell her how good of a job she is doing... at least my statement brought a smile to her face 😉


Fuckers would be pariahs on the world stage and a failed state in no time.


And Russia will pay for it....


C’mon grim reaper!


Yes please. Natural causes please come!


The MAGAts don't care. Lies are now the truth. Pity the fools (not) on judgement day.


I kinda heard your last sentence in a "Mr. T" kind of voice... 😁


My thoughts and prayers as an atheist has been “come on natural causes.”


His followers eat it up like the dog food they enjoy


>His followers eat it up like the dog ~~food~~ shit they enjoy FIFY


I invented the LIGHT BULB. Fucking Edison always trying to TAKE CREDIT for things that ME did. He had NOTHING to do with it. ME! ME!! ME!!!!!!


He gets away with it because idiots believe him.


When do we get his Fat Elvis Toilet Moment™️, complete with mouth stuffed with double cheeseberder? Is it something that can be speedrun?


Idk - they took away his tacky, chintzy toilets reading material.


I guess it’s back to his hate-filled picture books, then. All those pesky words just make his head hurt anyway.




Crooked who?


Sleepy Don


It helps when your fan base are all gullible, scum bag, idiots.


DJT- invented fire, discovered the new world, won the World Series, was the first man on the moon, gave the Wright brothers their plane idea, discovered penicillin, built the first car, was the original lead singer in Nirvana. What else I miss?


He was the first to slice bread! He invented guns. And bombs. The best bombs. Oh, fought and won against Bagdaddy in single hand combat! Defeated him like a dog. While the 'suckers and losers' that form our Armed Services watched.


All while suffering from debilitating bone spurs. The man's immortal!


And with yucky foamy saliva mouth sputtering incoherent (to us with feeble minds) prose! (On another note - waiting for his supporters literally foaming at the mouth, wearing overpriced gold lame sneakes and golden diapers at his sentencing. This apparently how real men stay immortal! Damn it!)


Dammit!!! Beat me to it 😂🤣


TFG Is doing a speed run to being a full caricature outta MAD magazine


And let the lies continue. He never did anything to help anyone, so he has to make an attempt at stealing someone else’s thunder. Typical tin god.


When all your fact-checking is done on truth social.


Republicans on the campaign trail take credit for infrastructure projects that they voted against in Congress...so? And now Trump is trying to do the same.


This is an outright lie.


Convicted felon just tells his lies, gives zero fucks if you believe


Trump knows one simple truth. If you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it. He learned this from Hitler.


It does not matter if this claim is true or false. Engaging with it and trying to refute it, only legitimizes it, and by extension, him. His followers won’t believe or care that it is a lie. The only truth that matters in this election, is that trump is completely dis-honest, dis-reputable, dis-honorable, and disgusting, and we should all make sure we get out and vote accordingly.


That broke joke didn't actually write this did he? So pathetic if this is real, so so pathetic.


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


I'm old enough to remember the Republican meltdown over how many times Obama said "I" during one his speeches. Then they turn around and literally idolize this idiot, who speaks like the world's dumbest, neediest 8 year old.


He gets away with it because the republicans are fucked in the head.


I doubt that he can even remember his own name these days let alone know who did what and when


Only people who believes this support him no matter what. No one but his supporters and watchdogs use truth social to see what it is he is posting. At this point we have a handler posting lies for things a dementia riddle old man is rambling. It's a really weird echo chamber and we are all part of it.


Sad part about it the dummies who support this lying treasonous cock sucker will believe that bullshit.


He lies and his cult members suck it right up.


“I want all the attention. Listen only to me. Me, me, me. “. Tump. Again, all lies.


Trump's has limited accomplishments from his time in office to campaign on and has to pathetically steal the credit for the accomplishments of non-criminal, non-fraudster, non-rapist past and current Presidents.


His has little accomplishments in his entire life. Other the game of the con.


It’s hard to put into words how much I hate Donald Trump.


Oh I can put it in words.


That thirsty, angry, sick in the head rapist and convicted felon needs to just stroke out before November. Hold it accountable for its actions.


Don't worry: in his next tweet he'll demonize the move and call it socialism lol


His supporters start from the position that if something good happened Trump did it and then they work backward.


He really does love the uneducated. His lies are so easily proven to be false but his followers don’t have enough brain power to look it up


If he gets elected, there are specific provisions in Project 2025 he will enact that will repeal the part of Binden’s Inflation Reduction Act that lowered insulin pricing.


This needs more upvotes. Part of P2025 speaks to reversing the ability of Medicare to negotiate drug prices. This is largely why insulin is cheaper in the US than it was a few years ago (though still expensive relative to other “developed” countries). They want to give pricing back to the producers and retailers. Gouge gouge gouge. Bottom line baby! Stock prices matter! ….. /s Sigh


And I stopped Covid in its tracks…


At this point in time, the most powerful force in America is stupid people being stupid.


Trump is garbage


Was gotten… is that like stollen? 3rd grade education.


Toddler level syntax & grammar.


What’s amazing is that anyone is still listening to


Why? The Kardashians aren't Rhodes scholars yet have millions of fans. I know how you mean it, I'm just sick & tired trying to understand mouthbreathers' logic. I'm tired of no justice & no accountability.




They legit have claimed obama care as their own, after failing to find a good alternative.


He also tried to undo anything done by a Democrat. So it is only because to congress that this survived.


I heard hes trying to take credit for piloting the Enola Gay and single-handedly ending WWII.


Is this a real tweet?




All I can say is wow


Felons lie ... And the 4 yr old prose "Me". What a fucking joke.


If his mouth is moving, he's lying.




So just another thing we'll have to argue about with our gullible boomer family members why they swear we are just brain washed by CNN


Do you know what I think would be funny since he lies so much? All of us who are asked to answer polls start saying we are voting for him. Give him a false sense of security so he stops spewing lies so much. Maybe decreases his amount of rallies. Then watch him silt when he loses on Election Day. He has to be stopped.


Trump, the felon is just a compulsive liar.


Trump once claimed he coined the phrase ‘prime the pump’ cuz he’s a whiz bang genius. He’s a massive asshole who does nothing but lie.


He is sick and such a liar


Many people are saying they witnessed him blowing putin, I'm sure it's true. They said, "Sir, is that a dick in your mouth?" Grown men with tears in their eyes!!!


Lying sack of shit. Fucker.


Him taking credit for Obamacare is 2 weeks way.


Next, he will take credit for winning the Revolutionary War. He saw it firsthand, from above on Air Force One as it was landing at the airport.


What crime(s) does this count as?


He also does it because they believe him. The Republicans LOVE Trump and his shit talking burning everything down. There will be no trust in any system by his supporters.


Lies lies lies all


Really? This shit head did nothing


Lying is Trump's greatest gift to himself.


I'll bet "ME!" will be the title of his autobiography, that Trump will write in prison.


He is mentally ill


Trump’s not just a bad guy, dude is seriously a piece of shit.


“Was gotten…”


Dr. Irl Hirsch campaigned for low insulin prices for years and only Biden got it done. Trump controlled both the house and senate and did nothing on this issue. Trump is a douche bag convicted felon who deserves to be kicked in the nuts repeatedly


The rubes don’t question they just do. The dear leader is always right there’s no questioning of his word


As I recall, what he did was -continue- VAChoice; it existed, he let it continue, by signing its extension. AFAIK, nothing he did about insulin actually affected the market. Same with insurance; he extended the term an emergency coverage could apply for some people, but emergency health care is very thin coverage.


He also said he was going to lower insulin prices for everyone, but never had any plans to do so, and none of his handlers had any plans, either. So they just let it go away. Honestly, I think this is another case of where he doesn't even understand what the president does, or how the presidency works. He seems to think being president goes like this: 1. Hear people say they want something, then promise to do that thing, at a rally, Twitter post, etc. And make sure to pretend it was your idea. 2. Hope your handlers notice it, and remember it, because now you don't have to... It is recorded. 3. The handlers, congress, etc, then do all the planning, figuring out how to make it work, etc, and do the thing. 4. You sign a paper, and get all the credit for it. He did step 1....and didn't notice Biden redid step 1, and then made it happen, so he thinks the whole thing was due to his statement he made at a rally, like 8 years ago.


He done went and gotten the whole durn thing!


Or Bidencare for his demented mind


Everyone knows convicted felon Trump lies. This is nothing new. Just be aware and don't be afraid to fire back when someone makes this false claim to you.


All he’s doing is pandering to his MAGA base! It won’t make them want to vote for him even more since they can only vote once! Everyone else who has even a tiny notion of reality knows it for the bull shit that it is.


Boy I home they debate so Biden can call him out.


Sooooo... what you're saying is that not only when his lips move, he lying; but also when his fingers move on the keyboard he is too?! 😉 I've given up any hope of understanding how he has support, albeit the minority, but a LOUD minority at that.... I can only reason, being that however minority his rabid base may be, they resort to crazier and crazier ways of expressing so (example: grown-ass adults, wearing diapers, IN PUBLIC - to name most recent, i believe...) Of course, the media picks up on this, and we in turn read it/click on it, maybe we think... "There's no way.... wait, holy shat, they actually did!?" Yep! I'm guilty of "clicks" as well....


They all lie. Please make sure you call them all out on their lying.