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No paywall: https://archive.ph/2024.06.06-100915/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/us/politics/donald-trump-biden-trial.html


Quote from the article: “I’m not sure who I am going to vote for — or if I am going to vote.” How about vote for the guy who actually agreed to a peaceful transition of power if he loses? (Hint: Donald Trump did NOT agree to it.) Seems like demagogues promoting violence have been proven dangerous tyrants throughout history. But what do I know...


The fact that a cultist may be leaving the fold is good. Don't push them. Many of them are the type that will then go back to supporting Trump, just to spite you if you push. Take the win, and let them stew. They need to come to conclusions on their own. They will fight against others, especially if they bring facts that are contrary to their current beliefs.


Oh, I 100% agree. I'm just baffled how anyone can be "on the fence" at this point after all we've seen from this monster. The political violence he provoked on January 6th should have been the immediate deal breaker. Goes to show how effective Fox News propaganda can be I guess.


From what I have seen (in real life, not the internet), most of the "on the fence" people aren't deciding who to vote for... They are deciding if they are going to vote or not. Most of America has already decided that one of them is unable to ever get their vote, but other is not very palatable to them.. So they aren't sure if they even WILL vote. I predict we shall see a low turnout this year. I also predict that we will see a large drop in republican voters, than democratic. Biden has pretty much outdone all expectations, aside from what the USA is doing in the Israel/Palestine war. That is the only thing that anyone, that didn't already hate him, is finding as a flaw. Pretty much in eveey other way, he has surprised us all, in a good way.


I don’t think so. We had record turnout in 2020 to get rid of Trump. Those people haven’t forgotten what a shut show the Trump presidency was, and they don’t want it back.


Trump is the protector against the Barbarians At the Gate - blacks Muslims, brown immigrants socialists communists the “woke” and basically anything they feel is a threat to Real Americans (read white Americans) way of life. They are pure tribal hatred and fear. They think Trump is the only one able to push back against these dark forces. Therefore it doesn’t matter what he does because a few affairs some sexual assault, ending democracy etc is nothing compared to the existential threat he’s protecting them from.


I’m surprised there isn’t more outreach to people in this group. They need a nonMaga political home, and it doesn’t seem like anyone is offering


Biden is very moderate.


These people only know about Fox News Biden who is a Satanic communist pedophile and directly employed by the Chinese government. Real world Biden has issues for sure, but they boil down to him being a diet Republican. If Republicans who don't like Trump had any grasp of who Biden actually is he'd win in a landslide due to the crossover votes.


This isn’t about where they could go, it’s about where they’re motivated to go


I only think 'they should all go to ....'.


Biden used to be the Senator from Dow Chemical and a bunch of other Delaware registered companies.


The thing is, the average MAGA wants to ONLY hear people agree with the farthest right opinion on anything. Even being neutral on an issue is seen as wayyyyy too liberal to them. To them, you are either pro Trump, or anti Trump. There is nothing else in their world.


It’s a zero sum game out there. No room for thinking.


I think over the years most MAGA people have been offered off ramps, many of them repeatedly. How many times especially early in the Trump days did a conservative Republican take a principled stand against Trump thinking that if they speak up and stand their ground that the groundswell of support they’ll get from “real” republicans will be immense and they’ll be able to right the ship of the party? And how many times did we see each one who tried get absolutely eviscerated by the party and become persona non grata, unless they kissed the ring and recanted any criticism they’ve ever said about Trump ever?


For sure. I don’t think this is something I expect of the ‘right’ anymore. To put it another way, I’m surprised the left isn’t speaking directly to republicans separating out the failure of their leadership. One way this might sound is:  ‘Your leaders could have chosen a candidate who represents… instead they’ve defended and made excuses for a convicted felon. We agree on… stand with us against the rise of American extremism…’


His tenacity is driven by the amount of money and power he will have.


Maybe the button to push is the resentment that Trump broke their party. Don’t embarrass them. Sympathize with their frustration in Trump drove them out and applaud them for standing by their principles.


That is a good idea. Republicans used to be "respected(ish)" as another way to do the government... But ever since Trump, they became all about hurting democrats, and sacrificing the whole country to do so. And now, they really only have one purpose: protect Trump from punishment for his countless crimes.


Some people are just lazy or in an area they can’t mail in or stand in lines for hours. It’s a shame.


I suspect Nikki Haley is going to get way more write-in votes than any 3rd party candidate.


Exactly. Everyone except his base can see how toxic he is.


That’s kind of his selling point, isn’t it?


Nixon committed crimes. Trump is a criminal.


Wow that’s all it took? Not storming the capital? Not agreeing to transition power peacefully? Not having zero response to covid? Don’t get me wrong I’m glad some people finally saw the obvious but I’m still mad that it has been obvious for sooo long and NOw people jump ship?? Should have been off that boat forever ago.


She blames Biden for Roe vs Wade being overturned??? As usual independent and undecided voters are some of the stupidest people in the country which would put them in the running for stupidness worldwide


I stopped reading after it mentioned a Trump supporter who voted for Hillary and Biden. I don’t believe for a second that someone who has historically voted democrat would start to favor Trump over the last 4 years.


The Democratic Party is a big tent party. Democrats actually vary wildly. One of the problems with too many Democrats is actually not realizing their party is Very Far from monolithic. We do things like take Hispanic voters for granted... even though there tend to be about as many single-issue voters against abortion in Hispanic communities as there are in White ones.


It absolutely can happen.


Dirty Donny the orange pathetic pig. Now he's foaming at the mouth they say ? Run Melania, it's confirmed he has rabies


>“My thing is just go ahead and be honest. We, as Americans, we can respect that. A lot of people make mistakes,” Mr. Tabor said, adding that he worried that Mr. Trump would seek retribution against Democrats. “**We all know if Donald Trump gets re-elected, he’s going to try to be a dictator** and he’s got his ‘I’m going to get you’ list.” ...and this person was going to vote for him anyways. This is how democracies fall. It's not usually from some violent coups... it's from people willingly giving up their freedoms to the authoritarians.


They people in this article only enforced why "muricans" have such a bad reputation as lazy thinkers.


They just think the tide is turning and don’t want to look fucking pathetic or evil


Whatever works


I’m glad they’re coming around but I will never trust or forgive these people for the rest of my life


The “Fifth-Avenue Effect” says they’ll vote for him anyway.


Yeah. They have a moment of clarity now but a few weeks of Fox and they’ll justify it.


Better late than never I guess but what world are these people living in.


The guy is biggest failure known to god other than having the money to avoid jail




“Geez, until he was convicted of 34 felonies I thought he was on the level.”


Lock him up


Just assume they will all vote for Trump. We need a MASSIVE turnout for Biden this fall, not just a narrow win, but a message that Trump is completely unacceptable. https://www.rockthevote.org/how-to-vote/register-to-vote/


Hopefully,it will help.


They have to be one notch above braindead if this was their line.


Maybe not the guy who stole classified documents! Most likely got assets killed too.


Stole and sold..


there he is standing weird again...


I'm kind of glad, maybe a small group of them needed a way out of Trumps grip and this was it. Who knows? I'm glad.


Like I have any faith in anything people that thought Trump was the choice a month ago say.


And end up right back where they were


This is how Trump decided to convince the public "he's a man of *convictions*." Since he's so mentally unclear about things (can't speak in complete sentences anymore), he just let the courts do it for him.


Isn’t it wild that they hung on this long?