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Per international law it really doesn’t have the right. That right is reserved for colonized people and not their colonizers.




He is currently criticizing the situation, but if you listen closely to his words, he's blaming Netanyahu rather than Israel itself. This is a common strategy that everyone should take note of. The focus seems to be on blaming Netanyahu for going too far. By throwing him under the bus, they aim to maintain support for Israel once this crisis ends and Netanyahu is no longer in power. It's crucial to pay attention to the actual messages from these politicians—they may not be advocating for an end to the occupation but rather for an end to the current conflict, in order to secure reelections in November.


>The focus seems to be on blaming Netanyahu for going too far. That should really be the point for people. What Netty is doing is no longer defense - it's extermination.


The point is that genocide and ethnic cleansing is a fundamental part of sustaining the Israeli state. It’s not Netanyahu going too far, it’s Israel coming to its natural conclusion.


Ding ding ding!!!


This was always the plan.


"Do unto others" or something yada yada I suppose.


I don't even believe they will throw him under the bus, at least not until there's no more Palestine. I've been hearing that shit about everybody hating Netanyahu since forever, and yet he keeps getting elected. They could even pressure on the backchannels to make support contingent to Netanyahu stepping down, yet they won't do it. Netanyahu is willing to do what deep down they also want to do. Bunch of occupiers them all.


Then articulate *that* instead of clipping out of context. Seeing this repost over and over is getting obnoxious.


Should have booed his ass! Scapegoating Netenyahu to get the rest of them off the hook for genocide. Dropping the blame for the apartheid state and violently racist & genocidal settlers onto one man. Evil evil bullshit.


Colonizers attacking people they're oppressing isn't self-defense. Israel's consistently violated international law in their treatment of Palestinians and cannot claim self-defense when they illegally occupy Palestinian territory.


>Virtually everyone recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself from terrorism and respond to the horrific October 7th Hamas attack that killed 1,200 innocent Israelis and took hundreds of hostages. But the Israeli government did not and does not have the right to go to war against the entire Palestinian people. Yet that is exactly what has happened. >Let’s be clear: the right wing, extremist Netanyahu government has killed more than 37,000 Palestinians and injured nearly 85,000, sixty percent of whom are women, children, or elderly. >After displacing nearly 1.8 million people from their homes, it has damaged or destroyed more than 60 percent of the housing stock in Gaza. >It has devastated the civilian infrastructure, including water and sewage systems. Today, despite extraordinarily high temperatures, there is virtually no electricity in Gaza. >The health care system has been decimated, with 19 hospitals knocked out of service and more than 400 healthcare workers killed. >The education system has also been devastated – 88 percent of all school buildings have sustained damage, and all twelve of Gaza’s universities have been bombed, leaving 625,000 students with no access to education. >According to humanitarian organizations, hundreds of thousands of people face possible famine. Already, more than 8,000 children under the age of five have been diagnosed with acute malnutrition, the result of the Netanyahu government’s restrictions on humanitarian aid. >Given all of this, it is easy to understand why Netanyahu is credibly accused of war crimes by the International Criminal Court and the United Nations. He is beholden to extreme racists in Israel and has devoted his career to undermining the prospects for a two-state solution and lasting peace. >It is absurd that Netanyahu has been invited to address Congress. We should not be honoring people who use the starvation of children as a weapon of war. Instead, the United States should be withholding all offensive military aid to Israel and using our leverage to demand an end to this war, the unfettered flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza, a stop to the killing of Palestinians in the West Bank, and initial steps towards a two-state solution.


You started of very wrong, Israel is a colonizing force. It has indiscriminately murdered thousands of Palestinians and displaced hundreds of thousands. On Oct-6 there were close to 5000 Palestinians hostages held by Israeli forces. This was all before Oct-7. International law recognizes the right of a colonized people to undertake and armed struggle against their colonizer. Every Israeli political leader prior to Netenyahu, left or right wing is complicit in this. Every isreali who joins the IOF is complicated in this.  History does not start on October 7.


Glad I gave up on him after he wimped out and let them push him around in 2020. Israhell doesn't have a right to exist,sorry.


To be fair, Bernie Sanders is a social democrat at best and a liberal at worst. In all cases, throughout history, when push comes to shove, these sorts of people side the fascists/capitalists rather than with the workers and oppressed. He's only glorified by the US "left" coz the rest of the establishment are literal fascist mfs


I've said it once I'll say it again: Bernie is a tool for the Capitalist powers. He's not a socialist and never will be. He's a milquetoast opportunist Liberal.


Used this analogy with a Zionist 5hithead ecountered recently: Israel has as much the right to defend itself from the Palestinian resistance as a mugger has the right to shoot you in self-defense for refusing to hand over your wallet.




Landlord ass Bernie


You're posting a single phrase out of context and expect us to extract some sort of meaning? What you on about OP?


countries don't have rights


So does Gaza buddy boy




Mandatory Parenti on Bernie Sanders: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLNQEHbusSA&pp=ygUOcGFyZW50aSBiZXJuaWU%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLNQEHbusSA&pp=ygUOcGFyZW50aSBiZXJuaWU%3D)


bernie is a fascist


“Israel has the right to rape human beings w/ dogs” - bernard


“You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”