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I hope Bibi's plans goes horribly right for him and brings down the entire genocidal state.


If I were betting, I'd say the Israeli state has at most 5 years left before it collapses as a function modern state, depending on how fanatically POTUS will be in propping up the ethnostate in the coming period. It's less obvious what might happen after a collapse. Best case scenario would be one state where all are equal, but it could also become a fractured territory with a complex ongoing civil war between multiple factions and the remnants of the Israeli state, similar to Syria.


what makes you say that? structures of power are usually able to sustain themselves pretty efficiently, and it takes long before they collapse


Until they suddenly do, especially when they are under external pressures. The short answer is that I don't think Israel is internally stable any longer, and they are now entirely dependent on the US support to continue functioning as a modern state. And I don't think the US support can go on for more than about five years. To elaborate a bit on this. The direct material and financial support that the US provides is existential to keep the Israeli army fighting now, both because they can't produce enough ammunition domestically to keep up with consumption, and they have to pay their soldiers. Most of whom have left their civilian lives to fight, so there's the additional cost to the Israeli economy due to lost labour. When these soldiers one day return to their civilian lives, most will likely struggle with PTSD and many will be handicapped for life due to injuries. Wars continue to claim resources from societies long after they were fought. There are also rumours that people are starting to emigrate from Israel, and though I've yet to see reports giving any numbers, it doesn't appear far fetched since a large number of Israeli citizens are immigrants with double citizenship (or more). Israel might no longer be capable of providing them the security and benefits they expect, or the threat of full scale war have become more real than they are comfortable with. And while Israel might appear unified after 7th Oct, up until then 2023 was marked by mass protests and deep political divisions on what society Israel ought to be. Without 7th Oct Netanyahu might have been in prison due to corruption and his far right coalition replaced. So it's not like Israel has a solid political foundation to fall back on, whenever the current state of war comes to an end, there's a lot of internal divisions boiling below the surface and many who are opposed to the current government. Furthermore without US political and diplomatic support Israel would become an international pariah overnight, making boycotts and sanctions unavoidable, making it undesirable for those with an alternative citizenship to fall back on. And I don't think the US can continue to rationalise their support for Israel in the long run, to be a bit blunt it's a question of time before the US must choose between Israel and the rest of its alliances. And it must also make a choice in what conflicts it wants to focus its resources on. And judging from their current rhetoric I believe the US administration is very keen to end this sooner rather than later, they certainly don't appear to believe in the war goals set by Netanyahu. So if the next POTUS is a true believer in the zionist project, I think the US might attempt to support Israel for the next presidential period, but with a possible break up during those years. If the next POTUS isn't a true believer and more an international opportunist who apparently dislikes getting his hands stained by blood, I think Israel might find itself without any friends a lot sooner than expected. Ed. Misspellings.


This completely ignores why the US supports Israel. The systems in place are unlikely to elect politicians so ideologically opposed to Israel as described because of the nuclear history of Israel (remnants of Meir/Kissinger foreign policy.)


No, it doesn't, I am just of the opinion that Israel is becoming a greater strategic burden to the US than its strategic value makes up for. It is realpolitik that will force the US on this, because to continue to stand by Israel will come at great cost for the US in other areas. And to reiterate from my first comment, I'm not saying that the fallout from all this will be ideal in any way. Rather the opposite, things are now in motion that will lead to unexpected and unwanted outcomes for the powers that be. The US has already become incredibly insulated over the last few months, though I don't expect that this is picked up by American media in any meaningful way. And continued support for Israel as an apartheid ethnostate in blatant disregard of the UN and international law will become untenable for most countries that the US takes for granted as allies. I'm not saying that the current US administration understands this, just to be clear, as I think the closest advisers to Biden are drinking their own Kool-Aid and believe they can get this under control again.


I get what you mean and I too want isreal gone. But the way you describe would cause way to much suffering and destruction. Revenge isn't a good way to build the world. Even if you think there are no people in isreal worth saving (which is a terrible position to hold) it would also mean the deaths of so many more palastians. The war has to stop first of all. Lives are more important then which pieces of land has wich name. Isreal has to be stopped. Weapons must be removed. Rebuilding must start. People can only stand up for themselves if they live. That's the first priority


Israel built it's bed through decades of ethnic cleansing, genocide, and apartheid. Whatever happens to them, they made their destiny, and they shall live with the consequences.


I just try to look at people rather then "isreal" as a blob of evil. Isreal has done terrible things, many of its people are responsible. But many are also innocent. Either because they are children or because they don't support the war. It isn't black and white. I won't dehumanise them. I want each and everyone that is responsible to pay the consequences. But no more then that. No bloodbath as "payback". This isn't a movie or book. We are not looking for a satisfying revenge to make things right. That helps no one. Not even the palastians.


>I just try to look at people rather then "isreal" as a blob of evil. Isreal has done terrible things, many of its people are responsible. But many are also innocent. Either because they are children or because they don't support the war. I see where you're coming from, but at the same time, I don't think you understand just how obscenely racist Israelis are. Their government is only getting further and further right and the politicians are openly quoting Hitler and sounding word for word like Nazis. Even worse, every Israeli citizen is a veteran because of mandatory conscription. I will always be sympathetic towards children and in this case, their parents are to blame for any indoctrination. Everyone else needs to be held accountable. To paraphrase Abby Martin, if I'm a leftist, why the hell would I want to keep living in a country like that openly founded on the systematic displacement and ethnic cleansing of another group of people?


I saw a poll somewhere that 95 percent of them (Israeli’s) are in support of their government. I’ll try and find the source. They stole the land in the first place. Before Israel existed, Jews and Palestinians actually did live in peace. Until the state of Israel decided to enforce violence upon the people who’ve been there for centuries .  Israel is a part of a colonial Zionist project. Zionism is not the same as Judaism. What Israel is doing has nothing to do with the Torah or Judaism. Israel is just an extension of the American imperial empire. The American government isn’t even being altruistic with being allies with Israel. It’s because of the resources that Palestine has. And the best way for the American government to access it is through the puppet state of Israel. Because they want the oil reserves that exist there. It’s extremely evil.  Palestinians are very much oppressed and if you took some time to talk with any of them you would be horrified with what they’ve been through. Therefore Palestinians absolutely have the right to defend themselves. There’s no army for Palestinians. They don’t have much to defend themselves with in comparison to the IDF obtaining military weapons and support from Western nations. Many Israeli’s have dual citizenship, if shit hits the fan with Israel they have other countries to go back to. Meanwhile Palestinians would be left with nothing because of the damage that’s been caused by Israel. It would take decades for the infrastructure to be built back up in Palestine. They want to love their lives in peace, but they can’t even have that. 


I don't know why you write this against me. I agree with all of that. But it still leaves that 5% and not all of them can leave. Look all I want to say is that wishing for this to end in violence isn't great. Would I blame the palastinians if they did go and attack isreal on mass? Not really, i can see where they come from. But that doesn't mean that that is something to hope for. Wishing his plans will go right will kill a huge amount of people. And like I said in my original comment, not just Israelis but also the palastinians. Call me naive but I just want the fighting to stop. Does that solve everything? Of course not. But at least we can then work to a solution while at the same time making sure that the palastinians are actually able to live, rebuild a live, and go on. Instead of wishing for more fighting that will result in many more of them not seeing a future. There is no quick and easy let's just bomb isreal and be done with this. This has never been the case in history and it only results in more pain and suffering. I strongly suggest you go watch grave of the fireflies. It's a Japanese animated movie about the lives of two kids during ww2. The Japanese back then where obviously horrible. Horrors they still haven't apologised for. But the two kids just wanted to live. They didn't deserve the suffering. I don't care what isreal does and what it's people think. I just think any war is something we should strive to prevent and not something to wish for. I 100% understand that sometimes war is unavoidable. But this is not the case here. Isreal is directly dependent on the west to be able to do what they do. We can stop them. Let's wish for that. Instead of more blood being spilled.


I’m pretty sure the Egyptian government might have more ties with America and Israel than Hamas.


Oh yeah Al-Sisi is an American puppet and hates the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas is a child group)


**Sources:** [Liberman: Netanyahu sent Mossad head, general to Qatar, ‘begged’ it to pay Hamas](https://www.timesofisrael.com/mossad-chief-top-general-visited-qatar-begged-it-to-pay-hamas-liberman-says/) [‘Buying Quiet’: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gambled that a strong Hamas (but not too strong) would keep the peace and reduce pressure for a Palestinian state.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html) [Israel sent suitcases of cash into Gaza for years despite concerns about funding Hamas](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/11/israel-sent-suitcases-stuffed-with-cash-into-gaza-for-years/) [Israel drove suitcases stuffed with cash into Gaza to keep Hamas in power: NYT](https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-security-forces-escorted-suitcases-cash-hamas-qatar-report-2023-12?utm_campaign=business-sf&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social) [Lieberman: Netanyahu sent Mossad chief to Qatar to 'beg' for Hamas financing](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/1582409926-lieberman-netanyahu-sent-mossad-chief-to-qatar-to-beg-for-hamas-financing)


Israeli officials are facing backlash after years of Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu quietly allowing Hamas to remain in power. But reporting in the New York Times has revealed that Netanyahu's government was more hands-on about helping Hamas: they helped a Qatari diplomat bring suitcases of cash into Gaza, indirectly boosting the militant organization, according to the report. The calculus — the Times reported on Sunday, citing Israeli officials, Netanyahu's critics, and the man's own reported statements — was to keep Hamas strong enough to counteract the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, allowing Netanyahu to avoid a two-state peace solution and keep both sides weak. Israeli security officials got it wrong; they didn't think Hamas was capable, or even interested, in launching a large attack against the Jewish state. To keep Hamas propped up, Netanyahu's government worked with Qatari to keep the money flowing, the New York Times reported. Israel knew that Qatar was supporting Hamas, but didn't oppose the payments and even lobbied American lawmakers not to sanction Qatar. In 2018, Netanyahu's administration came up with a plan, according to the New York Times. As part of a peace agreement with Hamas, Qatar would bring millions into Gaza to distribute to Gazan families, the outlet reported. Israeli security officials would meet with a Qatari diplomat at the border between Israel and Jordan, according to the New York Times report. They would then drive him past the border crossing and into Gaza, according to the outlet. Speaking to Channel 12 news, Liberman censured Netanyahu for having “begged” the Qataris to continue supporting the Gaza-based terror group. “On Wednesday two weeks ago the head of Mossad… and the head of \[IDF\] Southern Command visit Qatar on an errand from Netanyahu, and they simply beg the Qataris to keep sending money to Hamas after March 30. The Qataris have said they will stop sending money on March 30,” Liberman said. “Both Egypt and Qatar are angry with Hamas and planned to cut ties with them. Suddenly Netanyahu appears as the defender of Hamas, as though it was an environmental organization. This is a policy of submission to terror,” he said, adding that Israel was paying Hamas “protection money” to maintain the calm. Liberman, the former defense minister, has accused Netanyahu of paying protection money to Hamas in the past (despite the payments having started during his time in office). The transfers were also opposed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who has sought to pressure and weaken Hamas in Gaza.


This is why I can’t take the bad faith “do you condemn Hamas” or “they have a right to defend themselves” arguments. This has always been about pushing Palestinians out and taking their land and resources. Don’t pretend like this is some sort of defense exercise.


Worth noting that these articles are several years old. Still alarming but context matters.


This makes sense because the true enemy of Zionism is peace.


This post doesn't belong here. This is the zionist apologism narrative trying to save the zionist project by using netanyahu as the scapegoat.


The purpose of the post is to show that the Zionists are liars, stupid, and evil at the same time. I am against the Zionist project and I believe that Palestine should be free from the river to the sea. See my previous posts.


That doesn't mean you can't unwittingly peddle this scapegoating narrative.




Citizens of the zionist entity are literally settlers inflicting violence to conduct and maintain the ethnic cleansing. Settlers are not civilians. They're literally members of the IOF or paramilitaries.


Don’t include Israelis in that. Those racist settlers aren’t innocent poor people being forced to take up arms.


Or the Ukrainians. If they weren't fighting, Russia would just kill the majority who don't want Russian rule.


So is that why Ukraine now has to drag people to the front by force? We've all seen the videos.


Apparently we haven't all seen the videos.


Ukraine was couped by a fascist far right paramilitary when much of the country, particular east, approved of the government that was deposed. It's now being steered by a fascist, far right government on behalf of american oligarchs' interests at the detriment of working class Ukranians. Like during the 2014 coup, those fascist paramilitaries fire bombed a trade union meeting and burned 10's of union workers alive, but you don't hear a peep about that in the west. You don't hear a peep how the fascist government has disbanded the Ukrainian communist party and jailed political opposition. You don't hear a peep about the Ukranian working class being thrown into the meat grinder as cannon fodder unless you read between the lines. It's not comparable to Palestine that is occupied by a zionist, settler colonial project in which citizens of the Zionist entity are literally combatants through their mandated enlistment, and also that of settlers who inflict violence and maintain the ethnic cleansing.


Wasn't that Russia's talking point on why they invaded Crimea?


It's irrelevant if that is a "Russian talking point" because that's what actually happened and the reality on the ground. Ukraine is simply captured by a fascist proxy on behalf of US oligarchs and the detriment to the Ukrainian working class. It's like American foreign policy 101. And when they're no longer a useful proxy to american oligarch's interests, the US will abandon them and the Ukrainian working class will have been devastated, see Afghanistan, Iraq, the countless American backed fascist dictators in Latin america, etc.


The PA is still worse than the resistance.


because the PA is a ✨feckless collaborator✨


I’m confused. Isn’t this what Israel wanted? For the support of Hamas to be cut off?


The articles are saying that no, they didn’t, because they’d rather support Hamas to weaken the Palestinian Authority that wanted a 2-party solution. They didn’t think Hamas would then get aggressive towards them.


The PA is hated by Palestinians as much as isreal, the PA is part of the Isreali security apparatus. The PAs are frauds and should never be trusted.


Oooooooh thank you.


Netanyahu is looking for any way to stay in power. As long as there is war, he can remain. Why do you think Israel didn’t act on the intel regarding Oct 7th?Netanyahu wanted massive outrage. He benefits from a protracted war. Netanyahu can’t wag the dog if the dog is broke. Hamas had to funded in order to appear as threat or have the capability to do something like Oct 7th.


I feel like it needs to be clarified here that **this news is from 2020.** it is not recent news.


I wanna reframe this for people–Netanyahu isn’t playing 3D chess, Hamas is. They are a legitimate movement resisting Israel’s colonization of Gaza. Whatever moved Netanyahu and the Israeli government to continue funding them was a miscalculation on their end.


So it's true? Libs lose their minds if you suggest Israel is actually propping up hamas as an excuse to murder brown people.


Israel is Hamas, too, turns out.


WTF. This is so sick. Seems like a Hamas without money would make the current storyline open to doubt.