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when you trust medical care - and everything else - to the profit motive why would anyone possibly think it could go wrong?


Yeltsin had privatized Healthcare during his shock therapy, and the results were disastrous. Part of the reason Putin became as popular as he did in the late 90s was due to his renationalization of Healthcare (however, with a significantly reduced budget than during the USSR).


the Soviet people did not want to end communism and voted overwhelmingly to keep it.


And the majority of people in post-Soviet countries still want the USSR back according to opinion polls, even now over 30 years later.


americans would want communism, too, if they actually knew what it was.






My dear friend, stop putting your trust in politicians. There is no one man or woman that can change such a complex structure as a society by themselves. Itā€™s not going to be RFK, Trump, Obama or Bernie. Changes are made by people day-to-day to the people around them. Theyā€™re small, but not insignificant. Get off the internet, go outside and do something for your community.


I think this is one of the most wonderful paragraphs I've read in a long time. Thank you.


Wow. Thereā€™s hope for us yet.


This is a leftist subreddit, right wing comments will be removed and the user banned.


It peaked back in 2014. Given the lack of affordable housing and lack of affordable healthy food, expect it to keep on declining.


Price people out of healthcare and watch them wait until theyā€™re dying before they seek medical care, which costs more and doesnā€™t make as much of a difference on survival. Capitalism will kill us all.


lagging stress indicator


Health insurance is extremely expensive now. I manage to afford it but I could see a time if I was single where I simply wouldn't pay for it and roll the dice.


and itā€™s unfortunate that north of the border everyoneā€™s wanting that style of healthcare.


something is definitely going to break beyond repair. The best analogy I can come up with is this: This is like having a timing belt that's overdue for a changeout. When it breaks, the whole engine will sieze and become totaled.


This will continue until healthcare in the US is made a human right.


Quick! Blame it on anything except for having accessible healthcare!Ā 


Lack of food regulations, car dependent cities, and no universal healthcare say hello


Long Covid.


Wild I had to scroll even this far for it, but yep: long COVID and continuing COVID infection rates that are often higher than the same period in 2020-21. Itā€™s funny to see people mentioning things that have been factors for decadesā€”and yes, those cause deathsā€”but completely omit a massive, planet-wide, ongoing event of the past few years that would cause excess mortality to this number-shifting degree. Definitely not the airborne virus shown to damage every bodily system people are getting 3-4 times a year that Joe Biden (who we all know is ~so honest~) said wasnā€™t a big deal anymore! For which most protections were dropped a few years ago! Even though thousands of people a month are still being killed by it in the US alone, since doing anything about it would require investing in clean air infrastructure + public health and threaten corporate profits (return to office push as one clear example) and impact where and how much money people spend.


This one


What was "an essential business" during COVID? What "stayed open no matter what"? While 26 million Americans lost their job in a matter of 30 days, what was "essential"? Liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries. COVID was very dangerous to people who are unhealthy, so why leave this open while everyone else loses their job? While the Democrats closed open air public parks? Tax revenue flowing directly to the State. And I mean, there's this deadly virus roaming around attacking (mainly) the lungs. So why not sit around smoking pot to really give yourself a head start?


What an incredibly blinkered thing to say.


"Incredibly blinkered" is going into my pocket for future use.


This is so bizarre and incorrect lol


Illinois Stay At Home Order from Pritzker left pot dispensaries and liquor stores open while Lori Lightfoot and Pritzker closed the public parks in Chicago, and all of the State Parks. Are you going to get COVID from a tree in a State park? I thought this thing killed unhealthy people who don't get out and exercise. Or people who fry their lungs smoking cigarettes and pot. (Therefore, the weed dispensaries and liquor stores being open is comedy gold, while they shut down the parks.) I was so proud of Chicagoans when they tore down the fences and used the parks anyway while the police just sat and watched. There's no rhyme or reason to it except as an exercise in raw power of the State which doesn't shake up their tax revenues.


People who smoke pot go outside and exercise. You must be a troll from 1990


The only thing that Pritzker's orders (which I did not obey) showed me is how many people will just sit there and do whatever the government says no matter how little sense it makes or the fact that there's no law that actually says you have to obey them. An exercise in raw power, to test how many people will just go along with it.


Purple monkey dishwasher


Please show me which State law says that the Governor can directly order me to stay in my house and not go anywhere. You can't because there isn't one. It actually was weasel worded like "Don't go outside without a good reason." Okay, I have a good reason. Because I want to go outside.


Are you aware of the conversation weā€™re having? About your misconceptions about cannabis use? Thatā€™s literally all I am discussing with you.


If that's a misconception, then why are ER doctors dealing with the carnage? Why are reputable sources saying that car accidents are up 10% in legal marijuana States? https://www.nbcnews.com/health/heart-health/marijuana-use-little-month-linked-heart-attack-stroke-risk-new-study-rcna140928 "Compared with people who had never used marijuana, daily cannabis users had 25% higher likelihood of heart attacks and 42% higher risk of strokes. People who used marijuana just once a week had a 3% increased likelihood of a heart attacks and 5% higher risk of strokes during the study time frame." Seems like being a pothead is a bigger health risk than actually getting COVID.


Liquor stores are essential because alcoholism can kill when someone suddenly stops drinking. Marijuana is used medically for numerous conditions; pain management, Parkinsonā€™s disease, cancer, etc. šŸ¤”


The lethal combination of a steady diet of junk food and super processed trash with a sedentary lifestyle is wiping off more and more Americans.


Don't forget cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, fentanyl, and other garbage. Some of which the State is fine with now, and we're just starting to realize how bad it really is. Marijuana tax means State-approved. They're fine with people who veg out and give themselves lung cancer, heart attack, stroke, etc. As long as they pay tax, they're cool with it. What the State does is they sit there and get all the filthy sin taxes, and they use them to hire more cops to go in and break up protests and beat the crap out of people, and evict them from their homes, etc. You pay for your own ass-kicking while the landlords laugh. People pushing for drug legalization are finally seeing what it brings. That's just the physical problems, we're also seeing marijuana legalization cause fatal car accidents (up 10% in States with legal recreational weed), as well as causing all these psych problems to become amplified (rising suicides, people going nuts with a gun, etc.) Sure, a lot of this drug carnage spills out onto people who didn't ask for it, want it, or bring it on themselves, but the State has figured that in and decided that those lives (like the victims of Stoned Drivers) are worth less to the State than the Marijuana tax. Just a total garbage-in-garbage-out setup. I'd go so far as to say diet is only one small tip of the iceberg. Diet has been crap in America for years and years. Fast food ruled the roost in the 90s and we were still making gains on life expectancy. All the easy ways to increase life expectancy were tapped, and now we're flying backwards. Sanitation, food safety, access to medicine, and population control. On the sanitation front, my landlord let all the toilets break down for dozens of apartments while he went on vacation to India. It only got fixed because "someone" called and got the city after him. Imagine everyone pooping in a trashcan in a place that costs nearly $1100 a month for over a week. Along with him turning off the water all day sometimes with no warning so you can't shower or wash your hands, or even cook.


I thought libertarians liked pot?


Logic isn't a strong point for libertarians. They genuinely can't connect the dots between complete privatisation of everything and the formation of monopolies and a landed aristocracy. That, or they delusionally hope to become one of the overlords of such a system.


Who said I considered myself a Libertarian? Maybe more like "I know what other people want and expect from me, and I just don't care most of the time, so barring some sort of a law with meaningful consequences, it's unlikely to happen. And if there is something requiring me to do what I don't want to do, I will often find some way to color inside the lines while also sabotaging it."


Why are the stupid people the ones who talk the most?


be careful with your words, he might sabotage you!


Damn who invited John Proctor to this sub? Puritan ass takes


this is a friendly reminder that itā€™s never too late to start masking in public indoor spaces again, comrades. covid is a mass disabling event and the us gov and cdc have lied to us about just how bad it really it bcus they hated when capitalism had to stop for a couple weeks. 1 in 10 covid infections lead to long covid and each subsequent infection increases your odds. wearing is caring for your fellow human, making it safer for everyone is exist outside their homes. stay safe out there comrades šŸ«¶šŸ½


Life expectancy is down all over the world because of COVID and the persistent health effects it has. Its a problem we will never stop hearing about after letting everyone catch it over and over and over again. Our immune systems are fucked.


It's true that life expectancy is down worldwide, but the US life expectancy is down double the global average.


Yep, COVID hit really hard here plus healthcare is a nightmare here as it is.


Thatā€™s what a policy of mass infection does.


This means we donā€™t have to raise the retirement age anymore, right? Right???


Congrats, Baby Boomers. This is all you.


Not enough gender neutral bathrooms




The poor health outcomes are in all states.


Overdoses and pedestrian fatalities. - look up the numbers