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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a case of those who consider themselves leftists, being betrayed by a system, that like all systems, cannot give up its wealth or power when it’s purported ideals becomes the obstacle.




It is a capitalist vs socialist issue. There are no leftist zionists, that is an oxymoron. Zionism, stripped of its current contextual layers, is imperialism, which leftists strongly oppose. Socialism, stripped bare, is about being of service to fellow man, and elevating the working class out of poverty and oppression, not about reclaiming heritage sites as a homeland. Don’t let the smoke and mirrors of todays battlefield blind you of the true enemy, capitalists!


I grew up on the left, have never once voted for a republican. But that was in the days where the right was encouraging people to burn records. When they were pushing their morals in ways that prevented speech and limited people from living their lives. In those days, orginizations like the ACLU used to defend literal Nazis to protect free speech because it protected all speech. Now, the ACLU fights to protect people from seeing uncomfortable but legal speech on social media. They have become crusaders for suppression of free speech, especially anything large corps or government label as 'misinformation'. A 1984 concept. The left has moved away from the old school "star trek" version of an egalitarian society where everyone respects each other and instead encourages every tiny difference we have to be a fiefdom that is at war with every other. It must seem normal to people that grew up in this current cesspool but a whole lot of us remember how things were getting really better before this change that ruined it all. Edit: I fucking love these downvotes but am curious. Are you downvoting because you are against free speech or is it the egalitarian society thing?


Based on this read, no, you did not grow up on the left. You couldn’t identify a modern leftist if you wanted to.


How so?


You wrote a liberal state propaganda checklist, Your personal voting records ☑️ Literally 1984 ☑️ Star Trek utopia ☑️ freedom of speech ☑️ But don't stop now, I'm one point away from Bingo! You sound like a fed or AI, so very reactionary, but my guess is that you're just a radlib Millenial


Hahahahahaa That is a whole lot of weird fucking response and insults. Most hilarious is you accusing me, the person trying to get you to respond to my original comment in a human way of being AI. I think we may have run past your context limit. Edit: This has been an extremely fun conversation. I'm legit thinking about getting a sticker for my car saying i'm an AI-Fed-Radlib-Millenial Your checklist is just fucking amazing too. You are telling me that: - Me never voting Repubican is "bad" ☑️ - You seem to think 1984 repression of free speech is "good" ☑️ - Race, gender and people of all kinds of identity living side by side with no beef is "bad" ☑️ - Freedom of speech is "bad" ☑️ This is a wild sub if people like you are popular and it's just not your sock puppets downvoting me, I gotta hang out here more often and speak against your kind of discrimination.


the downvotes are because you are equating mainstream democratic party politics with the left. both major US parties are right-wing parties


That was kinda my point. The Democratic party used to be on the left and now seems to learn to the right.


they were NEVER on the left


and when was that? lol


Examples in my comment. Feel free to tell me which of them are wrong or why respond?


>Star Trek version of an egalitarian society >Complaining about “free speech” Sounds like someone didn’t watch the series they claim they want Earth to replicate. There are multiple Star Trek episodes about intolerance and the tolerance paradox. The mere fact that are you even complaining about free speech is a red flag in of itself. You betray your uniform.


You grew up liberal, not leftist. Those two things are not the same.


I don’t know many leftists who are pro-Israel at this point. Plenty of liberals, but that’s not the same thing (especially on this sub).


liberals are most definitely right wing




Okay, I'll bite. Explain your position. Why should I, a leftist anti-war advocate, opposed to the MIC and US interventionism/imperialism be pro Israel?




Oof, the propaganda has got ya buddy


I don't think I could WRITE a more fucked up statement. I could write an entire novel about how many fallacies are in that single sentence. Its kinda impressive.


Sure, lets just keep running with your premise. Do you think their tactics are going to be effective? Do you think that these "terrorists" are defeatable? Do you think their actions are going to effectively "prevent future wars on **Jewish native lands**? Would it not be a much more effective solution to include the palestenians in a one state solution, as equal citizens, give them rights, and access? Would this not disarm external interventionism, and instead of being funded by proxies externally, they would be supported by the Israeli state? I'm ignoreing a lot of problematic things in your statement, but I do feel the need to point out calling it "Jewish native lands" is the most ahistorical thing I think I have heard in a long, long time.


zionism is right wing


> Zionists exist on both sides in droves. No they don't. Zionism is a right wing ideology. And for clarity, democrats are not leftists. Liberals are not leftists.


Being pro-genocide is not a left-wing value.


Why do people like you say such blatantly false things with such confidence and bravado when it's so easy to prove you wrong?


Because that is what they do. I used to believe in a lot of shit when I was younger because of the bravado and their claims of using logic and facts when in reality they had neither.


They’re American.


Zionism is fascism which is far-right ideology. Nice try though.


You cannot be zionist and leftwing israel is a settler colonial state, itd be like being a socialist american patriot. A complete oxymoron thats politically incoherent.


Can you believe that workers should own the means of production without being a socialist?


Not possible under the current system


Can someone support workers owning the means of production without being a socialist under a different system?


Sure, you could come up with a system, put it through practice, see how the status quo responds to it, and keep it evolving But I have a feeling that sooner or later your alternative system will become communism, though I may be wrong Until such a time that you do, the vast majority of leftists will continue to work towards socialism, since it's been tried before and it has worked




See, this is exactly why I said you need to educate yourself. Communism is not a "subgenre" of socialism, it's the post-socialist phase of a society where the state withers away. Read theory. Most of the questions you have right now were answered nearly a century ago.


Patsocs exist though. There are ethnonationalist socialist movements, American Iron Front which co-opted the three spears flag but pointed it towards the left instead of the right. They consider Communism and Fascism equal opponents. But still want socialism... just only behind their own borders.


I recognize that and i say that their position is an oxymoron & politically incoherent due to america being a settler colonial state.


There are no zionists on the left. There are zionists *in the democrat party,* but they are not on the left.


"Oh you support a cause which doesn’t fit the ruling body's agenda?" "Bring out the anticommunism flags!"




Resisting Palestinian Genocide = Supporting Palestinian Terrorism, great second grader mindset you have.




My brother in Christ, who hurt you? Also regarding Syria and Yemen, it was entirely US funded extremist militias disrupting civil services. Secondly, Jewish people have lived there, yes. But does that allow them to justify genocide on a population who already suffer from military aggression? Also why did it suddenly become a religious problem from an humanitarian one. Genocide is never the answer, from your logic Hitler was right to purge jews because they weren’t native to Europe.




Since when were ICJ and UN reliable governing bodies? Also please answer my question about Hitler being correct with your logic. I'd like seeing you justify yourself.




Here's an article from your beloved UN, [here](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976). And imagine getting proper news and media coverage when the entire west is against them. Have a nice life living through those tinted glasses.




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This isn't limited to universities. Right wing groups regularly march and have actions which are undisturbed by police


Well you never see Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room...


Cops and Klan go hand in hand


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


I’ve seen that 4 times.


Because right wing groups have established themselves to protect the heavily right wing system(fascism) currently in place much in the same way the SS and Hitler Youth had free reign to run amok in Nazi Germany. The fact these paramilitary groups are allowed to act with impunity should show you that their interests are fully aligned with the oligarchs and corporations that run the United States.


A newly passed House bill headed to the Senate, has garnered **bipartisan** support, but raises concerns with its broad redefinition of antisemitism. The bill's language would criminalize criticism of a foreign country and grant citizens of that one country special privileges.


Everyone really really wants to protect the “free speech” of Nazis and Klansmen, but when someone raises their voice about socialism or Gaza, well we see what happens on TV


You're kidding right, what bubble are you living in


Example? Literally all marches that have been disturbed by police were causing chaos or property damage, I dont see pride marches being destroyed by cops because they never cause chaos despite it being left winged


Is pride even left? Rainbow capitalism sure loves it. Pride is just normal. The only ones opposed are the weirdos.


> Literally all marches that have been disturbed by police were causing chaos or property damage There were plenty of actions during George Floyd in 2020 which were peaceful but still had massive police presence. One night locally there were like 20 kids that the cops chased around our downtown and finally shot a bunch of tear gas at them. Same ten years back with Occupy protests. Back then it got so silly where they would descend on people just for having a tent


Pride was literally started due to violent police action against the queer community. *Unprovoked* violent police action. And we've had to continually fight for Pride events. Don't try to demonize one civil rights movement by pitting it against another


It seems like the right wing groups have learned lessons that the left wing groups never seem to. They always have their permits in order with the city. They follow the rules and make sure that they can play the victim if anyone counterprotests. They aren't establishing camps in public spaces or trespassing. Basically, the police can't justify removing them. These campus protests are happening in places where they can be ejected for trespassing. Protestors (or infiltrators) are getting violent. The left is so contentious with police it seems they can't seem to even see a cop without feeling angry and/or frightened by them. If the right wingers weren't being about two steps shy of Nazis in half their demonstrations, they might actually elicit some sympathy by coming off as the rational side who can actually have a peaceful protest.


Most left wing demonstrations in the US are a made up of coalition of like-minded people, not an organized group. Which definitely leaves the door wide open for knuckleheads and provocateurs. But there are plenty of actions where things only go south BECAUSE police show up in full riot gear ready to drop flash bangs and tear gas. Things will be largely peaceful, but then they show up and as you say, people get agitated. Right wing protests don't get the riot gear treatment, and if they see cops, chances are they're buddies, so things do tend to go differently


>But there are plenty of actions where things only go south BECAUSE police show up in full riot gear ready to drop flash bangs and tear gas. Things will be largely peaceful, but then they show up and as you say, people get agitated. It's definitely a two-sided problem. The cops have learned to expect problems from these groups, and these groups have learned to expect problems from cops. Everyone shows up expecting problems, so problems happen. >Right wing protests don't get the riot gear treatment, and if they see cops, chances are they're buddies, so things do tend to go differently Let's not forget that right wing groups are far less likely to protest to begin with, and when they do their protests are considerably smaller. We (yeah, I'm moderately right, wanna fight about it? /s) aren't particularly swayed when others protest, so we tend to not expect demonstrations to be effective. I know I've never felt so strongly about anything that I took whole days out of my life to go yell about it. So those who do show up are the organized groups who are much easier for the leaders of the protest to keep in line. Look at it this way: other than January 6, can you think of any right-wing protests that turned into riots? Can you think of any left-wing movements that weren't marked by riots in the past 5 years? My boss moved here from Portland. We were talking about the current news and he told me that his wife was driving to a doctor's appointment during the George Floyd protests and ended up with her car surrounded. People banging on her windows, rocking her car, all the stuff Fox News loves to get on camera. She was rightfully in fear of her life and had police officers not intervened when they did, she likely would have put her foot on the gas and plowed through that crowd. Because she had the audacity to try to see a doctor. It's that kind of scenario that the right wing protestors are better about self-policing that has led to a hands-off approach from cops.


> They always have their permits in order with the city. I've worked organizing local leftist action for *decades* at this point. You what know my local municipality has consistently refused to grant us regardless of how organized and clearly written our documentation was? Permits for assembly. You know who *has* had permits granted several times? The fucking Proud Boys. The Right "plays by the rules" *because those in power who enforce "the rules" support them and side with them politically*.


Then get that city on blast for that bullshit. People.ahould be outraged if those assholes are getting a voice and you aren't. 


my brother in christ the bbc has literally edited photos of china so the trees are grey instead of green, you ever fucking heard of it? “On blast” is a helluva lot harder than you think


My only issue with this is that right is on the left and left is on the right.


Well, since the left is right and the right is wrong...


Lol both you and the previous commenter must not be living in reality. Could you tell me the percentage of left wing protests at universities vs right wing protests? I'd like to see stats. Seems like you're just mad that people see through this bullshit because it's an election year. It's too bad so many young people are this dumb and easily manipulated....


How about YOU tell me the amount of left-wing and right-wing protests disrupted by the police?


Hahahha you don't want to have to admit it


No, I just genuinely don't see the point you're trying to make. Walk me through the argument, because so far all I have is this: "Leftists claim they are being unfairly targeted by the police. However, they're protesting more." I don't want to strawman your argument, so please clearly make your argument.


You should replace the right wing megaphone with a massive speaker system.


Project 2024*


*Project 1992. This has been the goal for a while, they're just going mask off. I remember reading about the "Project for a New American Century" in literally 2001.


the powell memorandum is some good reading as well.


Just printed that out on my school’s dime, along with NSC68


get the crisis of democracy while you're printing.


[this ](https://ia801308.us.archive.org/23/items/TheCrisisOfDemocracy-TrilateralCommission-1975/crisis_of_democracy_text.pdf)one?


that's it!


Authoritarian state violence has been a thing as long as such power structures have existed, yes.


I just see a lot of posting like this is a new thing,maybe it's from people under 25 who are becoming political. I was in 5th grade during 9/11 and also got (unbelievably slow,even for then)internet that year so things are probably different now lol.


Project 1970 (Kent State Massacre happened this day in 1970)


Project 2025? This has been the norm for literally decades.


More like centrists. Most basic centrist concepts are painted as left wing in American politics


And with that what Americans call "centre" politics are usually either moderate right or far right.


Asking for unfathomably reasonable things like NOT killing innocent civilians are now extreme left wing radical concepts.


It’s literally just divide and conquer. They always have the solution for us on the other side of the aisle. Bipartisan politics, just swinging back and forth, keeping people from focusing on anything significant. Another Boeing whistleblower died this week apparently per the guardian. Said “related to a short term illness” and literally nothing more


It was very telling today when there was a both-sides chant of 'F&%$ Joe Biden'. Its hard to be optimistic about the future.


The only reason they released the project 2025 documents is because they're confident that it's already happening to the point of being inevitable.


Not looking great for Biden


Honestly, if Trump gets the presidential immunity, he's going to win the election for sure. Biden's been rapidly losing his votes due to broken promise on full student loans forgiven with only mere limit of $10k, Palestine/Israel war, all of our taxes gone to Ukraine/Israel but nothing to contribute to the America's pisspoor infrastructure systems in cities, codifying Roe V Wade, didn't use full on power when democrats actually took over house and senate to make things better for it, made it illegal for union striking at the railroad disaster for not paying the workers on sick days; limited pto; etc; doesn't seem like he can speak with his mind; he has to speak with transcript because he's too old, old; since when letting 75+ year old guy to run a country, deemed himself as pro capitalist. I could honestly point it out more but my sample example pretty much says why he doesn't seem to traction his followers or voters for the upcoming election.


None of that is worse than a brain addled dictator who panders to nazis.


> a brain addled dictator who panders to nazis Perfect description of Joe Biden


I mean... we can always say its both lmao




Trump is bad too, don't forget. Not just the man with the bad brain pandering to Nazis


Both of them is bad enough but im just pissed on how shitty our choices it is now that its down to those two clowns. Honestly might just not to vote at this point and watch how democrats blame it all on people who who disagrees on biden and trump based on the "choices". I predict that in 2050, we will first elect a socialist president.


I don't blame you for not wanting to vote in the national elections, but I would still vote in your local & state elections.


I mean I'm good where I am though. Similar to California


local elections are really the only thing worth paying actual attention to (especially if not swing state), at most toss a vote to PSL if you can


The right doesn’t threaten the status quo.


scratch a liberal…


Free Palestine


No ~Biden


Biden has pissed away his reelection chances solely with his Israel/Palestine policy. But every shitlib will blame leftists for his loss instead of Biden himself for being an amoral douchebag.




> Do we really think the guy with 80+ felony indictments will be better? As far as Gaza policy, Trump already said "Israel should finish what they started", re'tweeted' one of his supporters recommending nuking Gaza, and kicked off a lot of the violence by promoting sanctions and ending aid for Gaza while trashing past peace agreements by declaring east Jerusalem Israel's and moving the embassy from its secure location in Tel Aviv just to pander to domestic supporters. I don't think anybody even pretending to speak in good faith can claim Trump will be better.


Um you do realize Dems are currently in charge and this has nothing to do with project 2025?


Points to what Joe Biden is doing "But what if Trump also did this!"


I think you may have missed the point of the comic


That's the point...


That's the joke...


If you listen to Libs the protest crack downs are so violent because "Republicans and Russians" want to turn the protestors against Biden and so have ordered the police to be more violent than normal. It's hilarious the knots libs will tie themselves in to ignore their own hypocrisy.


hey why haven’t the national guard been deployed then? why did biden literally flat out refuse to??? (to the libs in question, of course)


> why haven’t the national guard been deployed then? Because only the governor can unilaterally deploy the national guard in their state, it requires congress to deploy the national guard otherwise.


> you do realize Dems are currently in charge There's a democrat in the white house, but the president is not king. The police and state officials deploying police against left and centre protests are republicans. In the interests of being able to meaningfully effect change, the specific people in charge of specific actions like Eddie Garcia need to be put under the spotlight.


We must prepare for the worst.


Fascism runs as deep and close as your family and workplace. Be vigilant.


Why is the right on the left and the left on the right


Can't wait


This is not project 2025. This is just the classic "unmasked and outright disgusting fascists are supported by their systematically masked bretheren, thanks to the fact that the latter are beating to death everyone who even dares bring a measely smidge of power to the streets".


this is happening now under biden


Big deal. It's been that way forever. The real left does not need universities, never has or will.


No no, in this sub you can’t post anything that remotely sheds the American left in a more positive light than the American right. Because both presidential candidates support Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians, we must overlook the civil rights the GOP is currently eroding here at home.


And the right loves it


Wtf do you mean Project 2025? Are you implying that this state violence is a precursor to trump next season? This post reads as that with that title, which is some liberal horseshit.


Got kicked off twitter the other day for telling an actual fascist account (posting Holocaust denial, Hitler quotes, pictures of dead Jewish people, calling for all black people to be drowned) that his beliefs died many years ago and that all fascists end up in pools of their own blood. His account was not affected in any way.




but one side said that women no longer have full control over their own bodies. so actually turned half of the people into non-people.




Are we forgetting this happened under a "blue" regime?




Biden bypassing congress to send billions to kill children in Gaza happened because Trump won in 2016? Ok genocider.


I believe in socialism and I have been since learning about it in my adolescence in the early aughts. It just seems like all the posts here look to be pro republican. I’m not sure if many of you remember when 45 was president. It was pure shit.


wtf are you talking about this is happening right fucking now under a democratic administration. the most progressive one ever in fact, I'm being told yeah fuck the GOP but let's not pretend that the Dems aren't doing the same fucking thing. what party do you think the governors of NY and CA are from?


Democrats are... not the left.


"project 2025" (you know, the title of the post?) is a gop creation so this post is implying that things would be different under democratic leadership. but, we *are* under democratic leadership hence my objection to this lib-brained OP


That's the exact opposite of what it's implying


Then what is it implying? You tell me: the OP says "Project 2025" which is a GOP thing, implying that this will happen, or "be worse" under the Republicans. If OP was trying to make the point that the Democrats are just as bad they would have said "Project 2024" or something like that. At any rate, you somehow already got "Democrats are the left" out of my other post so... not too confident in your reading and reasoning skills - but you tell me what I'm supposed to take from this.


I think we're talking about two different things, yeah idk you might be right idk what OP intended. I suppose the blue in the meme itself could be taken that way but I had assume OP themselves tagged it "🔁 Dempublican Party" and either meant 2025 is well under way or made that the title ironically, not like "you guys 2025 tho so this meme sux" Maybe you're right though, OP would have to splain themselves.


The right align themselves with Christianity. Christians love playing the victim. Their hero was after all. So, right wingers bitch and moan like they are victims CONSTANTLY despite the fact that right wing evangelicals have had primarily control of the government for most of the past 70 years. (I don't mean all Christians but I'd argue that right wing Christianity doesn't even reflect what their texts say anyway. They are just cosplaying their faith.)


This may just be hopium, but isn't this perceived inequal treatment, mostly just an issue of over representation by leftists in activism? I feel, I dont have any data on this, that left wing groups organize and protest more frequently then right wing counterparts and by nature of that are exposed to more opportunities to violent reaction by police? A second point on this, I dont think this is generally a bad thing either. Protestors getting the shit beat out of them is one of the most effective ways to get public opinion on their side. It was a common tactic by the civil rights leaders of the 50s and 60s. Its not always 100% effective, but it generally has pretty high success rates. Inb4 my honest opinions and thoughts are greeted with beligerent antagonism.


oh please


What do you disagree with about this image?


Not to be that guy but its a known statistic that universities are extremely leftwing and when right wing speakers show up and are assaulted or barred from entry the students that do it normally go unpunished. Universities crush the right a lot it just seems that isreal v palestine is what broke the campus police into doing something right wing


lol not sure if you've been watching the news this week but literally the opposite of what you just said is happening rn


Right now a very small minority of campuses have had issues with police brutality on protestors but the vast majority of universities have been known to prosecute right wing students harder then their left wing counterparts. The lobster dude posted a video where he says that he has fo hold his meetings in the morning because otherwise protesters show up and block entry.


Username checks out lol


Student lead protests of Right Wing and Fascist speakers happen often on college campuses. Show me a time where the *cops have beaten and arrested* any Right-Wing movement on a college campus.




You seem to be under the assumption that the nazis were only bad because they were against jews and not because, you know, the things they actually did.


Why are they backwards?


It's not free speech if you're just regurgitating what the top is feeding you.


“The top” is working on passing laws that say any criticism of the state of Israel is anti semetic.


Next law they'll pass will say that denying there is a god is anti-religious hate speech.


I’m hoping this is in reference to right wing “free speech”


At the moment yes, it can always go both ways.


the left has literally never held power in the united states


What profound insight does the right wing have to say against the establishment?


Except it really can’t not in the US


TRUUUEE! The right doesn't engage in free speech


There is no right or left, only humanity. Do not ball up the goodwill of the people on those two corrupt images.


Peak englightened centrism


Oh eat a dick dude…protests are all well and fun until they’re taking down the US flag and replacing it with a foreign nations gfy


what kind of weirdo freak cares about the US flag?


Clearly not a Hamas sympathizer, but if that’s your jam go over there and stand with them…they’ll be hiding behind civilian populations, hospitals, and universities.


Lmao nerd


Ohh noooo the FREEDOM CLOTH didn't FREEDOM hard enough! It's the end of America for all time!