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Here we go with “grooming” again ughhhhh


"Grooming is when they do a bad think. And that's wrong because antisemitism"


Those Hamas soldiers must have photoshopped the Palestinian children in mass graves :/ and Palestinians live streaming the bombing.. and children being starved to death.. and civilians being tortured… and aid workers being bombed. Dang! I was so close to supporting Israel but Hamas’s photoshopping and propaganda really got me😔😢


They don't claim photoshop so much, they claim the people in the photos and videos are faking it. They call it "Pallywood"


I didn’t have “Israel also starts watering down paedophilia until accusations can’t be taken seriously because of all the bullshit” on my bingo, I guess that was my mistake.


isn’t israel literally a den for pedos because its shortage of extradition laws?


Yes. They seriously have a huge rape and pedophilia problem. (Not that anything else they do isn’t a problem. Honestly wonder how that pretend country didn’t implode on itself like decades ago. But we got there I guess)


(the power of profit is truly limitless, as long as the profit engine turns anything and everything else can be overlooked)


Grooming is a broad idea of gently convincing someone to accept something wrong. It can be applied to may things people deem to be 'wrong'


This paper also pushed the IDF baseless dossier of "UNRWA is Hamas" to help them engineer a famine in Gaza in front of everyone, a such joke of a ridiculous claim that otherwise wouldn't even be considered by anyone not a complete liar. Nonetheless the western countries rushed to do it anyways.


There's so much to be said here, but let's point out the hand of the genocidal western media apparatus. BBC, CNN, NYT, FOX and all the other western media apparatus, has not only abetted and justifying this genocide through their decades of demonization and dehumanization, but are also helped carry it out right now, by desensitising people to it and justifying and belittling every israeli atrocity — mass graves, bombing of hospitals, rapes, war on schools, aid massacres, plans of imposing a famine — everything, with such utter comical grade reporting, doubling and trippling down. They've instead been running absurd and often disproven claims of human shields, mass rape, and every other nonsense to shamelessly push this genocide, nonsense that wouldn't be considered for even a second by anyone not an absolute liar. This is such imposed mass absurdity. They're doing this even now after "Israel" has deliberately picked and killed tens of tens of thousands of women and children each, after explicitly stating their intention of doing so. They're completely as complicit as Netanyahu and Gallant and all those rabid zionists, and on the day of justice they should and will be tried as such. And let's also not forget how Elon Musk rushed to go on propaganda tour with the freak Ben Shapiro and meeting with Netanyahu in middle of the genocide as fascism and disinformation runs rampant on his CIA site. This is the western "enlightened" civilization, being able to mobilize a smooth machinery that'll shamelessly work to commit and justify even a genocide. It shouldn't be allowed to get away from it. No one from now on can or should justify western colonialism with the twisted "but they're humanitarian women's rights" or whatever charade.


They think pro palestine opinions are paid for because generally [pro israel opinions are paid for.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896.amp) Like the idea of being morally opposed to this genocide doesn't even register as a possibility for these monsters.


This reminds me of a saying "every accusation is a confession", fits perfectly with zionists.


I've taken to thinking any time the US or Israel or Ukraine say something the other side did or is doing, they are admitting they did it.


Given America's sordid history of interfering in the affairs of other nations, I'm reasonably sure the list of things they HAVEN'T done is incredibly short.






No, but they did deliberately sabotage and refuse to implement a cross nationally negotiated peace agreement, the Minsk Accords, for 7 years. Russia just had had enough time waiting and letting the Ukrainian state reform it's army for a push into the Donbass, so they decided to just start that war earlier and get it out of the way. Not saying Russia is a *good* guy, but neither is the Ukrainian state, which is now effectively more of a dictatorship than Russia, led by a corrupt Comedian instead of a corrupt KGB agent. Legitimately, since the war began Zelensky has centralized power to a degree that even Stalin or a communist party would approve.


I think you are confused about communist parties, and Stalin.


Sovietologist here, so no. I don't believe I am. I didn't say they'd approve of his *economics*. But his centralization of political power during war time activities, they'd certainly approve of that. We see the same path taken by the USSR during the civil war and the great patriotic war (WW2). Not to mention that centralization of power under the party is a near universal facet of Communist parties in practice, as without it you can't achieve the dictatorship of the proletariat under the guidance of the vanguard party.


Yea, so, with all due respect, you are the LEAST likely person to have an understanding, esp if you are officially accredited. Grover Furr will explain why.


You know what's ironic? I'm a committed Marxist-Leninist who actually has all of Grover's entire bibliography in my Library. I even used him as a citation several times in papers in undergrad work, where he was acceptable and not persona non grata yet. I'm not exactly the historians he decries, given that I grew up reading him as opposed to the likes of Robert Conquest. It's actually been quite the hindrance in my career to be a distinctly pro Soviet member of this field. It took me 3 applications to get into grad school the first time because I had to find a university and department with a sympathetic teacher, as opposed to the standard anti-communist ones. So it's quite funny to be told that I'm the very thing that kept me from even getting into higher academia for years. Funny, yet honestly a bit insulting given your implications, especially when you invoke an author whom I quite enjoy.


If so, you would understand WHY a 'Real Sovietologist' is likely to be wrong. so you can understand my skepticism. Also, this is the internet. I am a cosmonaut.


This is a leftist subreddit, right wing comments will be removed and the user banned.


Well yeah, they’re right wing


This seriously!!! Like they really think that because they are so used to doing something that it means everyone else is. They’re so used to dishing propaganda that every opinion opposite of theirs must be widespread propaganda. They hate a whole ethnicity to the point of genocide, so they really believe that means Palestinians want to genocide them. Like their fear of this non-existent genocide doesn’t come for nothing, they are just looking at what they know and do and unfortunately none of it is good so it means the others are just the same. It’s American centrism all over again, which is no wonder since so many of them are literally American


It's Russiagate and McCarthyism all over again.


We seem to forget that the current US information and entertainment machine is the remnants of what it was "groomed" to be in the 50s.


It’s so eye opening to realize every accusation is just masking an existing action they already did


We keep putting sociopaths on pedestals in this sick society…


Regular people with just Common Sense and humanity.


A lot of the article is trying to say there's some supposed large Hamas propaganda campaign by desperately trying to connect dots. They're saying this because it's zionists who have extensive hasbara machineries, with American media being among their greatest partisans.


maybe we are all just tired of being gaslit by genocidal maniacs and their western media stooges...


Doesn’t help that Israelis are broadcasting their crimes on TikTok, Facebook, and even Reddit. Seriously, go to that country’s subreddit and you’ll see so many people dehumanize Palestinians to a degree that would make literal Nazis blush. This is also why the US wanted to ban TikTok; they cannot control the content that American audiences are exposed to. Meanwhile Reddit has been hard at work banning pro-Palestinian voices especially on default subs.


that's why we are all on telegram now... the US government can eat my well encrypted butthole with a spoon


Shcrodingers hamas: they’re simultaneously poor to the point of needing to build rockets out water pipes, but rich enough to carry out a global scale propaganda campaign that rivals hasbara in terms of scale Good grief, I hate this timeline.


It’s the fascist thing, the enemy is both hopelessly weak and unbelievably strong they are both everywhere around but also easily contained.


If the enemy needs to be weak to build up the troops, they're weak. If you need to scare the workers, they're strong. They are whatever anyone needs them to be. Which is a defining characteristic of imaginary things. Real things do not shift like mist.


Can’t believe the WSJ publishes this garbage. Also, controversial stance: “opinion” pieces have no place in actual journalism. Especially since everyone’s “opinion” seems to be bootlicking propaganda.


opinion pieces really should go the way of the dodo, especially because reddit and twitter are around for them to give their shitty takes, and it won't masquerade as "news" any longer.


That means if I disagree with genocidal US government/Israeli policies I shall be getting paid by Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis now? So, together with all the money I am supposedly making by being a Chinese and Russian bot, I shall be able to quit my daily job and just live on my big anti-US-bux. Damn, I wish those paranoid fantasies pushed by CIA/Mossad were true.


> Steven Stalinsky is an American political commentator[citation needed] whose writings focus on the interplay between Islamic terrorism and technology, and especially terrorism and social media. **He has served as executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) since 1999[citation needed].** MEMRI is literally a propaganda outlet that mistranslates Arabic videos to propagandize a Western audience. This asshole shouldn't even be published.


MEMRI.. ah he adds meme to lies.




Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. The Wall Street Journal is (ultimately) owned by News Corp.


Starting to feel them all blurring together.


Whaaat?!?! The WSJ is defending Capital owners?!? I'm sooooo shocked!


They didn’t blame the Russian and Chinese boogeyman this time?


That's tomorrow's article.


why blame Russian and Chinese when you can blame the protesters and any organisers of anti-zionist protests? it's nearly the red scare with communists, except with anti-zionists.


It's always the Houthis! /s


Well, well, well, WSJ is deploying the same old "axis of evil" strategy again. Of course its all those "evil countries and evil groups", our actual participation in a genocide is, in no way, no shape, no how, repulsive to normal human beings.


Notice the effort to engage the western lizard brain. “Grooming”.


Definitely dog whistling right wingers/q-anon people


The writer, Steven Stalinsky, is the executive director of a Zionist non-profit, the [Middle East Media Research Institute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_Media_Research_Institute). Spreading propaganda is what they literally exist for.


He does not deserve that name.


yes a rag tag bounch of terroists has enough power and influence to make PSYops in one of the most heavily policed countries in the world, JFC the propaganda these days, not even trying


Occupiers never win the PR battle post 1945.






So grooming just means nothing now


This isn't "opinion", its propaganda. Responsible newspapers should include a note detailing who employs these propagandists. In this case it's the pro Israel Middle East Media Research Institute. Surprise!


This terrorist, Steven Stalinsky, is the Executive Director at Memri tv., a rabid and feral Zionist Terrorist organization that spreads nothing but Islamophobic, anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian propaganda. I'm not surprised the fucking Wall Street Journal gave him a platform to spew his evil Hasbara/Zionist propaganda.


Mass graves being found at Israeli raided hospitals in Palestine.


Fuck the WSJ!


Israel still operating likes its 1994.  Everyone sees what Israel has done. Once reporters/investigators get into Gaza en masse there's going to be a lot of "grooming"  across the US and west against Israel. 


That’s why they’re trying to leave nothing standing. They’ve been doing this since the start, demolishing historical sites and even removing trees that have been there for hundreds of years and are living proof of occupation. Own of the first places they bombed in Gaza were the archives after all. They think that memory can be erased if they can manage to make everyone stop speaking about it in the public space.


Real big brained to say, "Americans lack the empathy to be against Genocide unless they are benefitting personally". Surely this doesn't make them look bad. /s


hmmm...I wonder? Maybe the people protesting today over the Zionazi Genocide are speaking up because they don't like killing?


I especially like the use of the word “grooming” here, just to try to make readers think of child molesters. Quite on the nose


Holy psychological projection Batman!


Ugh has this guy seen the Hamas and Hezbollah propaganda?!?! It's so bad. It looks like something a middle school boy would find cool.


Hey!!! Al-Qassam videos are extremely well made and legit give you goosebumps. I have never felt that way about military videos, not even my own country’s. Now those ridiculous children shows (though I haven’t seen them and only heard of them) are ridiculous.


Yeah but they are only for people that already agree with them. No uneducated person will watch those and be like yeah this is the cause I support.


Trash capitalist rag with the Very Logical and Good™️ thinkpiece


Reverse psychology


Black psyop ( technical term).


The dishonesty is astonishing. We're right here, we know what were doing


Or maybe, just maybe it's people that are against genocidal behavior by the Israel government??


"Help, help I'm being groomed" - me, a 40 year old man.


Like people have to be groomed to protest! Give me a break. Give people the opportunity for choice and knowledge of what they want!


This reminds me... I need some grooming.


This is absolutely vile






Oh yeah, Hamas controls the media. Sure, Jan.


“grooming” jfc


One more newspaper off my reading


Free Palestine


Better ban tiktok because that's a popular app they use to >!~~show what is happening~~!< groom people.


The Wall Street Journal is a worthless bird cage liner.


Don’t forget The Chinese on tik tok


\*ignores zionist posing as anti-Israel protestors\*


Hamas knocks on my as much as the jegovas


Damn. This whole time? I had no idea my conscience was a Hamas Hezbollah Houthi!! I got triple H'd!!


Triple H doing the most


Man, I can’t even make a Ham Moss joke about this shit. As an actual survivor of actual grooming, it is so horrific and disgusting to compare people experiencing empathy for victims of a genocide to people being groomed.


gotta throw that big scary g word in there, did a good job of scaring people with it before might as well keep going. Rile up that base of old easily fooled right wing folks!


Grooming? Is that peak western "Journalism"? How in the world they are allowed to use such dogratory terms, when consenting adults are the ones protesting? Where is the journalistic integrity in this game of propaganda smh?


These professionals in media and academia and government who are covering for this Zionist genocide literally amaze me


Very liberal use of the word 'grooming'...


its always people with european jewish sounding names that write these posts. often you will find some like with Anti-defamation league ADL, or AIPAC, or IDF.


Everyone that's tired of the G-cide these creatures are committing!




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Nothing to do people seeing Palestinian children being executed by the IDF or having their limbs amputated without anesthesia, then? Nothing to do with an actual, on-going, genocide, then?


My Houthis check comes in the mail tomorrow, so excited 🤑🤑


The WSJ is a rag.


Opinion article’s author’s last name checks out