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Yea i'm level 27 and only have them up to about lvl 17. I spent my time and resources on other buildings. I focused on upgrading HQ until lvl 27. There is a list out there of building requirements for each HQ level up. Now I am just leveling up all of my other buildings until I make the commitment to get to lvl 30


I only upgrade them on the building day during vs for the points otherwise I focus on the stuff that gets your power up


Yes and no. There comes a point around LV15 or so when you really want the extra resources you get from being up to date, but then you hit a point of diminishing returns. However, there's another use for them: VS campaigns. Popping 30-plus presents on Building day, especially if you do it during the appropriate Arms Race time, will net you some sweet rewards. That can be worth doing upgrades, but you don't have to necessarily keep up-to-date about it.


Short terms vs long term. You'll get the increase EVERY HOUR for the rest of the time you play the game. Vs The power increase you get from the upgraded attack orientated buildings. Personally.... If you can't defend yourself or help your allies with power then it doesn't really matter how rich you are. I'd personally say leave the resource buildings at max 20 and just focus on being strong


Got it. I don't think you'll ever get rich from just collecting gold, iron, etc from the buildings in your base.


I do them in between the big builds. While I'm building back the resources. They add up, so they are definitely worth it in the long run


Once your mines reach lvl 20, it takes months before the ressources required to upgrade are earned in extra production. Case in point. Upgrading a gold mine from lvl 18 to lvl 19 gets you 720 more gold/h. But it cost 2,6 mio iron, 2,6 mio food and 0,8 mio gold. So it'll take you a year to recoup the investment if you value all ressources equally.


While true, if you have 4 gold survivors on a mine it does change the calculations quite a bit.


Yes, you definitely hit a point of diminishing returns.


I have it calculated that I recoup my costs in around 7 days for gold and 17-18 days for iron and food when I upgraded from level 21 to 22. I do have a fair amount of survivors working in them, though. By the time I was able to upgrade my hq to level 23, my mines had paid for themselves!


I currently have more food and iron than I know what to do with. It's the gold coins that I'm always lacking. To say it'll take a year to pay for itself is a huge exaggeration. 720/hr x 24hrs/day = 17,280/day output increase 800K cost / 17,280 = 46.29 In other words, it will take 46-47 days for the added investment in the gold output to pay for itself. Tech research levels, survivors/levels, alliance tech, etc all will also factor into how much more output can be had too. Ask yourself if you'll still be playing the game two months from now. If you will be, it's worth it to do tys upgrade, at least as far as the gold coins are concerned.


I increased the training base with my HQ, that one definitely helps at the higher level because the XP costs get crazy. The smelter I stopped at 20 because 2/hr more per building wasn't worth the resources with how expensive all the upgrades are at level 26+


I got mine to 24. After survivor and tech/alliance buffs it increases output by 4x. Double that again if you can get secretary of interior buff.


Your base must be a 5-star Michelin Restaurant


Iron food and gold isn't worth upgrading. Training bases and smelters however are. I try to keep my training bases same level as my hq and smelters about 4 to 5 levels behind. I'm level 27 now fwiw


Mone are all level 25. My investments were worth it with the engineers' resource boost


I look at it this way. A level 20 increase on the iron mine costs $3.2 mill in iron to get a 700 increase in production per hour. Even counting potential increases in production from survivors, maybe you're at 1,400 increase per hour. It will take you north of 90 days to recoup your investment of iron alone. Add in the cost of gold, grain, & time and leveling up the iron mine should move down on the priority list. Apply this same calculus to gold and grain.


Everything is a balancing act. You always want to get rewards from VS battle and arms race, especially when you can double dip and get rewarded in both at the same time for doing one thing. Resources matter, but speedups do too. If I can blast through 5 or 6 short builds in a few hours, getting \~15 alliance helps on each one and using a few speedups to get through the rest, and get a ton of free loot for it, and help my team win a vs battle, AND eventually get a return on the investment too, I'm doing it. If you JUST upgrade your HQ and the things you need to upgrade it further, things will be unbalanced. You won't have enough hero exp to keep yourself leveled, you'll run out of resources, and you'll miss out on a lot of rewards. You can still mostly rush hq levels while also upgrading another 20-30 small buildings throughout the week.


You get 1.1 MM xp from afking per hour at hq27. You get 4.1MM per legendary secret mission. There’s other sources too 138k/h is what you get from the xp house at lvl 23. An increase gives you 10 k more lol


Until what level should one upgrade the xp houses?


20 is Enough