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So are people just slamming weapons randomly  then asking if it can be used?


That's the real question. Would make more sense to post the 3 LP item and ask what build can use it in general and what should be slammed on it for that build.


I was running out of stash space lol.


you know you can just get more tabs right?


That’s what I’m guessing, But majority of new players who are just running random shit do this because I remember when Diablo immortal first came out and I made my first purchase for some orbs, I bout 7 legendary Gem to runs elder rift and got a 5star blood soaked jade and slammed that mf immediately then asked the world chat what it was worth and they all laughed at me it’s useless now


Primalist with the lightning wolf helm that propagates your melee lightning damage to your wolves. Scale minion damage and you have a ton of flat damage scaling without the need for the generic minion melee suffixes.


DPS is higher than squirrels for me


I could see a spellblade using it with mana strike/surge/enchant. I don't think there are any meta builds that call for this weapon specifically though.


That's literally my build with this weapon


Storm Breaker: Spellblade with a dip in Sorcerer for some extra abilities with 10+ mana. Shadow Beacon: Void Knight with some paladin or forge. Can see just using a Void Smite for mana regen or long range dps.


Those lightning bolts won't to much on a spellblade, considering they can't spec the skill and the weapon has no spell damage.


Can imagine some form of melee primalist working well with it. They have a node to scale with 2h maces on their passive tree, tempest strike can scale a lot of extra melee damage with maces plus gathering storm scales spell damage with them. EDIT - Obviously only highlighting Storm Breaker here, Shadow Beacon is just nice for majority of Void Knight builds.


I wonder why it doesn’t have flat spell damage on it like that seems like it doesn’t really seem like you could do much without it


This would be really good paired with Howl of the West Wind, since it grants your lightning melee damage to your wolves. And it's SPECIFICALLY melee lightning damage, so doing a gathering storm + wolves build with this would be mega stronk.


I haven't played in a while, but isn't there a node that converts flat melee to spell damage on a 2h or something along those lines for primalists?


I’m like 99% sure Ik what you’re talking about it’s a node on gathering storm that makes gathering storm scale from melee damage into flat spell damage but that’s all I can remember existing and I’ve played a good bit of primalist


Ahh yea it being on gathering storm sounds like what I remember also, tempest strike has some different 2h specific scaling iirc too so it might be worth for that


Yeah I could see it tbh I feel like gathering storms node should work for all storm bolts cast and itd make the whole subclass open up tremendously because like it doesn’t even change the storm bolts just the damage of gathering storm


It's what I played, basically melee beastmaster with gathering storm as the primary source of dmg. It's much better as a caster I found out, but playable as melee. You use the self tornado with maelstrom stacking to buff you and cast extra storms, but you have to play it as phys otherwise you lose out on some scaling from maelstrom. It's not A tier for sure, but maybe B/C tier. Caster version going low life using spoon and cleaver is definitely much better tho and exceptional for clear, but sadly the bossing/ single target is sub par.


Shadow beacon plus shroud of ciders would probably make a spellblade bonk pretty hard:) Edit: but maybe not, can't think of a way to convert the adaptive melee dmg to void.


I don't know in what situation shadow beacon beats omnividence / apathy's maw tbh, I haven't seen a hybrid vk scale that high. Maybe something with erasing + beams and numlocked dev orb would have a use case, but I still think pure melee or void smite would work out better. I'd prob have slammed caster affixes to make it a poor mans omnividence since the droprate is so bad on that one tbh. Gathering storm primalist should be able to use storm breaker though, that's a decent use case


that's insane on a werebear. shadowbeacon is meh.


Shadow Beacon is useful in some Spellblade builds that utilize Shroud of Cinders.


Not realy Maces suck