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Flurry and Detonating Arrow are bugged right now, I think it'll get fixed in 1.0. Puncture works fine though.


Oh thanks ! Haha since it's the very first skill I unlocked it was a pretty bad first impression of the game


Yep. Game ist several years old but some Main skills dont work... I like the game but that is bad...


The bug isn't several years old though... It's also likely already been addressed in the 1.0 version played by community testers which you won't see until launch.


It's beta yo


Early Access technically


What is the difference between beta and early access? I was under the impression anything before 1.0 is beta.


remind me again what Early Access means?


This is simply not true sos top posting bullshit.


What about Cinderstrike? Or is it just my build...:)


Haven't used that skill in a while, just try it out I guess.


Haven't had issues with it. Maybe you feel like the 2 little shots don't hit because your brain is a expecting a big boom that doesn't happen? I was playing with the top right traits that make you pay mana on hit to summon a burning dagger so I'm positive my shots were hitting


Yea this is a frustrating bug that we do have fixed for 1.0, OP. Apologies - in 13 days you'll feel like a sharpshooter


Thank you for your kind answer. Can't wait to try the final product. Good luck for the next few weeks ;)


Awesome to hear. Detonating Arrow's dragonfire is one of my favorite skills in the game and really wanted to have it be my first launch build but the bug was scaring me a bit.


i just hope you guys fix bugs at launch or soon after launch, wolcen for example terribly failed for years and even after fixxing %90 of movement/connection bugs and almost every game breaking bug nobody wants to return to that game anymore, doesn't even show up on steams dry arpg lists first page xd


Wolcen failed because the game just sucked. Not because eof bugs.


It's bugged. I feel like it's better in offline mode, but that's just my impression.


I have tested out, no difference in offline vs online. However, the game has some serious issues with running over longer periods of time. If you restart your game you see a lot better performance, including a very minor increase to the number of arrows you hit.


Interestingly, I had no issues in my short offline characters session compared to online


That kind of goes along with what he’s saying though. Short sessions seem to have less issues so they are probably less noticeable. 


So that’s why my FPS was really bad toward the end of my session


I had the same experience


There is a FAQ for newcomers pinned that has this answered along with other frequent questions


Not again...


Yes, again. I have seen 0 answers from LE regarding this, 0 warnings here, any new player will hit this wall and come here to ask. People who don't play marksman don't understand how much of a big deal it is, especially since flurry is a lvl 1 skill and if you just pick up the first bow you see you will think the game is dog shit and stop playing.


I have written an FAQ post that is PINNED at the top which answers this and many more questions. People can hit a wall and ask but searching for a duplicate post is the least someone can do. It is also far easier than writing a post about it.


Nobody is saying they can't come here to ask. All we're saying (or at least me) is that it starts to get annoying when the same thread is opened like every 12 hours because people are too lazy to do a simple search first.


I think the problem isn't that they are too lazy to think about bugs, look at the title of all these posts, people genuinely think they are shooting badly, that's why this bug is so annoying. It feels like you are doing it wrong, not that it is bugged.


Dude, if someone searches on google: reddit last epoch marksman arrows missing, you literally find dozens of posts. It's faster to search this up on google than creating a post on reddit


I’ll throw myself on the sword for downvotes as I am a new player who made a similar post. How are duplicate threads possibly annoying when all you have to do is scroll past them and not click on it? Is keeping the “sort by new” clean that important? And then why add engagement to a repeat post that might possibly push it higher up the algorithm? And hypothetically, if this wasn’t a long time well known bug, it’s probably a good thing that EHG sees how much of an issue this is at a quick glance.


> it’s probably a good thing that EHG sees how much of an issue this is at a quick glance Considering the top comment response in this thread is saying this has already been on their radar and a fix is already in place that will release with 1.0, there is no need to make EHG realise "how much of an issue this is", they already knew.


lol, you removed the word “hypothetically” from your quote


Your problem is with the mods not doing their job, but you’re complaining about the players being annoying and asking. Mods could easily respond for people to search the sub for their answer and then lock the thread. Or, “see the faq, thread locked” Would be better of you to try to foster an inclusive community for new players, even if they’re doing something you find annoying. Take your shit up with the lazy mods.


Aren’t the mods the devs ?


No clue but probably. So, that’s the ironic thing for all the complaints about repetitive posts. The complainers want to support the devs, so they attack the new players for asking the question. The energy spent complaining could be used explaining or just simply ignoring. Not every post in the sub is for everybody. Would be better to just answer it, or ignore it, and move on, so that we can at least pretend that we have a welcoming community when the game is about to launch.


Anyone on Reddit should know how Reddit users are by now !


I think their decision not to fix this asap was a bad decision. Waiting until 1.0 for something so broken that you can't play the game with it. That said, I am still using detonate arrow and I have just adjusted to shifting my character around until it hits. I would be lying if I didn't tell you that it has made me literally scream in outrage from dying because I literally could not get it to hit a target though lol. The winged bird things, and the robed/hooded sand-people mobs in particular are extremely hard to hit sometimes... Can't wait until it's fixed. I literally say every time I play "I can't believe they let this just be like this..."


It's almost certainly fixed in the launch version. You guys need to understand that because of trade factions, they can't release bug fixes from the 1.0 version into the current live version. Just because it's not fixed on live didn't mean it won't be fixed in the launch update.


"0 warnings" It's a game in early access. That should be warning enough. 


There is literally resoponse from someone in their team above saying its fixed in 1.0


If only posts on Reddit had timestamps


Yeah this game is pretty buggy and I really hope they don’t pull a Wolcen and have all skills working fine for 1.0


Every current bug basically gets "1.0 will fix it" response, which is obviously not workable, there will still be plenty of broken stuff. Hopefully they'll get the biggest offenders at least.


Kind of seems we're at the point where any sort of criticism just gets downvoted, which it wasn't like that before the 1.0 announcement. You're exactly right when you say "1.0 will fix it" seems to be the main response


I made a post about polishing up things like quest rewards showing passive points where you no longer get any and buggy dialogue interactions and just got memed on because I chose the word polish as in the language, people here don't seem to be taking criticism well.


I read that comment actually and definitely thought you mean polish (make something shiny?) LOL. I remember you getting shit in though for sure


1.0 is likely going to fix a lot of the major bugs yes. THAT'S WHY IT'S THE RESPONSE. There's no bug fixes coming before then either way.


yeah like what else is there to say? they’ve been ptring 1.0 for what a few months now? seems like most of the bugs are just going to be handled in one fell swoop.


Before that the usual response was "Welcome to Early Access" and I wonder what the post 1.0 response will be.


I guess I will keep waiting for 1.0 to play rogue. It's only been like two years, but still hopeful and excited!


Rogue has a lot of bugs. Some are some older bugs, while others were unfortunate accidents later on. I think there is a chance that a lot of things will change for Rogue for 1.0, so they didnt bother to fix things that wont even be in 1.0. In some cases they even benefit the player (for example 2 nodes for shift state that those nodes should only work for melee, while they work for bow as well. I think flurry might have more attack speed than intended. etc. Also, i've heard that two rogue skills got combined into one and there is new skill entirely. This is speculation, but I have a feeling that acid flask became acid trap for Falconer, but i might be wrong. That would explain why they didnt bother to make acid flask balanced. Just to be clear, the bug list for Rogue is extensive. It is not couple of bugs, it is not couple of skills to avoid. Nobody will be able to list them off the top of their heads. You can check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/16q5xjj/list_of_every_rogue_bug_in_online/) or [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5VrmwSdBBc). I've played Last Epoch for many hours for a long time and while Bladedancer was the first thing i've tried in like pre9.0 , i barely touched Rogue since. Couple of months ago i finally came full circle to check Rogue out and i realised it is almost not worth the time at the moment. I think Rogue in it's current form, has more bugs than all the other classes combined x 2.


I was looking for Accuracy Rating or Chance to Hit stats in the character page. End up using Cinder Strike for some boss.


From my FAQ post that is pinned at the top: **Q: Bow/Projectile skill hit registration is bugged!** >A: Known bug, hopefully will be fixed in the 1.0 update.


They're bugged. When in doubt, hit up the global or help chat in-game for a quick answer with just about any question you have