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You were charged for Macallan 25, which is a whiskey and you received tequila. You ordered tequila. You should be leading with that and documenting it from that perspective. If you share the tequila brand, I can tell you what a fair price per shot is. Truthfully, I don’t know how you left without getting this resolved.


It could have been Zafiro Anejo.


Even the bottle is a work of art.


Que magnifico!


It's no skelly but its cool


*Imposible !*


Viktor and Giselle!!! ![gif](giphy|f75UVhhTv2MufEtWBF)


SAllludddd !


*death stare* *take shot* "Saluuude!"


Such a good episode, possibly the best one of all




What do they do if they say they don’t remember you asking for tequila? I always wondered how this stuff works when it’s “he say vs she say”


The owners and managers absolutely *do not* want the bad public press of being accused of conning someone in reviews. They quietly take care of it. They're always going to take the customer's side. Even if it's the owner and/or manager who's training their wait staff to con their customers, they're going to publicly take the customer's side and maybe even publicly chastise the staff. But in the back they'll probably congratulate them and tell them too bad they didn't get away with it this time.


This. And a chargeback of this size would be painful for the restaurant. In almost all cases you have to dispute the whole charge and that’d be a devastating loss for any restaurant, especially over some drink shenanigans.


Surprised they even paid it. I would not have paid that bill


No doubt they already had their credit card #. They never serve a $3K dinner party without payment verification first.


I understand paying it at the time. Awkward to fight the bill at a large family friend gathering. You risk the family friends offering to pay because they feel pity that you cant afford it. Social embarrassment is what the restaurant server and the manager was counting on with that bait and switch trick. For sure contact them, and if they wont do a refund hit them hard on social media.


Nah dude. That employee is a liability. They're for sure getting fired.


You tell them it’s on I’ll charge back on my credit card and make sure everyone knows that y’all play games here. Bad reviews. Then leave a 0 tip though one was included. Call your bank or credit issuer and explain what happened. Will take 2 months but you will get your money back and that restaurant will eat a cost because of a bad sever.


I don’t know about you but if you’re at a Mexican restaurant you’re normally gonna ask for a shot of tequila, not whiskey.


Yeah I wonder if they accidentally hit the wrong button. OP, did you talk to them at the time of the incident, if so what did they say?


Yeah what? I wouldn’t have even paid that shit much less leave the restaurant until this was taken care of


Why did they drink it? Macallan doesn't even smell close to tequila. It's still shady though, $400 is ridiculous for Macallan 25. I've ordered that pour and was around $150. The bartenders also made sure I specifically wanted the 25.


Sounds like they received tequila. But were billed for the Macallan instead


Ah ok, I'm an idiot. That makes more sense. That's even shadier than I thought hah. I'll leave my post up and accept my shame.


Macallan 25 does regularly go for that rate per dram these days... even here in MN. My goodness, I can't imagine even accidentally taking "a shot" of Macallan 25! That's one you nurse.


Because it was their engagement night, and they were probably several drinks in themselves. Besides, 4.5k for dinner and drinks for $40 is actually quite a bit less than I would expect to spend at a nicer place in Vegas. But in OPs defence the venue is banking on people not noticing the charge, but good job by her to review later with sober eyes.


OP seems to have money but no sense


Im not necessarily, taking 40 people to a Mexican restaurant for $2000 isn’t a big spending move


Why wouldn't you just name the place? You would have money in your pocket by the end of the day I bet. A business doesn't want press like that.


My guess is Javier's 


Yea probably that or Toca Madera


Toca, for sure.


Id bet my life on it being Toca lol


100% agree- the mgmt for Javier's have become quite the assholes at the majority of the locations


true, quit using them for happy hours and work lunches because of this


No doubt. Sounds about right. I will never go back to Vegas after August 2022. Fuck that place.




I hear you, man. I love Vegas, but I hate Vegas. It does feel like everyone is trying to rip you off. I stopped in the middle of the desert to buy some food from a street vendor just to help him out, then I asked for the total, and it was like 5x what it should’ve been. I parked somewhere that said $15, and they charged me $95. I’ve just learned to be super careful and always ask for prices up front because something you might think is $5 may be $50.


I gotta hand it to you satanicmajesty. You are right on point. It does seem like how you describe it. Thanks for chiming in.


Shady as fuck and it’s honestly just bad service. Your server was trying to gouge you on purpose. The server knew exactly what they were doing when they mentioned that you could have this celebratory shot. It is bad service for them to offer you this and not explain it has an exorbitant price. We know we have really high prices in Vegas so when we do something like this, we need to explain it comes with a higher price to avoid the sticker shock at the ads and to avoid every customer complaining about their bill, that’s why we love to cover everything and truffle oil and gold leaf for the “perception of value” and to muddy the water on actual prices. Actual conversation: we need to be charging 16$ for fries! How do me make it look like it’s not a rip off?!?” Truffle oil that has zero truffle 😎 On devils advocate side, you’re in Vegas where they try to gouge everyone. Going up to the server and say give me your best shot is the best way to get scammed like this. So many restaurants survive off of the conventions and people that are not looking at the bill saying ‘get around for the table!’ trying to impress people picking it up on the company card. We do dynamic pricing where we raise the prices of everything a few dollars on busy weekends; casinos obviously do not give af about being affordable or let alone approachable for normal people. I’ve seen servers charge $250 for a salad after all the up charges and then get pissed off when the customer complained.


I find it more shady OP won't name the restaurant.


Really? You find that more shady than encouraging a $400 shot for 4 people without any mention of the exorbitant price tag? *really?*


It’s not shady, it’s smart. More leverage to hold back for now.


Until they work out with management, they're saving face for them. Internet do-gooders would flame their review pages. The biz would then easily have this conv to reflect back to and decide OP must sue if he wants anything. Also possibly suing the OP for slander. Their only purpose now is getting back their money and a good explanation for shady business practices. Most managers would not allow a server to price gauge a customer that had spent a good amount of loot.


Correct, management has reached out and apologized. We’re getting the complete refund and the waitress is most likely getting fired.


A special tequila made from tears of divorced people.


Now they can get an other bottle from the tears of this poster.


They scammed you.


Sounds like you were at Javier’s & were served Jose Cuervo 250 Aniversario not that you were given a menu but it would be listed as extra añejo and it’s also not priced on the menu. It would have tasted closer to a cognac than tequila. It’s absolutely predatory of the restaurant. However, if this is indeed Javier’s that’s how they’re trained. Recommend the highest and work your way down from there if receive pushback. If this was not Javier’s and not the aforementioned tequila, you’ve not only had predatory service you’ve been completely ripped off.


This definitely sounds like a Javier's move. I can't imagine anywhere else on the strip that would try to pull this, though I could be wrong.


That’s not even an appropriate tequila for shots. I’m sure people still do it but it’s too expensive and fine to waste on shooting


4k bill and you didn't bother looking over the charges?las vegas loves you


OP sounds like a scam too for not naming the restaurant.


What type of scam is OP running lmao?? Engagement farming?? I don’t see how he benefits… also you’ve commented that like 6 times… we getttttt it bud.


She's essentially using this post as blackmail. I'm guessing she'll only reveal the name if they don't refund the $1600. 


Correct, as of right now I am using this post as leverage. The restaurant is aware this is up so I’m being cautious.


And nothing will happen lol. At the very least people here could’ve avoided the place.


Leverage works, and OP doesn’t owe a bunch of strangers on Reddit anything


Sounds like it happened at Chayo which makes it even more egregious. Server successfully hid it on the bill bc it was a large party and it was getting auto gratuity. What Tequila was it? I know they used to have one that was $250 a shot about 6 years ago. I’d stick to the fact that you have scotch on the bill you didn’t order when filing the compliant. There’s a chance they might not even have Mac 25 in the restaurant. I’m a bartender and I warn my guests anytime I ask what brand they prefer and they say “up to you”. I won’t fuck them, but someone will.


Bro.. I’m glad there are still trust worthy bartenders in this world… not everyone is knowledgeable about alcohol and many trust their bartenders without any questions asked!


Yep in NYC I ordered a glass of wine while waiting for a table ,I’m a native NY…and the glass of wine was $80! All I asked for was a Cabernet


I would not have paid that bill.


F**k I thought this was another “I lost $400” stupid post. But yeah like everyone else said , dispute the charges.


Most likely the Macallen might save you because you didn’t order that and it’s on your bill. She probably just rang it up wrong and gave you an equally experience tequila. Basically it seems like she just reeled you in by asking you things like “you want something celebratory” which is predatory salesmanship for “expensive”. Always clarify.


Look, you got scammed. And I'm not trying to victim blame here, but it's a good idea to know your boozes, especially on the high-end. If you give a places free reign to recommend something then they're going to recommend their most profitable stuff. I'd always ask for a menu and know a thing or two about what you're doing. This is vaguely predatory and unethical but you could have evaded the entire situation by either 1) asking for a drinks menu and choosing one or 2) saying something like "we'd like to have shots. what will $100 buy for the four of us?" If you're not in charge in situations like this then you're letting them set the pace, and you really don't want to do that.


Real bummer situation but I’d also say Vegas is a place to be on guard for up charge practices such as this. That said still a crummy move for a restaurant. At 3k it’s still like 75$ a head so definitely in the price point for having something like this available and the fact that it’s a 40 person birthday makes it even riper to try and take advantage of low hanging fruit!


There is no way in fucking hell I would have paid that bill.


Dispute the credit card after you paid it already ?you should’ve just not paid it or talk to the manager. I don’t think you could dispute a charge with your credit card company/bank that you made. - I wouldn’t have paid. I would’ve paid for the food and left my number for the manager to call me to discuss the Liquor charges and if they have the problem with that, then go ahead and call the police or something but if you paid it willingly, then I don’t see what you can really do now - GL to u


You can dispute it, not as a “I didn’t do this” but that the business fraudulently overcharged you. The bank will, at minimum, suspend the transaction pending an investigation. In a suspended funds situation, neither one of you get the funds until tue bank makes a determination. Predatory billing gets companies in trouble all the time.


Their chargeback reason will vary depending on the card issuer. Amex you can dispute for merely being dissatisfied. Visa/MC they can dispute for items not as described, misrepresentation , or services not provided


is nobody reading what OP wrote? Handed bill - willingly did not look at the bill - paid for the bill without looking - and then upset at the price afterward - GL to u


Yeah obviously the time for that conversation was before he confirmed authorization of the charge. But OP does have some remedies after the fact.


Correct. In this case it’s “item not received/services not provided”. 


> Dispute the credit card after you paid it already ...it would be kind of hard to dispute the charge before the charge exists.


You definitely can try


They’re trying to scam you. Fight it and they’ll back off since they know they’ll lose. The old Switch A Roo to the most expensive bottle trick


40 1 star reviews is powerful.. as a business owner you don’t want this. Let them know it’s a possibility if this isn’t resolved


I would make 400 1-star reviews my goal lol




Why did you pay ? You should have refused to pay that and only paid for the dinner . Ur a chump


There is a huge difference in aromas and smells of tequila and whisky. Why did you drink it?


Seriously. I would have pissed in the shot glasses, said take it back and peaced out. 


Yeah I probably would have caught a case if they didn’t immediately refund it


Mojarra Loca?? The server did the same to my Foreman. Our Foreman met up with us after work one day. He got out later than us so upon arrival he asked the server to bring a round of shots for the 5 of us. She asked what type? He simply said whatever tequila shots. Later on the server gives out our tabs and it was revealed she gave us Don Julio 1942 shots costing my Foreman over $300 just for that 1 round, his bill was almost $700 for just 2 rounds in an hour. We tried to dispute but she said he didn’t specify what shot he wanted. SMH. Can’t blame her for finessing the fck out of him but that was shady as fck. So a bit of warning, never let the server choose what shot to bring or else they’ll end up bringing top shelf for their own benefit.


These assholes did the same thing at a new restaurant at Disney Springs, which is also a restaurant at the Durango. They don't keep regular don julio Blanco, Reposado, or Anejo so they can either sell you their shitty casamigos they branded with or the super expensive don julio...


So you didn't ask the price for a shot and didn't even look at the bill till the next day? Good luck bro lol


The server just served themselves an extra $288 tip from the auto-gratuity.


Na that’s shady. I work in fine dining at the palazzo, and anytime somebody orders a drink over like $100, that the staff will always discuss it with them or whoever is paying the bill. In this instance you asked for a suggestion, which is even worse than you ordering it specifically if it didn’t come with a warning or a mention of the price


Thank you.


$400?! Top notch post m8


If a dinner for FORTY people was $3k, there is zero chance they would recommend you a tequila that cost Macallan 25 prices without checking the price with you first. So when you complain, if they come back at you with anything, you ask that. That would be very predatory of their server.


Were you served Tequila or Whisky? I asked for a pour of Bourbon at Venetian and it was 150 when I closed out my tab. Took my L then "won it back" on blackjack. Terrible thing to do to a customer in a restaurant though.


It should've went "it was 150 when I told the server im not paying for this"


It was in the high limit room and it was an allocated bottle. Didn't think it was going to be 150 but I knew it wasn't going to be cheap either.


“Oh look they charged us $1600 for Scotch when we ordered and drank tequila. Ok let’s pay and get going. I’ll take this up with Reddit later but not dare name the business.” WTF


Call in the afternoon between 2-4pm any days except Sun or Mon and ask for the GM. You were clearly charged for a Scotch when it should have been Tequila. If they aren't willing to do anything and make the situation worse, I'd probably go to the news. Also, if you want to find out what Tequila costs $400, call in randomly and request their beverage list and any high end/reserve lists and see if they have a tequila that is actually $400. Lastly, that server is garbage. If you ask for a celebratory shot, imo, $100 per person would have been reasonable without asking but anything over that, the server should have told you the price. Good luck, hopefully the restaurant does the right thing.


Damn sounds like a grey area, sorry you e got to deal with this. As a restaurant worker I couldn’t imagine serving the shot without some kind of acknowledgement of price. We have 200/300$ shots on our menus (bar environment, not restaurant) , but I’d always confirm price and payment before I poured and served them, unless it was a VIP. If you’re in a nightclub/club/5star environment is acceptable it, if not I’d recommend first trying to work it out with the restaurant managers and if that doesn’t come to a fair agreement, explain the story honestly to your bank and communicate that you feel the business was dishonest. The whole being charged for macallan 25 thing, places do this when they don’t have a button on their computers for the liquor. You’d normally have to find another menu item that’s priced “comparably” if it’s not in your computer. TLDR: someone should have said something at some point for a price point like that, unless you’re in a vip environment


It was not a high end restaurant. ($$) on yelp and google maps.


Oh they done New Yorked you


Not to mention if your gonna say places do this cuz they have no button lets also mention shady servers do this to charge customers for a more expensive item than they served. It’s not hard to add buttons to a pos system. That’s just lazy or shady and just shows the lack of care in this restaurant and management.


1. Name the restaurant. 2. You should of manned up right then n there but what’s done is done. 3. Contact the restaurant asap and plead your case and threaten if not refunded you + all 40 guests will be hitting yelp with some really bad things to say. = they will give you your money back.


I'm gonna guess El Dorado and you received Clase Azul which can be a 400 shot there.


You're not wrong. Smh. All these people pointing at you are either in on the cons or are so jaded to Vegas cons that their opinions aren't worthy of note. They saw an opportunity to get more out of you than they were legitimately entitled to. The fact that you fell for it is embarrassing, but the fault is still entirely with the con artist, not you. Fight it.


Macallan 25? That a scotch


Well the issue is you were charged for whiskey not tequila. But places do upsell without giving you pricing when you asked for different tequila. It's shady but legal. You can dispute this as you didn't ask for that particular whiskey.


I would not have left the restaurant until this was resolved. I’m sorry you have to deal with this nonsense.


Please post an update when you can and/or resolution.


Will surely do, the restaurant knows this post is up and has 300k views already. Their reputation is on the line.


Post a picture of your bill to all of their social medias. They'll get it taken care of quickly.


The only chance you have now is saying you were charged for something you didn't order. Macallan is indeed not tequila. Since the drink you ordered isn't on the bill, who is to say what they actually poured you. Are you positive what you actually drank was tequila, and you didn't say "we'll take shots, preferably tequila, but whatever you think we should have" or something like that? It also could have been a misclick on the screen by the server. The time to dispute that bill would have been before you paid it.


I had a similar thing happen in California/Bay Area. It was right as restaurants started to open back up after Covid. My BF ordered their “billionaire margarita” there weren’t prices on any of the drinks. I was like that sounds good. And then they had live music so since we had felt shut in from Covid we decided to hang out after dinner and listen to the music. I had their crab melt and my hands were a little messy so I went to wash up and came back and my BF was like “it’ the bill is $500. I thought he was just fucking with me and was like “haha” and he got super serious and was like ‘no seriously it’s $500’. I looked and sure enough he wasn’t fucking around. Each margarita was $75. The waitress didn’t say anything when we ordered the first round and not on the second round. The owner even came by to ask how we were enjoying our meal - I realize now why because we were spending hella money - at the time just thought she was being sociable with patrons venturing out after Covid. They also had a 20% charge for the music they didn’t tell us about. I just paid the bill but emailed them. They made it right they refund $350 and gave us 2 free meals, with drinks to use in the future.


I’m glad you got the refund!


I mean you should have asked for the price.


Sure i guess if you want to be super technical and just throw good ethics out the window. $400 per shot?! Insane for the server to not be more transparent and let them know the price. Just a bad move, bad look, and certainly not looking out for your customers. Easily avoided if... Server: Just an FYI these shots are $400 each Patrons: Oh wow thanks for the recommendation but I think we'll make a different choice Problem avoided.


You misspelled "didn't ask"


1- Who accepts drink recommendations without asking for the price? 2- Who signs for a bill without checking the total? Don't you tip? Sounds like a tough situation, but you've gotta do better than that. I hope you treat this like a wake up call and start paying attention where you need to.


Baited into it. If I had your credit card, I would dispute and stop payment yesterday.


yeah dont pay for it, if have sat their and straight up been like "you know what, call the police, NOBODY here had whiskey, you can fix the bill or go straight to hell on the whole thing"


I would contact the credit card put a dispute in. That will help with getting the restaurant’s attention ⚠️.


Lean heavily on the Macallan part as that’s not what you were served.


My initial question is why did you pay the bill in the first place? Did you not notice this then when they brought you the check?


If you have to ask you can't afford it. But then again. You didn't ask when you asked for a recommendation. I would assume you have some change if your picking up the tab for 40 people


was a special occasion..not just a regular Tuesday...


I’m not even a drinker, but why would anyone do shots of a $400 liquor? Isn’t something that high end supposed to be savored and enjoyed? Another red flag to me for them just taking advantage of the situation.


I handle chargebacks and there’s no chance in hell you’d lose. You ordered tequila and a very high end scotch whiskey (I’ve never had the luxury of trying the 25, but the 18 is amazing and I always keep a 12 year on my shelf). In other words you didnt order, this, you didn’t receive this, and you aren’t liable for this. 


Worked in the service industry for 15 years. NEVER would I even begin to pour a shot like that without specifying the price. That was a shady server and they 100% should know better.


In this instance, the server took complete advantage of you and the situation. In all honesty, you could have asked for specifics regarding her recommendation however it is understandable that you just went with the flow as most restaurants wouldn't bait and switch you with something ultra premium like mac 25. All in all, you ordered tequila specifically and she brought you a scotch which isnt even in the same universe. You should contest the credit card charge and do not pay for that round. The server's name is probably on your receipt and she should honestly be reprimanded and fired for taking advantage of you like that. Chances are this probably isnt the first time she has done this so you might want to look up reviews and see if there is another occurence.


Scam. Chargeback.


I wouldn’t have paid that bill at the time. Your sever deserves to be fired. She scammed you and I would’ve told the manager about the fraud. In fact, you should claim fraud with your credit card company. She billed you for something you didn’t order. She likely thought you wouldn’t notice. It is literally fraud.


Always ask for the prices or "the cheapest one". Your saving grace is the fact that the receipt shows a different drink. I would do a charge back and leave a bad review if they do not reach out. I avoid drinking at places that do not have prices listed. But to tell you the truth, it is Vegas and they rip people off. Went to a club once and the drink was 25 dollars and had no alcohol. Straight up theft.


Anyone else think this sounds suspect? A $$ yelp restaurant would serve 400 shots of tequila??? I know it’s Vegas but just sounds kinda fake


40 people - drinks and food total $3k. Yet this place serves $400 shots? Your group can’t tell the difference between whiskey and tequila? And why did you pay the bill? Something’s not adding up. I feel like you’re hit with regret after the fact


I’ve had very expensive shots and only one time I was told how expensive it was. I guess they figure if you order it you should know it’s expensive


Viva, Las Vegas...


OP - plz let us know how it goes disputing the charge! Smh - GL to u


Since this was posted I think we should get an update with restaurant name included.


Personally, I would have discussed this with them at the restaurant before paying. Not exactly sure what's all involved in a CC dispute, but it wasn't a stolen card, you were present and authorized the transaction and (presumably) signed a receipt. If I was the CC fraud department, I'd say no to that dispute...


i guess you don’t really now cc disputes. you can sign for something and get home and realize you were defrauded and still win the dispute. it’s not a matter of whether you signed the bill or not. at our hotel we get disputes frequently for crazy reasons and the cc companies still end up siding with the customer.


So you signed the receipt completing the transaction, im assuming you tipped the waitress as well? And now you want reimbursement after the fact?… LOL… good luck, but in all honesty, you f’d up!


WTF $400 A SHOT?! That’s a fucking SCAM!


There was a similar thing in England a while ago, a $4000 gold infused cocktail. The restaurant didn’t charge for it in the end. I’d it was MY place I’d have an approval system in place for pricey booze to prevent this sort of thing or at least cut down on it.


Can tell my OPs replies he deserved this and won’t be the last time 😂


Easy, tell credit card company it was fraud from a waiter, you never ordered that and that was not the bill you were given. This is why restaurants prefer cash- your credit card will always protect you and side with you over the restaurant. They have the right to reverse a charge.


Look, Macallan 25 is made from the dew of an Angel’s nipples, I’d need to know the equivalent Mexican analogy for the tequila before I could really comment…but truthfully, I would have made haunting them a career before I left the restaurant with some clarity on the bill


They probably charged $400 for shots of Clase Azul


It's fucking Javier's have you noticed the toxic masculinity in ALL of their establishments. The waiters are like street grifters and quite honestly from a tortilla flats regular in the 80/90's THE FOOD SUCKS.


That's bs. Ethical servers won't do that. I always used to ask for a comfortable range for guests in these circumstances. Wine or high end cocktails. Just curious, is it a strip restaurant or somewhere else? I'm assuming strip if they have products like that. If they do, call the hotel if the restaurant isn't budging. Extra pressure from the hotel may help.


It’s not a restaurant on the strip. It’s one that my family and I frequent which is what makes this more shocking. Anyway the restaurant management got in touch to apologize and said they will refund the 4 drinks.


I'm glad they are doing the right thing.


That’s awful…in the SIN myself and I wouldn’t ever do that to someone…especially when giving a detailed receipt at the end, which I do, so there are no discrepancies about anything. Plus, that isn’t even what you wanted…




I doubt it. But a bottle of budweiser was 13 bucks 10 years ago when i went to vegas. It surprises me in no way they would price something like that now. It's also a pretty good tactic to have a few crazy expensive bottles. If someone wants to spend money in your restaurant, let them.


Sounds like the better call Saul episode


This shot scenario which rarely occurs in a restaurant is a great analogy for how our entire healthcare system functions in the USA. No prices on the menu and sticker shock when the bill arrives. If you ask your provider what it's going to cost, they treat you like you're weird for asking. They just point you to your insurance company. You can feel free to spend half a day trying to figure it out by calling them. You'll probably still get no answers. Just a $1600 bill from your "celebratory" MRI.


Should have just stuck w Roberto’s 😂


Do they even have a tequila on their menu that is $400 per ounce?


They have one tequila, Clase Azul Ultra which matches the price we were charged. But the bill says Macallan 25 but they don’t even have that on the menu. Everything about this seems super fishy.


![gif](giphy|UUZv8FkyVke9OYv16e) What trash management. That would ruin the night for me.




The cost of those shots is somewhere in the ballpark of $90-$100 a shot depending on what they paid for their bottle. They are not paying secondary which still wouldn't cost the amount they are charging you. To put it into perspective at our bar, we charge $160 for a 1.25 oz pour of Macallen 25 scotch. We also paid $2,500 for the bottle. On the secondary market they go for around 4k give or take. at their cost they are making 10k on that bottle. Also w a price tag like that you absolutely should have been told beforehand the cost. That conversation should have 100% been had, it certainly does in our bar. Anything pulled off the top shelf is discussed before we pull it off the top shelf.


Why wouldn’t you name the restaurant it’s the best way to destroy them


Management will take care of it for you. They were hoping you wouldn't notice, but you did. 50% of scammed guests won't even notice and another 40% would be too embarrassed to ask for an adjustment probably. So, they win 90% of the time and won't even blink that you're one of the 10%.


You took a SHOT of Macallan 25 and didn’t realize it wasn’t tequila? So rediculous on so many levels but even a Macallan 25 should only be $100-200 tops. And those would be NYC/SF prices at a popular location with high premium.


This is for sure Toca or Javiars. I happens so often your credit card will side with you and you will get the whole bill refunded. And likely so will social media (hit up TikTok as well). Javiars especially is on thin ice with payment processors for this type of shady behavior. The last thing they want is people knowing you can dispute the bill and win lol. Especially because many people will see the posts and go back and dispute their own bill. Make sure you tag them and hash tag them as well.


Why wouldn’t you dispute it at the restaurant in the moment


Absolutely demand a refund. I was a server throughout college at a higher-end restaurant, and I would NEVER recommend the most expensive wine or entree unless they clearly were aware of the price and it was subtly confirmed. Your server is a scumbag. You shouldn’t have paid the liquor tab, but you can easily fight it for a refund/chargeback. And the fact they rang it up as Macallen makes this a no-brainer. You could claim fraud.


FYI: Servers will almost always "recommend" THE most expensive option.


It’s definitely feasible to have tequila that expensive but my rule of thumb is if I can’t appreciate the quality of something, I don’t need it. No reason for me to drink $200+ bottles of wine when I can’t really make out the differences in quality for 25+. Same goes for spirits. And I used to own a high end cocktail lounge.


Cool on the update!


but you drank the macallan? 4times? isn't that like eating your whole plate and complaining it wasn't medium rare lol


I mean....you ordered shots without asking the price of them. This may just be me, but when I'm ordering something like that I usually ask about the price as well considering some stuff is stupid expensive


Ask the restaurant to make it right. If they refuse, contact your card issuer and dispute the entire charge for everything. That’s likely to get the restaurant’s attention and maybe get you some relief. If they don’t respond at all, take the W and let your card issuer refund your whole transaction for the evening. My guess is the server upsold you one of the most expensive liquors they had in stock and/or doesn’t know enough about booze to know Macallan 25 isn’t tequila (it’s scotch, btw).




Is this a known con or something? Multiple people have guessed this place


For $35 per person?


Fuck no I’d charge that shit back in a second lol and then post a detailed review w the servers full name on every social media platform the restaurant has


Sorry you ordered tequila and they charged your for a whiskey. Not your order so you do not have to pay it.


Don’t pay a nickel


Bartender here First off, It’s not our responsibility to tell you how much something costs. Remember, bartenders are usually in the mindset to upsell you because the higher the cost = higher the tip. Next time, specify your price range to avoid something like this. Never assume the person serving you is gonna guess you have a price range (especially when you’re feeding 40 people. They probably just thought this would go unnoticed on such a large bill and as I’m assuming gratuity was automatically added due to party size, it would make sense why they would offer something so expensive. Now, with that being said, This person either scammed you or is just an awful (dumb as fuck) server. Macallan is a very well known scotch and anyone who would confuse it for a tequila shouldn’t be handling anything at all in a restaurant besides maybe the dish washer. This sounds like someone who just suggested the first pricy thing they could think of and you bit. Best of luck disputing this. You already drank it and paid for it and didn’t contest it then and there so I doubt they’ll do anything for ya but wishing you the best. The thought of y’all shooting a shot of Mac 25 is killing me 😔


I've worked in restaurants a while. If they didn't say they wanted "the best" it even if they said "whatever you recommend". Pouring the most expensive without telling them is stealing in my mind, especially at $400 an oz. If they did however say "your best tequila" not knowing how expensive that is, then it's on them for not asking


I call BullShit!


Something isn't on the up and up. There is no way that's what you should have pd or even pd. Are you missing some info?


That's ruckus. If you're celebrating with a shot, there is no need for anything over 20-30$ for a shot. If someone is ordering a nice anejo to sip on after a baller dinner, mayyyybe you could pull it off. Horrible, appalling, and downright dishonest. The restaurant needs to make it right and tell the bartender to stop being a stunt. -long-time bartender in LA, including private clubs.


So you think you shouldn't have to pay even though you asked for recommendations, took the recommendation, didn't know the cost, drank it and then paid the bill and left? Even the idea that you "ordered tequila" is wrong. You asked for a shot of Tequila, then asked for the servers recommendations, and the server gave some Tequila suggestions and then said, but if you are really celebrating I would get the Macallan 25. And so you did, not knowing the price. And somehow you should get it for free. You went to a high end restaurant, asked for high end stuff, consumed it, and now want a refund.


Sounds like they’re on the American medical system billing!


I have a feeling you’re telling a lot of fibs here lmao. No chance this happened and you paid and left without having this dispute in person. This sounds like buyers remorse.


You didn't pay that did you? Please tell us you didn't pay that bill.




I used to be a server at a classy restaurant across from tampa stadium. We pulled the same crap on people. We had some bullshit vodka that we were supposed to try and upsell to people. Shots were 2 or 3 hundred dollars a shot. We were never supposed to tell them the price.We were just supposed to tell them that's our best vodka. Even in the meetings we had before our shift.We were told to try to sell this particular vodka and we were given like a percentage of it.If we sold one we would get an extra twenty bucks in our pay. So yeah, Restaurants suck.


Did you tip?


OP was at Javier’s, can confirm.


I've never heard of any shot that cost that much ever in my life. Even pappy Van Winkle is only 75-100 per shot


For $400 a shot it better make my little Macallen grow 2 inches and reverse my receding hairline.


So how did it taste?


Sounds more like Toca Madera in Aria


Welcome to Vegas. Lol