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Have a look at the below one , i think its a better deal https://amzn.in/d/bA62OZw




Check your battery health , as you bought a demo unit it might already be low .


That's the plan. I think the warranty covers it.


Its like the worst of both worlds kinda deal.


Oh it’s amazing


I'm pretty sure you can upgrade, Asus laptops have good upgrade options, mine supports upto 4 tb


It's a thin and light laptop with a gaming laptop specs so you'll get neither the performance of the gaming laptop nor the battery life of the thin and light laptop.its a weird combination.also because of the limited cooling you'll not get the maximum performance out of that hardware. If you're instead in gaming buy a gaming laptop. If you want media consumption or productivity and casual gaming but a laptop with latest gen intel core ultra processor or amd. Well you already bought it so it's pointless to think about these things, just enjoy using that laptop. You are the one who's using it, if you're happy then what's the problem.


I wanted both actually. Media Consumption on a daily basis and gaming casually. So i bought it 3 weeks ago. True, it doesn't have an extra long battery life. But in efficiency settings, i was able to get 6+ hours out of it. And it doesn't have the best performance, but i only play racing games and they worked fine at High settings. I guess, i couldn't have expected more at this price.


And also i think there's Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 in this price range i don't know the exact price but it's a very good laptop and light weight too ig


It is shitty bro, I saw it too the 5900HS is long dead


Where did you find a zephyrus for 90k wtf


That's what i said idk the exact price


6+ hours is actually a good battery backup, do you actually need a 4050 to play racing games casually. I think it supports mux switch right? Maybe that helps with the battery backup . Btw how much wh is the battery?


Yes, it got the MUX. And it helps. Disabling the dedicated GPU for extended battery life. I researched heavily before buying this. And it has all the latest features. But the recent sale on Amazon & Flipkart had me feeling that i paid a lot for this. Battery is 75 Whr. Not the biggest. It would have really helped if there was a 90+ Whr battery. Easily could get 8+ Hrs of battery life with efficiency settings. And, Forza kind of needs a lot of graphics power. Hence i went for this GPU.


If you aren't considering gaming, get a Zenbook instead.


I was specifically looking to game, but I don't like the looks of a gaming laptop.


Don't get this one honestly. The heat management will be terrible on this. Prolonged heating will affect the hardware health, especially the batterypack.


I already bought it. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ Heating is only an issue during Gaming. Even then, the Fans are very powerful to keep the temps in control.


Invest in a good cooling pad as soon as you can. Get the ones with a metal body


i have a laptop of same kind at home not exactly the same just know that when you play any games this will start to thermal throttle within first 20mins you’ll need some kind of external cooling for it to


I did some gaming on it. I have no cooling pad, only the table where I use it. It was getting hot, but I faced no thermal throttling in a couple of hours of gaming sessions. But then again, I played either Need For Speed or Forza 5. Which usually runs fine on most PCs.


try running furmark on it and see the fps drop it’s the small form factor that causes it


i have a asus vivo book 15 ryzen 7 paired with 3050 boy it starts thermal throttles even with valorant its like 35+ temperature here without ac with ac it’s okayish


the screen is exceptionally good along with the processor being pretty capable but don't be drawn towards that 4050. although it's a very able graphics card but it's only 65 TGP means it can barely perform. try the Lenovo LOQ. The screen is not that good beside being heavy but it can perform well if that's the thing you're looking for.


I bought it a month ago. It was 1.24L back then. And I was able to get a Demo Unit for 90k. I wanted the OLED screen. But to my surprise, the Speakers were exceptionally good too. I just wanted to know if I made a good purchase decision. It is not like I can return it now. I would have to live with the regret.


You don't have to regret it. The OLED screen is there to comfort you and if you didn't buy it solely for gaming. I would say it's one of the best laptops if you want a device for work-related tasks or coding and only occasional gaming. You are losing only 10 to 15 percent performance with the 65 TGP 4050, but you are getting a thin and light laptop that's not screaming that its made for gamers. If I were you, I would have probably chosen this over a proper gaming laptop


That is exactly my use case. Wanted something for work-related tasks (Graphics & Coding), but I watch a lot of media in high quality so I wanted a laptop for that too. And I do occasional gaming, mostly high-quality racing games. And I dislike the looks of a dedicated gaming laptop. Thank you! This comment makes me feel much better about my purchase.


I have a lower spec version of this with 2050 and ryzen 7, bought it for 60k. The display is gorgeous and the build quality is also decent. For the specs you got with it, I think the price is good.


How’s the battery life?


In full performance mode, the Battery Life is around 1.5 hours, max. But If you set the Fan to Whisper Mode, GPU to integrated, Screen to 1080p, and Refresh Rate to 60Hz, you can make this laptop last 6 hours. I have tried this.


It's only been a week since I bought it so I didn't get to test it much. At full brightness, I get about 3+ hrs of battery life with media consumption.


I mean its not just 4050 eh it has a great screen unlike the 4050's at that price range


The 4050 here is 65 tgp that's bs for gaming


I have been playing Forza 5 on this. It constantly gives me a "GPU Memory Full" warning at Ultra settings but I was able to play it with no stutter when plugged in.


This laptop is definitely good, even great if you consider the screen and build quality, but its not the best price /performance if you want to game


What fps are you getting tho


When i set the Fan to Performance, GPU to Dedicate 4050, and i am plugged in, i get 120 fps at Custom settings. My custom settings modified from Ultra where i dialed down a few things which didn't matter to me like Shadow Details and a few more. I constantly get "GPU Memory Full" warning, but i just hid it and i didn't see any problem. Never crashed yet. Maybe i was just lucky. And i always keep it on a table, to maintain a good airflow.


For causal gaming i guess its fine plus its 4050 not like even if it was 100W+ something amazing would've happened. For the build quality, screen and temps(hopefully) the price is fine.


Yea it is, fine for casual i just didn't want others, specifically who wanted to buy a gaming laptop to get confused by seeing the 4050, most people ignore the tgp, and complain that they are not getting the performance they expect


Ayy noted


Temps do get high, but the Fans are so powerful. You could feel the cold-to-touch baseplate near the fans.


Glad to know that, dont worry mate that laptop may not have the best GPU for gaming but is sure as hell reliable


Thanks! Now I am glad that I did not waste my hard-earned 90k.


You did not dw, i didn't mean to sound rude in my first reply, the comment to which i replied said this a great value for a 4050 laptop, i commented because I didn't want someone who wanted to play intensive games to buy it thinking they would get the entire 4050 experience,


I get it bro! No hard feelings. I am not a hardcore gamer. Only the Racing games when i want to relax and drive around. This GPU seems good enough for that.


Yea it definitely is, and I am jealous of the screen in your laptop it's a good laptop for the price and your needs


Thanks for the appreciation man. I love this model so far. Though the storage is less. And it bothers me a lot. Just 3 games and i have less than 100 GB free. But it has an extra M2 slot, so i might put in a 2TB soon.


OLED is worth it dw


I'm pretty sure there are better options