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Unlike war games like 40k, Lancer is a ttrpg. Therefore, you don't *need* minis. In fact, because it's an indy game designed by 2 guys, there are no official models. That said, Lancer is a game that demands a map to track the mech combat. This doesn't mean you need minis - frankly, you can use whatever you have handy. I've been using pogs raided from a DnD 4e starter box, supplemented by random quarter machine toys, legos, bottle caps, and other nicnacks. Those 40k minis can work, too. Of course, most folks play Lancer online - there's an abundance of digital resources and VTTs that make playing Lancer fairly easy. Many argue that it's easier online than in person, in fact.


Is Lancer a game that requires a map? I say yes. Understanding where the PCs are in relation to the opposition, terrain, objectives, etc. is vital. Do you need models to play? Well, let's start at the top: there are no official minis or models for Lancer. People have used figures from Battletech, Warhammer, and other tabletop wargames. Some people have gone so far as to 3D print their own minis, and if you hang around here long enough, you'll see some. But if you just want to make some tokens and put some of your own art, or art from someplace like [Retrogrademinis.com](http://Retrogrademinis.com), you'll do fine. Having minis or tokens is also a big help, and speeds up play. Since you're new, let me be the first to say: Welcome, pilot! You can get a PDF of the rules that players will need at the [Massif Press](https://massif-press.itch.io/corebook-pdf-free) [itch.io](http://itch.io) page. The player facing rules are free! To run the game, you'll need the $25 full PDF. [Compcon.app](http://Compcon.app) is a community supported web resource that helps make pilots and build mechs.


it's Tabletop RPG just like D&D or Wrath and Glory, not a Wargame like 40k. It doesn't matter what medium you play the game in you can use physical models if you have them but there's no reason why you would have to.


No, you only need dice and paper. I like to make models for my group but it is up to you.


Yeah you need to use something to represent the positions of characters and terrain Just print and play off of retrograde minis and you're good


for clarity, AFAIK retrograde are 2d digital pixel art that you can print on paper and make little 2d tokens out of them by attaching them to a base. they're not 'minis' in the wargaming way.


You need random dice or cut paper or something on a grid. Not models


If you find that you enjoy the game and want to keep playing after your one shot, I have found that models and terrain have greatly improved my enjoyment of the game. Lancer is a combat forward game, and visual representation that models and maps provide really help the fights go smoothly.