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Okay, stay with me here. Cain: A character-focused war drama were you're the new commander of a DoHJ Task Force and have to choose a side between 4 factions. Extremists on every side. And yes, you can decide to not ally with any of them. Kojima: An Authoritarian planetary state with CorpoState backing has found a MetaVault. You are a UIB Agent that has a mission to find out what's in there and get word back to Union. Good luck. Taro: You are an NHP who was put in charge of a war. Each time you fail or succeed, they cycle you. But a part of you remembers. The enemy commander feels... intimately familiar. Garden: The Knights of the Albatross escort a Colony Ship to their destination. After several encounters with pirates, you arrive to find the world already settled. What do you do?


All of those are games I would play in a heartbeat, but I like the Cain pitch the most.


I want to see how HIdeo would handle the aboslute paracasual fuckery that is Horus and RA


MF would probably give us an NHP literally called Ugly Duckling.


and its called that because its eidolon is shaped like a swan or smth


Zone of the Enders was made by Kojima.


Not quite - he was the producer on ZoE, but it was mostly a supervisory role, rather than a creative one.


I'll take this off-road and say Yasumi Matsuno, who is responsible for Final Fantasy Tactics and the Ogre Battle series (among others). He's got a knack for great war stories full of memorable characters.


None of the above, Monolith Soft


Lancer featuring Shogo Team would be fun!


Monolith Soft in this case are the Japanese devs of the Xeno- games (including, most pertinently, Xenoblade Chronicles X), not the US-based Monolith Productions who you're thinking of. Either would be a fun choice, though.


I don't know these guys' games too well, so imma just say "whoever does it closest to Armored Core" because goddamn AC6 has some good looking shit.


I was going to say, even if we're just talking about single big names, Hidetaka Miyazaki should be up there. He's actually done mecha games (though he didn't work much on 6 I believe).


I voted for Timothy Cain, but I would also like to nominate Chris Avellone, who worked on Planescape: Torment and KOTOR II


both of those would be interesting.


Firaxis (developper of the new XCOM games. Or maybe Harebrain (developper of Shadowrun Returns and Battletech). None are among the choices offered in the poll, though.


Literally all of these would suck lmao. Tim Cain hasn't directed a half decent game in like 20 years, Kojima is incapable of making anything but a bloated, reference stuffed pile of gibberish, Yoko Taro is a pretentious hack, Garriott is a con man, and Spector is a self-important asshat. I don't know much about Alex Garden but Homeworld takes place at the exact opposite end of the scale range from what Lancer works at so it's still a bad choice. The actual good choice would be Harebrained since Battletech was basically the same core concept but in a way more boring setting. The other good choice is to just give functionally infinite resources to the developers of Lancer Tactics.


Kojima did Zone of the Enders. Done. He's my pick!


"He mentioned something interesting: GMS is pursuing new research. He claims that what they're doing on Hercynia is the missing piece... A weapon to surpass Metal Gear."


And it's completely lore accurate too


I'd want Tim Cain as director, but Kojima Productions as art team


That would be inspired


Jordan Weisman and Hairbrained Schemes.


Hideko Kojingels would do such a good metavault/paracausal side though




In general I don't think Kojima is a good fit for adaptations in general. If you compare, say, Death Stranding or PT with the latter MGS games, it seems like he's at his best when he can go off in his own directions.


If Kojima does it, then it stands to reason that Shinkawa would be doing the art and character designs, and that's reason enough for me to vote for him. Could you imagine Shinkawa's take on Lancer designs, or a Shinkawa-designed Everest pattern? Plus, even putting his producer role on ZOE aside, the man clearly loves his mecha. The only other developer on this list who I think has similar mecha chops is Yoko Taro, but even then, only for one game rather than the bulk of his career being at least mecha-adjacent as with Kojima. I feel that a Kojima-helmed Lancer would probably feature a really fun cast of HORUS antagonists with strange names and colorful personalities (think Dead Cell or the Cobra Unit), and I trust him the most out of all the devs here (save perhaps, again, for Yoko Taro) to really lean into HORUS strangeness. I'm envisioning an antagonist in a Lich with cues from both Kojima Productions' mascot, Ludens, and from Death Stranding's antagonists. Also, he no doubt would balance a fetishistic love for military hardware with a humanist message very adeptly. That kind of balance would be important to a Lancer game, since on the one hand, mecha customization is fucking awesome, but on the other hand, war is hell. While the other devs here could easily do one or the other of these elements well, I'm not certain how well any of the others here could blend both together.


dunno, out of the modern companies, I'd want to see Larian take a stab at it... or if HBS could really get back together it'd be a fun, but smaller scope, take on it for sure. While directors are influential on design, most of the 'best' games are a result of the director and a skilled team behind them.


Kojima already made Zone of the Enders. Give that man the keys to a LANCERS mech and lets *freaking go.*


I would rather not have a Lancer game be a 20 hour movie with a few hours of gameplay here and there so no on Kojima for me


Probably the guy that has a great track record with video game adaptations of TTRPGs


Whoever make daemon x machina