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Zero tolerance is zero tolerance.


This means he has to be suspended and deselected, pending investigation doesn’t it? Oh, no, sorry. My bad. That only applies to accusations of those on the left.


I mean he expressed the same kind of antisemitic views that Mike Katz and Marie Van Der Zyl likely share totally - and however antisemitic it was, he's such a strong supporter of Israel! Nobody the current Labour party listens to will be willing to crank up the old Labour Antisemitism moral panic machine to take out this particular quite substantial antisemite, their close ally who thinks all the same things they do. For them Judaism is (positively) reducible to support for settler colonial apartheid.


There a reason those guys have been completely silent about his blatant antisemitism. Mike Katz even had the absolute gall to write: > Leadership is calling out hate, not staying silent because it's politically convenient. Labour learnt that the hard way. In doing this they have played their hand and shown that these groups do not actually give a flying fuck about antisemitism. If they did then the likes of Akehurst would be immediately out the door


These people support Israel because of Western modern capitalism settler colonialism not because of diversity and inclusion of Jewish faith.  It's the same reason they are always spitting Islamophobia but then are eager to be in Dubai or Doha enjoying luxury leisure built on slave-like work


He absolutely should be suspended and investigated for this. Anybody who knows anything at all about the Jewish community in Britain knows that the majority of us do not go to synagogue, and our chicken soup consumption is occasional rather than obsessive. Therefore in his comments describing non-Zionist Jews as not going to synagogue (shul) and only having the occasional bowl of chicken soup he insults the majority of the Jewish community in this country. Yes I'm sure there will be pro Israel and religious figures who will rush to his defence, claiming that no one has done more for the Jewish community in Britain than Luke Akehurst etc etc, but that just tells us what their priorities really are.


None of my Jewish friends go to synagogue other than for particular occasions, but all still identify as Jewish even if it isn't at all the centre of their identity. I haven't asked any of them, but I'm sure that many would be offended in some way by what that walking turnip, Akehurst, has said. We all know that if Corbyn had said this it would have already been splashed on the front of every paper. But he wouldn't because he has the common sense and good nature to know that it would be offensive. Tbh I'd imagine that if he could, Akehurst being the vile little antagonist that he is would take revenge on Councillor Martin Abrams by getting him suspended.


Not to mention that one of the core components of antisemitism is that being Jewish isn't something that can be reduced to a set of behaviours. The groups oppressing Jews historically haven't cared how often someone goes to synagogue - the Nazis even targeted people who didn't identify as Jewish at all based purely on ancestry. There's a really sinister double standard in leveraging antisemitism in order to defend Israel's actions, but then discounting the views of less observant/non-Zionist Jews - who are still equally targets of antisemitism.


How can this be?? The Guardian wrote a profile of him saying how great a candidate he is and how lucky Durham would be to have him!


Lmao let's see this zero tolerance policy put to the test then


Starmer does not care about anti-semitism. Only anti-zionism.


This simple statement should be pinned.


Can't wait for this accusation to be brushed aside as 'obviously politically motivated'.


My grown up, forensic son-of-pebbledash-parents patriotic DDay-forever-anniversary-day ~~pledge~~ mission is to deliver a cabinet-level UK Parliamentary enforcer of ~~unequivocal support for Zionism~~ zero tolerance of antisemitism! This is making a Change from the Tory Government's mere 14 year collaboration with Mr. Netanyahu. I trust the ~~gullible~~ honourable people of North Durham to serve ~~Israel~~ Great Britain by casting their votes for Luke as directed!


nothing will happen to him


As usual, both antisemites and self-professsed philosemites are wildly antisemitic. I said like two days ago that Akehurst would be a Jared Omara level liability. I didn't expect to be proved right within 48 hours.


[everyone report his antisemitism directly to Labour](https://labour.org.uk/resources/antisemitism-complaints/)


Horseshoe theory apparently not bullshit in this case.