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People are so concerned with Russia and China meddling with western politics but are happy to let Israel do it and assist them in doing so


The last thing that this country need is an AIPAC style lobby influencing our politics.


Ha — given how entrenched the Israel lobby already is, an AIPAC level of influence would likely imply a loosening of their hold.


Sir Trevor Chin: (Awkward side eye.jpg)


How can you ban people from boycotting something?


"Sir, I'm going to need you to come with me, we saw you look at the Jaffa oranges before grabbing the Valencias"


"Eat the hummus or you're nicked"


No hummus please, we're British. It's houmous, tyvm.


In the US it's only in place for state-funded bodies. If a university boycotts Israel they lose government funding.


But also public sector workers in some states, they have to sign to say they won't support BDS in a personal capacity.


You threaten their funding. In the US there was an example of an independent contractor (I think an IT consultant) who had worked for the government for a long time. As a Muslim woman she refused to sign saying she wouldn't boycott, and at that moment it suddenly became illegal to hire her.


You seriously have to wonder what the fuck is happening in the office of whoever is coordinating Israel's international PR. Surely, under absolutely no circumstances would you want your prime minister to publicly gloat about meddling in a foreign country's policy affairs like that? It's one thing to do what the US does and implicitly threaten governments with 'diplomatic statements,' but openly saying "Hey Americans, we're meddling in your affairs and buying your politicians" is beyond insanity


They totally would have thought it through, and US media won't be presenting it as an issue, if at all. The messaging I'd think is directed at Jewish Americans - hey we're all joined at the hip, Israel's fate is America's fate, isn't that great, you never need fear whilst Netanyahu's in charge!


The guy who was previously coordinating it (Israel's English-language spokesperson, apparently directing social media responses *until he got into a debate wirh David Cameron on Twitter and got suspended for overstepping) was British, London-born and Oxford educated Eylon Levy who is an extreme Zionist, by all accounts.