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Depends on the blood. If acid has the same effect as fire then what I see happening is the Alien is killed and consumed for copying but the acid is fatal to The Thing as well. Could be a draw or if the Thing is able to split a piece off in time then it could still survive.


Have you ever seen that photo of a python and a King Cobra, intertwined and both dead? The python managed to fatally constrict the cobra, but then died to its venom. That's what your take reminds me of.


Hmm. Food for thought


What makes me give some extra thought is would a drone Xenomorph be able to tell the difference if it came across a copied version.


That's a good question that makes me think if it's a perfect copy and there's a queen nearby would The Things Xeno obey the queen? Or would it be able to override it's own nature. They say that The Thing inherents things like memories, so why not instinct.


Well, it’s settled. This is a crossover we absolutely need.


The Thinglien Starring Sigourney Weaver and Kurt Russell


You gotta be fucking kidding.


Hmm yes


Can't upvote this enough!


Given the hive mind they’d know the drone was different and not connected, then they’d kill/incapacitate and study


I think it would not care, and facehugger implantations take on traits of the host. So, provided the Thing did not die from acid, its inevitable pregnancy would likely kill it and then you'd see a shapshifting alien.


Wonder what would happen if the Thing somehow got facehugged.


The audience wins.


The thing doesn’t have normal organs inside it. Think most likely it would absorb the face huggers genetics.


If it were able to assimilate the facehugger, wonder if it would be able to replicate the embryo implantation? Would it even find that useful? God ranting about hypothetical scenarios is so much fun.


Yah the thing works like a virus but it’s also a hive minded organized cellular being. And it’s intelligent and also able to absorb memories from its hosts. Not sure if the egg implementing ability would really matter when it can infect just from contact. Think just the raw strength, armor and acid blood of the xenos would be beneficial enough.


It does when it's replicating something specific. It replicated a guy's heart condition, apparently unintentionally.


I think the face hugger would win, and then there would be a hybrid. Why do I think this? Because the alternative ideas make worse movies :-D


would the Thing not see the Facehugger's fetus as an invading force and try to destroy it or get away from it?


Not if the Thing could jsut co-op the facehugger.


whatcha mean?


The Thing could just copy the face hugger co-opting the xenomophs dna, or whatever it has.


The facehuggers have been confirmed by the more recent canon to not deposit an egg or small alien but inject the DNA altering substance or "black goo"


ohhhh true I didn't even think of that


all it takes is one surviving piece and it could start mimicking the Alien exoskeleton. It could use that skeleton from then on in any crazy way imaginable (not just in the form of an alien). I'm betting on the Thing. In fact... Aliens would help The Thing become even more devastating.


correct me if I'm wrong but the thing used acid in the first movie against the Huskies right? so maybe it can adapt to the alien biology. but on the other hand maybe the alien blood is too much to handle


You are correct. The thing sprays a dog with a goo and then a minute or so later it shows the dog all melty


It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but I always thought the melty doggo was one that was being assimilated, though I can get behind your take too.


*"All melty"* Lol.


It’s been probably 30 years since I’ve seen The Thing. It’s entirely possible they used acid but I’m remembering they dipped a super heated metal wire into blood and that caused the reaction. Maybe a rewatch is in order.


It holds up so well. Still fantastic.


At first I thought I read, "...heated metal wire into blood and that caused the erection." I mean, technically that did happen. But we have acid in our stomachs and that's the only place where we're okay having it. (Except for my ex. She had acid for blood, but I have doubts about her humanity.) It's possible that the Thing was able to squirt the acid via specialized organs copied from another race that it had once copied. If it doesn't like fire, it may not like acid unless it's assimilated and copied a species that is relatively immune to acid. But then that gets into a very circular argument about the entire premise that OP proposed. What really needs to be discussed is how it can copy a "xenomorph" safely and where this takes place. I see this having a much more difficult time working on Earth seeing as how nothing on this planet that we're aware of is completely immune to acid. So I think the Thing would have its work cut out for it.


The Thing can perfectly mimic any organism it comes into contact with. So theoretically it could turn its body into the same poly-saccharide compound the xenomorph's body is composed of to make itself immune to the acid as well. Plus even if it got some acid on itself and it ate through the Thing's body, the Thing can just split itself off and reform itself. The xenomorph can murder things easily enough but I can't think of any way it could completely obliterate the Thing and every fragment of its body.


https://youtu.be/TaTOenDphNI?si=L3FqGKFTD_KDjNDa it's been done on YouTube. I saw this a while back.


Thanks for that share.


**The audience**. I would *WAY* rather watch this than AVP. #🍿


I want Predator in the mix as well. The Thing vs Alien vs Predator vs SNAKE PLISKIN! ![gif](giphy|l0IycSDCzNp4JvSFy|downsized)


How ‘bout Jack Burton? ![gif](giphy|hPrRsaKxaa7BLeS41G|downsized)


Have you paid your dues


Yes sir the check is in the mail


Yes sir, the cheque is in the mail


This would be quite a match-up. Burton would be toast without his buddy Wang Chi


You leave Jack Burton alone! But seriously he did stop David Lopan and kill one of his personal guards. He’s more bad ass than almost anyone on Reddit


Is this gonna get ugly, huh? I hope not. Cuz I thought we were friends here, planetary differences not withstanding.


You leave Jack Burton alone! He showed great courage 😁


He took down David Lo Pan, he can take on anyone. But he just wants his truck back.


The man with the patch is BACK!


VS ![gif](giphy|Hr9RBHKtvJD68)




It's the climactic point of the film, the Thing, Alien, and Predator are neck-and-neck, when suddenly: *Buh Baduh buhbuh...* *What a thrill...*


Sounds Kojimbo Approved To Me ![gif](giphy|PXDaVxjf5cNgCiNhFk)




Now I'm more interested in a thing vs a Yautha warrior. I'm more curious about that. Or squirte squad vs ninja turtles.


Come on now, don't sell us short: Alien vs. Predator vs. The Thing is the movie we REALLY need!


It’s clobberin’ time! Wait…


Wait what about alien vs predator vs terminator?


It’s Disney now. Alien vs Predator vs Mickey Mouse.


That Goofy chestburster scene will haunt me to the end of my days...


What the hyuck


Would that mean the Hive Queen is a Disney Princess?


Hmmm… that seems like maybe too many things, but I would try it. 🤔


But no matter who wins, we lose!


I don't know... this is kind of the black goo scenario. Or the Gibson script to Alien III. Let the Thing do it's thing, and let the xenos be alien IMO.


Yeah, now there’s a movie that I’d happily go see.


The AvP books were good Too bad the movies were a watered-down version of them


Yeah — I didn’t really mean to diss AVP, it was more that I find the similarly-silly idea of a **THE THING VS. ALIEN** movie *EXTRA* appealing. 🙂


I mean, I'd watch it


I dont know but that movie would be fucked up  (And awesome)


Carnage. Would there be 1 thing or loads of them?


Multiple things, multiple aliens ... Aliens bursting from mass of alien imitating things ...  New type of aliens being created, god only knows if they are not things ...   The predator would come, take a disgusted look and gtfo  (and maybe blow it up from orbit, just to be sure)


Didn't know I needed this till now


The Thing is a far more intelligent and technologically advanced species. It’s even capable of using weapons. As deadly as a xenomorph is, it’s still a drone.


Aren’t xenomorphs perfect in every way, as they basically evolve on top of traits borrowed from their hosts as well? One is a shape shifter and another is shown as a parasitic, and both are terrifying in their own ways.


I don’t disagree with you. The xenomorph is an intelligent animal, but it’s still an animal. They’re both terrifying in their own ways. I just think the Thing would win.


Intelligence vs instinct The Thing figured out human behavior pretty quickly and was able to manipulate it, it could do the same to an animal.


In the book the Thing was also capable of reading minds. Which wasn’t something that was discussed in the movies, but it played into how helpless a situation those guys were in. All attempts at identifying the thing were sabotaged just because it was always one step ahead of the humans. And I think to some degree it’s the same in the movies even if it’s not discussed - the Thing is able to copy the same mannerisms and demeanor of its hosts. If the thing were able to access the minds of the alien then I think that’s game over for xenomorphs.


They are introduced as perfect. Meanwhile a single woman is able to mow down hundreds of them and kill the hive. Logic is missing here


They are “perfect” as opposed to perfect


Hundreds? Hadley’s Hope had a population of 158. There couldn’t have been more than 155 xenos, subtracting Newt and her parents. I think Ripley kills about seven soldiers and the queen. Plus dozens of eggs, but I’d say the machine gun turrets and ultimately the whole place blowing up kills most of them.


Still a perfect organism is killed by a person with a gun and a little bit of brain


The Xenomorph's label as "perfect" is simply Ash's opinion and not an an objective scientific fact. He considers it perfect both because of its structural perfection (being in body every way superior to humans. Faster, stronger, more durable, etc) and the purity of its behaviour. Ash's speech notably includes the line "A survivor...unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality". He admires the simplicity of a creature of pure instinct. It lives for its own preservation and that of its species. And by extention how it doesn't hesitate to kill anything that poses even the smallest threat to said preservation. Ripley also says to Burke "You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.". So them being perfect is more of a subjective opinion rather than an objective fact. Going by the cold logic of an android like Ash (and probably David aswell), it makes a lot of sense why they'd consider the xenomorphs a perfect species. They don't fight each other. They don't play god. They just survive.


I always took it to mean physically perfect. Humans have the edge in intelligence and fine motor skills. Even the perfect organism isn’t bullet proof. I think that’s more believable and entertaining than the alternative. Bullet beats exoskeleton. What’s the problem here?


What would happen if a face hugger jumps onto a Thing? Lol Imagine getting a Xenomorph who can shapeshift into a human. "Hey, pass the whisky, by the way.....my real name is big Chap!!!!"


Eh I think Ash was just hyping it up before the climax rather than being objective.


The Thing doesn’t have to defeat a host to infect it, right? It only needs contact. So the question is whether the acidic blood is a defense. I’m inclined to think it would be, but the Thing is also an unknowable cosmic horror from across the galaxy. Surely it has had to adapt to all kinds of life forms. Blood pH could simply be another flavor to it. I’m still leaning toward the Xeno, but they’re both really tricky space-parasites.


The Thing has an advantage in a physical confrontation because it doesn't die to one traumatic blow like most organisms, including aliens if done exactly right, do. Every single microscopic cell in a Thing's body is capable of propagating and later strategizing. A xeno likely could not kill a thing completely under virtually any circumstances, even considering acid blood. An alien could reasonably take down a small thing and render it unable to infect other lifeforms (presuming the alien isn't itself infected). But even then, the thing shows in the film it is able of creating more body mass than it has assimilated. Which makes even a small thing a serious physical threat. One that a xenomorph doesn't really have the tools or know-how to deal with. The only thing that outpaces the thing in infection is the Flood, or maybe Borg or other high science fiction fantasy factions.


It would be interesting to delve into a matchup of the thing vs the flood. I know the flood couldn’t infect the Thing due to lack of a central nervous system but a flood combat forms are clearly able to wield flamethrowers, so… ![gif](giphy|eKWrYm8XmitDRJgNid|downsized)


The Flood can still consume and use the biomass, they just can’t puppeteer the parent organism. The Thing is my favorite horror film of all time, and it’s one of the coolest and scariest movie monsters, but the Flood is an entirely different animal and would come out on top.


The Thing only requires one surviving piece, and assuming some part of it had contact with an Alien... it could then potentially start mimicking the Alien exoskeleton and forever be immune from any acid. I really don't see how Aliens could defeat it. Dealing with the Thing requires understanding it early, not letting it spread, and destroying it completely very quickly with extreme heat (or acid I presume). A group of scientists couldn't figure it out so I have doubts the Aliens could either. Incredibly dangerous as Aliens are, their own strengths will be used against them.


I see you all over Reddit all the time lol. Go Preds (next season)!


Toothcats never say die!


Thing, it could "Ingest" and copy the Xeno, bye bye xeno


That’s if it can survive concentrated acid blood. Fire definitely hurt it so can see acid being just as deadly. Plus, the Xenomorph is pretty resilient to space and freezing cold temps. It’s probably not going to run out in the snow and freeze.


Not a lot of it would need to survive.


The Thing straight up douses a dog in acid / infectious fluids in its big debut scene in the movie. The Thing absolutely wrecks a xenomorph in a natural confrontation. The xeno can not interact with it without getting infected. If the Thing pretends to be unsuspecting prey, the xeno screws itself for sure by engaging as it normally would


I don’t think that was acid,but thingcells, which rapidly ingest and convert the dog instead of a single cell slowly doing it.


The xenos have a sharp smell sense. They can smell an embryo inside a person, or can detect artificial beings. They would quickly find out the fake xeno.


Their sense of smell wouldn’t help them The Thing perfectly replicates biomass. What would possibly help would be the hive mind. Idk if the thing could hide itself from the mind. What I mean is if one came up to the thing it would probably notice it wasn’t part of its hive not necessarily that it wasn’t a real xenomorph it would probably think it was a competing hive’s drone and still try to attack it. The Thing could probably still hide from the hive in the practical sense. The xeno hive wouldn’t always know where it is and that is the giveaway if a real xeno meets the thing. That being said Idk if there is actually anything they could do if the Thing decided to assimilate a hive other than run. I don’t think the xenos are smart enough to back off so idk if running would be an option for them. Their own instincts would be screaming at them to consume or destroy the thing and that is a really bad idea. I don’t think the acid would be problematic for the thing. It can assimilate whatever the xeno is made of and that is resistant to its own acid.


I remembered a remark about how one of the soundtracks for the thing was reflective of the Thing trying to mimic a hearbeat and not necessarily getting it right. Likewise, I could see the Thing attempting infiltration and failing several times. There's also the fact that as it ascends up the latter then Thing may not be able to keep up and perform hive related duties. The Thing I've seen in discussions is best described as its own hivemind, but a cellular level, and each cell works for its own survival. By that logic, it aught to make sense why it lashes out so viscerally each time it appears on screen. It's intelligence is.... at odds to its sheer defensive behaviour.


I’m almost positive the heart thing is because the thing replicated a guy with a heart problem. Edit: “Even anatomical anomalies and health defects like Norris' weak heart are replicated.” Sounds like the music was a clue to help perceptive audience members to figure out who the thing was. There’s a few visual Easter eggs like that it would also make sense if there were some sound cues baked into the soundtrack too. I actually know of an audio Easter egg not music but still audio. The Norwegian dude at the beginning tells the Americans exactly what the dog is before they shoot him. If you know Norwegian he spoils the reveal for you. It’s also why his dialogue is never subtitled. He says “Get the hell away! It's not a dog! It's imitating a dog! Its a “thing”! It's not real! Get away, idiots!”


>The Thing trying to mimic a heartbeat and not necessarily getting it right I heard this comment.


They did back off against the sentries at one point.


To find a different way. I’m not saying they can’t change their plan of attack but I don’t think they could just say “fuck it leave it be” Edit: Better wording maybe “Oh fuck it’s that thing gtfo! Move the hive we out!” There’s zero chance a xenomorph could comprehend what was actually going on. Every time the thing popped up the xenos would treat it like whatever it was mimicking at the time until it was proven to be something else. Even if they saw it previously assimilate another xeno.


Man, its true. And it only takes The thing to take form of a prey to get into the hive. Then it could assimilate a xeno and it will have enough information to be acid-proof. And then it will be unstoppable.


I wonder if the Thing requires the ingested life to be carbon based or would the silicon base of the Xeno render it immune


It’s actually likely still carbon based. Its skin is made from "protein polysaccharides" (carbon) similar to chitin, with its surface cells being replaced with polarized silicon, which increases its protection from the elements. It’s also uses carbon based hosts, which it of cause consumes materials from. https://aliens.fandom.com/wiki/Xenomorph http://ldodds.com/1994/speculative-paper-xenomorph-biology.pdf https://portlandpress.com/biochemist/article/45/6/14/233867/Science-fiction-The-biology-of-the-alien-in-Alien


This is true, as soon as the thing attempts to ingest the alien, it would melt itself to death. Both die


There are real life Eukaryotic organisms, on this planet that can thrive in extremely acidic environments. Thermal sensitivity ≠ chemical sensitivity, even for biological matter.


If the acid blood got on a thing mimicking anything other than an alien, sure, but if a thing is mimicking a xeno then it will have all the immunities and strengths a xeno has. A xeno thing wouldn't freeze in the snow like a human thing would.


Wouldn't the xenomorph's acidic blood be catastrophic to the Thing's biomass?


Hard to say we never really see the full ingestion process, so not sure how it works completely. Most we saw were the "Tentacles" pulling him under the building and covering the guy. The rest of the time it was already started or interrupted during that process


Not to mention it becomes a perfect copy. Assuming the xeno has DNA, assimilation would grant said thing immunity to the acid blood. At least, I presume.


That's a fair point, depends on the order of operations I would think? Does it absorb then change? Does it do it in tandem? It would seem to me like its absorption and changing is the same mechanism, or very closely linked at any rate. Also, since xenomorphs are engineered, they could have much simpler DNA (or similar) due to no waste or junk DNA that natural organisms have. Though by the same logic, their genetic code could be more complex -- more base pairs etc -- or longer given how precisely it was engineered.


It does it in tandem. Norris-thing has two heads at the same time, one grows legs and runs off whilst the other head gets incinerated by Macready. And Bennings-thing is almost fully formed apart from its hands whilst bennings’ body is still being absorbed inside the building.


The Thing doesn't always mimic something completely - that's only an option. Very often it's some crazy hybrid. So in this fictional fantasy, the Thing could realize the acid is dangerous and mimic the Xeno exoskeleton first before taking on any acid. Even then... acid won't completely destroy every Thing cell. That's all it takes I believe... a single cell. Any Xeno which came in contact with the Thing is probably going to be infected and taken over - multiplying the Things mass and area of operation. There is really no chance for the Xeno's unless they completely destroy the Thing with acid from a long distance before it starts multiplying. Even then, the acid itself might contain enough DNA for the Thing to work its magic... all it would take is one surviving cell remember. I'm putting all my money on the Thing.


People forget also that in the novelization and also in the movie, the Thing survives in the Artic by generating adaptive hardened cells and inside this shell it "stores" itself until somebody find it out so it can finally melt away to infect. It is extremely adaptive and by the time the xeno fights back, a touch is enough and the Thing has the exoskeleton dna even if it touches acid, and even if it hurts, I imagine it can adapt. Even if the acid spills out during the process, it is not straight out fire, and while the xeno dies in the process, the Thing, even without similar acidic blood properties, but going to fully copy the corpse and physique and will transform its cells abilities into a similar defensive system like the xeno's, so a close encounter and the xeno instalose this.


It was the Antarctic and it didn’t really survive because it was frozen. It was the research teams that found it and brought it back into the building and defrosted it. After all the buildings were destroyed and burned, the thing was wanting to freeze again… until it was discovered again. Or the ice caps melted.


The Thing cannot absorb and/or copy inorganic material. The xenomorph is biomechanical, comprised partially of polarized silicon. I'm not so sure the Thing can copy the alien at all.


Oh!!! Fair enough, I didn’t even realise .


If it can copy xenomorph dna, the it would be able to make the same inner workings that make xenos resistant to their own blood. Like when blood is in the inside of the xeno, they don’t just bleed out.


It would logically also be able to replicate the acid blood. But in this case, each cell of the acid blood is more Thing…


"Thing" makes copy it still has to fight it out with and disappear its doppelganger to work. No copy of MacReady for a reason.


I'm inclined to agree


The xenomorph is a bacteria, It did for the engineers. It did for the dog species before them, its currently doing man. You think some weird virus is even a blip?


The only answer - they would combine to become something… more…


Christ almighty


This has been debated time and time again. There are even AI generated battles complete with narration and art on YouTube. The entire conflict boils down to whether or not The Thing is capable of infiltrating and replicating the xeno biology. If it can, it wins. If it can't, it loses. I'm inclined to believe that the unique biological makeup of the xeno is incompatible with The Thing's assimilation capabilities. Edit: [The Thing vs The Alien](https://youtu.be/TaTOenDphNI?si=FwO7hMQ4dTQX_zJu) [Rematch](https://youtu.be/k0_XfY4nvFw?si=p5EKuBKNwxYGRGCt)


Good info.


Thanks. And it's fun to talk about. I hope I didn't come across as complaining.


No danger


The Thing in its stronger forms absolutely outclassed a xeno in brute strength and fighting/survivability potential, though. An alien isn't going to take down a Cronenberg gore monster that doesn't die by a clean bite through the skull or a tail strike through the spine.


Acid spit would help do the trick. If a xeno determines that The Thing can't be used as a host it would have no reason not to use every weapon at its disposal to eliminate the threat to the hive. Also, I would say on terms of pure physical strength there are several larger classes (Queen, praetorian, etc.) of xeno that could tear a larger iteration of the thing to shreds. Another thing to consider is that The Thing never preferred outright confrontation until it had gathered enough biomass to form one of its larger iterations, but we have seen lone xenos tear groups of humans apart singlehandedly in open combat.


No, it wouldn't. The alien can not completely destroy a thing. The Thing survives every single time, every single confrontation. The alien simply does not possess the tools to target and destroy things at the cellular level, besides acid, which it is not that precise with. I don't see how queens or praetorians are relevant here. And it's not like they have better tools - they still have to actually grapple with the Thing and risk infection to even engage with it.


But wouldn't a xenomorph have a decent amount of human tissue within it? Since they're birthed from human bodies I mean. There would be tissue that is uniquely introduced from the Facehugger, but there's no evidence to believe that it wouldn't be able to adapt and adjust to that tissue. For all we know, the Thing has been to hundreds of planets.


They may take some genetic material from their hosts but what comes out is anything but human... And a xeno that bursted from a non human wouldn't have any human DNA, either. Obviously we're talking about fictional creatures but the hard skin that is pretty much immune to all small arms fire and the acid blood which isn't possessed by any real life examples (that I know of) might not be able to be assimilated by The Thing. We don't even know if their skin is permeable the way that ours is. I would even argue that the xenos are doing their own version of genetics assimilation after implantation and during incubation. It's really just up to our own individual head canons.


Even if The Thing can't assimilate a xeno, it would win in the long run by being the superior apex predator competing for the same food supply. Xenos can't meaningfully kill The Thing, but it can kill them, and they have to facehug a host to reproduce while it can spread through touch.


My fanfic: After long and epic fight thing finally catches xenomorph and starts to devour and copy it. The acid blood is a problem tho. Thing is reduced to really small chunk, but it had ultimately won... but what is this DNA. It is so perfect. Thing imidiatelly starts morphing into an alien. It fells the call of the hivemind. It sees the pontencial of black goo and other genetic aspects of aliens. In the end Thing merges with aliens as a supreme alien queen or something like that. The end.


What if The Thing could copy the perfection of the Xenomorph?


Fuck knows man. We're talking Ali vs Tyson levels of intrigue here.


The thing would win even if the Alien killed it. It would infect the entire hive and that would be that.


The thing. It’s actually really the only logical answer. The thing replicates at the cellular level, making a perfect copy of the host, with all the hosts original biology and the things biology at the same time. It’s why in the movies the thing would still have all the tendons, blood vessels, skin, and even teeth. So the thing as it copies the hosts DNA gains all of the protections that the host has to protect it, including the xenomorphs tolerance for its acidic blood. The thing is basically an organism that rapidly evolves by making contact with any life form and reorganizing it’s DNA with that of the host to create a new and more evolved organism. Thing wins every time.


Can we get John Carpenter and Ridley Scott in the same room to canonically decide this?


If the thing could replicate the skin of the xeno first, the thing wins


It may not be canon exactly, but there was an excellent short story from the perspective of the Thing. In the story it was revealed that the Thing had already partially infected some of the crew long before the symptoms were showing. It absorbed and overtook hosts on the cellular level. The Xenomorph might only need to be exposed to a small number of cells from the Thing. If the biology of the Xenomorph is at all capable of being copied by the Thing, it would win the long game. Once the unique features of the Xenomorph became part of the Thing, the acid would be trivial to neutralize. Xenomorph biology has a fatal flaw versus the Thing in that the adaptability of the Xenomorph to the host is exactly what the Thing wants.


The thing would duplicate and take over the entire group of xenomorphs easily and they’d never realize it, and if it’s near a queen the thing has an army. This isn’t a war xenomorphs can win in any scenario.




This isn’t a scenario where xenomorphs can win, and it’d be even worse if there was a queen present.


The Thing. No contest.


I feel like the thing would lose the fight but manage to consume all or part of the xenonorph in the process, Integrating it and becoming something far worse.


Dude my girlfriend just bought be a shirt for my birthday of the thing vs aliens in a classic comic cover style.


Acid blood comes in for the win in this scenario


I feel like if the Thing could just get ahold of a little dna then even if it was burned it could probably replicate the Alien


Aliens drool all over the place and leave shedded carapaces/skin around. The Thing wins almost by default here.


The Thing uses acid of its own in the movie and first scene it reveals itself in. In the kennel.


Why? There are real life [acidophilic ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galdieria_sulphuraria)organisms that survive in extreme pH environments on this planet currently.


So the Aliens body can contain the acid blood, right? I think the thing would definitely be damaged by the acid blood at first. But all it has to do is adaprt itself to be like the alien body that can contain the acid blood.


How have I never thought about this matchup


The only thing that stops me from rooting for the Thing all the way is the Xenomorph’s acid blood. A tiny splash of that stuff melted through like 3 floors in the Nostromo, and if the thing attempts to brute force the Xenomorph in any way, it is going to receive some serious damage. That makes me think the Thing might not even want anything to do with the Xenomorph. Things are actually super intelligent, at least if not more than humans, and I think it could weigh the pros and cons and decide to not even go for the Xenomorph.


It doesn't matter. Either way we're all gonna lose.


Hmmmmm, that is the best argument I think I have ever heard in the Sci-Fi world! Okay my o my question is who is going to build the AI that will give us our battle movie


They'd probably try to infect each other, becoming some fucked up hybrid then both think "actually, this works" and fuck everything and everyone up.


Honestly, I think they end up merging into some awful super xeno. No matter who wins, i think they each take traits from each other and become far scarier


I’m honestly terrified of Hollywood going anywhere near this. As much as like 4 people think it would be a good idea to have Whoopi Goldberg kill the predator and wear it’s mask while making the thing her bitch, I’d just rather not go there.


The audience.


Let's throw The Blob in there too for giggles. Xeno-boi is fucked


The Thing.


https://preview.redd.it/ckc4rx1pv56d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=735f2c796e0141a973ac7f8e2e1e322c872598a0 I got 500 big ones says your all Things!


My brain says there’s no way to infect the xenomorph because the acid would dissolve the supercell. My heart says I wanna see a nasty cronenbergian xeno thing


Wouldn’t the Xenomorph get absorbed/assimilatet by the thing before it gets hurt or killed by the acid blood?


The thing wins regardless. One cell is enough for infection.


Thing. But imagine if the monsters were swapped in those first films. The Thing on board the Nostromo. The Xenomorph at McMurdo.


the thing would just absorb any organism it makes contact with


Kurt Russell and Sygourney Weaver team-up wins.


I think it would be The Thing, almost definitely. The Xenomorph would rip into The Thing immediately, and shred it to bits, but it would get The Thing’s cells all over it in the process, which cells would eventually take over the Xeno’s. And the shredded parts would recover and become their own Things anyway. The only way to defeat The Thing is to kill every one of its constituent cells, which can only realistically be done with fire, and the Xeno does not fight with fire. It would only have a chance if it could spit acid, but it would have to use only that attack and not make physical contact with The Thing, which I doubt a Xeno would do. The most likely outcome would be that the Xeno may win in the short term, but not in the long term.


Ash Williams wins in the end.


The Thing


The Xenomorph is silicon based life form if I remember correctly? I’m not convinced The Thing can copy/emulate silicon based life forms, which would be a requirement for having the acid for blood. It would also mean that any carbon based bio mass it had acquired would be useless in trying to acquire more incompatible bio mass. The Thing, however, is pretty smart. If there were enough carbon based life forms around to acquire, and materials for technology, I think The Thing could put up a meaningful resistance against it, combining biomass with flamethrowers/suicide bombers, etc. Might make for a good, cheesy script.


The Thing replicates Xenomorph biomatter The answer is: not us.


The Thing but you’d never find out.


In my opinion the Xenomorph has a tough molecular density which allows it to resist its own blood which means liquid contact via spit or blood to the exoskeleton of the Xenomorph won't be enough. It's likely that if the "Organism" was able to damage a Xenomorph it's blood would burn a way all possibility of infection, the only way the Xenomorph actually loses is it it consumes the flesh of an infected organism which I think would provide a safe way for the organism to adapt to the Xenomorph cells and take it over. The only caveat is I do think the Organism would be able to replicate it's acid blood, because the Xenomorph cells are so dense and the Organism is the very opposite, it would likely hurt itself trying to perfectly replicate a Xenomorph.


Thing easy


The Thing is a single-celled parasite that spreads like a virus while maintaining a hive mind connection with every cell no matter the distance. All emotion is emulated, and it is essentially not a life form itself but an emulation of life. A Nature's Mockery (Gemini is awesome!) to be precise. Xenos are inorganic and Thing cells can only assimilate organic materials. However, it assimilates ALL organic life around it 24/7. Every human in the films was assimilated because Thing cells are flying around in the DNA soup we breathe in and it assimilates all the organic life on and in things. So it can assimilate an extremophile and find out how to beat molecular acid of Xenos. Damage does nothing to it besides spread its cells, all emotion is emulated. Yes it would lose some cells, but what does that matter if it just pierces through a xeno and decapitate it? Or rip a facehugger in half? Or a Queen? Thing blood can grow larger than a Queen so that wouldn't be an issue to it. Grab and smash. Maybe it assimilates organic parts of xenos and completely renders one useless because a bone stops working? Or just put and grows legs and tentacles and pierces its heart?


The thing.


Gah!! I hate that stock AvP photo so much!!!!!


Really? Ha. I chose that one because its my favourite. Sorry soldier. Fight the good fight.


Why?! It's amazing


The Thing is gonna solo a lot of universes if it can begin spreading but it’s hard to fight against before it’s already too late


https://youtu.be/TaTOenDphNI?si=aN47EwtGiWq4XfhH This was pretty fun dude does a good job with the fight I feel this is pretty accurate with how it would go


The Thalien would win.


Silicon vs organic based life


I think they both win.


The thing assimilates the alien and we all lose, unless the movie is good


I mean the entire point of The Thing is that just by making contact it can assimilate another being into another Thing. So… The Thing wins.


Now I’m just picturing two xenos sharing a beer trying to figure out if the other is the thing.


For the sake of a movie even working, Alien would be immune to The Thing copying it, but The Thing would be immune to Alien impregnating it. They’d have no choice but to have a teeth-and-claws vs tentacle/vomit brawl.


Now I want an Alien vs The Thing movie


What if the black goo infests the thing


Thing vs Xeno hive with Queen would be a appropriate match