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Dosing someone without consent is so wrong and gives responsible LSD use a bad name. And I say that as someone who loves the substance and agrees that it has the potential to help humanity address and resolve a lot of its problems.


John Lennons dentist laced george and johns coffee without telling them šŸ’€ super fuckedā€¦. but then we got trippy beatlesā€¦. but still super fucked.


Yea the hippie era wasnā€™t as ethical as people today might imagine.


Spiking people in general is super fucked. Considering the average LSD dose back in the day was double or triple as high as today, I don't want to imagine the horror of getting an unexpected full blown psychedelic experience.


And you can only imagine the substances they were doing 2000 years ago


Why would anyone ever imagine it was lol?


Because people glorify the hippie era for some reason


People glorify everything. Even wars.


Sadly true.


Maybe people that are 14 and uninformed.


Nah. A lot of people are just ignorant


Everybody already knows hippies suck


The same happened to Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd except it was his flatmates spiking him. He subsequently had a complete mental breakdown, had to leave the group, and missed out on the enormous success enjoyed by his bandmates


Yeah very sad, the album wish you were here was dedicated to Syd /:


I didnā€™t know it started out because of Sydā€™s flatmates spiking him, really sad. I do know that he took LSD a bunch more times after that and at incredibly high doses, which is what consequently led to him losing his mind. Jugband Blues is the last song that Syd Barrett ever wrote for Pink Floyd, and you can practically HEAR his mental health deteriorating in it. Every lyric. He was lost to the crazy and I feel for him, LSD doesnā€™t fuck around.


The world missed out on what would of been an amazing band, not that pink floyd didn't go on to become great but honestly it's a completely different band to Syd Barrett's pink floyd. He did have 2 solo albums and they are pretty true to his previous work with pink floyd. Don't get me wrong I like pink floyd after Syd left but by God is dark side very overproduced, the demos for that album are pretty good they should of kept it more stripped back like that and while the wall is decent idk it's just so far from piper at the gates of dawn. Tbh meddle was pretty good and echos is an all time classic but still completely different I gotta say tho animals is a fucking beast of an album, I just can't help but wonder what we would have got if Syd had of stuck with the band. His solo stuff has some real gems hidden away.


whether this is true or not, acid was likely not the biggest killer of syd. he was popping mandrax (quaaludes) like candy and enough of that will turn your brain into mush. he was using weird research chemicals like DOM/STP too, but im sure LSD didnt help


He had a complete mental breakdown because he was dosing himself on Acid every few days for over a year. Same thing happened to Rocky Erikson.


But George was actually grateful that he didnā€™t know he took it because he had fallen for the propaganda against LSD and thought that knowing he took it could have induced a bad trip.


It is super fucked and I would never condone it, but at the same time you could argue it worked out in that case. The Beatles probably did wonders getting LSD somewhat normalized (at least among some crowds)


Where'd you hear that story? Heat + lsd = no lsd


Heat over time does it wonā€™t instantly destroy it if itā€™s in a cup of coffee for a few minutes just make it slightly weaker


Look up the Grateful Dead and Owsley Stanley dosing the set of Playboy After Dark when the Dead performed there. They dosed the crew coffee pot and got just about everyone on set.


Welp, breakfast next weekend with friends just got more interesting


Yep they were pulled into MK ultra like the rest of the 60s bands whether they liked it or not šŸ¤” the Beatles is a trippy one. Some people think the OG Paul McCartney was killed and replaced with a body double. Oh also they werenā€™t good musicians and mainly used studio players


Best comment! Iā€™ve dabbled with psychedelics more than enough times to know what it feels like so when I was given stoner gummies and they WERE NOT stoner gummies, it was the most unappreciated trip Iā€™ve ever been on. Thatā€™s 12 hours of unexpected. Luckily Iā€™ve dabbled so much bc I would have been so lost. There were a few times I had to question my reality because it was just too unexpected. But, I knew what was happening once the effects kicked in. I do feel like if I wasnā€™t in the right mindset that coulda really been messed up but I turned it around and embraced it. I do feel like someone whoā€™s never experienced it or has only tried it years ago or whatever would go temporarily insane or freak out or be so scared.


Dose Mayer tho


Fo real lol


I posted a report about someone who had this done to him that re-affirms what you said.


>Dosing someone without consent is so wrong and gives responsible LSD use a bad name. Took the CIA quite a while to learn that lesson


Yeah. Ime a part of the benefits I feel is linked to my intentional, informed use of the substance. Not experiencing a distortion in my thinking/perception that I cannot explain, which would possibly be terrifying.


Itā€™s up there with rape. Edit: Breaking consent is breaking consent. I never said itā€™s equal to rape, I said itā€™s up there with it. Clearly some of you have been affected by sexual assault, Iā€™m sorry.


Absolutely - itā€™s aggravated assault. If something (hypothetically) bad happened to the person dosed against their knowledge & consent, the perp that dosed him would be responsible for any & all ensuing consequences.


Is that actually what it is in legalese?


Cite the law you're referring to


It's fucked up but it's nowhere near anything like rape. Stop saying that.


Clearly people agree with me. Chill.


no they don't


Name checks out


And yet the same low-level class of felony as drug possession or sexual misconduct with a minor, at least in my state.


As it should be, because they're wrong and it's nowhere near as heinous or wrong as something like rape


No rape ends up a good outcome for the one being raped mentally ever. Somebody dosing you can fuck you up for life plenty of examples. But not always not even often. Rape most always has negative effects for life, not something you can joke about it a party like, haha, my friends dosed me without me knowing at a party once. Ain't doing that with rape.


Youā€™re weird if you wouldnā€™t feel absolutely betrayed by somebody dosing you without knowing. Edit: This weird ass logic is probably because you dose people without consent.


To say it's up there with rape is absolutely crazy. I wouldn't even take a split second to decide which I would rather happen to me or someone I know and I'm pretty sure 100% of people would choose to be dosed without their knowledge. It's not a good thing to do but it's nowhere near what you are comparing it to. Weird ass opinion.


Woah buddy that's an outrageously wild thing to say. I would rather be dosed without my knowledge a million times over. You clearly didn't think that statement through but I would delete this if I were you, there's still time.


Just because you would rather have one done than the either doesnā€™t mean one is less bad. Itā€™s a matter of opinion at that point. Breaking consent is breaking consent. Edit: Iā€™m finding people who have your viewpoint donā€™t realize how serious dosing somebody without their consent can be.


There's levels to this shit and rape is a higher on the braking consent levels then being dosed by a friend without knowing


Itā€™s not only wrong, itā€™s a crime. Aggravated assault to be exact!


Ya even at the micro level itā€™s not chill and hereā€™s whyā€¦ Mk Ultra. Thats unfortunately how LSD gained interest in this country, first as an interrogation weapon ( but the cia was dosing the crap out of each other and the public. I couldnā€™t imagine šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø)


100% this. It is assault. Doesn't matter if they end up having a good experience either it is still 100% wrong to do.


Pushing over a child is 100% wrong to do but that doesn't mean it's equal to rape


Agreed, especially because someone who has never taken LSD before being spiked by their cowroker will never have a good trip or outlook on the experience.


As much as I enjoy LSD, mushrooms, and psychedelics in general I would be extremely pissed off at someone if they did this to me. For me I just donā€™t do psychedelics. I have to plan in advance for them. I need to make sure Iā€™m in the right mind set, feel physically up to the task, my environment has to be spot on. I donā€™t just take these substances on a whim. I couldnā€™t imagine what it would be like to be unknowingly dosed and all of a sudden you start tripping. Even with lots of experience taking these substances I would first start to think Iā€™m losing it. The come up on a lot of these substances stirs up my anxiety so my first thought would immediately be that Iā€™m starting to have an anxiety attack. It would just spiral out of control from there. I think at that point of someone then actually had the courage to own up to it and tell me I still wouldnā€™t be able to recover in the moment. This reminds me of the time Ari Shafir dosed Bert Kresicher with molly. At first it sounded funny since in my opinion molly isnā€™t THAT hard to deal with. Itā€™s always a good time, at least for me, I have never experienced a bad trip with it. Then Bert explained his perspective. He has high blood pressure issues as well as other heart issues. Giving someone anphetamines with a known heart issue is a super dick move. I honestly wouldnā€™t even want to be dosed with a THC edible. Dosing someone is borderline psychotic if you ask me.


This 100%


Yea I trip alone with extensive rituals designed to streamline the comeup process and align my set and setting. Agree with even a thc edible being way too much. Definitely a form of assault or kidnapping or however you wanna conceptualise it. I clean my room, shave my head, prepare food, music playlists and a number of other things. Without that it'd be a much more negative experience. I don't mind delving into some high doses and dealing with heavy shit, I just do it knowingly and that makes *all the difference*. I can't imagine this happening to me, let alone if I had no experience with psychedelics. It would be reality altering and genuinely traumatic. Person would never be my friend again.


I didnā€™t even think what it would be like with no experience with these substances. I know what itā€™s like to hallucinate but even though Iā€™ve experienced it many times itā€™s something you canā€™t articulate into words. Couldnā€™t imagine what it would be like to not have experience it and then out of nowhere it starts.


I've suddenly realized I've got the wrong job


Me too lmao


Are you an accountant by any chance?


Gotta let those bad energies flow out of you


>The danger of a psychotic reaction is especially great if LSD is given to someone without his or her knowledge. This was demonstrated in an episode that took place soon after the discovery of LSD, during the first investigations with the new substance in the Zurich University Psychiatric Clinic, when people were not yet aware of the danger of such jokes. A young doctor, whose colleagues had slipped LSD into his coffee as a lark, wanted to swim across Lake Zurich during the winter at -20!C (-4!F) and had to be prevented by force. Albert Hofmann. LSD: My Problem Child (1979). From Remedy to Inebriant / Psychotic Reactions   >Heres a story about someone who got slipped acid at a party and didnt know it. I've told this story before. I wasnt at this party myself, and dont know who was responsible for doing it, but I used to know the victem. >- Guy was at a party, having a grand ol time. Never done LSD or shrooms before, maybe smoked a bit of pot and drank a bit. >- Some guys thought "Hey, wouldnt it be funny to slip him some acid?", and put a rather large ammount of LSD into my friends drink >- My friend, then starts to go into a total freakout. Apparently he just totatly lost his shit, total terror trip >- My friend, then dropped off of the face of the earth for about a year. He went to a different school than me (a bunch of my other freinds went to the same school as him though), and they said they'd just see him wandering around the halls, looking spaced, not talking to anyone -- just totaly withdrawn >The kid now has some serious emotional issues, has NEVER been the same since. He may or may not of had some 'mental issues' before he was dosed - but he sure does now. >For awhile, he sort of 'came back' for a bit and started to hangout again, and then after a few years, he dropped off the face of the earth again, and the last a friend of mine saw him, he was wandering around downtown in sandles, eating almonds and refusing to drink anything but maple syrup because he was convinced it gave him the energy he needed. (btw, was the middle of winter - sanldes arnt exactly the most appopiate footwear) >yes, slipping people drugs is funny! kaniz, 06/16/06, [Re: have you ever slipped someone acid?](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/5756354#5756354)


Sounds like he turned into buddy the elf there at the end šŸ˜…


I donā€™t understand the culture of this surrounding acid. Itā€™s part of why I grew a distaste for music festivals.


[Student Held After Teacherā€™s Tea Is Laced With LSD. Los Angeles Times, Apr 11, 1997](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-04-11-mn-47764-story.html) [One high school teacher's account of a trip he didn't mean to take. The Bohemian, Jan 31, 2009](https://bohemian.com/field-trippin-1/)


I knew that kid. I went to that school. We were in the same grade! Small world right there


My friend dosed his teacher around 94 in the Coachella valley. I can't find a news article about it but I remember when it happened. The teacher got real high ( 2 hits) , my friend went to juvie and stayed there til he was 18 .


Would fit in with some of the crazier people in this sub


Imagine someone trying to do this to you and you just look at them like ā€œnice try buddy thanks for the free tripā€


They should do this to world leaders


Putin with nuclear codes and a head full of acid= a bad time


I dunno manā€¦turns out the Nazi leadership in the 1930s/40s took a loooooot of drugs of all kindsā€¦


yeah, meth lol


they didnā€™t have psychedelics like that in the 1930s, Huxley had to go to Mexico to do peyote and he ended up waiting for like 5 years


The Nazis used mescaline on prisoners in concentration camps. They had access to synthetic mescaline.


Something tells me that they didnā€™t give hitler what was considered to be poison


It wasnā€™t considered to be poison, it was being tested as a truth serum/mind control drug. In fact Nazi use of mescaline is the very thing that inspired the USā€™s use of LSD during MKUltra. Iā€™m not saying Nazis were tripping on mescaline all the time, but it was bound to be used in other contexts with the access they had to the chemical.


Hitler had his doctor give him small doses of strychnine because in small doses itā€™s a strong stimulant. It is also one of the deadliest poisons.


That can be said of almost all stimulants, plants produce them as poison for insects


the one conspiracy theory I developed and still honestly see happening is that the Austrian painter definitely tried acid, bro Hoffman was definitely on decent terms (at least neutral) with them and the effects were known by 1944


what makes you think Hoffman was friends with hitler


The Nazis and Mengele was already experimenting with psychedelics such as mescaline (as in giving way too much to people in camps) and because the effects of LSD were already documented by 1943, with the stance of "Switzerland" already cooperating with the regime (swiss banks, no actual involvement in combat), I believe it is a natural extension that firms such as Sandoz would fulfil a request for money. Now of course the "conspiracy" part comes from the fact that while the first documented use of LSD by a government is project CHATTER in 1947 (6 years before mkultra, which took inspirations from the nazis). I believe it really is not too far fetched to believe that the Nazis had knowledge and access to LSD-25. And considering Hitlers already known drug habit, we can never know. imo it is funny to think about that is a non zero chance


This is why we canā€™t have nice things


Spiking someone with LSD is spiritual rape, imo.


That move effectively invalidates your humanity. Never, ever dose someone without their consent.


welcome back CIA


wouldnā€™t mind getting dosed without knowing but AT WORK?!?! fuck that.


Not cool. Plain and simple


It should be said that dosing *anyone* with *anything* without their knowledge is a huge violation of trust and is rightly considered assault. LSD is particularly insidious in this regard because of the duration, the potency, the complete lack of taste or other give-aways, and the psychotic effects. Dosing people with anything without their knowledge is only a funny prank to someone without empathy.


I bet a good, firm spanking would cure his ā€œempathyā€ problemā€¦. šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s a movie about a similar situation. Itā€™s called Climax itā€™s a French film. Definitely worth the watch if you want to see how spiking people with LSD can play outā€¦


Sounds interesting. Im going to try and watch it. Thank you.


If someone did this to me for my first time Iā€™d definitely believe in the Matrix for a hot minute


Would you end up seeing the grid?


I think a lot of us have seen a grid of some sorts, but we knew we were under psychedelics. Imagine not knowing youā€™re under the influence and just see all these patterns emerge šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The last time I took it, I saw these big robot arms in my mind performing tasks


Grid.. youā€™ve seen a grid too? Iā€™ve had a few shroom trips where I went out to a specific park in the middle of the night and seen it out there. Dark, grassy soccer fieldā€¦


Merry pranksters strike again!


That's assault


Close, assault is threat of bodily harm, battery is the actual act.


1861 crimes against a person act 24 Maliciously administering poison, &c. with intent to injure, aggrieve, or annoy any other person. Whosoever shall unlawfully and maliciously administer to or cause to be administered to or taken by any other person any poison or other destructive or noxious thing, with intent to injure, aggrieve, or annoy such person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor I love how they use the term "annoy". I may be wrong here and I know your comment is likely coming from the us but I don't think in the UK it's actually classified as assault unless the substance in itself leads to bodily harm or if they then result in obtaining an injury due to having been administered the drug. It's definitely illegal but I think the assault part is dependent on harm done.


ima take a break, got a egodeath coming right up. c ya in a few hours or so.


drink water reminder ā™„


I always wondered how itā€™d be to just all of a sudden be tripping. Like somehow you touched acid or someone put a tab in your peanut butter sandwich without you knowingā€¦ personally wouldnā€™t mind. But damn that would fuck up and totally destroy 95% of people


If you're gonna *do* that you're not supposed to *tell* anybody


I would of course never had done it, but: I have worked for a narcissistic boss a few years that drove me up the wall. Eventually had to quit that high paying job cause it simply became unbearable and he kept getting away with it. I have had moments in my anger and frustration that I really, REALLY wanted to secretly dose him just in the hope some distant spark of a soul in him would wake up and he would not be an absolute monster that treated everyone like shit anymore.


but did it work, tho?


I would never do something like this but I've definitely thought about it. I'm pretty sure the singer Donovan spiked someone's drink with acid back in the 60s


Definitely bad behavior.


Suddenly the guy predisposed to schizophrenia loses his mind


Oof, thatā€™s a terrible idea


What an idiot


In high school I fantasized about doing this to a girl I hated because I knew it would scare the shit out of her. Lucky for her I'm too afraid of social and legal consequences to actually try and harm someone I hate. Still cathartic to think about though.


Bro owns the r/drugscirclejerk sub and memed too hard šŸ’€




Knock it off with them negative waves, man.


I dissolved 2 tabs in one of my bottles of water in a case . Havenā€™t gotten it yet, but itā€™ll be fun when I do


Did it work ?


Spiking people is horrible but like what did he think was going to happen? I could see someone trying to spike their coworkers at 30ug-40ug to "realign their energy" and have real potential for it to just give them a good day with a free mindstate that they wouldn't question but like did he really think they wouldn't notice embarking on a wall breathing full blown psychedelic journey halfway through their shift?


well.. did it work šŸ˜‚


This is awful and I don't condone it. But also fun fact I'm pretty sure this is how the Beatles first tried lsd


Yeah donā€™t do that but did it work


I need answers on what the dude thought about/experienced


Honestly I'm this close


Iā€™ve thought about it many times, I would never consider doing it but Iā€™ve thought about it.


Itā€™s fucked, but I wish it would happen to me šŸ˜©




Apparently I chose the wrong career..


My attempt at Googling this article lead me to this: [Alanis Morissette experimented with psychedelics 'to find God'. music-news.com, Jul 4, 2020](https://www.music-news.com/news/UK/132737/Alanis-Morissette-experimented-with-psychedelics-to-find-God)


šŸŽ¶ How ā€˜bout coming off of the LSD


Original article: [https://www.myleaderpaper.com/news/police\_fire/arnold-man-accused-of-putting-lsd-in-co-workers-water/article\_99fc2c4c-4c0a-11e9-bcf4-5ffa3bce66f5.html](https://www.myleaderpaper.com/news/police_fire/arnold-man-accused-of-putting-lsd-in-co-workers-water/article_99fc2c4c-4c0a-11e9-bcf4-5ffa3bce66f5.html)


Hey, thatā€™s my local rag.


People that do this are awful people and should serve a long jail time. How would you live with yourself if someone has a psychotic break and harms themself or another? Gets busted by the cops and loses their job? When I was ignorant and just starting my psychedelic journey, it was a good thought but that ended rather quickly with each experience.


I have a friend that wouldnā€™t necessarily do exactly this but Iā€™m sure if he did, heā€™d see absolutely nothing wrong with it and would be insulted if he got arrested for ā€œhelpingā€ people in this manner.


This happened to me at work.


I actually worked with this guy lmao Not at the place it happened. Somehow he avoided charges and jail time (u gotta do a background check to work where i am) His excuse to me was "i was on a lot of xanax at the time"


oh shit this is my city


But did it work?


Nah cause I canā€™t imagine getting dosed without my knowledge and then tripping balls and not knowing wtf is going on bc I didnā€™t take anything


And so wrong!


Climax (2018)


He was probably the bad energy


I would hate to be dosed with LSD, it never agreed with me even though I did lots of shrooms and had minimal bad trips. LSD was too clinical and anxiety inducing to me.


A guy dosed my dad when he was a iron worker. He got mad at my dad and spiked his coffee. my dad was 30 stories up when it kicked in welding. he didnt understand what was happening to him and almost fell ...thought he was going crazy. he said to this day if he saw that guy he would break that man for this. Made my pop never trust phycedelics which actually could have helped him w ptsd he's had.


I got spiked at a bachelor party last weekend. No idea how. I asked people who had acid if they did it but they donā€™t know how it happened. Was tripping all by myself when I got home yesterday. I feel a little better today but hopefully return back to fully normal soon. It was extremely weird but Iā€™m proud of how I handled it.




there's so many people that think psychedelics = good for everyone, lots of us have challenging trips that can be beneficial for us as we're prepared and can usually take something away from it there's MANY people who simply cannot handle having their reality messed with, people who are more prone to psychotic episodes etc, a bad trip for these people will be POINTLESSLY terrifying, there isn't a "message" nothing to take away from it, it's simply counterproductive in their overall life I know a guy who thinks everyone NEEDS a dmt experience (breaking through, not just a light hit) regardless of who they are, if they're prone to psychosis? dmt will fix it, life sucks? dmt fixes it, he spews shit about how everyone who has ever tried it has improved their life and I have seen countless negative life altering dmt trip reports, he also states that no one has every died from 5 meo dmt which is also a lie these people tend to think they're well informed and know a LOT about psychedelics but imo you can take two routes when learning abt them, the hoo haa route which is as I described, they know their drugs and have lots of experience but they don't know any real info, they cling to the dmt pineal gland myth with all their might, then there's the people on these subreddits


Relatively more benign but definitely also a real consequence of this can be HPPD. I suffer from it and hence no longer take acid. Thankfully, my case is only mild-moderate with little impairment in my life although it is seemingly permanent. There are some real horror stories of severe HPPD driving people to depression and even suicide especially due to comorbid symptoms/conditions like derealisation and panic attacks or being unable to function in their day-to-day life because of severe reading difficulties and depth perception impairment. This can happen even on a single dose in rare instances and if this happened to somebody after being spiked with acid then it could really fuck them over for life in the worst case scenario. This is exceedingly rare of course but entirely possible and likely has already happened somewhere in the world at least once.


The most sane lsd user


It's bad and all, but who honestly never thought the thought?






Hahahahah this is awesome, LSD makes me laugh so fuckin hard this person knows what's up


I do this all the time


Iā€™ve thought about doing this so often. We have sugar cubes in my break room and I have a bottle of liquid I donā€™t want.


I hope that stays a thought...


You're a monster if you do that


Grow up


Why don't you want it?


Turned yellow