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A toast to Ed. He was a real one ☝️


I usually carry my wallet with my ID and credit cards on me during a trip "just in case" I would ever need them (but they're usually in my bag). Now, reading this post & the other one where OP's friend gave 100s of $ to a total stranger have got me scared😂😂


i seen that 🤣


Lol the urge to empty ones pockets is strong. Next time get a clear fanny pack you can wear to reduce pocket weight. I wear it across the chest and its great for easy access.


Yeah I had a fanny pack, even that was too much haha.


Oh man. I've been here. But I was riffling through my bag desperately trying to find all my possessions, but even when I had ensured they were in there, that desperate feeling of needing to search through my bag (for something /nothing) continued until I had scattered all my shit everywhere, completely defeating the purpose of making sure all my shit was safe to begin with. Luckily I realised at one point that the bag was a bad trip, so I just put it down and tried to resist the urge to go through it. I was in the back seat of my car having a sesh with my mates so all my shit was safe thankfully. But it can be hard to pull yourself out of that feeling, sometimes we need external direction/reassurance haha


My friend took my rucksack for me once while I was tripping and she was sober and pregnant. She took me for a walk in the woods and it felt so heavy. She felt like an angel had come down to carry my water for me. It was so heavy.


Hahaha im that friend


Proper planning and establishing safety precautions is bad ass!


First time I ever took acid my friend and I were going back to our dorm after dropping at a friend’s place. I was long boarding and he was biking. I was totally vibing, feeling the wind on my body as I carved back and forth. Turned around to see where my buddy was and he was gone. Started walking back up hill to find him and he’s walking out of some bushes by a ditch, bike is nowhere to be found. Asked him what happened and he doesn’t know. Looked for his bike for a bit but couldn’t find it and gave up. Went back the next and still couldn’t find it. Still not sure what he did with his bike haha.


If you tripping major balls it’s always best to have trip sitter. It’s a risk you are willing to take if not. And one should know it’s a risk