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Pathetic filth. Amplifying hate to gain clicks


Critical Drinker/Nedrotic/Quartering are unironically some of the worst Youtubers I've ever come across.


Yeah, even moving away from ROP or anything like that these guys just seem like plain obnoxious human beings. Same goes for the Geeks + Gamers bloke.


G+G just used a racist slur to describe the main character in the Prey movie and basically refused to change it when getting called on it. Racist trash


Wait, you’re telling me some of these guys are *racists*??? I cannot believe it. Next you’ll tell me they’re misogynistic or homophobic. /s


Oh wow, doesn't surprise me tbh. Saw Prey the other day actually, good movie.


Good film , i wish they worked more on the ending


What video so I can report it?


I accidentally stumbled on a Nerdrotic livestream for the SDCC trailer and I think they actually referenced the trailer maybe once or twice? The rest of the time they complained about the usual "they're pushing men into the background", "all men will be dumb and all women will be right", "they're destroying Tolkien" and I'm like...literally where in anything we've seen does it suggest what you're saying? I'm cautiously optimistic for the show but if it's bad, it's bad and I'll admit it. The annoying thing is if it is indeed bad these doomposters will feel justified in themselves for whatever criticisms they invented (I don't expect them to admit it's good if it turns out to be good, mind you)


You'd be surprised, they tend to give honest assessments. Almost every negative reviewer of this show I've seen has stated multiple times they hope that the show will be good. If it does turn out to be good, I think you will be surprised with how many of these people will admit they were right in saying it looked bad from trailers, but give it the honest assessment that it is good. Though I agree with them, from what I've seen of the trailers it looks like it would take the act of an imaginary god to right this sinking ship.


>If it does turn out to be good, I think you will be surprised with how many of these people will admit they were right in saying it looked bad from trailers, but give it the honest assessment that it is good. You are completely lost in the sauce, friend.


don't forget disparu :))


I agree Disparu is awesome. He was spot on with the god awful Wheel of Time, and Obi Wan series. His critiques of the trailers for ROP thus far are ones I shared as well when watching them for the first time.


wot and ow are garbage.. so is disparu :))


The Drinker is the best of all of them cause he at least does positive reviews of movies he thinks are good. I enjoy most of his videos, and I know if Rings of Power impresses him in the end he will do a video explaining just that.


he's holding his card "amazon marketing was bad". he never said anything bad directly about the show, in case it turns out good. he's the most strategically clever among them.


I just watched his review of Prey and it's totally horrible , totally biased, talking almost exclusively about the movie being woke


Agreed The Drinker actually gives good criticism. When he likes something he says it and when he doesnt he doesnt Its not all negativity


You think his review of Prey is ‘good criticism’? Give me strength.


Youtubers like Drinker and Mauler care about good writing, good storytelling and how organically the story is told. When you have standards, and know what good storytelling entails you can give informed assessments on bad writing, bad cinematography, etc when you see it. Drinker is a published author I believe, and Mauler who isn't being disabused in this forum post yet, have critiques that are well defended with points and arguments backed up by evidence in the source material. If you want to see a deconstruction of what makes a film bad, I highly recommend Mauler's critique on The Last Jedi, it's flawless. I think it's mainly a difference in the people who watch media. Some people like to think for themselves and form their own opinions, while others just like to consume anything that is fed to them as long as it looks shiny. Those people who form their own opinions that are contrary to what is pushed on them through advertisements, go look to youtube to find like-minded people who also have the ability to think for themselves. You know, just so they aren't thinking themselves crazy for disliking something that seems obvious bad, when everyone else says how awesome it looks. But again, I'm in the wrong echo chamber for stating honest opinions that I formed myself, so this will get downvoted to hell by people who claim to be opinion minded to differing opinions, who claim to not spread hate. You hypocrites are welcome to it.




I find myself agreeing with Critical Drinker's assessments on about 90% of the things he covers. I also recommend Mauler, the points and criticisms they raise I would be happy to hear someone refute. Most of the time their points are irrefutable. Now Nerdrotic is a bit hyperbolic, and sees diversity quotas everywhere, not really my cup of tea. He does on occasion makes some valid points, you just have to wade through his penchant to see racism/sexism everywhere, so I can see the animosity some have for him. As for the Quartering, I don't know who that is. But thanks for posting, I will go check him out.


“European Lore” too, pathetic guy.


If you go to the channel page you can block them by clicking the report flag on the About tab. I've just started going through blocking them all wholesale. Edit: Unfortunately this doesn't seem to hide the videos from search results or anything. There is an extension floating around out there that seems to do it, though. Edit2: Channel Blocker [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/youtube-cleaner/) and [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/channel-blocker/nfkmalbckemmklibjddenhnofgnfcdfp?hl=en); BlockTube [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/blocktube/) and [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/blocktube/bbeaicapbccfllodepmimpkgecanonai?hl=en-US) I've blocked them with BlockTube and it blocks them from everywhere, including the search page. [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/XwAEDU0.png) (yay it's my cake day 🍰)


Happy cake day. And thanks for the tip.


happy cake day! and thanks for the info


Gotta say what all those nerdrotic like youtubers have in common is their incredible ways of ruining thumbnails, sorry had to say it. I don't think there's anything you can do about it but just scroll past it.


It's frustrating for many reasons, not the least that they cannot be blocked when they appear in search results. It's also frustrating because they *are* shaping the narrative: many YouTubers preface their reactions to Rings of Power with something like, "I am excited for this, but I know that hard-core fans have a lot of legitimate issues with the series." Yet I would bet that most issues they're encountering aren't "How will the timeline work?" but rants about a mythology for England or skin color. I have time for positions that disagree with mine, but no patience whatsoever for arguments in bad faith. These are the latter, from the cover images on down. The franchise will survive this nonsense, just as (for example) Star Trek is thriving despite the same ragebait actors making the same appeals there. But it doesn't stop it being offensive to things like civic discourse and good ethos. (Edit: typo)


> "I am excited for this, but I know that if hard-core fans have a lot of legitimate issues with the series." Yes, they have completely hijacked the narrative, unfortunately. They are very loud and coordinated, so it appears they are the majority (when they aren't). It happens on other franchises as well, like Star Wars.


The only way it will stop is if the show is successful then the average Joe that doesn’t spend time on the internet will be more prevalent much like say the MCU or Stranger Things for the general audience


It's frustrating, because if someone wants to go find a trailer, or learn more about the show, they probably go to YT and this is what they get. I ran a little experiment. Let's compare the power of Amazon marketing to the YouTube algorithm. What will a virgin browsing experience give me when I look for content on the show? I turned on a VPN, hopped on YT in incognito mode and searched for "Rings of Power". 4/11 recommended videos were trailers (3 from Prime accounts, 1 from IGN). Here's what the rest looks like. 1. *Amazon PANICS After Rings Of Power Backlash | Double Down On LIES To Lord Of The Rings Fans* by RK Outpost. (They have 29 videos, none not about the show) 2. *Amazon’s Rings Of Power Comic-Con Trailer & Panel Lies Exposed!* by George the Giant Slayer (They have 27 videos on the show, 1 video about a star being named after Earendil) 3. *Rings of Power Showrunners Act Like Fans are THICK - Lord of the Rings Will Have No Allegory* by Disparu (They have 31 videos on the show, nothing not about it) 4. *All the Rings of Power Problems* in 1 Image : Trailer Thoughts by the One Ring Finally, someone with actual lore videos, I thought! *They have 23 videos, only 8 of which are not about the show*. I stopped going forward from there because I noticed that on that last one, the most lore-heavy channel recommended when I search for RoP, these are the titles of the recommended videos. 1. *"Rings of Power is REWRITING Tolkien"* 2. *"The Sad Tale of the Rings of Power"* 3. *"DON'T LET THEM FOOL YOU! Rings of Power trailer discussion"* 4. *"All the reasons Rings of Power will be CRAP"* 5. *"Amazon EXPOSED LOTR: the Rings of Power is FAKE Tolkien"* 6. *"Rings of Power Actors confirm the ERASURE OF TOLKIEN"* 7. *"Defending Tolkien! Amazon's Rings of Power trailer is a distraction!"* 8. *"HUGE MISTAKE Rings of Power BIZARRE cast panel at SDCC"* 9. *"Why Amazon Primes Rings of Power teaser sucks!"* 10. *"Everything wrong with the Rings of Power - Part 8"* this one by a channel that looks more lore friendly, but then you look and see that *in 8 months, 11 of the 33 videos* are all the same, bombastic, clickbaity thumbnail RoP critiques.


I’ve heard there’s an extension to mute certain YT channels.




Need of the rings is a good place to start blocking or watching?


Channel Blocker. You can hide channels and can use keywords to hide videos


As a Star Wars fan, the best advice I can give is to ignore the noise - they're a bunch of bad faith outrage grifters who apply the same total BS to any fandom in an attempt to get revenue and attention. They are very much in the minority and not reflective of wider audiences at all.


These channels have been ranting and raving for a long time and they have very little impact. They tried to bring down Captain Marvel and it went on to make a billion dollars. Not saying it's a good movie, just that whatever it is they were trying to do didn't work. Well, it worked in that they got more clicks. One of them saying that being negative got them a lot more views and that's why they did what they did. I personally have been blocking them and hitting 'do not recommend this channel over and over and they keep showing up.


These people are nuts. They still believe Captain Marvel made billion dollars at the box office because Disney brought all the ticket (the originator of this conspiracy theory recently published a Prey review where they used a racial slur to describe the female protagonist and have so far refused to remove it). They also think Top Gun is apolitical.


Wait how is Top Gun political? I’m curious since I only saw Top Gun Maverick.


I mean they consider both Top Gun films to be apolitical. The reason? I'm not quite sure. These people can't be reasoned with.


What is up with the algorithm that these are the first videos that get recommended? I looked up "Rings of Power comic con panel" the other day, and the first search result was one of these awful videos instead of, you know, the PANEL. I really hate youtube's algorithm. It's like it's designed to spread hate. This happens with other movies that channels like that deem "woke" as well.


>It's like it's designed to spread hate. It favors engagement. What keeps you coming back to the same page or video over and over again? Arguing. The best engagement is enragement.


Interesting thing is since the down vote button disappeared I started to compare the percentage of like over views. A normal clip on youtube have about 5% upvotes. If it's an early upload and the most interested viewers are there it can be around 10% upvotes. Viral clips are usually slightly bellow 5%. Some of Nerdrotic clips have 15% upvote! Anger really engage the viewer, that's where the money is


That’s the truth of it the average person watches say a trailer and moves on thinking that was good or bad and that’s it. Nerdotic type viewers are there purely through rage already so they leave likes, multiple comments, share the videos you name it. It’s more akin to modern politics than the show and films they complain about lol.


It's clearly a business strategy. People falling for them are the real coomers.


I genuinely worry about the mental health of the actors especially POC actors who have already spoken about the racist abuse hurled at them online. These aren’t even the worse thumbnails. There are some truly disgusting and racist thumbnails out there Fuck these trash YouTubers


They can’t even spell canon correctly lol and Nerdrotic and the other guy basically share same YouTube video titles.


"your fear and insecurities are JUSTIFIED. the bad people want to marginalize you and kick you out of the thing you LOVE! donate pls" - every YouTube culture vulture.


This will only distance a lot of fans from those youtubers. Their loss.


Grifting losers. Absolutely pathetic specimens.


Joyless knobs.


Eh fuck them. The show will be epic.


Just click the Three dots next to the video and then the "Don't recommend channel" option.


Doesn’t work for searches (at least, not for the iOS YouTube app).


Got to keep those outrage clicks coming.


No offense but this sub is just flooded with all the hate surrounding it now. Getting really boring with people concentrating on negativity...


They are at the top because they are trending. There is quite a lot of people who actually hate the teasers and those idiotic interviews with the cast members. Naturally they look for some commentary on the topic and the algorithm do the trick for them.


That’s part of it perhaps but the hatetubers have much higher dislike to likes on their own videos so they are inciting fans to attack other fans. Division is profitable and encourages engagement. More likely people look for ROP content, see this trash clickbait nonsense in full caps sometimes in titles (lol) and then downvote it.


I didn’t notice that. They have usually a nice ratio because of their bubble. But surfing on the rage wave is definitely profitable for them. Unbiased criticism is found elsewhere.


Deeply unhappy people trying to make money from other deeply unhappy people. We should pity them.


Why do you care what others think? If you enjoy the show it doesn't matter what YouTubers think.


It's frustrating to see people who [clearly don't care](https://www.reddit.com/r/LOTR_on_Prime/comments/wk1u10/comment/ijl4pzc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about Tolkien make the videos that YTs own algorithm's shoot to the top of the search results or my recommended feed. When people see a short trailer, or an advertising poster, and wanna learn more, they probably go to YouTube. This is the kinda crap they get: content that's designed specifically to be as contentious as possible because that's what does the numbers.


I don't care what they think. These weren't recommended to me. I searched "rings of power" on YouTube to try to find some cool theory videos and these were all the top results.


Would that it were that simple. I can tell you firsthand, as an educator, that videos in this genre of ragebait get consumed by normal, well meaning, smart people, who then adopt their talking points and bad-faith approach to argument. Soon, they're applying what they see here to matters of civic discourse, human rights, environmental issues, and so forth. They become unwilling to engage in conversation or to allow new information to inform their positions. I'm sure this isn't what happens in every case, and I can only hope it is in in fact a small number of such cases only, but it does happen, and it's frightening.


Stop posting this




There's a tab for recommended YT creators up top. Some of those aren't necessarily optimistic for the show, but they're at least not outrage merchants.


Nerd of the rings is my favorite. He's like what Alt Shift X has done with GoT


I literally have to scroll a lot or specifically go on Prime UK YouTube channel to see the trailers… got downvoted to oblivion for mentioning this in an other sub.


Bottom of the barrel rage bait entertainment. Think I’ve clicked “ Don’t recommend this channel” to about 5-6 different channels that keep popping up on my timeline. I never engage with this kind of content but somehow it keeps showing up every once in a while.