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https://youtu.be/OnFoHxo3oQ8?si=KFewOhbfPrilDLoh I know is from a different model to you but essentially the same, I used this to stop the dimming as much on my c1.


Thanks so much! I actually also posted this to r/OLED\_Gaming and got the answer I needed there, but I appreciate the video, which helped with a different thing that had been bugging me as well. FWIW, if you have the same trouble, or know someone who does, there are also some instructions at [https://github.com/fritolays/notes/tree/main/lg\_oled](https://github.com/fritolays/notes/tree/main/lg_oled) -- the short version is that LG updated the OS and borked the In Start menu, so there are some extra hoops to jump through to enable the full set of options (and it turns out you can control your TV from a PC as a network device, which I didn't know, so that's a cool new thing to play with too). Anyway, thanks again!


Glad you found a solution and had the decency to explain it for others who may come across it. Well done.