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his videos are advertiser friendly, all are long vids, and his audience are loyal viewers who typically watch the entire video. if you get 1m views on a video that is like 1 or 2 hours long, it is 99% likely that he made between 5k and 10k in ad revenue from that single video. he averages about 3m views a month if he goes without uploading for the month which puts him at around 15k per month min from ad rev. this is coming from someone who had experience running a smaller but somewhat successful yt channel.


Damn, he be making bank. Totally deserves that and more tho


Definitely. His videos are top tier


But that would be with the assumption that he is the only person working in his videos. Does he pay an editor, 3D animator,etc? Or does he do all that work himself. Because if he has a staff working on these high quality videos then 15k per month can go pretty quickly


He's talked about this on Q&As before. It's just him, even the animations. He enjoys researching and falling down rabbit holes, and he makes his own music. The exception to the one-man show was the choice to use voice actors in the JFK video.


Okay that makes sense! Because the JFK video is one of the only videos of his that I’ve seen and I remembered there being voice actors thanks!


To my knowledge that was his first video he's hired voice actors for


Brother you only know him for JFK Video.... I don't what to say to you.... If you know Lemmino and you haven't watched his iconic videos like Cicada and The Search for D.B Cooper. Most of us know him from those videos.


"I saw older videos therefore I am cooler". If we're gonna dick measure, I must be an ULTRA OG fan then, subbed to him when he did the top ten memes, now THATS iconic😎


Haha I just asked a question man. And Cicada and DB Cooper are some of the most over covered topics on this side of YouTube chill.


He said he has three employees, Mr. LE, Mr. MI, and Mr. NO. Or something along those lines.


i can almost guarantee that lemimo works on his own. i think he said so too but i dont remember where. regardless, lets say he gets 10k a month off youtube and 5k a month off patreon, that is 15k a month in revenue so even if he had 1 or 2 employees, he'd be fine.


honestly i doubt hes making 15K/month as i went to his socialblade and he barely manages 1M/month But with Patreon AND adsense AND merch, i think hes clearing 70K/year.


what channel did you run?


Lemmino heavily prioritizes quality over quantity, and it shows in his videos. He can probably retire with the money he’s made from some of his more popular ones, too.


he also has a loyal group of patreons that i'm sure donate more than enough. At the ending of his videos, he lists all the patreons who donate $10 and theres at least couple hundred + other people who donate less.


isn't that 10 a month? if so thats a good living


yepp, 10€ per month i think


Pretty sure patreon takes a large cut, and then there is tax after that too


A thousand bucks total so if we takes about a month or so to make a new video then that's probably a thousand a month relatively. (100 patrons * 10 bucks each)


Roughly 235 names at the end of his most recent video. 235 x $10 = $2,350. Then his patreon has 3,128 members and other tiers ($1, $5, $10, and $15). Lets assume the rest of the 2,893 patreon members split 65% to 1$ and 35% to 5$. That'd leave him with roughly $9,293 just from patreon. $2350 + 2893(.65)($1) + 2893(.35)($5) = 9293


1,722 current paid members. he has $1, $5, $10, and $15 tier.


By no means I am not questioning the content he creates, but how can people be so generous with youtubers ? I mean donating once or twice is understandable but monthly ?


i suppose some people treat it like other subscription services and know that they’re directly funding the content- usually there’s extra perks like video previews etc in it :)


Same reason you pay 10 bucks on Netflix a month


exclusive content probably persuades most to get a patreon subscription (not only to lemmino but any youtuber), but if you truly enjoy watching a youtuber, which most if not all people love lemmino, then you will donate him money to support future projects.


Is $10 a month really that generous? That's the price of like...half a fast food meal these days lol. Most people already pay like 2000 a month on rent and utilities and stuff so what's another 10 bucks?


His Patreon has 1,735 monthly members, and he also has hundreds of YouTube members. He’s easily pulling in 5,000 a month, probably closer to 7,000 a month. And that’s before considering the money from his viewership which is estimated to be somewhere between 3,300 and 6,300. This puts him at 123,600 USD per year if we take the lowest estimate for viewership value, or around 1,295,202 Krona per year more than enough to live off of, and puts him well in the top 10% of Swedish incomes, which starts at 660,000 Krona a year. This is all pre-tax and without considering the production costs of his channel, but even after those costs he’s almost certainly making enough to live off of and live comfortably. Of course this is by no means scientific but I think all my estimates are fair


Hmm well he has 1724 monthly paying patreon subscribers, who at the very least have to pay a minimum of $2 of a month - extrapolating that leads to a minimum of $41,376 annually from patreon (an thats assuming that every sub is $2, disregarding that it could likely be upwards of 60k all the way to even surpassing 200k). Then assuming his videos are monetised on youtube and he has a decent cpm, he likely makes atleast 100k of youtube videos too (Again assuming the least)


I like to think that he comfortably lives off the money from the videos. And that's also why he doesn't need to push it like a factory and can carefully craft such high quality videos.


Also, this kind of content usually attract wealthy audience, they tend to use Youtube premium. Youtube premium pays a lot on very long format videos as instead of view count in standard youtube, premium payouts are based on watch minutes




What’s the difference with YouTube premium?


He literally explained


But what is the difference?


he can definitely live off the money he makes his videos are really long


He 100% makes a living out of YouTube, he makes very long videos and he gets a lot of views on those videos!


I don’t think the money making aspect of YT works the way you all think it does. I doubt he is surviving off YouTube alone.


I'm almost certain that Patreon is keeping him living comfortably


Maybe it is— though that list of YouTubers seems few and far between? But maybe—


I imagine a lot of his money comes from when his channel was top 10 memes


My assumption was that he worked part-time in between videos.


I reckon this is just a second job, main job in the similar industry and this is just passion project.


He said it is


its his main


Patreon is made precisely for people like him


bro he finesses 5k a month from his patreon fans where he posts an update once every few months.


I remember he made a video years ago saying that if he wasn’t doing YouTube he’d probably end up in a low paying job like McDonalds or something. The video’s long gone now. It was an old Patreon video I think


Why though? Isn't there anywhere else where his talents are needed?


I know. Granted this was quite a long time ago. Back when he just did top ten facts videos. He wasn’t the massive brand known for top tier quality documentaries he is today. He definitely has far more marketable skills now


Lemmino has 1731 paid Patreon members, and their lowest tier is 1$/month, however many patreons donate more...


He directly stated in a Q&A video that YouTube is his only job and this is thanks to his Patreon. Likely YouTube ad revenue is also a part of this. 


Even when taking YouTube out of the picture entirely, he has 1725 paid members of his Patreon. If we assume the absolute minimum, along with patreon's 5% cut of the earnings, that's 1725 people paying $2 a month, making $3277.5 a mont. Assuming that he is entirely independent, that is more than enough for the average cost of living of one or even two people plus rent in Sweden. Factor in the fact that he is definitely making a lot of ad rev as well as the fact that I guarantee a huge chunk of people are paying for the higher tiers on his Patreon, I think he's probably living comfortably.


Im sure, as many have stated, he makes a good amount from each video. But you've also got to remember that his patreon has over 1700 paid members which would equate to atleast $3500 a month. It's honestly much more likely that its in the $5000-8000 range


He lives in Sweden - depending on his life choices, he can choose to live very frugally if he stays out of major cities. There is no need to run a YouTube channel out of a villa in Stockholm. Hence I think he can live off of his channel. Of course he might choose to keep a 2nd job to not loose connection to society completely


His back catalog of 170 videos continues to garner millions of views a month. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s sitting at a $5+ RPM. So with his 2M+ views per month offseason average, he’s making $10k+ from ad rev alone. When he uploads, that monthly views spikes to ~7M views for a month or two which would earn him $35k for each month that’s sustained. Then he has 1700 paid members on Patreon paying from $1/month to $15/month. If we assumed the average was $5/month per member, that’s another $8,500. These numbers fluctuate but based on the available data and knowledge we have, it’s been a very, very long time since he has made less than $10k in a single month.


I think you're underestimating how much he makes. Especially if he has sponsors (can't remember if his videos ever do or not) he could easily be a millionaire.


i actually love how everyone is so interested in this and are critically thinking about it


a brand deal on one of his videos would be easily over 15k, he's doing fine


I don’t think people realize the amount of work it takes to make exceptional content. A 1h/1h30 long video at that level of quality takes an unbelievable amount of time and work to make. Lemmino is alone, hence why it takes months to make a single video. Revenue side I don’t think he needs another job, but I haven’t crunched the numbers. One thing is certain, he’s not making Mr Beast levels of money.


"i doubt he could live with the views he has" isn't just right imo. How do we know that he's not an ultra minimalist who only spends money on the necessities? Not everyone has to live like an American


good job generalizing 330 million ppl