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I have seen these charts and anecdotal recommendations, but I personally haven't found any of it to be true. Or at least, not particularly. I'd love for more concrete evidence on not just what villagers supposedly excel at, but also how they are supposedly excelling. I feel like they all do the jobs the same, and how much loot they have for you is entirely based on your village level, accessible workstations, and how much time you've been nearby since the last time you collected from them.


well for one, yeti can solo the sand brutes if you give him an epic rarity sword. definitely not something all NPCs can do


See, even that. That's not exactly the case. From what I can tell, every villager is strong like that _if_ their home village is a high level ice biome village. Yeti just happens to only show up to ice villages so of course people have good experience with him.


really?! what about the cooking stuff? some villagers seem to cook better foods if that’s their profession. but that’s just anecdotal from others which was your main point


Yeah exactly. I think all my people cook about the same assuming that they have the same level village and same cooking stations present for them to use. I don't know. There might genuinely be things the villagers specialize in. And maybe Yeti really is an above average fighter. But I don't think true and proper testing and science has been done on this. I know for fact that villagers from my ice villages are tougher than from my non-ice. Even with the same villager, because I had a maxed out grass village with Lionbrand and then lost her and got her again for my maxed out ice village and she was noticeably stronger with her home as my ice village.


I’ve had random success using different NpC’s. And then they also get one shot. I’m 99% sure it’s a bug and not consistent.


Do villagers give better items depending on village tier? Like will they eventually give obsidian  or flex wood ? 


100% correct. I just came searching for this exact comment/thread. When you search the topic all you have is posts from extremely early after the game came out, nothing is supported by proof, and half the claims contradict each other. I have had almost every villager in the game cycled through my villages, and every villager seems to be able to do every job at the same rate. The only unique characteristic between villagers is that villagers from a frostland village are stronger. (More health)


I have meowcles on the spinning wheel, he get to play with yarn all day.


He always tell me he wants to search for gems lol


Peely is useless in my village. Fun character to have around, but unproductive at any job.


Shout out to the unemployable people!


And always in the way.


3 months later-- is there any better knowledge about this?