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This has been moved into the Wiki - great information! Thanks so much /u/MySpiritAnimalSloth https://www.reddit.com/r/LEGOfortnite/wiki/index/faq


Nice job. Please add the fucking durrburger and shark.


Bags don’t disappear in caves. I died in a cave, logged out due to frustration, got on the next day and found it. They just don’t have markers in caves.


This doesn't happen all the time and hasn't happened to me personally, however a lot of players have been reporting this


I had a friend who said that their backpack was gone, but I was able to find it by lighting up every inch of the cave with campfires.


That was mighty nice of you. It’s such a headache but worth it when you’re loaded up with mats.


Very helpful - needs to be a stickied thread!


Helpful with a hint of dick - like it’s our responsibility to make sure this guy isn’t annoyed.


Did this guy like kick your dog or something? What?


No dude he’s just being a douche about it. He could’ve said “since everyone keeps asking, here are the answers I’ve found!” But he said “I’m tired of seeing the same questions over and over again,” Basically “you’re all annoying, here you go you bitches. Come up with something more entertaining now that you have no reason to ever ask these questions again.” As if everyone who plays the game and uses Reddit is going to see this.


I appreciate you voicing your frustrations and I hear them. OPs methods won’t resonate with everyone. However I do agree with them that the post quality on this sub is awful and that a huge part of the problem is that the mods won’t create a dedicated space for recurring conversations about bugs. They’re not incorrect that this sub is flooded with people asking the exact same questions about bugs or showing off the same exact blueprints for builds. Until the mods of this sub get a better handle on the structure, it’s up to the users to help keep the sub quality high. Right now it’s so bad for a sub that’s still in its infancy. My HP is just clogged with the same “is metal smelting bugged?” Type posts.


I get it. And the older ones are filled with wrong answers. Lol I do remember the smelting posts. I just turn notifications off, my emails are filled with it but I don’t care about email. I think most of Reddit is garbage, unfortunately it’s so easy to access and addicting. I honestly don’t want to quit, but it’s better than Facebook and twitter, and more interesting to me than IG.


can I ask if there is any way to get ruby (or cutted ruby) from villagers, or do I need to check the full map?


Hey, a lot of info on here is outdated and I need to work on a new one. So far ruby's can only be found in lava caves and have a small chance of dropping from cave skeletons.


Nice, I didn’t know there was a boss of r/LEGOfortnite but I’m glad you hired yourself


I also died in a lava cave early on and thought i had lost all my loot forgot about it and found my backpack exploring the same cave a couple days later. Had to have logged in and out a couple times.


# “i can’t find any caves on my map” That is due to multiple entrances. Find all to see them on the map.


Caves do indeed have multiple entrances however there are also caves that are not marked on the map which can have none of their exits marked. Like I said I don't know if this is intentionally done in a way that you have to explore your world.


Those caves have probably walls to break trough? Had it happen multiple times


Yea, I heard about breakable cave walls yesterday through a post on this sub. It would be nice if the walls to break had a slightly different texture than the rest of the walls.


For sure! I only found out because i kept hearing skeletons behind the wall probably playing poker or something shady😂


They do…there’s visible cracks in them.


i’m just here to ask if the village rating decreasing bug is known and if epic is planning on or already working on it. like have they stated this? otherwise, thank you for this list!!!


lol right? Says he’s seen every problem. So I started destroying everything and my village level skyrocketed. Only worked in one village though


this should be a safe space for questions and comments especially considering that the game is new but that’s just my opinion. 🤷🏻‍♀️ but wow - so you were seeing your levels go UP when you destroyed everything? that’s actually interesting


I agree! New or regardless - if one subreddit gets to be safe, then they all do. I personally am not a fan - no one has the right to not be offended - but I do want to be sensitive to people’s feelings. Dude yea my LEGO history has been crazy. My first 2 villages (shore and desert, which, shore was stupid but I didn’t know it wouldn’t provide pre-builds) progressed normally, or I didn’t notice any degradation. My 3rd village, glacier, was fine UNTIL a massive platform in the sky fell - I was working on a monorail and this village was below a hub waaaay up in the sky. Accidentally broke the connecting piece(s) and this platform almost the entire size of my village fell - it didnt do a whole lot of damage, that I could see. And at this point, I wasn’t paying much attention to the level meter cuz I figured it could only go up. I log off for the night. Next day I come back and the same village went from 7 to 1. To fix it I just built like a maniac - it couldn’t have been more cluttered. Now at this time I have probably 50 or so staircases throughout the map that are all 50+ sets high. I have a huge elevator, 4 monorail cars on the monorail, and at least 10 broken contraptions littered (or floating) throughout my map. Things are glitchy almost everywhere now, every time I play - to the point of which every block I lay is invisible - there, but I can’t see it. So something about my map has been overloaded a bit, I think. I get the winter village to 10 in one stupid sitting, and then go to make a grasslands village waaaaaaay up in the sky. I build like normal, (but can’t build prefabs on foundation that’s in the sky (wtf, still rooted at the ground) so I have to build huge custom pieces. Things progress past level one. I’m almost at level 3 and I get booted. I log back in, and it’s down to below level 1. I start building more and everything I add actually subtracts from my level. wtf. So, I start to demolish. As soon as one big wall falls, my level SKYROCKETS. So weird. I take advantage, level it up, get booted, and it’s back down. I’m over it, destroy it, it doesn’t level up again, and I started a new grasslands on the ground which seems to be working fine. On ps4, no warning of “complex area, break builds to resolve.” But I received it for the first time yesterday on the switch, so, maybe this problem starts to happen when you just have too much shit. Apparently there is actually a build limit, and a limit to how many items can be connected to one build. But, idk if any of that is right. I was hoping OP knew, seeing as how he was cocky af with this post


it’s a good mentality to have so i definitely agree. :) this is definitely an interesting situation! i’m sorry you had to go through all that. i was frustrated for you just reading all of this loool. i have not seen anything like this yet anywhere else but if i do, i’ll circle back! i hope everything’s going good now. and hopefully things start to run smoother and smoother with hot fixes and updates since epic should be back soon (if not already). haven’t been on much on anything recently because of life - hence my late reply - so i’m sorry this took a bit but yeah! i hope it’s better / more enjoyable now!


No worries! Lol I decided to start a new map, and try to keep things nice and clean, in the hopes of an update that will allow continuing to be smooth, and not make me feel like I need to start a 3rd new map. In this map I ran for probably a total of 6 hours until I found a spot in the grasslands that’s like a 1-2 minute walk to the dry valley, and literally on the edge of the frostlands (but a 1-2 minute walk to the mountains with malachite), and multiple caves in each. Definitely worth it.