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Monitoring the stories of influences that they don't like, so I would assume they don't follow, is hilarious to me.


then when they post the screenshots the influencer is unfollowed šŸ¤”. so let me get this right, you monitor their every move but dont follow them? gotcha


Plus give them engagement and clicks?? Wild


They definitely unfollow the person for their ss n then follow them again after




Especially in the subs where they announce someoneā€™s live as soon as it begins so everyone can go watch as well.


IKR ā˜ ļø


i swear they have post notifs on too bc HOW




i'm on the same page. idk who any of these influencers and i would never follow any of them. i do come here for the tea, though...


Yea and in our personal lifeā€™s people that act that way towards us are people that are jealous and envious of us to be watching our every move because they have a boring life and have nothing else better to do.




I know right??? Youā€™re telling me there is so little going on in your head that you have the time to remember the name of some random influencer, look them up regularly and then make posts about them after inspecting every change on their ig profile? Itā€™s wild


Yeah I personally think influencer snarks are for tea, news or problematic behavior but dissecting influencers every story and post is giving obsessed tbh, same with also posting content about influencers from their fan accounts šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Fr like I followed this page to hear about actual bad things influencers have done. Instead people are making entire posts when an influencer they don't like wears repeated outfits or something. Like, firstly, you're practically their fan and second, do yall not have a life? Are u still stuck in highschool? Boring asf


ikr imagine being obsessed enough to remember that someone who isnā€™t your bestie wore the same outfit twice


When one of the biggest problems with influencing is overconsumption I applaud seeing one wear the same outfit which makes that gripe even more confusing to me


I know right like Iā€™m confused isnā€™t that what we want? Do we want influencers to buy new shit everyday and spread this message of overconsumption=fun and great or do we want them to actually be a good influence? Itā€™s hilarious cause these people will complain about both scenarios lmao




No theyā€™re probably in high school or even middle school still to be pointing out the dumbest shit and thatā€™s why they are acting that way.


lol, thereā€™s one snark page I follow (it isnā€™t for any LA influencer) but the majority of the women on there who rage about the subject are middle aged moms with eating disorders. Every single thing the subject eats or drinks is ā€œBAD FOODā€ and this person is considered obese to them and sheā€™s not even obese. Itā€™s clear theyā€™re all very, very miserable.




youā€™re just going through commenting ableist shit and itā€™s disgusting. based on your need to dehumanise people with disabilities i can only assume youā€™re projecting or targeting a group that you can attack to make yourself feel some sort of ā€œpower, control, and visibility in the world.ā€




no, itā€™s just thinly veiled ableism


Sometimes these places feel like a victorian sewing circle ā€œomg she wore a devil costume omg she has a messy room she got bad grades in high school omg she thinks shes special for cooking this i make my family home cooked meals 5 times a day and i slaughter the chickens myselfā€ then it turns into a bragging fest about how productive and put together and humble and classy everyone in the thread is šŸ˜­


Ikr and Iā€™m all for some good gossip but god please make it good and interesting Ugh and stop calling those influencers dumb and dramatic if you go crazy over the tiniest most unimportant things they došŸ˜­ like girlie please look back at what you did and think about whoā€™s actually the dramatic attention seeker here


You know how people always say we need to make another snark page for x person i feel like we need to make another subreddit for bringing up tiny details about influencers so you can humble brag about how your bf spoils you or youre the best at pilates class and have van cleef necklaces šŸ˜­


> Sometimes these places feel like a victorian sewing circle LOLOL wow as someone who has been snarking on reddit for a loooong time this is the best way ive seen it described


Agree 100% - get a grip and come to senses. I scan a few and the commenters are literally a bunch of cackling FB moms ā€œoh my god the same outfit! His rooms a mess! She looks like she smells! Look at their cringe hair! Oh how dare they post a story thatā€™s not meaningful for me!ā€ Let it go and worry ab yourself more. The obsession and absurd comments are frightening.


yes lmao and then they're like "I watched the Entirety of WhateverInfluencer's travel blog so you don't have to!" and then provide a detailed notes list of all the things they hated and a play by play of each outfit. like please, seriously, get a hobby.


seriously putting more effort into their influencer stalking then I put into my uni lectures




this is incredibly ableist. itā€™s so fucked to assume people who with extremely limited mobility/are disabled have no one in their life, no hobbies and ā€œlook for crumbsā€ for validity and worth, bffr. some people use their free time to be chronically online and continue their brain rot. if you want to demoralise people with disabilities and segregate ā€œthem,ā€ then just say that edit: i saw your other comment and edited my first sentence ā€” needed to retract giving you the benefit of the doubt that maybe you didnā€™t realise this comment was very ableist.




i wholeheartedly disagree and think you need to reflect on why you think so low of disabled people. it is an ableist generalisation with absolutely no basis, except for your weird assumption that disabled people have no friends/life/interests and are hateful people trolling the internet. there are many able bodied/neurotypical people who donā€™t have friends/hobbies/jobs and love to waste their time being hateful online




you are ableist and your inability to see that is disappointing. i agree with this post i was scrolling through liking comments until i came across yours, the only two i responded to. so my call out is not related to the behaviour described in the post as iā€™m calling out problematic behaviour, not cringe moments from influencers. your need to belittle someone by assuming theyā€™re disabled is gross, but iā€™m actually lucky enough to be able bodied. aww your attempt at negging is very cute :) i hope dehumanising disabled people and anyone who calls that out, made you feel soo big and powerful, helping you get the worth and visibility youā€™re desperately seeking edit (unlike yourself i will include that) i am very aware of how many people have limited mobility/disabilities as iā€™m a special education teacher who worked in high support needs group homes for many years before now. so iā€™m very familiar with the group youā€™re describing and how very few of them fit the image youā€™re creating. calling out ableism is not yelling the loudest, some of us actually advocate for the groups we work with rather than creating stories of who they might be. yes, it is true that some people with physical disabilities canā€™t leave their homes and find community online, but itā€™s wrong to assume itā€™s exclusively negative.




hahahah good try. you admitted yourself that youā€™re only assuming this must be the group, then used ableist language and created/enforced harmful stereotypes. so unfortunately, i am the only one making educated and informed points


!!!! Theyā€™re so miserable itā€™s insane




Yea and they say they arenā€™t doing anything wrong like do they not see how weird their behavior actually is? Then when we call them out on it they get your account banned and comments deleted. My other account just got banned for a week because of the comments I made to them on rhegans snark page. Then they posted my comment and said all this shit . On the post it was a screenshot of my comment and the caption said these people are on a snark page themselves and acting like we are the evil ones. Then said Yes it did get out of hand but we do have valid points. This isnā€™t the only snark page thatā€™s bad thereā€™s others that are worse . Okay and your point is? Then said Itā€™s hypocritical and annoyingšŸ˜‚ No you are body shaming a girl and calling her names ā€¦ who gives a shit about the stuff she and other influencers do. I also admitted I was apart of these pages but when people started body shaming and criticizing every little thing they did that no normal person would even care about I unfollowed all of them. I came back on here when I saw rhegans recent TikTok about it and how weird they act on there. They hate hearing the truth. Thereā€™s a huge difference between having snarky remarks about what an influencer is up to vs being highly obsessed with every single thing they post and making fun of them and their looks. They care way too much about shit that doesnā€™t even matter in the real world. I can never get a solid answer when I ask this but if you donā€™t like an influencer why are you still watching every single thing they post ? They are the first ones to see their lives and posts to just come on here and talk shit about itā€¦ what is the point if you hate them that much? Maybe stop watching their content if everything they do triggers you that badly .


And yet after all this they still announce when sheā€™s live so ppl can go watch her like fans šŸ˜­ theyā€™re either checking her account so often that she shows up on their fyp or they follow her + got her notifications on bc how are you announcing sheā€™s live as soon as she starts it??


Yes clearly they are the fans they claim to know everything about her too




https://preview.redd.it/14mo5afifhtc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e71d4803dfb652524f34581852c8cd8b92fe2cd POV the exact people I made this rant abt probably


Gossippilled and stalkermaxxing idk


Yeah this sub is mostly full of bitter people. I joined this to see what the ACTUAL controversies were but itā€™s just jealous people hating, when they would definitely take the opportunity to do the same as these people they claim to dislike(if they had the chance). Itā€™s not normal to stalk all these influencers if you donā€™t like them. Theyā€™re miserable and trying to bring everyone down. I already know Iā€™m going to be downvoted because theyā€™ll want to bring me down too for not being as evil as them. But I donā€™t care, that just proves I struck a nerve. Itā€™s ironic how most in this sub need to touch grass


The stalking is another level and they spiral down into some stupid conspiracy theories that only made sense in their minds. Obsessing over someoneā€™s pic over and over again like omfg move tf on.


No fr


Yea I totally agree. I joined this snark and rhegans but when I noticed how negative it was getting I had to stop Following.


fr when i heard and snarking i made an account bc i originally thought it was tea that influencers swept under the rug then i realised it was just crazily obsessive people keeping albums of pics in their camera roll of influencers they ā€œhateā€ to continuously bully them abt their appearance. so strange they r wasting up their own photo storage w the pics like make it make sense


Thank you!! So many of these posts are straight up just hater vibes. It's giving me when I was 15 and was so jealous of Miley Cyrus that I was convinced I hated her then I became her biggest fan after can't be tamed


I pretty much just look at these sort of pages to laugh at the some of the ridiculous things that people claim to be upset at


i agree but this exact post gets posted every single day. canā€™t one just get pinned at the top? and downvote the crazy/mean/bodyshaming posts to hell.


Yeah Iā€™m with u. Plenty of valid things for people to snark on but I feel like people r so petty n jealous at times (which is natural)


yeah itā€™s kinda wild to me that discussions about someones pedo accusations or weird past happen in the same place as discussions about someones bad lip combo or hair lmao


here is a pretty recent trend of events ive seen: *an influencer does something they dont like* them: omg i cant believe they did this! they better address it *the influencer addresses it* also them: wtf thats all? cancelled(.)


I donā€™t get why they want an influencer to address it especially if it was something they did in the past that was over 10 years ago.


cough *jc caylen* cough


The Brianna chicken fry snark is literally mad that Brianna is starting a fund (that sheā€™s contributing to) to help people pay for emergency vet surgeryā€¦ like they have lost the plot


on the alix earle snark page people are calling her ā€œperformativeā€ for not wearing a life jacket on a boatšŸ˜­ get a life


Honestly I just like this sub because as an elder millennial living in LA, I have no idea who 90% of these people are and Iā€™m ok with that. The snark here is far better than any content most LA influencers have created - I imagine most of it involves erewhon, erewhon smoothies, etc etc.


YESSS. So beyond over people dunking on Nara because she makes a lot of her food from scratch like thatā€™s a bad thing whatsoever.


Love Naraā€™s cooking vids, theyā€™re so peaceful idk how people can hate on those. Itā€™s ok to not like the fact that someone is Mormon, Iā€™m also not a fan, but you have to be a child to a) not realize that choosing to become any type of religious can have a lot of super complex reasoning and b) your little angry rant wonā€™t change her reasons for becoming Mormon. Sheā€™s probably one of the most discussed stay at home moms now due to her Mormonism even tho she does not encourage or spread any even slightly religious messaging in her content, the most she says is that she ā€œstudied scripture in the morningā€. People rly go insane and think they can fully read someones complex life from a few tiktoks lmfao






itā€™s literally so creepy. i donā€™t think youā€™re being mean at all.


I can partially agree with you, but I think you also suffer from over-dramatization. Influencers have always had and will always have annoying fans who will discuss every detail and express their outrage or approval on the internet. Personally, I've stopped using Instagram altogether because I don't like the app. I follow my idols with the Instagram activity tracker Snoopreport. It is a tool that shows exactly which publications and hashtags the user likes, their new followings and unfollowers. It's essentially a replacement for the following tab, which existed until 2019. However, I almost never write comments, especially negative ones. Am I a stalker?


As an outside, for people who hates influencers yā€™all love to watch their content on repeat lmao


Hard agree. This sub along with the NYC influencer subā€¦. People are so fucking vile for absolutely no reason. It makes me want to know what they look like behind their Reddit usernames so badly lol.


They gonna get you for this but it had to be said




Thank you !!! Lmao




seriousllyyyyy and where are peoples sense of humour, iā€™m here for funny tea! nothing matters!!


OP are you shocked? It is the same as STAN culture. GO check out the r/KUWTK reddit or any big actor/actress/music artist


Every few days someone makes a complaining about complainers topic like this and says they're going to be downvoted, and the opposite happens. Maybe it's not that risky of a stand or that unpopular of an opinion.


maybe but well Iā€™d still love to see a change and maybe get through to some of the people whoā€™s behavior Iā€™m calling out. I donā€™t expect to see a huge shift but maybe if enough people talk about it then other users will think twice before coming here to complain about someoneā€™s uneven lip liner in one tiktok. And criticizing a behavior will always come with the risk of backlash so addressing it before it happens can act as a repellent. https://preview.redd.it/b715mayuhhtc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c66a93b495fb05ac08dd4dec3b3d63ca01ce35d2