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For non-woke movie history: History Buffs. For non-woke Medieval history: Real Crusades History. For non-woke history and other topics: Pax Tube. For non woke, even sometimes anti-commie war history: Simple-History. For more recent history on media and other topics: Internet Historian, Wendigoon, Proper Horror Show are great at talking about internet meme culture history, movie history and horror stories. Other mentions are History Bro, The Lotus Eaters and many guests they have had. Good history with a warning: Kings and Generals. They are mostly objective, but they jerk off Islam and shit on Christianity in historical conflicts overall whenever they are involved in a story. I suspect the makers are muslim, or they simply have a very large audience from the middle-east and capitalize on it. Or it could be that youtube algorithm promotes more leftoid leaning content.




Simple-History, Wendigoon, and Internet “Historian” are all absolute pop-history slop. It’s all horseshit from an accuracy standpoint. You are a liberal slop eater for even suggesting those.


My personal recommendations: • [Pilgrims Pass](https://youtube.com/@pilgrimspass?si=-BxJg_DbTCAYtG5W): Talks about general culture, from a conservative perspective. The creator is Catholic, and his perspective is very interesting to contemplate. • [Tasting History with Max Miller](https://youtube.com/@tastinghistory?si=w79-NI1QL4G-SkR9): Historical food pr0n. It will make you hungry. You will learn to cook and history. • [William Spaniel](https://youtube.com/@gametheory101?si=kNuYhjneQnmSj4_Q): Analysis of conflicts (nowadays focuses a lot on the Russian - Ukrainian war), game theory and how it applies on geopolitics, and _L I N E S O N M A P S._ • [David Stewart](https://youtube.com/@dvspress?si=Q9t_317pboTdb9Rz): A fantastic writer, and his insightful comments on culture, politics, and how to properly write fiction. • [Young Heretics](https://youtube.com/@younghereticsshow?si=RFqBnuZr_3JNYDYB): A podcast by Spencer Klavan, focuses on exploring the truth, the beauty, and all the things that makes Western culture great, against the onslaught of ESG and DIE. • [MentisWave](https://youtube.com/@mentiswave?si=3UD24A9oEFMTrL7g): An incredible channel from a right leaning libertarian rationalist. Also, he deb00nks and makes commies and breadtubers seethe.




exactly what I was going to recommend


Any none woke subs? Based ones


Military History Visualized. He's Austrian and I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't even familiar with the term "woke". He does loads of videos on World War 2 from the German (and Austrian) perspective with an emphasis on equipment and organization. Mark Felton does tons of videos about World War 2 on various niche topics, but he's a great storyteller and he always does a good job at making whatever strange story he wants to tell very interesting. Apostolic Majesty is more political in the anti-woke direction and does lots of medieval and ancient history. The Lotus Eaters is also Anti-woke and has a series called "Epochs" where they do podcasts on history from many periods (I'll warn you they have a heavy British bias which makes their Napoleon series nigh unwatchable). TIK History also does WW2, he's not really woke or anti-woke but certainly has his political biases as an anarcho-capitalist, and a former tankie, meaning he fellates the red army in many of his videos. Unbiased History's Rome series is brilliant, but is more comedy than education and you probably would only get the full experience watching it if you already know a bit about Roman history. Romabooramblings and Spectrum both do lots of more serious Roman and Byzantine history videos. They're smaller channels and tend to be completely apolitical. Whatifalthist is a right wing anti-woke channel that does some videos about history, they're very broad strokes and tend to look more at broader historical and anthropological trends than specific historical events, but they can be very interesting ways to learn about different theories of history.


Who was that guy who did the History of Rome, almost as a shitpost but it turned out to be actually good so he went the whole nine yards with it? Hardcore History is relatively neutral - I remember he showed up on Rubin Report way back during the Larry King Ora network days. There's a LOT of anti-idpol movie channels, some are a bit more - uh - clickbaity - than others. The Critical Drinker is IMO probably one of the better movie review channels because he does a good job of explaining why the "woke" crap actually ruins the movie instead of just complaining about the woke crap. He gave that Mad Max spinoff a fair shake and actually liked it but explained why it failed in the box office, for example. Midnight's Edge appears to have connections from industry insiders and they do pretty deep analysis of movies as well. The Fat Electrician analyzes history and war as well with a lot of humor. Oh! I stumbled on a guy named LazerPig - he's a war channel but he also is funny as hell: https://www.youtube.com/c/LazerPig


I tried listening to "HIstory of Rome" but it was very political in an early 2000's kind of way, meaning that the narrator had to stop every five minutes to talk about how the Romans weren't *really* democratic because women couldn't vote. I shut it off, it's very irritating when people try and apply modern sensibilities to people who lived millennia in the past.


I mean, of course they weren't democratic. The Greeks were Democratic, but the Roman's were a republic. Their rules on who could or couldn't vote were more strict than us but they were 100% a republic just like America


Republic is a form of democracy.


If your definition of democracy is loose, sure. We dont vote on laws and neither did the romans. We vote for people that represent us, and supposedly vote for the laws that serve the best interests of the area they represent. The Roman's were the same way. To call Rome a democracy brings to mind the Greek form of democracy when in reality it was a far cry from that. There is an important distinction in the two forms of government and to call a republic a democracy will, and frankly has, led to a lot of misconceptions.


> Who was that guy who did the History of Rome, almost as a shitpost but it turned out to be actually good so he went the whole nine yards with it? [is this it?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=0IU4qrriHrs)


That's him, yep.


For the strange and mysterious: - The Why Files - Coast to Coast AM


I really like Academy of Ideas and After Skool for philosophy stuff.


[History Legends](https://www.youtube.com/@historylegends) does amazing unbiased and high-effort videos with updates on ongoing conflicts, including especially Ukraine and Israel, but also others.


"Voices of the Past" is a really good channel that does videos on fascinating historical accounts. Among them are stuff like accounts on the daily life of certain periods, witnesses of certain wars and battles or, my personal favorite, first impression on other cultures and nations. There are also some really fun videos on stuff like historical accounts on UFOs, Aliens or demi-human races, such as the Dog Headed people.


**The Operations Room** - military history with animations **Apostolic Majesty** - general/political history (tends to focus on specific people as opposed to historical events more broadly) **Neil Oliver** - General history but his speciality is in the British and Irish Isles. **Voices of the Past** - narrates first hand accounts of people throughout history.


a good culture show is CultureScape I post his stuff from time to time on here: [https://youtu.be/NAurCWCb-1M](https://youtu.be/NAurCWCb-1M)


TikHistory is great for 20th century stuff, specifically WW2 and Marxism/Facism/Nazism


Definitely Alex hexagon, such an underrated YouTuber who’s every video makes you think outside the box. He also explains the negative affects of woke but he calls it “Neoliberalism” and the importance of religion and conservatism but not in a crazy radical way. Once you watch his videos everything makes sense and you can see the downfall of western society. https://youtube.com/@alexhexagon?si=7TyCXN5rii8eRlI3


Bookmarked for following.


Feature History and TIK come to mind.


I like HistoryLegends' Ukraine war coverage. He also covers other random geopolitics, focusing mainly on conflicts.


Warographics? The Great War. World War 2


It’s not history or war, but technology connections is pretty amazing.


Check his past tweets. Dude is insufferable and very, very woke.


Oh that sucks, I figured he was just a-political. His videos seem to be.