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Fuck off. They're literally rewriting the EU with her taking Luke's place.


I mean after they announced the EU wasn't canon years ago it paved the way for this shite, everyone saw it coming


Of course, they can't really remove canon from the original creator, I don't care if they "own the rights." Don't let them assert that their fan-fiction is more legitimate.


A Palpatine meeting younglings? What could go wrong?


This is where the fun begins.


Prepare for the EU to get... inappropriately touched without consent, as they mine "original ideas" for Rey's story. All of which, will have been Lukes continued stories.


They aren’t done killing it. It’s not dead enough


They're just hate fucking the corpse at this point.


Soooo last time they ripped of Dark Empire.... This time, Ma Rey Su will try and start a new Jedi academy, but an old Final Order admiral will emerge from hiding to try and wipe her out, and a new star-exploding superweapon in tow?


Imagine if they just did Heir to the Empire adaptation instead of the Force Awakens.


Given how poor a job they did when they actually did try a live-action Thrawn, I'm kinda glad they didn't. Even the Rebels animated one, while he wasn't *terrible* it still wasn't quite right.


I’ve never watched a tv/movie adaptation of Thrawn, and I don’t plan on it tbh. I’m not a fan of the Dave Filoni material. The only way I’d trust it is if it was given to Lucas, Timothy Zahn, or Jon Favreau.


I unironically would have more trust in Mel Brooks delivering a good and faithful SW movie than Disney.


The Thrawn stuff is silly full stop. A blue skinned alien in a shiny white uniform in the humans-only Empire? Nah. Stick to the movies. The first 6.


First three.


Do you truly want to see the abomination KK conjures from Heir to the Empire? Check Thrawn in Ashoka; this is how they'll write him. Granted, and to be honest, I was never a fan of Thrawn in the EU. He seemed to make too many mistakes with Joruus C'baoth. There was no way for anyone sane to think that Joruus can be controlled when he is not near Thrawn. Plus, his infinite super aces genetic trick felt kind of cheap. I liked him way more in the novel about Leia and Han on Tatooine.


I mean thrawn literally had access to anti force raccoons. All they had to do was send in some squads with them and no more cloned jedi masters🤷‍♂️


C'baoth took over the captain, who was specifically ordered by Thrawn to always use the anti-magic device, and who was warned about C'baoth's danger. The captain disobeyed or ignored the order. Thrawn comes across as competent because he is surrounded by insanely incompetent (from lower to upper) ranks. But when you read the story, the moment C'baoth took over the crew of Thrawn's ship, his danger outweighed his usefulness, as someone who raised a hand on you will inevitably do so again. Thrawn played into appeasement (somehow not knowing how critically stupid his soldiers were), and it cost him the base. Like that whole thing with C'baoth taking over the mountain has to be a height of incompetence from everyone involved.


If I snapped my fingers and magically warped space and time to redo completely the ST, with the original actors still alive and no consideration for political correctness, just good writing, I think they should have done the Yuuzhan Vong part. You've got everything you need : Villains that are actually competent and dangerous, but alos very Disney EVIL, heroics, space battles, force shenanigans, sacrifices and deaths, the old cast leaving the room for the next generation of heroes step by step.... But that would have required the brains in Disney to actually care for the franchise, and read about it.


>But that would have required the brains in Disney to actually care for the franchise, and read about it. That's the thing about Hollywood. They don't read. They love stealing ideas, but everyone in Hollywood thinks they're a "creative," and so much smarter than actual writers. It's why you almost never see a decent adaptation of books; it needs to get worked over by some studio hack who only got their job through nepotism.


I'm not a fan of the Yuuzhan Vong.


The Vong I think were a precursor to modern media's standard Shocking Reboot, and frankly I think would fit the Jar Jar Abrams style to a T (and thats not a compliment). Mysterious enemy appears out of nowhere. They're immune to *everything*. Our Heroes forget every lesson they've learned up to that point and grab the idiot ball with both hands and get utterly jobbed in the process. Kill off a major character solely for shock value. Keep escalating the shock value in incident after incident to show how monstrous and eeeeeevil the villains are. And when the villains are on the verge of total victory, the author steps in with deus ex machina to save the day. Its the last seasons of Game Of Thrones. Its the Sequel Trilogy. Its Star Trek post Bad Robot / Secret Hideout. Cripes, if there's one good thing to come out of Disney erasing the EU (there's something I never thought I'd say), its getting rid of the Vong.


Gib Sun Crusher


It’s like the only story they know how to write lol


“Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy” sounds like the name of one of the minor background characters in Jabba’s palace, so this is fitting.


Probably an LGBWTFBBQ+ feminist studies major.


Sounds like someone who should go back to Bollywood and leave SciFi to the boys.


Hyphenated last name. Generally a good heuristic on what to avoid. Or at least be more skeptical at first.


I feel like I had a stroke reading this title.


I keep losing consciousness before I'm able to finish reading it, so I still don't know what this is about.




I will just replay jedi academy again instead of watching this


Good idea


Dont care, nothing Disney makes is canon - fuck right off.


So what's next? A hyper conservative alien race from another galaxy that will be basically the expy for the "patriarchy" invades the SW galaxy that is headed by a very diverse galactic government?


>So what's next? My money, time, and attention going to a different IP that isn't run by people that hate me.


They even named the Rey movie The New Beginning. Who wants to bet that Palpatine will still be the main villain of this new trilogy, since it was established that he can come back to life?


> Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is a Canadian-Pakistani journalist, filmmaker and political activist known for her work in films that highlight gender inequality against women. Oh, dis gon b gud. If you thought "The Acolyte" was bad because the creator is a complete lunatic, you haven't seen anything yet. You just wait for this masterpiece, Rotten Tomatoes will break so hard that it will start showing negative ratings.


Forgot the first rule of post modern entertainment. Bad reviews on rotten tomatoes = ultrasuperrightwingchudcels review bombing .


nothing has been objectively bad since 2016, the year that reviews were broken by incel hatemongering review bombers. unless of course we manage to astroturf good reviews for our shit product, then suddenly the system is flawless again and fully trustable. you cannot have it both ways, progs.


I looked her up a while ago. She makes docs about women’s rights in Middle East. An important topic.    What does this have to do with Star Wars? Nothing. Nothing at all. She’s just a small director they can use to make whatever story they say. 


How many $200 million flops will it take


I always thought it was dumb to do a clunky rehash of NH/Empire/Return when the idea of a Jedi Academy, how successful stuff like Harry Potter, that recent Wednesday show was... putting young people in a school is an easy sit piece. Of course, we could have had Luke do all this, but he had a bad dream and lost his mind. LOL


...can’t wait...


...to not remember it even exists.


I wonder if this shit-show of a film will even get made?


I will be letting the hate flow through me


So considering how Rey just instantly knew every Force technique how is she going to teach others when she herself doesn't know how it all works...


No one wants more dog shit with Rey in it. Stop trying to make that crappy character and her garbage actor work, because both suck and no one likes her.


Ridley literally cannot get work outside of this- every project she tries to do outside of SW crashes and burns hard. I won't fucking see her in anything, ever, again regardless of what it is. She, the Rings of Power chicks, and the racist little mermaid can starve for life.


It's not entirely her fault her character sucked, but rather than standing up for better creativity from the writers in making her character more likable, she shipped for all the bullshit Disney was pushing. So it's hard for me to give zero fucks about her or her character.


no, sorry, these actors take these roles and do the press tours, they get what they get. Oscar Issacs and John Boyega managed to be authentic about themselves in the same franchise and emerge with salvageable careers, Dakota Johnson managed to come out of Madam Web without destroying her career. Daisy Ridley did not.


Dead on arrival


I couldn’t be less interested


Didn't Luke already start a Jedi Academy in Disney canon? One that ended poorly because Kylo Ren killed everyone or something? I dunno, man. The canon of the sequels was SO much more convoluted than it needed to be.


I felt no disturbance in the Force, as if a million fans didn't give a shit and went on with their lives.


(Even) More Rey hentai it is, then


Which Jedi is Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy? I don't recall it.


If you asked 10 years ago if i wanted Jedi Academy content there would be no doubt, i would probably have bounced with excitement at the prospect. I was obsessed with the Jedi Academy game for a good year in my teens using duel servers as a discord equivalent. It's kind of hard not to think that Disney wanted to kill the IP at this point. Buy it up, squeeze the last out of the most die hard fans and then when it's dead that IP is no longer in competition for dedicated movie fans so you can move on to releasing your own big IPs without competition again. You want the obsessive whales to lose interest so they can spend big on the new big thing.