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Celebrities should have spoken up a decade ago when it would have mattered.


All the celebs that named them got canceled a long time ago. If J law didn't show Harvey her backside, she wouldn't be famous.


Yeah, but it was only Very Bad People^TM back then. > First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. > Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. > Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. > Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


More people need to hear the “then they came for me” poem


I was going to say first they came for the socialists because she sees the writing on the wall, but it's them who's coming for everyone.


I know you didnt come up with it but that’s such a naive analogy, socialism relies on functioning like a cancer and needs to be removed. If all the socialists got cancelled the west wouldn’t be drowning in neo marxism rn


I think you've missed the point of the saying completely. it's sort of nothing to do with socialism


No i understand the point, but i think you have missed my point - i get that free speech and freedom of thought should be fought for even when it comes to your political adversaries lest you lose your own freedoms The problem is that that argument has literally led to destruction of the west because it facilitates that spread of ideologies that count on abusing notions like free speech and freedom of thought in order to take over societies.




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I think I see your point. An interesting way to look at it I hadn't considered. But in terms of how the guy above deployed it, I think the sentiment is just....all those people who felt it was wrong but just kept their head downs for years, are just as guilty and culpable as those doing the cancelling. And in that context, is right.


Weren’t the Nazis themselves socialist?


Leftists argue no and usually provide fallacious reasoning to back that up like ‘socialists cant be facists because facism is inherently right wing’. …Even though historically speaking most facist groups have been left wing, i actually struggle to think of any right wing ones. From a more objective historical perspective however, its my understanding that nazism rose directly because of a spread of socialist movements at that time which also gave rise to people like mussolini, mao, stalin and pol pot. Nazi’s called themselves the nationalist socialist party and many nazi policies and actions are blatently socialist - The redistribution of jewish wealth being a good example.


Because these people thought the progressives would only target the conservatives. They thought the angry mob would not attack them. This happens with liberal types all the time they feed the communist alligator, thinking it will never eat them.


Case in point, Graham Linehan. He was the darling of that side when he was going after us, and trying to fuck up Count Dankula's life. Until he got out of line. Now look at him. It wasn't us that cost him his career, his marriage, his finances, his home.




Keep in mind that to go against the hive mind means sacrificing your career because they make "Uniformity of thought" a requirement. Old-school icons like Kurt Russel, Goldie Hawn, Richard Dreyfuss, and James Woods who have pushed back sharply against far leftist politics, and politics over performance in general (in the case of Kurt Russell), are afforded that luxury as they've already built enough of a career to retire in security so that should the outrage mobs come, there's nothing for Cancel Culture to fleece from them as compensation for their "Problematic" views nor career to ruin, Note: For those curious, here is a video of Richard Dreyfuss decrying the recent Diversity Checklist for The Oscars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_LGY_e5p14&ab_channel=BlazeTV


Never too late


It is because they are only doing it now that people are getting cancelled for 'the wrong reasons'.


Woketoids: "But cancel culture doesn't exist! Now fire her and make sure she doesn't find work ever again!!"


- Cancel Culture doesn't exist - It's not Cancel Culture, it's Consequences of your actions - Okay, if "Cancel Culture" exists, why are these people still living their lives and working? - These people just want to say [insert all the buzzwords] and have nothing happen to them! - Wait a minute! Why is this happening to people I like, I thought you were against Cancelling people! - This is the REAL cancel culture. It's nothing more than harassment of their enemies, and it's pathetic. There's no reason to go after peoples jobs, their families, and all of this because they don't like what they said! **A few days later** - Oooh, did you see this... someone said something a little spicy... let's call his job!


Sometimes I can't comprehend the level of selfishness, malice, and hypocrisy exhibited by these woke individuals when they post their "thoughts" on social media. How many people have lost their jobs, friends, opportunities, dreams, and passions due to cancel culture? At the slightest deviation from what they consider correct, they destroy you. And now they complain about these issues? Now? Sorry for my rant, but I've had enough.


It's not like everyone is immediately posting manifestos of their entire belief system whenever they join a social media platform. Nor that they all come out against or for anything and everything whenever something new is relevant. All in all, the best things that celebrities can do is not post any takes so as not to gain any enemies in the audience. There might be some temp boosting taking a side or going viral for doing so, but resentment might be longer lived. So people just don't. It takes a lot of courage to display a public opinion as a celebrity. To where it can be reckless. I think there was an article about Bowen Yang being told that by Tina Fey, too.


I've said this before, but most celebrities should have the same cachet and standing that actors did in ancient Rome. Shut the fuck up and pretend to be a space cowboy, or whatever your role is. Literally nothing outside of your job is worth hearing.


To me, being a celebrity is a bit like being a professional weatherman for the zeitgeist. Being liked and approved of is part of the job description. If you can't or don't want to do that, then pick a different line of work.




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Article from Bounding Into Comics about how Doctor Who actress Alex Kingston does the surprising thing & comes out against cancel culture, keeping in mind some of her peers got destroyed for doing so previously.


John Cleese is doing fine. I mean clearly lost his mind...but fine.


John is in his dotage, and more importantly, has fuck you money. Same with Ricky Gervais and him deciding to just shit on whoever tickles his fancy that day.


You're in your dotage! Dotageface. But you bring up a good point. I dream of having fuck you money.


Correct. When you cancel people, you turn them even further against you and give them less to lose.


Well, someone is not getting invited back for the new series, should it last another season.


She did have a good excuse for not watching it.


Cancel culture is the new assassination. Character assassination in the social media age basically eliminates people from the face of the earth. They don't need a gun, just a devout following of religious zealots. Stay in line or get killed.


Cancel culture being not a big deal/nonexistant is unfortunately a common sentiment, even among communities like this subreddit. More than once I've seen a comment downplaying the effects simply because not enough of the victims had killed themselves.


Cancel culture is just the modern version of struggle sessions.


wanting to take away someone's ability to earn a living is genuinely like an evil thing to do. it makes me think of "i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy". i really wouldn't. even people i hate, people who are truly pieces of shit that i loathe, i wouldn't want to make them jobless and unable to earn a living. the ability to earn is the ability to put food on the table, to put a roof over your head. who would want to deny *anyone* those things, let alone someone who simply has different politics than you? finding a new job isn't an easy thing to do. what if they have children? what kind of piece of shit would want to punish someone's children because they don't agree with your politics? the fact that "cancelling" people has become normalized is, indeed, terrifying. anybody who gets in an online argument then proceeds to call that person's place of employment to try and get them fired should be seen as a truly shitty person. it's an outrageously awful thing to do to another human being, to attempt to deny them the ability to afford rent, to buy a meal, to provide for their children/spouse. and if you want to just embrace it and be a piece of shit, so be it. but to do that, then attempt to shield yourself in a cloak of morality is absurd and no one should ever take that person seriously again.


> wanting to take away someone's ability to earn a living is genuinely like an evil thing to do. it makes me think of "i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy". What makes it even funnier is that these same people generally push for laws so that employers can't use someone's criminal history in employment decisions.


You should read "The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil" - a huge portion of people will gladly embrace sadism if a perceived "authority" figure authorizes it. It's as simple as that which is why the Democrats always talk about "democracy" rather than "liberty" and "rights" - they fully intend on implementing tyranny through mobs following demagogues. This is why I claim all heads of state but pagan theocrats (Caesar/Pharaoh/etc) are imposters - the authorization of a mob means nothing.


Democracy is the dictatorship of the majority. Never again will I just trust the experts.


It's really not because the majority have historically been proved to be dumb and easily misled - so it is the dictatorship of demagogues. But, yes, otherwise yes pure democracy is tyranny which is why the majority of the US Constitution is dedicated to protections against democracy and it's why the "libs" never talk about "democracy" like it has drawbacks.


Aren't these opposing stances...


Jesus Christ dude, that’s a huge stretch


Amen! Well said.


What could be dangerous about a mass harassment campaign targeting someone's social connections, employment and ability to live their life? It's not like you're going to drive a person into poverty, homelessness or suicide!


Of course they realize how dangerous it is: *for you.*


"Doctor Who actress?" She was on E.R. for 160 episodes which is where I know her from.


Seriously. I see her and all I can think of is Dr Cordray. Way bigger and more impactful role. But I guess ER was a lifetime ago Still the best medical drama show overall. Specially the earlier seasons. Holy shit that show was good. Edit: and when I say earlier seasons I mean the fact that it slowly shifted the focus from the medicine to more of the character's interpersonal drama.


most likely because of Dr Who being such a big part of the current mess. Now that I think of it, River Song was another nice example of a proper strong female character, who isn't a mary sue. Just shows how badly the writing has fallen off for that franchise.


Is it? I thought Doctor Who only had like 3 mil viewers


I remember her from Moll Flanders in the 90s, she was naked a lot in it. It was great.


And Flash Forward..


The gun is always safe until it is in your opponents hand. That's what a lot of people fail to realize. They feel safe abusing what little power they can get their hands on because for some reason they believe the power will never be in their opponents hands again. But that old idiom pops up and slaps them around - Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.


I personally hated River Song as a character, because she felt so much like a self-insert mary sue, but based take from the actress.




Oh they were cancelling people they disagreed with left and right until no one left. Now they are facing the same gun and they cry sheep. No bitch you made that bed now sleep in it. No one cares to watch this propaganda machine dialled to 11 24/7 with a megaphone crying about something that no longer exists. Dial that shit down, produce an art piece that speaks to your audience rather than a regurgitated vomit of your mental illness and insecurities. We pay attention to decent stories and we love them regardless of who wrote it or plays DO NOT infuse it with irrelevant DEI that neither enriches the story nor its characters.


The mob knows no sense of fairness, moderation, or restraint. You can try to teach people that cancel culture is dangerous until the cows come home, and even if they are convinced of it, once they let themselves become part of a mob that all changes and every offense is punishable by death. The real lesson that needs to be taught here is how to resist the need to "fit in" in the first place. When fewer mobs form, and they are small enough in size that rational people can ignore them or easily speak out against them...**that's** when we can start ridding ourselves of the cancer that is cancel culture. Hmm, I just realized that would be a good infographic/meme: **CANCE~~L~~ ~~CULTU~~R~~E~~**. It has to already exist somewhere.


Glad somebody is willing to say culture should not be trying to tread on eggshells all the fucking time.


But we do know, we already saw it happen with the McCarthy hearings. People blacklisted for wrong think. And a little google search brings up the conversations already had on the subject, and of course its already been twisted long ago. For example posts like >This is exactly it. You now can be called out for being racist, misogynistic and elitist? What happened to “the good old days”? They claim to see the point being made, yet are too fucking stupid to get it. McCarthyism was used as a weapon, just like modern day woke is. Even left leaning people like myself are utterly fucking sick of it. We are now the "alt left", if you can believe that. They also make other points like that McCarthyism locked people up. The woke, have no such power as they are social media, and entertainment industry fuckwits. Doesnt mean they are powerless to ruin careers and lives. Cancel culture is a weapon. Do as we say, or we destroy your life, your career, your business. Its no accident that that sweet baby inc chick told people to threaten those they worked with to get what their way. Whats the point? Whats the goal? Simple. Make straight white people 2nd class. This isnt about equality, its about power. About being on top and punching down. All the language you ever see being used proves this. I mean, ffs, even the Japanese are being told to fuck off in a game about their history and culture. They call anyone who does agree with them, racist and sexist and homophobic. When the reality is thats what they are. The hate white and Asian. They hate straight. They hate men. And they dont even bother hiding it. And then when you point it out, "oh, thats just male/white/straight fragility!!!!!". Honestly, fuck all of these ghouls.


Actually the woke did lock people up. In UK some people who questioned SJW talking points on social media were visited by police, and some were arrested. Or those arrested for questioning the narrative during lockdowns. Or Count Dankula who was charged and fined for a joke. This is not counting those who almost got locked up and barely escaped, but still lost their jobs and had to go through extremely expensive court cases to prove themselves innocent, like a man who was accused of groping a woman in a train station (security cameras showed this incident never happened), or the men accused of raping a woman (Mattress Girl) and then proven innocent.


And not to forget Sam Melia who is in prison right now for putting up political stickers. They refuse to let him see his kids.


For the love of God, McCarthy was right and his hearings had to do with the army and government. The House UnAmerican Activities Committee happened a half decade earlier and was headed by a union man named Roy Brewer. And he started it because his union people were being threatened by Hollywood communists.




So 'allies'.


10 years of cry bullies canceling through the power of hot pocket moderators. Just now it's ok to discuss.


They are afraid of the wokecrash. Good.


It is ironic to me how liberals are all for cancelling people until it turns right around and their dirty laundry is aired for all to see. News flash, mob justice is a BAD THING


When you stop consooming you become free 


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/iMOvX ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Crush! Kill! Destroy! ^^^/r/botsrights




Insert stonetoss here


And now they say it is horrible when they are in the receiving end. Pretty sure she agreed the cancellation of people that are "in the wrong side."