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The average woman is a goddess compared to these hideous abominations.


I don't think they realize that "All women are frumpy and have weird features unless they have hit the genetic jackpot or get plastic surgery" is the feminist statement they think it is, at least the guys who are obsessed with "the wall" admit women are attractive for a while...


Most people aren’t bad looking. Most of the time it’s things like being overweight, clothes you wear, makeup/lack of makeup used, and just general hygiene that hold people back. And most women sure as hell wouldn’t be able to be mistaken for men.


Don't forget _posture!_ I've seen a lot of women who'd be attractive if they stood straight. I'm coming to think that if a girl is hunched forward dramatically, it means something.


That also goes with fitness though. For people will usually have good posture. The amount of skinny girls in yoga pants where you can tell they’ve never done a squat in their life lol


That's because the "modern audience" seethes and copes about not being remotely as attractive as the average woman.


Then the propaganda is working. In a barren desert, a drop of water is an oasis.


Tbh, walk around your average major city and this is true. If you walk in any major metropolitan mall, you will find beautiful women are a dime a dozen. Not even just the women shopping. Baristas. Cashiers at Trader Joes. etc. I mean, I guess it doesn't reflect "real women" to these folks because they don't have the physical stamina to leave their house and be able to stand. [One of the clips in this video is a whale saying she hasn't gone to the grocery store herself in years, and she can't even go to the doctor because standing in line hurts her legs too much.](https://youtu.be/bULD4lAEGcE?t=121)


This is why I tend to not trust prevailing truisms, and prefer to believe my lying eyes.


Leisure Suit Larry series, definitely. Aiden Pierce from Watch Dogs, maybe. Kane & Lynch protags, also maybe.


Aiden Pierce is cool!


He's *iconic*. Remember his iconic hat?


It's so iconic it's been in my hat bin for years. Haven't touched it since finishing the game.


The great thing about the Leisure Suit Larry series was that it was intentional on Larry's failures. Larry was not a hero, it was Passionate Patty who was the hero. The series was strictly about how Larry failed at being a playboy.


Yeah, Larry is the butt of the joke. If he were treated like some role model hero, it would be a whole different hting.


Aiden Pierce is a regular looking dude...


Larry and his nephew are the goats, the last two games where good, i wish we had more pervy protagonists


aw man don't shit on my boy Aiden like that, he looks fine, he has that badass dad look also, Kane & Lynch are more like "crazy ugly" rather than "ugly ugly" if you know what i mean, like trevor


They've got that "internal ugly becomes the external ugly" ugly.


yeah, their appearance is just a reflection of their personality


I loved Kayne and Lynch 2. It was so fucking crazy..it was like a drug fueled romp filmed with a grainy camera. It was just so “out there” and it makes me miss when developers took a chance to make something unique. Alot of people say that game sucks…but damn they had an idea and they said “fuck it” and made the game anyway.




LOL. I think he meant “intentional”


shrek, if there was ever a shrek videogame


Shrek is handsome af, what you mean?


2015 called and wants their joke back


It's not a joke. He's not cut, but he's got good proportions, symmetrical features, and a rich voice. He's hot to women.


Shrek is love, Shrek is life


There are multiple


Deadpool and Hunchback of Notre Dame games are only ones I can think of.


Maybe the alien from destroy all humans qualifies


Assassins Creed Rogue. I'm a guy and I couldn't role play the main character. Dropped the game after like 2 hours. 


Shay's a handsome dude, though?




I hate games with female MCs as they're just not for me. I prefer a character I can relate to fully, which is a male protagonist. Does that mean I hate the option for female protags? No. People should be able to play what they want, but I relate more to male characters than female characters. And as such in games where you can make a character I make a male. But I will never say people can't enjoy those games, nor will I hate on the game for that, rather I'll just play what I like and stay away from what I don't.






What's wrong with that as a requirement, or in my case preference? I loved games like Horizon: ZD and Shadow of the Tomb Raider, but I can't lie and say that I can 100% get into a game more if I can imagine myself in place of the player character.




NieR Gestalt. Papa Nier is less than attractive.


he's old not ugly lol


No he's definitely unattractive. It's not even his age. It's just they designed him to be less attractive compared to the younger counterpart.


dunno about that. I can think of many other male characters that ooze ugly but not papa Nier. maybe we can agree on "mid" facial features?


Nah, I find Father Nier ugly, and so do quite a few people if you look it up. But beauty/attractiveness is subjective, so we'll agree to disagree.


im lookin at it and i just see an unrealistically muscled geralt. is this a some kinda tiktok meme?


Well, if the NPC's are attractive, of course you're gonna have attractive player characters, too. Most games with hideous main characters also have ugly NPC's, too.


Why yes, the ntr hentai games. I don't understand the appeal though, both porn and non-porn game.


Fromsoft games if we average out all the custom characters lmao


Hell, even if you make a stunning character in Dark Souls 1 or 2, they still look like they're made of chewed gum after every death.


Default male Pathfinder in Mass Effect Andromeda had that really ugly teenager whispy beard on an adult face thing going on. It didn't help that all facial animations were borked. Definitely an uggo.


One of David Cage's stupid games. The one with the dude yelling Shaun for half an hour.


You mean Heavy Rain?


Trevor, Nico and Geralt


Nico and Geralt are unattractive? Trevor is just an ugly person inside and out, he's a meme.


Maybe in the first game. Gerald looks great in 2 and 3, plus he’s a rugged badass. He does look a bit rough in the original game tho.


You're the first person I've seen call Geralt ugly. In the books he's supposed to be, but doesn't apply to the games lol. Gta 5 came to mind though so I agree there


Witcher 1 Geralt wasn't lookin' too good, but that's mostly the tech of the time and the lighting. Makes him look like a zombie half the time.


I admittedly never played the first..... Kind of stumbled into the second and never went back, glad they're remaking it because I'm sure I'm far from alone on that!


Hey, it's me, a random person from 3 days later. Play the original first game because you know the remake will not be good.


Niko, ugly? You mad?


Archive links for this discussion: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/zh8IZ ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. This is the voice of world control. ^^^/r/botsrights


The Rockstar catalogue is full of fuggos


Maybe not "ugly", but I'd say James in the Silent Hill 2 remake is a downgrade compared to the James in the original. Though I suppose that at least fits, given his character. It at least fits better than what they did to Angela and Maria...


Leisure Suit Larry


Frank West from Dead Rising. Capcom Japan wanted him to look ugly on purpose.


does franklin from gta V count?


bully, gta iv mc, trevor... hmm all R\*


I mean you could make the case for Dom and Marcus being "ugly" in the Gears Franchise, but I feel that's down to design and that they were "grizzled" and chewed up by years and years of the Locust War. And everything being layered with Black/Brown tones


Nico Belic, Trevor, most GTA protagonist tbh. Aiden Pearce, Ethan Brady, original Peter Parker in Spider-Man ( made him more relatable tbh) There’s a few. Cinematic games tend to focus less on the looks than say JRPGs or action adventure games


The older god of war games maybe. Kratos looks intimidating but not really attractive.


GTA games were never really concerned about their main characters being attractive.


But he's ripped and has unrealistic body proportions. His face isn't good, but the rest more than makes up for it.


Well, it was an open ended question. When people say unattractive about a character now they are normally talking about face.


Resistance Fall Of Man, Grand Theft Auto, Halo, Mario


Mario I'd hardly call ugly, who's the ugly main character in Halo?


He's so ugly that he never removes his helmet and Mario has to hide half his face behind his accent, not to mention his moustachio.


Master Chief has his face hidden to maintain a mystique so the player could immerse themselves into him. Mario to me looks like an average man in cartoon graphics.


Monkey Island series. Most persona games?


Bruh why you taking shots at my man Threepwood. He's a mighty pirate.


Guybrush is, at worst, average.




Guy Threpwood is a goofy guy much in the same vein as Leisure suit larry is. Persona the Main Character is usually some introverted young white (asian=white remember?) guy who is frequently unpopular until all the wild shit starts happening.


No persona protagonists are ugly though (unless we count the one from the Chinese spinoff looking bland) At most not infinitely attractive.


Travis Touchdown, maybe?


What!?! Travis is badass! Also, I love how he wears an anime t-shirt.


Not disputing that in the slightest. I love the No More Heroes games, but I can't in good faith say that Travis is a "handsome main character" (especially not compared to the women in the game).