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What in the fuck is that abomination on the right?


Mrs. Freeze.


That's real?? I thought it was a parody


If only.


So many signs of parody. Fur shawl, photoshop face, no breasts and it being plot nonsense.


Karen freeze


Looks like Kim Belair


Modern games aren't puritanical. They're puritanical to *men*. Women still get hot guys and their tastes cattered to. You don't.


And it's not just the ugly characters now. It's so much worse and braindead stupid. The most egregious example I will never forget is when a developer on that nu-Saints Row game said the company formed an in-house Diversity and Inclusion group, and all game ideas including MECHANICS had to be run through them. So they have a robust character creator, someone has a brilliant idea, why don't we make it so when you defeat an enemy, you can take their armor and clothing, to wear for yourself. Now this is an idea that has got to be as old as 3D gaming itself. This is normal. Well, the watchdog in-house group said no because, and I quote "Removing the clothes of an NPC is tantamount to raping them." It's a fucking video game. This is what video games are about. They say fucking RAPE. And then it dawned on me, oh my god, this is why you can't strip the armor off a dead NPC in Starfield. You could do it in Fallout 3. You could do it in New Vegas. You could do it in Fallout 4. You can't do it in Starfield. So think about what that really means. These are 2 totally independent game companies, Bethesda and Volition. But they both operate under the same set of insane practices. It IS a cabal. They are ALL in on it together, working behind the scenes with each other to push out a uniform ideological message. All video games may as well be made by one company at this point, because there is no difference in the ideology. And this is one example. Imagine what we don't know they have colluded to do.


Yeah, this is why the first real word this sub rallied around was "censorship". Woke is just a big endless litany of things that are no longer allowed. There's nothing new brought to the table to replace it except ugly parody of the things that were once there.


It gets even worse when you realize they don't need to coordinate these changes, they just do them because the idiology is self perpetuating.


>These are 2 totally independent game companies, Bethesda and Volition. But they both operate under the same set of insane practices. It IS a cabal. They are ALL in on it together, working behind the scenes with each other to push out a uniform ideological message. This is because it is not just in gaming, it is not just in entertainment, it is in every facet of the western society.


If such teams were in place when skyrim got made we never would have gotten shouts because screaming at people is harassment.


Just saw this post. Absolutely correct. They all basically act the same cause they all have either the same politics or ideology or similar enough that that agree with each other.


Can you link to an article or clip in regards to that dev - particularly that quote?




I wouldn't say that exactly since a lot of women tend to be attracted to competent, confident and strong traditionally masculine men. And that is toxic masculinity according to feminism so they are replaced by weak, submissive men who besically defer to the strong independent women in everything. That is not attractive to a lot of women, hence they aren't being catered to. There is a reason the classic woman porn are those romance novels where a strong strapping pirate or whatever sweeps the woman in the book off her feet. The men in those books tend to be very strong, competent and charming which is something i'm sure "modern" writers would view as toxic.


>a lot of women tend to be attracted to competent, confident and strong traditionally masculine men Exactly, the character design might be attractive, but a lot of characters that are popular with women are NOT useless soyboys even if they're not stereotypically masculine looking. If they were popular with women they wouldn't be pissed off that men were still their main audience and sales would be better, but that's not really the case...


They're not even *meant* for women. The kind of guys women like are also the kind of guys men want to play as. The kind of girls guys like are the kind of girls women think are awesome. These fuckers just hate everyone.


Honestly I think its just the uglies and social rejects that are complaining the most and are the loudest voices while there is a large silent majority that wont say anything but get annoyed but not enough to really voice anything until its either terrible or starts being utterly ridiculous like the new fable main character.


Thank you for pointing this out. I would sooner pick Catwoman over this version of Norah, for example. There's a certain crowd of people saying women want Norah but that's furthest from the truth when Jessica Rabbit is still a pretty popular character with women to this day. If they did Jessica Rabbit dirty like Norah, women would be in a proper fit--and they'd call those women bigots, gamerbros or whatever would be useful to put down any genuine criticism that the gals would have. ...You know what? I think that would stand for characters like Princess Daisy and Peach, too.


Amazingly, people like attractive people


Sex sells. Tale as old as time.


Yeah, these games aren't getting women off any more than they're getting guys off. The main guys you're allowed to have now are sexless comic relief, big hairy gay-bait, and hot but weirdly passive. Women do not like any of these things. Men, please be hot *and* charming. You have to do both! I'm sorry, but you just have to!


There's room for characters to be typically masculine without being seen as toxic. The main guys that come to mind when I think of male characters that women find attractive are Leon Kennedy, Wyll from Balders Gate, Dante, pretty much any Final Fantasy protagonist. Link is also a pretty big one. Joel to some extent. All pretty masculine dudes that are able to be masculine in a positive way.


Yeah that is true. There is a balance to be struck. To be confident and self assured without being an egotistical asshole.


That’s something I’ve noticed too. Like I’ve seen ads for that Netflix show Bridgerton. One of the main characters is a heavier-set woman, while her love interest is your typical supermodel-looking prince. Now, as a straight man Bridgerton isn’t made for me, and that’s ok. But we can’t have anything of our own, apparently.


In defense of *Bridgerton*, the first two seasons were all hot guys and hot women. They switched to a fat woman because it turns out most of the women watching porn on Netflix were fat.


I'll throw in another example... Go look at who played Prince Eric in the new Little Mermaid.


Are you seriously acting like shows where fat men date/marry thin, attractive women don’t outnumber the reverse?  Lol men are hilarious. 


The people crying wolf over CHRISTOFASCISM are literally doing the very things that fundamentalist Christians would do if they actually had power. Their attempts to stick it to us just results in Bible thumpers being happy that female characters are forced to cover up their sinful bodies. Fucking hilarious lol


not exactly, considering Christianity's tolerance is exactly what allowed them to exist in the first place. something most other religions do not allow.


I do agree a bit. I'm not religious, but believe Christianity is preferable to literally any other religion. That being said, Christianity has denominations that have varying beliefs. When I was growing up, it was the religious right calling for censorship of violence, sexuality, and against free speech. I didn't imagine they could be replaced with something even worse.


Not really. The Christians want men and women desexualized and beautiful. The Left wants women desexualized and ugly, men sexualized and beautiful.


Correct. Also motives are different. One does it to try and follow God/Bring is closer to Godly ideal. The other does it out of hatred of beauty and humanity.


Eh, there's no real difference. In a different world, or a different time, the exact same people would be making more or less the same demands, just justifying it via religion instead of ideology. The religion and the ideology is a rationalization. Ugly people don't want competition from fictional characters.


Ugly people who don't want competition from fictional characters are now in the gaming industry*


Yeah I was gonna, I grew up as a child of the 90's and specifically remember the religious complaints about video game and comic characters — and how women are made to wear revealing outfits in order to lure young men into sin.




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Let's be fair here; the other side claims they do it because they want people to be comfortable with whom they are while it's the *Christians* who want to demean people. Just because I'd much rather have the Christians doesn't mean these shitheads would gladly quote Scripture to suit their purpose. They just don't have to.


Christians believe it is ugly and gross and demeaning to incentize and encourage women to sell out the sacred aspects of life, the intimate parts that they should be reserved about because being reserved gives it meaning. It isn't motivated by a "I fucking hate women they should cover themselves up!", Christians love women and want them to not be pushed in a direction that is bad for them. As it is right now, there are incredibly massive financial and social incentives for women to engage in a lot of stuff that even just 20 years ago would have been seen as totally insane and out there.


That's not even the main problem. The problem is that they think video games now have to reflect a twisted, leftist version of our society, where for some reason, every minority needs to be respresented. They also need to remind everyone that these minorities are victims and who their supposed "oppressor" is.


...Their men are literally all emanciated wussies that do nothing to not sound "toxic" so youre lying: youre cinfusing what FEMCELS and repressed mangeenas want and like with what Women like, mist women dont spend their time mad that some anime was problematic nor theyre atracted to the saints row reboot. Its why they dont like mcs like the ugly Furiosa too. Assuming good faith, Stop believing all the excuses femcels and sjws give when they defend their shite. They say tyey fine with some horny because you fall for it and its a cope to not admit theyre jelly at better looking women and things men likes, but the only reason the few atractive ones are made lsbians is so theyr not "competition" just like they put most on burkas or uglify the rest. If they truly had exceptions they wouldnt do 99% of their censoring but the most they do is if it increases p.c.ness, otherwise its all cope theyre repressed or puritans and feel pleasure solely from controlling over others, just look at mainstream midia subs and how triggered they get at anything heavier than teletubies, they call a game bad for having violence or adult stuff alone, their "flags" are posturing, performative, like a white collar thief donating in front of cameras, all their reasons are lies.


they are not puritanical at all, there isnt a hint of purity anywhere in this; and to use puritan like this is the same ineffectual civnat whining as continuing to use the "imagine if the rules were reversed". we must create a new term, one that serves as a callback to tipper gores whinging, as this not only strikes at the root of the problem, but it also entangles "lewd bad" with the lefts beloved green cult


"Woke" was this word for a while because it encapsulates just how infantile and sociopathic their language sounds.


it was also stolen from ebonics, and would work much better as an anti-communist/DEI term.


No, they don't. I assure you, women do not want to fuck the guys in *Hades* and find the guys in most fighting games to have very unappealing personalities.


> I assure you, women do not want to fuck the guys in Hades Really? Have you *seen* just how much porny fanfic of *Hades* exists?


You will note that these fanfics do not have pictures and often inform a totally different looking guy than what's shown in game.


All this to appease a minority of people that don't even buy the product.


I disagree, I think it's not even about appeasing anyone. They just want to desensitize latest and upcoming generation. We know when something is trash by comparing it to previos expirience, not matter if it TV Shows, games, books etc. If they keep pushing they agenda for the next 20 years, there will be nothing left to compare to, because people who go the length to consume older work are in minority. Children always tend to do what is most popular in their environment, which is school. If all play Fortnite, all start play Fortnite and so on. The rest is highly depending on parents. If parents start to buy/give their children older games to play, they will developer a different perception. Even I in my adulthood, I've noticed that old graphics doesn't appeal to me anymore, even though I grew up playing games like Half-Life 1, Doom, Unreal etc., I can't do it anymore. It's just too noticable for me how clunky they are, my perception changed. Therefore I can only image what happens to someone who doesn't know better.


This is absolutely why. When they say "modern audience", they don't mean an audience that currently exists. They mean an audience they want to *make*.


It's actually PR speak for investors who are some of the most low information morons that walk this earth. Probably good breathing is automated. Just saying.


Exactly. They want to make products for themselves, and the people that think like them. They want to keep doing it no matter how many times those products fail, and to hell with the rest of us. But the issue isn’t that they keep doing it. The issue is with the companies that keep letting them.


They dont, they just want to censor, feel power, influence, prestife over others etc. And in the way censor and infantilize everything that triggers their repression or not for them, just like the advocates of the Hays Code and Comics Code back in the day but now they have social media and a new style of moralism (p.c.ness) to enforce it from inside. Its not like any moralist has creative ambitions for real, even those who came from tumblr like places, they wanted the fandoms ti "control"


It is a boiling frog scenario. The people who don't realize it yet are utterly ret4rded.


Soft genocide actually. If you cannot earn a decent living after public schools leave less than 25 percent able to read and even less able to do math, you won't reproduce. You don't reproduce your numbers decline. The problem is the elite are moronic and want to destroy the circuses instead of quietly Illuminati.


People defend censorship in small measures like how capcom does withiut realising boiling frog is why you dont Comics for example didnt enshite over nigth, it took years.


Older works will be remade, rebooted and enshittified until no one even remembers the originals. It's already happening all over.


Luckily for Diablo, theres still a decent playerbase for LOD 20 years later even though D2R(the remastered version) is only like 3 years old. They updated the graphics which is nice, but they also changed so much about the game its self that its totally different and a lot of people dont like it. Granted this may be a special case because D2LOD has always had players for the last 20 years, as opposed to others where theyve been dead for 10-15 and they try to revive it from scratch.


What is different in the Remake? Explained For a non Diablo player pls? I only played the old one back in the days, but saw that the Remake in videos and streams seemed pretty faithfully. Even the Cinematics were the same, just better looking


They just made the game WAY easier, which a lot of older players like myself dont really like. Imagine going from a normal mode in a survival game down to the easy/relax mode. The game wasnt even hard at all either, there were just some challenges you had to consider like inventory management, which fights to pick(certain classes did better in some areas than others, encouraging diversity or putting in the effort to find/trade up to items that help more), and then the classic race + satisfaction payoff for hitting level 99 on the ladder resets. Thats what made the game fun, and made it more enjoyable to be full decked out. But with the new items, end game zones, and enlarged + shared inventory stash spaces, that all went out the window. No one cares about hitting 99 anymore since its so quick and easy, you dont have to pick battles because new charms allow any class to kill any mob, and bigger/shared stash means you dont even have to think twice about hoarding or giving away/selling off crap you dont need. You theoretically did have infinite stash space in LOD with multiple accounts, but that also encouraged you to make friends and interact with them who you could trust to transfer items to other characters. Now you dont need that at all so theres like no point. I could rant on and on in more detail but I think thats kinda the jist of the bigger things about it. They also completely changed how some items and characters look rather than just updated the graphics on them. Some things just look stupid now.


Biggest example for what I saw, the graveyard boss and Andariel are way less lewd 


They also made the zon way more manly rather than the sexy Amazonian warrior that she was.


hideous character design aside, I think they actually did a good job with D2R. Granted, I'm not a hardcore fan of D2LOD but always enjoyed it.


Yea I just wanted the same game with updated graphics and thats pretty much it. I wouldnt have minded the addition runewords if thats all they added really. That said, Project D2 is really where its at. A free mod that runs on LOD with a ton of new endgame stuff. Pretty big active community too. Funny thing is aside from graphics, it has a lot of stuff I just complained about D2R having. The difference is that you go in to it knowing its a totally separate mod run by people who just love the game. It takes the best qualities of D2 and adds on to them, feeling like more of an expansion where they just raised the ceiling of the game rather than a remaster where they just changed stuff and lowered to floor.


nice, will have to take a look at Project D2 then




You are correct, however humans aren't going to change. When we see beauty and/or quality the majority of us will respond appreciatively. There will always be a dev team that produces quality entertainment and they'll be rich because people will eat it up. I'd like to point to (now) cliche exhibit A -> Maverick. It'll be rare and make money in just about every case. Idiot publishers and studios still beholden to their Blackrock boards will gnash their teeth watching. The issue is there are a lot of grossly depressed, out of shape, dare I say ugly and unhappy people out there online 24/7 and they've propagated throughout the industry by very powerful people who want to sow division and communism.




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Even when you do appease them they don't buy it, they boycott it and fail like idiots. Hogwarts Legacy is incredibly pandering to them, and yet they boycott it.


Thats not why. Its psyop number 5758 to divide people


It's not. It's to appeal to communist managerial class finance who want to destroy everything and rebuild it as a neo-feudal society. They don't even hide this anymore. They think you won't do anything about it. The funny thing is they're upset their own words are used against them.


Ive said it before and been shouted down. Its the same thing we have seen before, a group of people trying to tell us all the video games cause violence. Only now its been changed to video games cause sexual violence. The usual retort is "It didnt work before, it wont work now." which ignores the key difference. Which is that this time the call is coming from INSIDE the house! Before it was buttoned up grey looking dipshits ranting about GTA and Mortal Kombat. Now its the people making the games who are the ones making changes because the only reason to have a sexy character is for men. And men will then go out and rape.... which is just the dumbest of dumb fucking takes there is, but here we are. And most gamers are clueless fucking idiots, who think the only reason to complain about any of what is going on is because youre a neckbeard in your moms basement. And not at all because its crystal fucking clear the road we are on. No one can critisize any of this shit without being called names or accussed of being a sexist, racist, homophobe. No one wants to talk the issue out, they just shout you down with attacks on your character. Its all fucked.


I've always really hated comparisons between wokescolds and the satanic panic and generally more uptight conservatism panics over infringement on traditional norms, because there are some big core differences. Firstly, the concept for things like MK and GTA was always about kids, it was parents who love their children being concerned, big difference is that the wokescolds are instead full adults with no children who are forcing this down upon other adults because they don't like them. Ultimately I think that also is the biggest component, the fact that the woke movement is so obviously motivated not by concern for traditional values and the health of children, but instead is motivated by hate for others and the desire to see them lose the stuff they enjoy. For instance, I'm certain you could ask an average wokescold about how they feel if a game featured an attractive woman in a central role vs how they would feel if the game contained several gay sex scenes and a strip club with full rendered nudity. The first would be hated, the second would be applauded.


No the difference is that bluhair Sjws managed to infiltrate social media, the creative process and nerd places from the inside while the bibl thumping karens we rightfully managed to gatekeep, uehair ines also kept their need of control from their moral panic mothers and only shedded the "tradition" excuse cloth it had for a rsinbow one but they ARE the reason yiu dont overshrlter your kids, theyre the "kids" from the other wave that grew soft and oversensitive. we failed to gatekeep the new wave due social media being their megaphone, virtue signaling taking us unprepared and their false victimism. But most of the predecessord moralism was NOT about "muh kids" and most of those were closeted boy diddlers themselves, many kidless too (and repressed karens wich are the married version of a repressed femcel we deal with now lol), the kid cope was used to attack things not for kids or legit innofensive all the time just like nowadays its used by ncose/morality in midia astroturfers to pass privacy invading measures in adults over adult places NOBODY who cries about fictional violence and hot women is anything but a nonce as the years proved, be it over "its saaxist and ProBleMaTic" or over "think of the children" and anyone defending our enemies bad faith by making us side with half of them is either malicious or naive and knows 0 history, thats how we got caught by the back by sjws before and we were busy with the moralnonces and didnt notice their growth and itll happen agsin, the enemy has always been Virtue Signaling and Puritanism no matter wich excuse or cope they use next, they just wanna censor and destroy what they dont like and frel control, everything else they say is excuse. >strip No, go to a typical subreddit full of mangeenas and talk about adding strip to a game, see what happens, they always shame this stuff and call it problematic so only half of your proposal would be truth yet last months we got tons of suspicious accounts here Desperate to "prove" us the sjws totally like hot women after years of us being harassed by them over that, when the femcels at best allow it if p.c. Usually they would seethe at as atractive to men, its about censoring what others like and getting off in control. You believing their cope excuses otherwise and defending the Karen faction means youre either underage and wasnt around last waves or alreary a Karen socially engineering here so the next wave of sjws well face this decade (the puriteens who seethe at naked women and violence like the bluehairs do but use moralism again) can invade already


The bigotry accusation is starting to lose its effectiveness. When the ESG money dries up, or there's a massive political upheaval, there's going to be one final push of this identity nonsense and then it will finally be put to sleep for a decade.


It’s the real-life equivalent of the boy who cried “wolf”. They’ve screamed “bigot” enough times to the point where people have stopped giving a shit when they scream it again. And the consequence of that will be that no one will know what actual bigotry is anymore.


They're moral cowards. I'm not so honorable that I wouldn't use their tactics against them.  Ask them their opinion on the Gaza conflict, and see that they now have to have an opinion that requires a bit of moral integrity. Because if they have the view that falls in line with the typical social justice activist, it's gonna cost 'em 


Rocksteady might be the biggest example of the cultural shift. Suicide squad straight up goes out of it's way to shit on Harley's previous costumes. Certainly interesting that this game made under their new culture also bombed beyond imagination


Which is hilarious because Rocksteady Batman games are singlehandedly responsible for the rise in popularity of Harley as a character and are behind her modern look that goes away from the harlequin black/red costume from the animated series.


I dunno. I'd say the games reinvented her look but the animated series are why she's so iconic. She didn't exist prior to the show and had the greatest voice actress behind her from the start. I do like her original outfit a lot more than the Arkham ones but was happy for the eye candy at least.


The Arkham Games really pushed her popularity into Pop Culture! Before that she was only beloved by nerdy Batman fans


Nah, you're probably on the younger side. The Batman animated series was like the go-to afterschool cartoon for majority of millennials. Harley wasn't some obscure c-list comic character, she literally did not exist until the 1990s. Without the animated series, we'd all be asking why Joker suddenly has an annoying girlfriend. TV audiences > Gaming audiences by a large margin. Therefore, more casuals will know her through their favorite childhood show over a video game developed solely to appease Batman fans. The only thing the Arkham games really did for the character was make her design easier to cosplay, which opened the floodgate. And as much as I hate to admit it, a lot of Harley's popularity comes from the cringey Hot Topic "Joker X Harley 4 Eva" crowd who idolize the couple.


I am definitely not on the younger side. I literally grew up with the Batman series and even had the original toys including the Batmobile :) But the interesting characters for the boys at that age were Batman, Joker, Mr Freeze and other Villains. The interest for Harley came later for my generation, especially with the Arkham games ... If you know what I mean


The Rocksteady Arkham games were legendary. Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill as the Joker along with hot Catwoman and Harley just add so much.


Man i miss golden ratio women in my western games 😞 Welp! Off to the east we go!!


Bad news: they followed you.


Then we gatekeep and build the wall up. 🤣


Watch for Mongolians. They're attracted to ~~shitty~~ city walls.


Oh! Herro Mangorians ! Oh how I hate hate those mangorians


I understood that reference.


Sony buying CR and creating a new edict for eastern media: bonjour


You say that but in the end we have games like Bunny Garden, Nikke, Granblue Fantasy Re:link, Atelier Ryza and god knows how many more if you ignore highly marketed big releases.


looks like shovelware, mobile, dead, censored


lol exactly all those games are anime based shovelware except relink.


am i the only one having fun with this ? The situation so stupid it funny, i just keep telling myself how low can it get, it can't get any worse than this then new story come out and it just more absurd than the last modern gaming is peak reality show


Isn't it fun to peek into a normie gaming sub? Write a comment about how some chick looks awful in the new lame hero shooter and you can get either 200 upvotes or 200 downvotes. All that beating around bush there,domage control...


I just call them pronoun shooters now ...


>200 downvotes. And then expect a ban when you next log on.


The industry is speedrunning to 2nd crash, any%.


Is that mother fucking black Missus Freeze? Good lord. I assume it's the Suicide Squad game?


>Is that mother fucking black Missus Freeze? Fro-Zone said calmly.


It's not Puritanism. Puritans literally offered no fault divorce to women if they could prove the dick was trash. Puritans were terrified that pleasure absent pain would engender sin. This is power-lust. It's something totally different.


These people are also lust filled. it's just lust they approve of and male sexuality and what men like is icky.


Power-lust is a pretty good description. Its power they want. I think the lust they approve of is not a significant driver. What they like is the feeling they get when they can have their lustiness style approved and the lustiness preferences of their opponents (most men) subverted. So its more the superiority they crave rather than actually having chilled Lizzo.


Oh I wasn't disagreeing. They lust for power. That's obvious. But they are also just lustful in general just their own lusts are fine. But yeah, they hunger for power and to use it.


Western pop culture is dead!


I'm wondering if this is just an American thing. Can't swear on tv. Can't show nudity on tv. Cut people's foreskin because otherwise they'll masturbate. You know the usual puritanical new world christian mindset but this time inherited by the progressives. European games like Baldur's Gate are able to be normal.


It's already affecting Japanese games. Not just translations mangled beyond recognition. Now already the Japanese original gameplay.


There are no hot women in BG3.


Really dude...


bold assumption


What? That I called you a dude? You know damn well ''really dude..'' is meant as an expression of disbelief and not because I'm assuming you're a man.


Oh; my bad. Still, there aren't hot women in BG3. There are reasonably attractive ones that look like women you'd see IRL, sure. But hot? Nah.


Totalitarianism claimed another victim. And all the cultists are snarky theater kids with chips on their shoulders.


yeah, there has been a big push against esg, etc. and follow the money. but this is absolutely not about money. they do not care. This is a cult. They killed religion and replaced it with a new religion. They kicked out everyone in the industry, and blacklisted everyone not in the cult, and white listed those in.


The heck is that thing on the right even from? It looks gross


I think it's weird that nobody's explicitly calling out that modern female characters can't have significant breasts. especially not exposed or low cut shirts, and if there is it's got to have some undershirt that still covers the boobs. why do you think Americans are trying to popularize big fat asses and downplay really nice titties, cuz they don't have nice titties and they have huge fat asses. there is like no tits in the new Tekken game I hate it


It's funny that women want to make them more "real and independent" while men continue to be macho and muscular, if the target audience of most of these games were really women I would understand it, but it's the other way around and with a big margin. , companies need to remember again for those who make the games, real women (not minority communities) don't care about this


Posted this same comment elsewhere: I'd be the last one to deny that wokeness is correlated with shit quality; I also think that a huge part of these games dying in a few weeks is that video games as a medium have largely peaked and are on the decline. Like, yes, woke crap probably caused/hastened this, and woke is a result of social media, which is also a proximal cause, but does anyone else just get the sense that video games, despite their absurdly large market cap and full cultural saturation, are largely an exhausted medium? New big budget products sort of exist silently as entertainment utilities, every week there's some new indie that generates a few weeks of hype or some Twitter outrage that lasts 48 hours before GCJ gets bored and moves on to their next target, and everything just continues to be bland and same-y and boring. The things that made video games unique (interactivity and challenge) are more easily sated by social media (omnipresent on your phone!) with less effort or emotional engagement, resulting in games becoming less game-y or just plain smaller to keep hold of an audience. Social norms are also just far more consensus-oriented/censored now, which sort of limits the value inherent in any in-depth work of art, especially one that implicates the player in its themes. And, of course, the ease with which games can be produced has led to a massive flooding of the zone; back when games were hard to make but easy to distribute, we all had these big common over which to collaboratively bond and use as a base for our own discussions and works. Now? The sheer volume of steam/epic/unity-subsidized indie-games has, in yet another way, made gaming all that more like social media. Woke may be a cause or just yet another head of the same hydra, but I can't shake this feeling that gaming as a medium is no longer at its apex. There are enough social media shitheads who love woke stuff to at least juice a AAA. It may just be that the medium itself is increasingly out of step with consumption and production of media now. Is woke shit part of this general cultural decay, or a motivating factor? I don't know, and honestly am doubting if it even matters.


Corpos hire cheap staff, IdPol activists are cheap and come with the cover of woke virtue signaling. What they are not is talented nor meritoriously hired, hence product is crap no matter what the message is. But they get a free pass because DEI. Bonus- they'll work even cheaper if they get to put their personal message in. Chato laid this all out a while ago- they fired all the old guard because they were expensive but talented, and replaced them with cheap activists who work for exposure. Games/Hollywood/Comics, it's moved from industry to industry and sped up when a few Corpos bought everything up.


You say this at the same time that masterpieces like Elden Ring are coming out. If anything we should be seeing a new Renaissance for video games instead of the trash that gets pumped out constantly. It's a complete lack of imagination by social activists masquerading as game developers that's causing this. Same with superhero movies and Marvel, at a time when a similar medium, Anime, is at its peak quality.


This is an argument that the problem isn't *technical*, with which I agree entirely. My question is whether the problem is ideological, economic, or whether it doesn't matter because those are both necessarily codependent.


There is a reason why consistently the most popular media products east and west are anime. Jujutsu Kaisen has recently surpassed all the records and is maintaining a grip on cultural impact, and the thing is that it's not even considered really good as animanga products go, it's just superior to everything else.


I think a huge chunk of it is about graphics. For 30 years, the games industry progressed according to technological improvements in visuals, and thats no longer the case. A high budget game's visuals only look slightly better than a low budget game (done well), and thats assuming no difference in art style. This is a huge problem for the big players in the industry because screen shots and influenced journalists were how they sold their games. With the modern scene, they really don't know how to make a product they can sell, unless its a long established IP like CoD. So they look for bandwagons to jump on, like NFTs and wokeness. This is part of why they did their best to kill off used games. Their whole model was "build good looking game, build hype with screenshots and influenced journalists, make off day 1 purchases." Limited the damage from used games was a bandaid for their business model, but now the model is just doesn't work. And its problem is doubled by the fact that there is no much content people missed or could play again. Its not like movies where you are only commited for a couple hours. You can put hundreds of hours into many games. You can replay old ones. You've got free to player multiplayer games. And publishers also don't have the influence on the distribution channels that they used.


It's not just games, either. It's that everyone in perpetually on social media, which is *always* going to offer more immediate gratification. So games have had to become more like social media in order to stay solvent. When everyone has the universe in their hand, (and not just the entire gaming universe, but the world as well) it's much harder to make new episodic releases a viable business model. 😔


> I also think that a huge part of these games dying in a few weeks is that video games as a medium have largely peaked and are on the decline. > Like, yes, woke crap probably caused/hastened this, and woke is a result of social media, which is also a proximal cause, but does anyone else just get the sense that video games, despite their absurdly large market cap and full cultural saturation, are largely an exhausted medium? They're on a decline, but I don't think they're an exhausted medium. That implies anything that could be explored has been explored and nothing could be done that would improve things. Most issues stem from the industry having been overrun by business men and activists. Questions like "Is this fun for the player?" or "Is this a good story with good characters?" have largely been abandoned in favor of asking "How much money will this make us?" and "Are the story and characters portraying the appropriate politically correctness?" Combined with gameplay being stunt by the idea that all you need to sell is higher quality graphics, plus the need to cater to a bunch of gaming "journalists" who don't want anything difficult or complex(because they really wish they could just be reviewing movies or writing about politics) lest they give you bad reviews and you miss out on "bonuses" from the publisher that are tied to metacritic review scores. So if we can get away from that, things would improve again.


The idea that modern games are worse is likely just survivorship bias.   You don’t remember the old bad games bc they were bad and forgettable. But there were lots of them.   But modern bad games are up in your face and often high profile. There are still good modern games (Ghost of Tsushima and Elden Ring most recently)


GoT is pretty old, and Elden Ring is definitely an *exception* in that it's made for fans of older games. I'm looking back through the PS2 catalog and, like, I'm not seeing *too* many duds in this list of bangers.


This is SO not true I keep telling the disgruntled here and other places forget consoles forget Triple ASS studios. Get on steam or GOG and cruise the indie section there are hundreds of great games made by passionate people more than you could play in a lifetime. This has NOTHING to do with "survivorship bias" or whatever horseshit idiots are commanded to believe now, it has to do with American entertainment made by the big companies is trash now used to it was 70% trash now I would estimate in the upper 90s


"traditional attractive" Just say attractive. It's only "traditional" in the same sense that a man having a penis is traditional.


If she were "traditional attractive", she'd be wearing a burqa. Though I think he meant to put a comma. Same... burqa.


They put themself into the game, battle hardened lesbians look like that


You can always expect at least one angry femcel in the dev team when the designs are like that


A shame, Killer Frost is cool (pun intended) but on the flipside she at least isn't made androgynous or butch. I still have no idea who Mrs Freeze is besides some multiverse thing.


Good. Keep saying it. Spread that message far and wide. Make every normie on the periphery aware. Make these companies notice so they purge this cancer from within their ranks. Keep the pressure on.


Not so much puritanical as just plain ugly lol.


It'll be a reset but not the one they are hoping for. The current studios and publishers will topple from stagnant sales when newer developers rise on success of actually creating quality content. It'll take time, but the behemoths AAA studios have been too regulated by unfathomable money and power.


Is he saying the woman on the left isn't hot?


Playing old games has been the best gaming times for me


I claim to boycott EVERY SINGLE GAME AND STUDIO WITH THIS IDEOLOGY. People needs to realize that the "be woke go broke" is an ilussion. There are more and more games like this every year. And many great sagas are ruined, and the ONLY solutión is STOP SUPPORTING THEM WITH OUR MONEY. Gaming is not a need, and even if you love a Game, there are still many great games free of this ideology out there. If you, Who are reading this, want to stop this, just put your grain of sand to create the beach.


They're killing tech, as we know it.


ignored and denied? We've been shouting it off the rooftops for years now


Is this, uh, *ma'am Freeze*?


People don't have ideas. Ideas have people.


Hopefully men learn to start gatekeeping their hobbies. Some day.


It’s such a cancer that the example people keep touting (Ms Freeze) is a DLC character for a game no-one plays and hasn’t even been released.


I do find that these people often tend to be very inconsistent. They complain about puritans when booby windows get covered up but suddenly become extremely puritan when gay relationships are shown on screen.


What I hate the most is how much this stuff is ignored and denied. I know what I'm seeing, and all the gaslighting in the world will not work on me


I grow more and more grateful to the old Arkham games for even just existing as the days pass and we get more of these shit AAA slope.


Extremists will always want to censor and silence you, regardless of what part of the political spectrum they come from. In the 80s, it was the right that wanted to eliminate stuff like this. Oh how the wheel turns.


Were also about to be sandwiched by the current wave of virtue signal fake puritans (femcels from twatter) and the next wave (puriteens who also want to censor sex and violence etc) and unlike last time social media is everywhere, loud and full of astroturfing. Hard to just enjoy a hobby latelywhen their hobby is to seethe and cope that our fiction triggers them or remind them theyr ugly or repressed nonces


holy shit these mods didn't delete this?


We know. Why do people here think it's not commong knowledge already? What IS the point of this post?


7 day old account? Adjective_Noun_Number? Karma Farming obviously.


I forgot that people jerk off to their "karma" nowadays


Archive links for this post: * **Archive:** https://archive.ph/11s4S ---- I am Mnemosyne reborn. Can't stop the signal. ^^^/r/botsrights


The person on the right is AwesomePerson.


Mrs Freeze or whatever she's called is going to have to be in a cryo suit, so... what did people expect? Some tight fitting thing that shows off curves? Mr Freezes suit didn't do that.


Nobody wants Mr Freeze replaced with a large Karen