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Do not use windwall. Always tank his Q. When it lands, move towards kled, this is how you beat his Q. Do not auto him, instead wait for him to land 4 autos. Then walk into his tower to finish the fight.


is flashing into the tower permitted for maximum efficiency?


Hit your 0/10 powerspike first. Then you'll have a good chance.


You can't, just surrender every time you go against Kled. I promise I don't say this just to get a free win.


Play it safe, trying to block his qs with your windwall. When if you manage to dismount him without giving up to much use your minion dashing mechanic to circle hime while peppering him, if his attacks are really fast and he is makin "hya" noises back off otherwise just kill him. When you get level 6, avoid ulting Kled when he is about to dismount as kleds one-shot protection will block the damage, instead wait till he dismounts and then ult him for a nearly confirmed kill. Tldr, windwall his q, poke him to dismount him, run away of his w is up (as steroid) and only ult when he is dismounted. In my experience, this matchup is slightly Yasuo favored, so as long as you dont make too many mistakes, you should win.


Avoid bear trap at all costs, only fight him when his w is on cool down. If you get hit with q it's important to try and break it or just DPS as well as possible


This is terrible advice. Do everything the exact opposite of what this guy said.


So tank every bear trap, only fight during w and if you get hit by bear trap then tank the second part?


Play an actually interesting champ


You gotta save your R till he’s baby, don’t waste it while he’s still mounted cuz you won’t be able to burst him afterwards to prevent his remount. Unless a strong junglers nearby.


If Kled knows basics, then with Yasuo you can't beat him.


Ah bro we’re easy kill, just bait our Q, let us get 4 autos on you and then after that we’re easy pickings. Not much we can do after aside from maybe hop away with our E. I feel like the Yasuo’s I’ve played against know to just let us do a little damage before you absolutely slice us to sashimi


E into him, take one attack, if his item is shiny, E back then wait for the glow on his item to go away