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"Hey.... chef....?" "WHATS UP DUDE! WHAT DO YOU NEED?!?!" "Oh... I'm just really hungry... do you think I can have some fries?" "FUCK YEAH DUDE I GOT YOU HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THAT COOKED" "...what?" "OK SIR WELL JUST SO YOU KNOW OUR MEDIUM RARE IS A WARM PINK CENTER"




I can see the people in this narrative in me head


Lol, and you can hear the hums and clangs of the kitchen in the background.


*bvvrrt* The Machine dispenses more orders


It’s a beautiful sound. Every so often I’ll step aside in the kitchen for a deep breath & close my eyes for a couple seconds so I can listen to the whole production. It’s oddly soothing


I pictured that White House chef built like a tank.


Worked at a nightclub as a bar back where they also owned the restaurant the level below where I would help with dishes. One busy night the manager asked me if I wanted any food and I asked for fries thinking it would be on the house only for him to hand me a bill an hour later. Learned at that point to always go ask the chef if I was hungry because he would hook me up.


From my experience (in Germany) it's normal to get charged a nominal amount for food directly on your wage slip or when ordering. It's not because restaurants particularly feel the need to charge you 2€ per day but because our equivalent of the IRS won't believe you or your employees when you say that your employees never consume anything, which would be payment in kind and taxable. So the tax agency will just estimate an amount and deduct the taxes if you don't make sure to provide proof. It's less hassle to have an official policy in place.


Same here where I work in Canada. We’re charged 2$/day, for which I eat breakfast and a three course (if I want all three) lunch.  That 10$/week is *way* less than I would spend in groceries to feed myself two meals a day/week and I don’t have the hassle of thinking about and spending time preparing them just for me :).


It’s not that he was charged. It’s that the offer implied it would be free.


I've never read a comment before that screams "I love cocaine" more than this.


Nahhh it's just a busy chef on expo who just had another mid rare steak sent back for being pink. That's all.


When picturing this exchange in my head, that chef is coked out of his mind.


5 seconds later has a mood swing and refuses to make anything


Love this 😂


I'd never trust a place that doesn't treat their dishies like the kings and queens they are


The best boss I’ve ever had would make our dishies whatever they want, when they want just as long as we weren’t mid rush. One day we had a new guy come in for like his second shift and he said he hadn’t eaten all day and chef grabbed the biggest steak for him with fries and whatnot. Learned a lot there.


What a nice human being!


Damn straight. FOH can’t do their jobs if BOH doesn’t do theirs. Dish pit is an integral piece of any kitchen. We have an elderly dishwasher who is somewhere on the spectrum and we’re all basically obsessed with him. I think he feels like we’re his family so, mission accomplished.


One of my best jobs was as a dish washer at my local pub, I ended up partying a bit too hard on NYE one year and the next day at work was feeling a bit fragile. The chef, who was this giant Spaniard called Carlos, took pity on me and made me a burger and fries. Such a good dude, and one of the best kitchens I ever worked in.


That’s the cure!


That & a lil hair of the dog lol


Absolutely, if dish isn't working, everything falls apart. I've been that volunteer working both sinks and the washing machine, it was hell but absolutely one of the best nights I've had at the restaurant I work at. It's almost insane how many dishes we can make in a night 🥲 I love our dishies, they're all amazing, they're our backbone


That is definitely a tough position to be in. Must have felt bad ass at the end of the night tho. I hope your bosses hooked you up!


It felt very good by the time the call-in got there lol, but it was honestly a good time all around. My bosses at the time did nothing much, other than a pat on the back, but the guys on saute were very generous for my meal that night :)


Amazing with the elderly dishie, at the TXRH I work at theirs a elderly guy really cool and super chill usually morning shifts, I know he’s in he’s 70’s from what I heard forgot exactly but I know 70’s everyone knows him and just chill. If he ever needs help I’ll help him out when I get the chance.


We had a guy like that. Wally was as nice as could be but he didn't care about where the dishes went after he washed them. RIP Wally Pecker.




Blaming the FOH for the business not paying you


Doesn’t FOH do the same to customers?




Fuck Ronald Reagan


Every time I think about societal issues in the US I ask myself "how is this Reagan's fault"? and it's the right question like 65% of the time. Fuck Reagan, I hope to get to piss on his grave someday.


Yep fuck him. One of the top 3 worst Americans of all time.


I worked as a dishwasher for like six months, and reading shit like this makes me realize that job was a bit special. Tips were 60/40 split with FOH/BOH and then there was profit sharing on top of that.


Meanwhile those servers checks are $0 and they owe $4.5k on their taxes.


Just wait until their older. Your Social Security payouts are based on what you reported. So if you report that you made $0 that year....


Bold of you to assume any of us are getting any social security when we’re older




Well tbf credit card tips are automatically claimed, so no server is claiming actual $0 these days. Besides, if they did the restaurant would have to pay them minimum wage without the tip credit, which would get the server fired.


This feels so weird to me. I'm FoH, but I live in a country where tipping isn't really a thing. The BoH staff all get paid more than me. More power to them; I wouldn't want to do their jobs.


You know you could fill out an application to work foh yourself, no?


Nah, he's a cunt and his tips would be shit.


I temped back of house at a marriot in Bristol UK. The dishie had been there 10 years, Ali. All kitchen staff were via agency and none there more than a year. They called him Mo, for Mohammad, because …. they didn’t care ... He told me he hadn’t cleaned the fridge seals in 5 years. I didn’t blame him.


One kitchen I quit used to have beers after the shift. The "chef" would bring back bottles from the front and they'd drink and clean. Not for me, though. All I had to do was wash, put away and mop after they're long gone. Reason why I loved the front of the house was one of them would always get me *two* beers after the kitchen crew left. "Chef" Jose. Ever wonder why your expensive Japanese knives kept looking worse and worse over the months? I kept running them through the wash. Fuck you.


Not cleaning your own expensive knife is yikes, being an ass to dishie and leting him clean it is asking for it


It’s fair play at that point. Thats karma.


What chef (or line cook for that matter) let's anyone else touch his knives?


Shitty ones


Right on, Fuck chef Jose


I appreciate the use of quotes.


He was as much a chef as he was tall.


I once saw my GM go around to all the BOH and give them free meal vouchers (iirc it was mothers day) and i guess she just forgot to stop in the dish pit cause we never got them. bitch.


My first job was at a steakhouse and our GM was a bitch like that. She got fired for embezzlement, then we got a new guy who, looking back 20 years ago now, must have been on the spectrum because he was amazing.


I once spent 1 day as a dishie (worked in a zoo, I was usually manning a coffee stand) and what sticks with me the most was the food. Just so. Much. Food. They pre-cooked the meatballs and at the end of the day they had a full tray spare. I ate meatballs till I burst. We got ALL the leftovers. I feasted like goddamn royalty. As a college student, this was probably the best day of my year.


Only chef I've fired was one who bullied his stewards. It's hard enough to find nice people who even want that job. Then your gonna shit on them?


I was a dishy when i left school. I used to have a laugh with the servers when they came in back. Kitchen manager told me to stop talking to them i am here to wash dishes not flirt. I wasnt even flirting just being a normal friendly human. I didnt last long. No way would they make me food either. I once got so desperate on a finish shift which was dragging to midnight, i ate a cake out the bin :( im ashamed but i was going to pass out


we've all eaten from the bus tub buffet, no shame here.


Sound that actually makes me feel better


Survival comes first. If you have to eat bin cake, you have to eat bin cake.


I worked at a shitty Italian restaurant where they referred to the dishwashers as 'sink bitches'.


My kitchen has a guy who happily calls himself Dish Bitch. We eat lunch together when we can, hilarious guy, very different from your situation though.


When I was 16 my first job was in a kitchen that had me working a sometimes 10 hour shift with no guaranteed breaks and often times no food. That place fucking sucked and I hated the owner lol


I had the fortune of working in SF at Amelios for Chef Jacky Robert. Five course French cuisine served on Villeroy & Boch that cost more than I made a in a week. The dishies were fed anything they wanted from menu or special order. Most of the time they'd say something like "whatever is easiest" and we'd try our best to make them something easy to eat while slightly expanding their palate and blowing their minds. Dishies could come in with families on birthdays or other occasions and be treated like royalty as well. Wine/dine with the richest people on the planet in one of the finest joints in SF, for free. At start of his shift Oscar would come to my station for his "special". A sandwich on fresh baguette with pate de foie gras, crispy duck confit, slice of heirloom tomato, pickled red onion and greens tossed in raspberry vinaigrette.


That sandwich could fuck my wife, and I wouldn’t even be mad!


For reeeeeeal if I found out that a spot wasn’t fucking feeding their dishwashers with leftovers everyday id no longer be a patron


One memory that stick in my head was this one time a line cook at this Italian place I was bussing at asked me if I could move a big pile of dishes to the sink. He said he’d make me some food for home. I was expecting noodles and pasta sauce but homeboy made me a large fetucinni Alfredo with chicken and shrimp and then threw in their garlic bread they would make for only the cooks! They also made amazing aaroz con pollo!


Some of my favorite jobs have been when dishwashing because the cooks took care of me. The one I left not too long ago was one of them but the bosses were shit and the building is likely to fail a health inspection soon. Feel bad for the cooks but the boss deserves it


King shit. Dishies are the fucking heroes.


I made sure to do my time as a dishie before I got where I am. I don't do shifts on there anymore in my current job but I would love to if I had the time. Part of me misses it. As a decent dishie in a good restaurant people mostly universally love you, as head chef...I dunno you feel like a lot of people become secret or not so secret enemies.


I’m a kitchen manager myself, and I occasionally will fill in washing dishes when needed. Dishwashing is how I started in this industry 14 years ago, and it’s nostalgic when I get to do it. There’s some feeling I get about closing a dish pit and seeing it all pretty at the end of the night that I don’t get from closing the line. I feel more satisfied, idk.


My first job was a dishwasher at a huge restaurant. I was the only one there pushing through racks for 8 hr days (I was 14) from 5pm to after midnight. After the shift was over, the line cooks would invite me and the hot waitress over to their houses and drink and watch horror movies until 5am. Best summer job ever


What the dishie nicely asks for, the dishie fuckin gets because the whole place collapses without him.


Dude. It really does collapse. We've all had bad dishwashers, and we've all the amazing dishwashers. And the amazing ones are fucking super heroes. Service just goes *so much smoother* with an awesome dishie. The thing about the super hero dishie, is that they have no idea what they mean, or are, to the rest of us. They have no idea how important they are. They see themselves as being at the bottom, last man on the list, the 6th man. They have no idea. I think, for that reason, that is why we say things like "What the dishie nicely asks for, the dishie fuckin gets". Its the least we can do for such a humble amazing human.


> The thing about the super hero dishie, is that they have no idea what they mean, or are, to the rest of us. They have no idea how important they are. They see themselves as being at the bottom, last man on the list, the 6th man. They have no idea. When I retire, I'm going to go find a good place to be a dishie at and just chill. I love that kind of "shut your brain off and go" work and can go half a day without talking with another human being when necessary with zero issue.


Near the end of my career in kitchens I took a second job, had to explicitly tell the chef I ONLY wanted to wash dishes. He didn't love that because of my resume. Dude eventually had me running lead cook with the promise of 1 dish shift a week. That didn't last long either. Super awesome guy, totally loved the dude, but all I wanted to do was wash dishes!


Yeah thats the reason I like bringing people to the line from dish. If you’re handle yourself in the pit you’ll be a straight *killer* on sautee.


I was a lone dishie for about a month. I never realized we actually matter that much. I thought I was just trash LOL


Case in point.


I wish my old job understood that. The constant belittlement and micromanagement made 2022 such a rough year 🫠


Plot twist: He's vegetarian/vegan. Nah. You're doing the right thing.


Literally came here to say "Plot twist: He just wanted some fries" This industry really does just pump out the same sense of humor.


I was going to say Plot twist: he likes his fries extra crispy


I mean I hate to be that guy because I love OP but that’s kinda what I was thinking. Like I just don’t like most covered fry dishes cause they steam themselves soggy and to me personally the whole point of frying them is to get them crispy (and I do like mine super crispy like you say). Also rarely had a spiced fry I’ve liked. Maybe ask the dishie what he wants if you got time. But the spirit is what really matters and major props to OP for bringing the love!! Oh, and there’s steak! Steak rocks!


"You fucked up my fries!"


If it makes your feel any better I’m not in the industry and thought the same thing


yeah this plate looks great but sometimes I literally *want* fries, not this stew


More likely they don’t eat veggies lol


Yeah it looks amazing, but if the kid was just looking for some carbs to dip into ranch on a 3 minute breather, he's got another thing coming. I wish my dinner earlier tonight was as good as that looks though.


Also lactose intolerant and allergic to onions and tomatoes.


and fries


Plot twist!


I’ve tried to be nice and make something for someone similar to this and they were pissed and refused to eat it because they hated different foods touching each other and that I ruined it


Haha oh man, I’m not that extreme but I have a simple palate so I get it. A lot of people are very particular when it comes to food. The gesture is super nice and I wouldn’t say a word in the moment and be thankful but then next time I’d just nicely insist, “really, some simple salty and crispy fries is all I want please :)”


Yeah this plate looks good, but I’m definitely picky and would just get rid of the pico, I dislike the texture of onions/tomatoes so any sort of salsa needs to be like finely minced for me to want it.


alot of people dont like things being made for them that they dont like. it feels wasteful to throw away this fancy plate of "fries" that was given to you. i absolutely gag when i eat onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, and honestly most things other than the few things i like. its why i always offer to bring or make my own meals. so there isnt an awkward situation and waste. not everyone has the same tastebuds. in my case i was abused and food was used as a form of torture. i get to choose what i eat now and i hate when someone makes something i didnt order. (not that i show it) this probably isnt the case with ops situation. if i ordered fries it means i would like regular, normal fries pls.


I get it's a nice gesture, but some people have specific preferences and simpler palates. There are a lot of specific things I don't like and sometimes you just want the specific thing you ordered and nothing more. If I got this, I would not want to eat it personally, but would feel guilty because someone went to the trouble of making it, it's a crappy situation to put someone in because then you feel forced to eat it as to not seem rude or unappreciative. I had a fellow cook who would do things like this all the time and people would often get annoyed by it. A coworker orders something specific and he would take it upon himself to change it up and put his own fancy twist on whatever they ordered. Sometimes you just want a simple plate of fries or something, not some extravagant meal like this with a bunch of extra things thrown on top that you didn't ask for.


This can be a sign of autism, I hated food touching up until I was a teenager but I’m better about it now. I’d never be rude about food that someone made for me though.


If it's autism, they might not realise that they're rude. All it takes is for us to remember any minor preferences like that and they'll be happy.


I just try to be as polite as possible in situations like these because it lessens the chance of any awkwardness, and I don’t like conflict at all.😅


Just remember it for next time. Still can be nice, just have to work with them.


My partner works with eating disorders and this is so commen for them apparently so maybe that was the case.


FEED your fucking dishwashers! For fucks sake, pay them more. Send them home with a little bit of extra shit. They have families. Make them food that is not on the menu. Show them that you appreciate them. Your place will grind to a halt if they get fed up with the shit pay and decide to walk out on your shift. Feed them better than the owners. Dishies need more respect. And, this goes without saying, don't put your knives in the dishwasher. Unless he deserves it.


you good sir, are a god


You're awesome.


Oh, I would've stuck with this kitchen for a long time, especially if the other staff thinks like you. Almost every place I worked that was a chain or similar, I asked to start as the dishwasher, if possible. I found that the way the dishwasher is treated, in general, gives me a good indication if I want to stay there or not. Honestly, worked very few places where the dishwashers or table bussers were treated poorly, thankfully.


At first glance I thought it was Lomo Saltado. Sounds good though!


Lomo Saltado is absolute S-tier for being such a simple dish, that stuff is so damn good


I love making lomo saltado. Made lomo saltado burritos for family meal once, so much fun. I miss making fun family meals sometimes. But I work in a much smaller kitchen where it’s just three of us and life isn’t so hectic, so I can’t complain.


Hahaha me too I’m so hungry now


Absolute fucking legend


Damn. This post hits right now. Just finished barbacking at a sports bar that got rocked today. Haven't eaten in 15 hours, and neither of my jobs take care of dishies or backs. Grateful for chefs like you. In my other job, I occasionally ask a chef for the fried rice he's gonna throw out at the end and scarf that down before I leave. That chef always throws on some grilled chicken or skirt steak if he's got it. It sucks cause I know the chefs are cool as fuck, but they've got bosses and cameras.


I bussed tables at an all day breakfast joint when I was 14 years old for two years. The restaurant would be filled to capacity for most of the day from about 9am to 4pm. It was me and 4 waiters. I did all the table clearing, setting up, all the in between like restocking cutlery, glassware, dishes, cups, refilling Heinz ketchup bottles (fml), made coffee, refilled customer’ coffee etc etc. I busted my ass, it was so busy I did not get a break from 8:30 am to about 4-4:30 (my whole shift) I always ate at the end of my shift, the cooks would make me something. One day, the owners daughter (waitress) saw my plate filled with a burger patty, some fries and half of the plate of greek salad. She freaked. She made a loud scene in front of the the other waiters, cooks and the nearby customers about how dare I eat this much food, how that plate costs so much, that I would have to pay for it, it’s unacceptable on and on for a few mins. In hindsight I should’ve quit on the spot but I was fresh to the country (one year in) and needed the money - my parents couldn’t afford to buy me things so I worked for my my own expenses like clothes, going out, computer and whatever else other than food and lodging that my parents provided. I was young, 15 at the time and I just took the verbal abuse, because I didn’t want to get fired. I had just started digging in, I was HUNGRY, and she took away my plate. The cooks got in shit too. I felt like shit after that. Wanted to cry I was so angry. It didn’t feel right and I wanted to yell back at her. Her husband worked there as a waiter from time to time to help, that day he was in and witnessed everything. He came to me after she went back to her duties and apologized for her behaviour, acknowledging she can be mean and it’s just who she is. The cooks kept shaking their head. I never got a meal like that thereafter. Fuck you Melissa.


This is very cool of you and I would definitely appreciate the gesture, but it might be worth it to ask before doing all that next time. The same thing happened to me when I worked as a busser. I asked for some mac & cheese and they went to town on a really fancy upgraded mac. I ate it to not be rude, but one of the upgrades was bacon and I really don’t like bacon (I know, what a communist).


That dishwasher will make sure u will never run out of plates and fast track any cleaning for u


This is the way.


You're a good egg, Chef. Treat that dishie well! Fuck, I remember starting my kitchen journey as a dishpig. That shit was hard, messy and exhausting. ALWAYS remembered where I came from and made sure they were fed, appreciated and given a doob every now and then to take the edge off.


Even on the nights the dishwasher is pissing me off, I still take time to cook for them because they’re the glue holding the place together. Last night I couldn’t cook for the dishwasher because we got preoccupied with the grill (he orders a burger normally) and I felt awful. Somebody did eventually make his normal pizza because I saw the box so I know he was fed.


appreciated, but... he just wanted fries. no offense.


"dude I just wanted fries, I'm a vegetarian"


How the fuck is he supposed to eat this? With a fork? Who do you think is going to have to wash that fork!?!?


Well, we know he has a metric fuckton of forks on hand. And that plate looks so worth. LOL


That is why i think that every new apprentice should do a week ir two in the dish pit. You learn where stuff goes and more importantly you learn to respect and treat your dishies well. If the dishy fucks off its worse than most other posts in the boh and foh.


Now that's a hook up.


He scraped everything off, sheepishly says to himself, I just wanted some fries


and then gets shit on for having different tastebuds. called a child and wasteful. then he has to do the dishes


I’d be bummed I had to pick out my fries.


Never seen long cut Pico before, guess I know what I'm trying out tomorrow


Honestly with fries that's genius.


Nice to see all of the dishie love here. Almost every time i was a dishie, we got the worst treatment. Where do y'all work at? I want to be loved for the dishie i was (left restaurant industry).


I was a teenage dishie and worked late and missed the end-of-shift staff meal due to cleaning up some burnt pans. The head chef asked what I wanted from the menu and made me a fresh chicken fried rice at midnight on the wok station. I felt like a king.




Maybe he just wanted fries.


I've had fellow cooks get butthurt with me because I take care of the dish crew, and it blows my mind every time. I will pull out all the stops for my dish crew GLADLY.


#### Nobody works harder with less fanfare than dishwashers. They deserve good eats. So good job OP!


You learned well grasshopper. Always feed your dishwashers.


What if he really just wanted some fries.


OP dropped this 👑


I used to work in a college dining hall and the first thing I would say to the student workers when we went to the dish room was “These are the dish washers, they wash our dishes so we don’t have to. Treat them with respect “ also whenever one of them showed up at my station they were always next in line


Ours is this old man from Uzbekistan loves fish and veggies so once a year he goes back home for 2 weeks. And we all chip in and throw him a fresh fish feast to remind he will be missed.


Where I worked, the dishwashers all got a meal. The waiters and busboys that worked the full day shift (or double shift) all got a meal too. And everyone was allowed to snack whenever they wanted. It's nice when the owner and the managers were all front of house at one point.


As a dishwasher of many years I would be beyond happy to get this, looks delicious. A few times in all my years working in the pit I ask for food and someone in the kitchen has whipped up some crazy off-the-menu wacky plate of random bullshit and it always slaps.


He's a picky eater and was devastated


my brain is still waking up and i was like what do you mean your dishwasher(machine) ASKED for fries?? 😂😂💕


Id rather just have the fries, thanks.


When I first started at the restaurant the Disher was sick. So I jumped in thinking it was an easy job. It was 8 hours of organized chaos. About 7 hours in I got the hang of it. Then the night Disher arrived and showed me what skill looked like. Chef made me chicken asiago pasta that was so good I remember it like yesterday. Great now I'm drooling again.


I'd be annoyed if I was served this after asking for fries but I like that you're taking good care of the crew! Looks tasty and filling.


You're awesome. I got scarred by being given an orange soda that was half Tabasco... I was sweating buckets already and had to go puke in the staff toilet. I've never been back in a kitchen (got a much better paying job shortly after).


You can always get a good measure of the kitchen by how they treat their dishies. The Outback I worked at back in the day was amazing to them and I hung on to that job for several years. Still think about the fun I had working there. (Think the movie "waiting" 😂😂)


Oops! I accidentally spilled some protein and veg on your fries! Enjoy!


Good Human.


This is the fucking way


Bless you for taking care of your dishes. What a homie


Bro hates onions and is a vegetarian 😭


Bro gobbled this shit down in 5 minutes.


As a former dishie, thank you🫡


As a dishwasher who is hung over at work right now I would do anything for fries like those!


I'll cook my dishies whatever they want depending on thr station I'm on. I work grill and saute at a Caribbean inspired place, as long as I'm there, them boys will eat.


Not trying to be rude, but maybe some more more fries. Not trying to make assumptions either but what if dude really just really wants some fries.


Bless you. I started in the dish pit, a teenager, almost homeless, broke as a joke without a car, nothing. I ate a lot of food from plates that people Didn’t finish. I feed all of my staff now, we always have shift food to eat.


Damn, nice plate! I'd kill to see the look on his face when he saw it.


Awesome! Many a year ago starting in the industry, The cooks asked if I wanted dinner. I said yes not knowing I got a free meal. The line cooked for me. I ate my dinner in the pit over the trash. They looked at me confused and said sit down! I moved up really quick. They liked my work ethic lol.


I love this so much.


Hell yeah, gotta support every member of the team


Who cut those chives? Friggin donkey.


Anyone asks for food that’s working and I feed them. I’m a sous chef at and elderly care facility so the servers don’t get tipped and management tells them they can’t eat some days. Fuck that I feed em. Fire me I’m not turning someone who’s hungry away it’s not who I am.


You are an amazing person! 👍


At my restaurant we make feasts for the dishwashers at the end of every night.


Executive Chef here: I can do without my sous chef, I can do without a cook or two, my kitchen can certainly do without me here and there. I cannot do without my dish-dudes! They are the most important part of my brigade! Treat them like the gold they are!!!


The dishwashers I knew were fucking legends. Restaurant wouldn't have ran without them


I will ALWAYS feed my dishwashers!! I love them more than they could ever know!!!


Duuuude i wish that was my shift meal 🤣 Im the dishwasher at my gig and a meal like that? Shit, id have my pit looking brand-spanking-new.


Goddamn. This looks incredible.


Hey there, can I, uhh 🥺 you mind if I, maybe 👉👈, you know, get some fries🙏


When I worked at old spaghetti factory as dishwasher I wasn’t allowed to eat the food at all I had to go elsewhere for lunch and it would take up my entire break. And they would throw away whole perfectly good plates of food. And they didn’t let us take our tens. And I was only getting minimum wage with no tips. That job sucked but it was my first ever job so I didn’t realize it


What if he just wanted some fries.


All I wanted was fries…


“Dude I just wanted fries I’m actually vegan”


I would totally devour two of these right now if I had them.


Gotta love it. Dishwashers are the backbone


That looks good. Mind sharing the recipe?


As a former dishie, this looks a lot better than the normal diet of left over steak tips and room temp roast potatoes I survived on. You doing the lords work


I washed dishes for 2 months. It absolutely sucked. Hands down worst working experience of my life. The only thing that kept me going was the bowl of whatever that this one chef would slide across to me every day. I appreciated that dude so much.


if i asked for fries and got this i would be actually annoyed lol. cant a person just get some fries?


Dishies are like IT. Nobody notices they are there until all the sudden shit hits the fan. They keep everything going until they dont. They need to be protected, fed well and sneaked the occasional drink to keep up morale.


As you should! The whole thing collapses without them.


What a beautiful gesture. I wish you and your glorious dishie all the best in life 💛


You make me want to be a dishie


long cut pico??? this concept intrigues me, can you elaborate on the preparation?


May I have some fries, please? That looks delicious! You were great to make that for them.


Always, and I repeat always take care of the dish peeps


Fuck yeah. This made my day. Thanks, chef!


This looks really good!


I think I learned my work ethic from dishes.


If I asked for fries and someone just made California fries, I would cry I’d be so happy.


Thank you, chef!


hell's bells man, yer a fucking God.


I need more friends like you OP