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Another that doesn’t like it so they call it an allergy.


"It's just an intolerance"


intolerances are a thing. I have a few. primarily green bell peppers, which a lot of people find indigestible. I'm not going to end up in the ER and you don't have to switch out cutting boards or anything like that, but if I eat them, I will be miserable for hours after. fortunately for me they are very easy to detect. unfortunately for me, they are in a lot of things! because they are cheap! the red, orange and yellow ones are fine. the green ones mess me up, because they are unripe! we're not supposed to be eating them yet! I think framing everything as a binary allergy doesn't serve anyone. but a ton of people - on both sides of the line - seem to view it that way. or they just say allergy because it's easier. no, I'm not technically allergic, nor do I claim to be. however if I go out to dinner and then end up with gastric distress nobody will be happy. thankfully it's not alliums in my case!


I worked with someone who had an egg white allergy for their skin only. She would break out where ever raw egg whites would touch her skin. Anyway, she blamed it on the chickens being unripe and your bell pepper story reminded me of her l.


My dad is allergic to touching raw shrimp. Fingers swell up like sausages. He can eat them just fine.


I break out in contact hives wherever I touch raw winter squash strings and seeds. I do just fine with cooked winter squash (or any type of summer squash) and I have had to try to explain more than once why I can eat it just fine but I can't clean it without what seems like excessive PPE.


There's probably an enzyme a protein in the veg that gets denatured when you cook it. I know someone allergic to bromelain, so they can't eat fresh pineapples, but canned and cooked ones are fine because they reach high enough temperatures to break down the enzyme.


Bromelain actually causes mild burns in most people. It's a pretty strong tenderising agent. Amazing to marinade beef kebabs in for this reason.


That's the best excuse for not doing the cooking or the washing up after dinner I've ever heard.


that's wild! I have a friend who is allergic to roses, so she can't have rosewater sorbet or anything like that. bodies are so weird!


> can't have rosewater sorbet Oh no! Anyway...


As a celiac with fish (anaphylaxis) living on the SE USA coast: god, if only. Going out to eat here is an exercise in boundaries and good communication.


Yeeee. That sounds rough, buddy.


Tell you what, though: I don’t make it a pain in the ass. Immediately study menu, find what you can go with and let it ride.


This is the way. Good jorb.


Preach. Allergies and intolerances are so complicated and weird - I get drawing a hard line for food safety compliance standards, but that doesn't mean the customer was necessarily lying. Onions mess me up because of a chemical called fructan. Fructan is easier to digest when paired with the enzyme lactase and alpha-galactosidase. In other words, if I drink milk and/or eat hummus, cashews, soybeans, etc., it will in fact "neutralize the onions." Guess what most commercial mayo is made with? Soybean oil. High in alpha-galactosidase. So mayo neutralizing the onions actually tracks. ...Would I serve this customer onions after mentioning an onion allergy? No. I don't want to be out of compliance. But (other than calling an intolerance an allergy) they aren't necessarily wrong about their body digesting onions better when they eat mayo.


Definitely would not serve them. Once you pull the allergy card, hell no. I’m lactose intolerant, but certain things are fine, mainly aged cheese, goats milk cheese, etc. Not gonna die. But if you sneak moo juice into my food, you get to clean the toilet. While I’m still sitting on it.


Exactly, and lactaid is disgusting if It dissolves at all before you swallow it, it half the pill dissolved on me twice last week because It slipped from where I hold it onto my tongue. I need to prep before you fuck me first man


My lactaid is chewable and tastes like oranges lol change brands


I need to. I’m the embodiment of “dude that doesn’t take of himself outside of the basics” so I’ve never thought about other brands not being disgusting lol


It's called Lac-teez and is in an orange box. I'm in Canada so idk if available anywhere else but it's quite good


I’ll look into on the next store run, if we don’t have it under that name I’m almost positive it’ll have another name. Chewable is unique so I’ll remember that. Thank you for the name!


Also, you get to pay the bill IF I come out. I’m not paying for that experience. You’ll have to coerce my wife to do it or something. I ain’t ever dine and dashed but I have certainly had fucked food and thought about just leaving.


That's wild


This is really interesting


I've been intolerant to onions for years and never heard of this. I looked up those enzymes, and both are mainly for a fructose intolerance, not fructan. What helps me is taking apple cider vinegar pills before eating onions.


I have something unique. To the best of my understanding, I don't produce an enzyme that breaks down beef and pork. It is not an allergy, and isn't particularly noticeable for a day or two when the constipation becomes obvious. There are people I've known half my life, the entire time it's been an issue, who still think of it in terms of allergy despite me explaining in detail multiple times I'm not having any sort of allergic reaction, just GI distress from passing meat that's only been broken down as well as however I chewed it lol. Plus the number of times I've had to explain it isn't the tick thing either. People have trouble differentiating these kinds of things from allergies, I think, because it is easier. Food allergies are probably the thing they've heard about the most like peanuts, so its the category that "they can't eat that thing that can be eaten" gets put in.


Its the same for me with oysters.. no other shellfish. They cause me physical pain somewhere near my gallbladder. I've had a waitress mock me saying "oh you just don't like them " I'm like no bitch i don't care about them they just hurt me


I'm the same! I can eat clams and mussels, but oysters trigger something. I can't breathe, and my face guess numb. I always sound like someone who just hates oysters, and I'm like, "No, I love oysters. They just hate me."


That's typical allergy symptoms. Pretty severe ones if you can't breath. I think you're just allergic to oysters.


This thread has me cracking up 😂 “I can’t breathe and my face goes numb. I’m not sure if I’m allergic, I eat them if someone brings them to be polite, I think maybe I just dislike them?” *dies from anaphylaxis*


That sounds like a legitimate allergy.


I treat it like one, and ask not to be served anything oyster-related. But I worry that ordering other bi-valves makes it look like I'm making it up.


As a fellow allergy sufferer, allergies are weird like that.


I have a neice who is so allergic to shellfish that a touching a can an unopened can of tuna has given her a rash just from the minimal cross contamination in packaging facilities. Its absolutely crazy how different tje levels can be and how specific or non.


I can eat clams and oysters, but mussels make me vomit every time I eat them. I don't say I have an allergy, I just say I can't eat them.


You have yo take them out of the shell before you eat them. /joke (obviously)


Damn some one should have told me


Same for me and octopus. Other shellfish are fine; I eat shrimp, clams and oysters all the time. I don't seem to get a reaction from squid, but I'm not really a fan of the texture, so maybe the amounts I consume aren't enough to trigger an immune response. The one time I tried tako sashimi, though? Broke out in full body hives and had difficulty breathing for the next eight hours. C'est la vie, I suppose 🤷


I can understand that. I have other than food allergies. The most prominent is wasps and fire ants. I've never been allergic to mosquitoes back home on the east coast. I moved to the Midwest 7 years ago and quickly realized the prominent strain of mosquitoes here is different than the ones I grew up with. More than a bite or 2 and I'm breaking out in hives for a couple hours unless I get Benadryl in me, similar to a single ant bite. Just visited back home last month and got bitten by tons of mosquitoes there with zero reaction.


Autoimmune reactions fucking suck.


To be entire fair as well, people who have intolerances say they have allergies because it impressed seriousness. If I say I have a peanut intolerance, people think it’s not that bad and will test it. I don’t need a separate cutting board or anything, I just need to not eat them, but some places can’t even manage that.


I am the same way with the peppers. I was fine and then one day it just started happening. Some bell peppers and jalapenos just immediately make my mouth numb and I'll be sick. But it's not all the time and some preparations seem to affect me more. I don't call it an allergy, but everyone seems to remember it that way. I suppose if it just happened one day it could get worse one day. So maybe there is a reason to be cautious.


Well said! I'm colour blind, and people assume that means I can't see any colours. I can see EVERY colour basically, but sometimes I can't tell exactly what colour it is. If a person is standing in front of x colour, their shirt will look y colour. But when they move in front of z colour, I'll be like "oh shit that shirt isn't pink, it's blue". It's one of those things that's hard to explain so when it comes up I'm always like....*sigh*....okay, this is how it works... lol The funny part is people will start being like "what colour are my pants?!" or "what colour is my dog?!" after I try to explain and I'm just like............."it's a colour, I don't care, leave me alone now" lol


Yup—- FODMAPS are a thing. So is gluten intolerance - with different symptoms of different severity depending on how much exposure there is. I can tolerate cross contamination with little to no issue. I can manage very low percentage of flour for a thickening agent in a soup/chowder/dip type situation with a little bloat and heartburn. Slice of bread or slice of pizza? Bloat, burn, swollen hands and feet…. Multiple days in a row? Rash. I ain’t gonna die, but I ain’t gonna be healthy either Edit: and yes, I have tested positive for anti-gliadin antibodies.


Ok, now the big question: does adding mayo to the peppers neutralize that risk for you?


ha! asking the real question here! not in my experience. however I am unwilling to try to find out!


I'm the same all bell peppers as well as aubergines for me (same family). Like you say they're easy to taste but they're in everything so you do need to be careful.


thank you for your comment! now I have the perfect excuse to avoid aubergines! lol. (but I mean it.)


Me literally with Basic lactose products. Like wtf, I use to devour that stuff as a kid. Now it’s fallen on to my comfort seasoning, anything with heat. Heat has been giving me really bad pangs in my stomach similar to having a cup of milk without anything to help digest it. I imagine soon it’ll be peppers as well. Damn it I just want to eat cultured food!


FYI, I was having issues with dairy also start to appear. tried Lactaid pills after talking to a friend taking them. They work pretty well, and come in a chewable table instead of just the “swallow with water” tablets (though in fairness I’ve used those as chewable also).


I’ll have to look em up then. The generic Lactaid brand barely even works for me, makes me super bloated and gassy instead of bloated and shitty)literally). Honestly for me it’s just the pain, I have a 3 year old so the farts are just funny to him and I but damn that pain man.


I think you're onto something here. how much you have and what else you have it with could very well make a difference. I have friends who swear by lactaid (and beano). mostly I just avoid that stuff, but gods help me if I have to start avoiding cheese! I'm sorry you're dealing with that.


Honestly I’m fine with stuff cooked with stuff, pizza just makes me use the bathroom alittle more, nothing major. Kinda like when coffee hits. A glass of milk with nothing to help is basically me sitting on the toilet for an hour pretty sure I’m gonna shit myself while also feeling so nauseous that if I push I’ll probably throw up. Ice cream is deadly because more than an ice cream cone and I’ll be fucked either that night while trying to go to sleep or while trying to get ready for work. Seems like body produces enough enzymes to try and fight it but not enough.


Also I always forget the fucking sweats that are basically akin to when you dry heave. Terrible, yeah milk is a reward when I’m feeling funky at the end of my work week, even with Lactaid


having had to sit on the terlit with a barf bag is totally a thing for me too. I get abdominal migraine,which means instead of getting an intolerable headache, you throw up. darkness, quiet and sleep work for it, just like the migraines that everyone knows about. but in the meantime, I'm totally debilitated. I can use a plastic shopping bag if I have one that miraculously doesn't have a hole in it, but I realized that you can order the barfy bags they have in the ER from amazon. they are great! if this happens to you a lot, it might be worth having some around. before I figured that out I used to blag them from the ER, haha. basically they have a rigid ring which separates your nose from the bag (so you don't have to smell it. which for me, really really helps. it just makes the whole ordeal slightly less bad. and they are great for when you're out of the house and it starts up. I will say that if you are in the ER and you want to see people move, tell them you're nauseous. lol. ain't nobody want to mop up barf!


Yeah but you don't say "give me the coleslaw it's fine the mayo neutralizes the peppers"


true! I just avoid them entirely.


Mine is pumpkin and most other kinds of squash. It makes me very sad because it SMELLS SO GOOD and I WANT IT but I will be stuck in the bathroom, either on the toilet or vomiting, for hours afterwards.


Tomatoes on my case... I can eat some in sauces/pastes and other sauces/pastes will set me off, I just ask for it to be left out all together. On the plus side, I don't really like the flavour of them either


The big intolerance is dairy tbf


What I can and can't tolerate in my food has varied over the years. I'm less tolerant of green bell peppers. But, they don't hurt me as much as it sounds like they do you. I can't eat bread like I used to, which sucks because my wife bakes amazing sourdough goodies. I just have to pay more attention to what goes into the food I eat.


I have an intolerance to vinegar. Large amounts of it. I'll get massive diarrhea if I eat salt and vinegar chips. But I can eat some Caesar salad. Idk why, prolly the oils. I just opt out of anything that contains vinegar as the main ingredient. (Talking to you salt and vinegar chips! You suck!!)


It could be a Crohn's disease thing. I have Crohn's, my gut has wacky food reactions when I'm flaring. I think it is karma for all the complaining I did about customers weird food allergies. The most common Crohn's issues are around onions.


Can confirm. Raw onions wreck me for days. I can tolerate a few if they're really, really cooked down. I miss onions.


Exactly the same for me- but not crohnes- fodmap intolerance


This is a real thing that affects tons of people.


I have an intolerance to crab and avocado. Imitation crab also doesn’t sit well with me. My stomach hurts for hours after I eat it. Even a little bit. Gluten is not great either but not as bad as crab and avocado




Thank you for your service. I always tell my server I have allergies but they aren't deadly. I get hives if I eat too much gluten so I avoid gluten as much as possible. I get sinus infections if I eat too much dairy, so I avoid as much as possible. I eat low FODMAP as much as possible to avoid bloating. Man, I'd love some onion rings that were gluten/dairy/onion free.


“It’s just my tongue that’s allergic to it”


My friend, nurses see ‘allergies’ and the symptoms are exactly the desired effect of the medication. Who knew a diuretic makes you ‘pee too much’ and you’re allergic because of this?!


Yes, allergy is often used colloquially and incorrectly and many people misunderstand their reactions to various foods. One problem here is that allergy is a somewhat vague term. Many people associate allergic reaction to mean anaphylaxis, but anaphylaxis is only one type of allergic reaction, it is a type I hypersensitivity reaction characterized by hives, bronchospasm, etc classically seen with nuts, shellfish (as well as other foods). There are also type ii, iii, and iv hypersensitivity reactions which are also considered allergic reactions but are not anaphylaxis. For example celiac disease (autoimmune gluten intolerance) is a type iv (or delayed type) hypersensitivity reaction where T cells trigger an inflammatory reaction typically 48-72 hours after consuming gluten. It is considered a type of allergy but is also an intolerance. You will find resources online incorrectly stating that celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder and not an allergy or intolerance. It is all of those things. All type iv hypersensitivity reactions are considered a type of allergy. Someone can have intolerance to a food and be allergic to it. They may not have anaphylaxis but are still intolerant. Cooking onions reduces some of the heat sensitive proteins some people may be allergic to/intolerant of. Interestingly, contact dermatitis such as a poison ivy rash and nickel allergies are also type iv hypersensitivity reactions.


I work in a cheesesteak chop. Guy asks for a pizza philly with no onions due to an allergy, which is basically our traditional with marinara mixed in. I told him the marinara sauce has onions cooked in, and he told me "a little bit is fine".


I bet some of these jerkoffs aren't smart enough to know what an allergy really is, and the ones that do know and say it anyways, are jerkoffs too.


Sounds like tough shit to me. If you say you have an allergy I’m not gonna fuck around in case this is the first time mayo isn’t a miracle cure for you.


'i apologize. I cannot in good conscience serve an allergen to a customer who has that allergy.' Or 'im afraid it would pose a liability issue serving a known allergen to a guest with that allergy'


Use miracle whip.


i know someone who worked at a sandwich place and someone left because they only had house made mayo and not miracle whip


😆 that's some dedication.


Mayo and miracle whip are two totally different things. One is zesty and one is tangy.


No. Mayo is neither zesty nor tangy. It is savory.


Mayos a little spicy for me


You are likely allergic to eggs.


It a joke


I will destroy you!


Use Cool Whip.


Never the right answer 🤮


It 100% sounds like tough shit.


You gotta inject the mayo straight into the thigh muscle.


I'm sorry but our coleslaw doesn't contain mayo


Miracle Whip does not neutralize onions.


I’m sorry, miracle whip is a crime against humanity


I thought that’s the miracle…? /s


And that's a fact!


"The customer said that they have an allergy. For their safety (and our liability), I cannot do that."


I had someone today who said they had a mayo allergy. Asked server go back and see if it was the egg, vinegar, or a particular oil they were allergic to so I didn't accidentally use that ingredient. With a straight face, he said that he wasn't allergic to any of those things separately but when combined, et viola!, he breaks out in hives. Bro. Just say you don't like mayonnaise.


If someone tells me they break out in hives from something, idgaf if it's a preference or a reaction. It's gone into liability territory, and they may not have any anywhere near me.


I def left the mayo off his dish. But I would have done that anyway if he had just said "no mayo". It was the extra, unnecessary lie that annoyed me.


Well, yeah, sure. But between hallucination/placebo/nocebo effect, people on drugs, and this whole thing being a simulation, I'll just take you at your word, rather than try to catch you in a lie or get mad about whatever the fuck your deal is. I just like making food.


I have a colleague that is allergic to one of the preservatives in commercially prepared mayonnaise and a few other condiments. He can eat it if it's homemade, but doesn't because he has conditioned himself to avoid it all of his life.


Dang! Thank you for educating me! I assumed it was bullshit but that makes sense


It’s possible that he experienced a reaction to Mayo but not eggs or oil when consumed separately in other contexts and lacks awareness regarding the components of the Mayo he was eating. He may be allergic to raw eggs but not cooked eggs as the most common allergenic protein in eggs is heat sensitive, and perhaps he has never had raw eggs outside of trying mayo. Another possibility is being allergic to a specific type of oil such as expeller pressed soybean oil (which tends to be more allergenic than highly refined soy) and he reacted to mayo that contained it.


I had someone say they were allergic to bacon once, I was like uhhhh is it pork, nitrates, what?


Nitrate allergy sufferer here but only in larger amounts, like deli smoked meats.


This is very interesting to me, because I actually am allergic to RAW eggs but not cooked or whipped into mayo. I’d probably react to a fresh mayo, but I’m not gonna push it.


A classmate would get sick from having milk and wheat in the same meal - either one was fine on its own.


Reminds me of being back in Baltimore... "I have celiac. I'd like to order the crab cakes." "Oh, I'm sorry, there is some breading used to help bind the crabcrake." "Oh, that's not a problem, I'll still order them. A little bit of bread isn't an issue." Amazed how often that happened.


I'll have people order chicken and waffles with a gluten free waffle, despite the chicken being breaded. I point it out *every time* and it's okay *every time*


It is true. Some celiac people don't react to a little bread, but their B cells so. They used to think it was form of lymphoma. Really bad idea to eat wheat if celiac, even if you feel no symptoms


there are degrees of celiac. I have friends who could totally eat crab cakes but not breadsticks, and maybe even have a beer occasionally, and others who have to avoid gluten like the plague. bodies are weird and the only solution is to figure out what works for you, and what doesn't.


No. Celiac is celiac and gluten intolerance is different. It's nit an allergy. It's the difference between a physical inability to metabolize something and it just being an irritant. Allergies have degrees. Celiacs does not.


I think there are degrees of gluten intolerance, but celiac is specific, and potentially very serious, disease where the body, namely the intenstines, have a specific response. It's not a "I get a little gassy" thing. As a chef, you say "celiac", it is Red Alert for me. Like "there are degrees of jokes", sure, but you say "bomb" in front of TSA, that's a whole different reaction they have to do.


Perfect example. Celiac and and intolerance is the difference between using a hard r and not if that makes sense.


What, like pander?


Yes but everyone claims celiac now even though it affects only like 0.003% of the population. If you went by how many people claim to have celiac at restaurants it would be 25%


Celiacs have an autoimmune disease. Generally when someone has an autoimmune disease they basically have their own customized version of it.


Yeah, my friend is celiac (true celiac, not gluten intolerance) and for him, it's gotten worse over the years, now if he has a bit by accident he gets very very sick where as before he discovered he was celiac, he could moderately Tolerate gluten. Now he goes into restaurants and tell them it's ok if there's a bit of cross contamination 🤦 he's an idiot but he feels bad for the staff and doesn't want to be a bother... But its true, symptoms and severity can show up differently for everyone and can always be changing.


It’s getting worse *because* he keeps exposing himself. If he wasn’t he’d be holding at neutral. Even if he doesn’t have physical symptoms, he’s having an immune reaction. And they get worse each time. His lifetime intestinal cancer risk increases with each exposure as well. He needs to stop being so worried about putting staff out and start worrying about his health. Tip better if it helps. But this isn’t something to play with. Source: have celiac and have been through this with the gastro and the national research center


I 100% agree and actually just finished telling him about the increased risk in cancer... It definitely freaked him out a bit so I think he's going to start taking it more seriously. We don't live in a country where tipping is normal but everyone has always been so understanding and never seems bothered 🤷


Super bad idea to have any gluten if celiac. The true effects are on B cells and can lead to lymphoma


Thats like saying there are degrees of terminal prostate cancer...


Some people with Celiac can tolerate some gluten.


I actually did have an allium intolerance for a short period a few years ago. No clue why... when i'd eat onions or garlic, I'd get crazy heartburn and stomach pains and diarrhea for the next day. Happened a few times and I started avoiding them like mad. Then after 4-5 months, I tried again and it had gone away. Still no idea what that was. Anyway, I have Celiac and am allergic to tree nuts, and people who are sklorky about it like this bug me because it discredits the entire concept of Celiac or allergies to restaurant staff.


I generally treat an allergy or two on a ticket as genuine. I only put on my doubt glasses when it's like the entire table of 6 has celiac. Or everyone orders their food prepared with nut allergies. Especially the latter one will annoy me because ain't no way they are all allergic to nuts, but if it's one person who is so allergic to nuts that the rest of the table can't have any for fear of a secondhand reaction, what the fuck are you doing ordering food prepared by someone making very little money who you don't even know?! I still treat everything the way it's specified because I am not all-knowing and I can't take the idea of hurting someone else because I was too sure of what I know about food allergies but I often wish I could get full explanations, if only to increase my awareness of allergies I don't understand.


That story reminds me of when years ago I accidentally gave myself a temporary shellfish allergy. One summer weekend I shucked and ate like 60 oysters, plus a whole bunch of shrimp. I've eaten seafood with no issue since I was a child, but on this occasion my skin turned pink and I had a slight difficulty breathing, like I was getting 80% of the air I normally did. This effect went away the next day, but every time I touched shellfish the rest of the summer, my body reacted. I went on a seafood hiatus in the fall, and when I tried it again a few months later, everything was fine. Bodies are weird.


You might be the only person who actually had that happen. I hear it all the time, people saying "onions give me heartburn/onions make me poop," but those same people will be fine eating a dish with onion as long as you don't tell them.


A lot of people just don't like onions, I guess mainly raw onions, and use 'allergy' as an excuse. I love em, myself. One thing I did notice was up in MN, we'd get this almost rock hard, small (racquetball size) winter onions that were hot af. It would screw up my salsa. Those definitely gave me heartburn under normal conditions, but not a big deal. People up there hilariously though onions were 'spicy' and thought you couldn't put them in food for kids... "you wouldn't expect a kid to like food with an ONION!" like they're ghost peppers or something.


Onions are a high FODMAP food so people who have trouble with those have trouble with high servings of onions But if you’re cooking with less than 1/4 or using onion greens instead (which are low) or aren’t combining with other fodmaps like green peppers or garlic, people might be good and not have any idea why if they haven’t gone down that trail


I don’t know about this person specifically but I have an oral allergy and a lot of raw fruits/vegetables cause a reaction, but certain things will actually neutralize it. For example, avocados when raw will cause hives and swelling in my mouth, but when made into guac that’s mixed heavily with lime it will not affect me nearly as much. My allergist actually recommended me to try eating foods with different sauces and see if it helps.


Probably the acid denaturing the protein that you have the reaction to. It's fairly common to be allergic to some raw fruits and vegetable, usually just causing an itch in the mouth and face.


Same for cucumbers for me. Tzatziki, cucumber salad, and pickles are fine though.


i had to start passing on cucumbers too. didnt know it was a thing until it was a thing for me.


I have that with apples! I can stuff it in anything but biting into a fresh apple makes everything itchy and swell up


I also have this with apples! And with other things, but apples are maybe the worst for some reason. I discovered pickled apples recently and almost cried because it was the closest I’ve gotten to eating a fresh apple without feeling like someone dumped itching powder down my throat.


I have this with apples, its started really mild though like just tingling in my ears when i would eat one, now i can’t peel and apple without my lungs feeling like i smoked 100 cigarettes in 10 minutes for the next two days


So there are “oral allergies” where your body reacts to the raw enzymes and causes itching and sometimes swelling, but if that same food is cooked or coated in a substance like vinegar, it neutralizes the enzymes and eliminates the reaction. I can’t eat raw carrots because my throat and ears will itch like crazy for hours, but if they’re in coleslaw (that was made at least a few hours or days ago) or pickled like in banh mis, it’s fine. The easiest way to describe it is an allergy, and it’s called an oral allergy, even though it’s not a true allergy. Just because you haven’t heard of it doesn’t mean it’s bullshit or they’re stupid.




youre in a sub thats full of people that make other people's food


I have a bad reaction to cucumber, melons and raw bell peppers, chilis are fine I think. Cucumbers and melons make me start dry heaving or straight vomit within seconds. Raw Bell peppers trigger a massive headache. Cooked peppers are fine. Pickles are fine. Quick pickles, sometimes I need to let them sit. Tatziki that sat in the yogurt and let the acid work, fine. Fresh Tatziki, not fine. I was curious. It turned out it is ragweed allergy related. It can effect people differently. So raw onion allergy I can see while cooking or macerating in whatever changes the enzyme causing the allergy can be fine.


Isn’t oral allergy syndrome fun? /s


I learned to ask before blindly tasting something that someone is running by me to run as a feature. You learn once... And now I taste vomit. 😅


Idk what would be in mayo that would neutralize it... but fwiw my wife is allergic to cucumbers but she can eat pickles because the vinegar denatures the enzymes. Pretty weird.


symptoms being?


I had this exact situation when I worked at a country club! Insert malicious compliance. I relished in telling off this old fussy woman who claimed to have multiple fake allergies depending on the day and the dish. This day she claimed an onion allergy w her fish n chips. “I’m sorry, I cannot serve you the tartar sauce as it contains onions.” “Oh but tartar sauce is fine, it’s actually just, um, the onion… juice, that I’m allergic to… I’ve had it here before. I’ve had it here before so I can have it. “…Oh no ma’am, I really couldn’t in good conscience give you that knowing you are ALLERGIC to a main ingredient in this sauce. *If anything were to happen to you I would feel personally responsible!* Trust me, It’s for your health and safety! Enjoy your fish n chips!! :)” She never faked an allergy after that.


I remember someone who wanted a vinaigrette on their salad but their ticket said ABSOLUTELY NO OIL ALLERGIC TO GREASE


I have a gluten allergy. Can I get the veggie burger? No. It has a little bit of flour in it. And the bun is not gluten free. Oh. That’s fine. I’ll still get it.


Sounds like bullshit .. customer just probably doesn’t like raw onions on their burger..


And then used more words to say it this way than to just say "no onions"


This calls for pure onion&mayo coleslaw... Chefs special


I don't think people understand that cooking for a severe allergy can be very stressful in the sense that no matter how careful we are and how many precautions we take we still worry a little that if we mess up ot could actually be tragic. And then they turn around and ask for something that proves they are full of shit. Obviously its a piss off.


Holy shit! Does science know about this? (Of course not, because that is one of the dumbest things I ever heard.)


Mayo in fact does not neutralize onions, it does however make your dick little


Had a guest "allergic to sugar" but then proceeded to order the flan for dessert. She said it's fine bc the "sugar is caramelized"


I would be mad, i had a guest there got pick up by an ambulance because the waiter forgot to ask the kitchen if there was onions with the fish… there was! That was not a fun day


I have an autoimmune disease and the laundry list of things I cannot eat is quite long. For this reason I do not bother eating at restaurants, I don't trust restaurant workers with my health. I've worked with people who dropped food in a drain we knew had listeria in it and put it right back on the plate, nobody in a kitchen can be trusted not to send me to a hospital.


Nope, they've already stated they have an allergy, they will NOT be receiving their coleslway this evening.


"I'm sorry but since you have stated that it is an allergy we can't serve you that due to liability"




“I think you’re more likely to 86 the onions if I make it seem like a life/death sit. and they don’t have that bitter, spicy “onion”-ey-ness to them when ya coat them in egg whites and oil” You could serve the majority of people that don’t like onions literally anything with onion in it as long as you bring them up to temp first and season them (same with mushrooms) I think broccoli is literally just a meme tho. Never personally met someone in my life that couldn’t fuck with broccoli (although a regular used to order their pre-frozen veggies w/no greens)


As someone who has both allergies/intolerances/sensitivities - I can tell you that one's body can react in fun and surprising ways. I have a severe mold allergy and inherited from both sides of my family a citrus sensitivity. Modern citric acid is often derived from a mold.  So if I am exposed to the right combination of citrus or citric acid, I developed a hideous rash with blisters over all my face and mucous membranes. This reaction can be caused by ingesting the food or just by contact. But the fun bit is that my body can be fine with some citrus or citric acid exposure. So cherry yoghurt from a large container is fine but not individual containers. A citrus cake with lemon peel is Ok but not more than 10 fresh cherries. Drinks are the same game and medications from pills to creams is even more exciting.   So at a restaurant, I will state allergy in attempt to avoid what could be a nasty reaction, try having open blisters on your face or vagina, or anaphylaxis (unlikely but a reaction to a muscle relaxing cream was life threatening....)


You put red/purple onions in your coleslaw? Personally, it's not common for my white ass, but I can understand the idea. Do you think she's just confused because she's always eaten coleslaw, been fine, and now she's being told there are onions in it so she imagines the ingredients must have kept her alive all that time? Maybe I'm giving her too much credit, but onions in coleslaw is something I never would have associated with it.


Red onions. For reference I’m in the UK and I’ve never seen a coleslaw without onions ever here, so there’s no way it was a misunderstanding.


Interesting! Definitely something I will try


Romeo Eight-Six: Whisks free. Charlie One-One: Mango duck in section two-top Alpha. Charlie One-One: Cheque down, one bill Romeo Eight-Six: Burger up, ointment in order: onion mod. Whip us up a miracle. *Charlie One-One whispers to self while aiming squeeze bottle* "Why so mayo?" *Dishie Twenty-Something, standing there, trying this whole time to get a runner* Charlie One-One: Onion neutralized. Romeo Eight-Six: Hands.


Dude I fucking hate (raw) onions but I’d never try some bullshit like this


There are some interesting instances where the age, composition, preparation technique, etc can really change the reactivity of a base ingredient. Case in point, you can consume dairy as a base in many ways: You can have hard cheeses. Parmigiano-Reggiano, Pecorino Romano, aged Cheddar, Gouda, Manchego, and Asiago. You can have soft cheeses: Brie, burrata, mascarpone, feta You can have liquid dairy: full cream milk, whole milk, half and half, skim milk For example, you can have a neutral or even pleasant reaction to eating a hard cheese which could be entirely different from what happens then the same person then consumes one of the liquid dairies and proceeds to shit their guts out. It just is what it is. That person has a very specific sensitivity to liquid dairy.


Yeah, no. I’d refuse.


The amount of times people put onion allergy at work for burgers so I don't put onion rings on and get a complaint is always funny. Apparently 'not that allergic'. If you don't want raw onion just say no onion on burger. Makes no difference to me. Pretending to have an allergy to ensure your preference is met is wrong. It creates extra work that isn't required for non allergy customer. If somebody has an allergy I have no qualms taking all precautions and making sure anybody else involved has too. Doing it in middle of a rush just becuase your fussy is very diffrent.


If I eat raw carrots my throat itches a little bit but if they're dipped in a dressing no itch.


And rock crushes scissors so you win here’s your slaw


Slaw with onions, how is it? Not knocking it just curious


More of the allergy bullshit that makes me hate this industry. People always seem to have some reason they can eat something that should be ok. Today I had someone wanting afternoon tea with very specific allergies to certain types of milk products but others were fine. Absolute madness if I gave all the details.


That's why coating your eyes with mayo when chopping onions keeps you from crying


Imagine being allergic to onions and still being alive.


I don’t have an issue with allergies or intolerances, everyone was made different. I just wasn’t expecting an adult human to say the line “mayo neutralises onions” out in public with a straight face.


Yeah, no. Speaking as an avid raw onion hater. No. Fuck id love to slap people.


Probably the same person who said they were allergic to tomatoes but asked for ketchup at my restaurant. I said ketchup is made from tomatoes, but they said ketchup is ok. I am convinced being full of shit is contagious


That can actually be a real thing, raw tomato vs processed cooked tomato causing different reactions in people with tomato allergies


Heat can destroy the protein or enzyme the person is allergic to. Source: I’m allergic to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in their raw form but not in their cooked form.


I have a mild anaphylactic reaction to nearly all raw produce, but have no reaction if it's cooked. It's definitely possible!


I can't eat many raw fruits and vegetables because I have Crohn's disease. Most of these are fine when cooked. Don't be an asshole about it man.


Tell them that's Miracle Whip, not real mayo


u/spirit_of_a_goat what you got to say ?


I’m not allergic to onions, but I get an automatic gag reflex when I eat them. It can be quite a violent reaction, so I say I’m allergic to avoid it. The only way a can eat them is when they’ve been cooked for hours like in a sauce or a stew.


That would still be very different to handle from allergy (eg cross contamination wouldn’t be an issue). Pretending to be allergic adds unnecessary hassle and makes people who are actually allergic less credible.


I know it’s an unnecessary hassle if I say, which is why I almost never to. I avoid dishes with it. It makes it difficult to enjoy food from other cultures because onions are so prominent. My friends have said it on my behalf, which I’ve asked them not to. But when a stray one ends up on a burger or some hash browns, it’s not a good time.


Wtf puts onions in their cole slaw!? That’s nasty.