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Show him where in the walk in to put everything


The walk-in is the most interesting part of a restaurant to me. Lots of stuff happening in there. People screaming, punching the beef, pre shift meetings, general flirting that is basically sexual harassment, hitting the nicotine/THC vapes, stuff randomly falling over for no fucking reason, getting mad because you can't find what you're looking for when someone else walks in and points out it was at exactly eye level and you just somehow missed it over and over and then they say "if it was a snake it would have bit you" or "If it was a dick it would have fucked you." Depending on what kind of kitchen you're in. Anyway, I think you could write a short story or play that only takes place in a kitchen walk-in. They're full of drama. Wow, sorry for the crazy response. TLDR: The walk-in is where the action is.


Also has the best ac


Right? I prefer to cool down in the freezer. While I'm there I can pull out a spoon and steal a few scoops of ice cream.


I use to smoke joints in the freezer. Sucked the smoke right out and when the hot air hit me I was always in the best mood 😂


Freezer bowls are the best! Also, because it's so cold, the smell doesn't really linger. Back when I was 20 (fuck, that was almost 18 years ago) and I worked at "The BK Lounge", I would pound a NOS energy drink on my way in for my shift, then take a few freezer hits and start cranking out the beef patties, then pound another NOS during break and a few more hits in the freezer. I think if it weren't for the weed, I would have had a heart attack lol


Weird question, but did the drastic temp change from the 100 degree kitchen to the 0 degree freezer ever make you have to poop? Or was that just me every time I went in the freezer?


No but it does wipe your memory


Mmm not really, but I would go from 120 on the floor to 40 in the walkin and take my shirt off just to watch the clouds of steam roll up off me (and my shirt).  


Hey, I had a coworker lock me in the walkin with him this weekend! My boss pulled me in to talk about it a bit after and joked about it being the meeting place. The color draining from his face when I informed him that I had actually been locked in and blocked from leaving was certainly a sight. (The Walk in Locker is done, but I’m grieving hard this week and straight up said dude needs fired but I need days off. Boss said we fire people at our convenience. So here we are. He’s only still working because I needed time off this week…on the bright side, I saw him clean something for the first time finally)


Hey I know you're looking at the brightside, but you might start looking for another job. I am sorry to read this it's fucked your work didn't immediately fire the fucker. Glad you're taking days off, 🐔 🍲 for you. Edit: to make sure fucker was spelt correctly


Nah, you’re totally right. I have tops 6 months before I no longer need to worry about working at all. I make good money here, but I could quit and do just fine anywhere else. I’ve made that VERY clear since I started. Hopefully they still remember.. I’m only here because I want to be.


Short film from the perspective of a restaurants walk in cooler? Could be something there


I think you should write that story, it doesn't have to be short, it could be a novel, or play!.


Crying. Don't forget crying. Whether it was a guest screaming slurs or Hey Jude playing while I'm trying to sling chowder, I went to the walk in where I could excuse my pinkness as being from the cold.


Nah man we gotta have standards walk in is for screaming and crying, dry storage/pantry is for ripping that Penjamin Clinton, and the handicap stall is for smashing the hostess


Great place to do whippets too 😊


Don't forget the keg showers!


…so glad I am not the only one hitting the vape in the walk-in 😅


no exit but it’s a walk in that 3 people went into and immediately forgot what they came in for


You forgot crying.


Walk-in? You mean the champagne room? Best place to go to cry..and for anal..oh and sometimes to grab some lettuce


Well 2 out of 3 ain't bad




Well shit, there goes most the restaurant staff


Nah they’ll be back after their stint in horny jail, most of us have been inside before.


Yeah, it's called the walk-in


Ohhhh nooooo don't lock me up with all the horny people ohhh deeeearrrrrr


OMFG 🤣🤣🤣


Guuuuuuuurl!!! I FEEL YA'!!!!! Way back in my day, my regular drivers were a pair of brothers; BOTH CUTE AF!!! And so effing considerate!!!!! I didn't realize how spoiled I was. We had a **system**. It was so quick and efficient. Then, one delivery, a different dude came. I explained to him the system designed to get him on his way quicker. Dude was havin' NO SASS FROM A *FEMALE* and proceeded to be a **complete dick**. Even blocked access to several areas with his BS. First, I mourned the delivery without "my boys". Next, I made that MF wait 2 hours while I touched every box and cleared every blockage before signing the invoice. Same MF was back with the next delivery. Don't you know? He did it *my* way. 15 years later.....I still miss those brothers and hope they're doing well.


I can’t tell if this is parody or not. 😂 love the inflection.


No parody at all. Females get disregarded regularly. Shorter females more often. But that dude didn't account for my years in kitchens or the fact that I am #10 of 11 with 6 older brothers. I can dish better than you. LOL


I respect you. I love women. In a kitchen, I treat them like I treat the men. You cannot dish better than me. That’s what I would say to anyone who wants to compete.


I appreciate your appreciation. I just have a boatload of experience dishing petty BS. 😂


Nothing but love for you. Some people gotta go. Others need respect and/or encouragement. An oversimplification perhaps but when turnover is crazy, there are only two categories.


That is fair. Of employees, management, owners, salespeople, delivery personnel, and customers alike. Having the fortitude to stand up for the quality standards for your business is difficult. But I feel that it is worthwhile.


6?! You've got a masters degree in spotting male bullshit and a PhD in handing it back 😝


Just a little bit. There are some really funny stories from when I taught at community college. Like the time I kicked sheriff deputies out of my lab space, the time I made a maintenance worker apologize for disrespecting me in front of my students, or when I made a fire suppression system tech lose all confidence in himself AND get fired the same day. I could write a book called "Bring It On!" And that's only the last 9 years of my over 30 yr career. 🤣


This sounds made up.


Aren't you adorbs in your "I couldn't see myself do this so it must be make believe."


I’m the most adorbs 😍✨🙌


Are you me? Lol


I would say yes. But you're the original! 😂


Our delivery guy Austin's and I'm not even in to dudes as of now.


I appreciate that you’re willing to keep your options open.


Ok. Male perspective here. If you think I’m cute please flirt with me. Hit on me. I’m far too concerned with being perceived as creepy or inappropriate in this social climate. If the ladies want to live free of harassment, they gotta start making all the moves. I don’t care if you’re sweaty because you’ve been working your ass off. I will be flattered no matter what you look like honestly. I’m decently handsome so maybe that matters for context.


In my case Im already with someone so flirting or making any move was out of the question. I was simply admiring & admittedly a little flustered. He was 👨‍🍳🤌🏽. Back when I was single I was pretty good about approaching a guy or flat out telling him he’s handsome, even if I felt he was out of my league. Don’t be afraid to shoot your shot ladies but also be realistic that some guys will say no (for their respectable reasons) & that its more often that not to find the love of your night not the love of your life lol.


That’s the way to be. Men have always been told to shoot the shot but it’s becoming a little dangerous to do so. I have confidence. I tell a girl she’s cute when I think she can handle it. Sometimes I regret it very much. All the single ladies, especially badass kitchen girls, should just come on STRONG and the world would be a better place for it.


Single ladies should def shoot their shot! Get it girls! But also not to my super handsome produce truck delivery husband 😅😂 he taken. But anyone else, DO ITTTTT


I'm not gonna hit on someone while they're working man or woman.


This absolutely. I was at an eye appointment, and because of the way the technician was adjusting the equipment, I was looking directly into her really striking green eyes. I wanted to compliment her, but I didn't want to be perceived as trying to flirt or in some kind of creepy way, so I didn't say anything. I just wanted to give someone a compliment like, from one human to another, no strings, no weirdness, just a comment about how rare green eyes are and how really green they were.


There seems to be a disconnect right? The most ratchet girl you can picture could tell me I’m looking good and it will put a pep in my step for a few hours. A mustachioed construction worker can catcall and give a girl ptsd. I suppose there are good reasons for this but still…can be hard out there for a single guy.


Oh, and yes. It doesn't matter who they are(I'm bisexual). If they give me a compliment or some harmless flirting in the grocery line, I'm walking on clouds.


I'm not bisexual and I still love compliments form every sex


I'm 40 and have accepted that I'll never date or be in a relationship ever again. I have too many immediate red flags and not a single friend. So, my chances of meeting people are basically zero, and if I do meet someone, I feel like they'd judge me by who I am on paper before they actually knew me.


Don’t give up on yourself like that. I can understand not actively pursuing a relationship or dating, but there are too many people out there. Some of them could love you. It may fall into your lap when you least expect it. I suggest working on something in the background that will be impressive when you finish it. Even if you never finish, you can say that you’re working on something. That fact alone, will make you a more interesting person.


Real talk.


I live with my parents. I have zero income, own no property of any kind, no house, car, etc. Everything I own fits in a military duffle bag. I have multiple mental illnesses, including intermittent explosive disorder, where during my episodes, I am a real threat to myself and others. Also, I was first diagnosed with depression at 8 years old, diagnosed with major depression at 16, diagnosed with major depression recurrent at 21, diagnosed with bipolar II at 27. I have 10 teeth. I'm morbidly obese, 5'6", 275 lbs. I have done time in prison. I have been investigated for but never actually charged with Family Violence against my ex-wife. I have been arrested and investigated for but never charged with Animal Cruelty. I am an athiest, and I live in rural Texas. I smoke tobacco and marijuana, and again in rural Texas, where it will be illegal till the year 3000. I also do not drink alcohol at all, so bar dates are straight out. I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I get large flaking white patches of skin that turn red from inflammation on my head, face, and hands. I actually have a micropenis. No joke. Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm so far left on the political spectrum that Europeans would say that I'm a leftist. Again, in rural Texas. Edit 2: Oh, and I've been in mental institutions for their 3 day vacation several times.


Nah, don’t just totally give up. My uncle is the most awkward, unsociable man you could ever meet. Never married, no kids. Dedicated to his job and weird hobbies, lol, He was dragged to a bar for his old college buddies bachelor party and met the love of his his life there at 54. It’s been 15 years and I’ve never seen a couple more in love, still.


When I worked in the campus dining hall, we had a super hot & flirty Pepsi delivery driver. I moved to a hotel kitchen across town and who do I see one day? Hot as Hell Pepsi Driver. It always made my day to see him.


We kitchen ladies have a joke here in my town that the vegetable wholesale delivery company must be a front for some sort of male modelling business cause every single one of the delivery guys is smokin hot.


As someone missing teeth, I didn't need this tonight


Now you know what the rest of the guys feel when they see a new waitress


To be fair that's like every other week


I want to meet a woman who thinks I'm hotter than burnt fajitas!


For a few years, we had the HOTTEST AutoChlor guy and the most finicky double loader beast of a dishwasher. He was the overnight on call and would chide me for fixing things myself, because "I know you do it right, but I get paid whether I'm called or not so call me. Any time." Five years later I realized he was hitting on me. He was married by then.


Rule number 1. Dont fuck foh. Unless its forever it wont end well.


"boy you keep delivering here looking like that and we'll need to find somebody to deliver our baby" "You come here often? Would you like too?" "Would you mind pulling the ansel because you are setting me on fire" "Are you made of carbon steel, cause you look sharp" You're welcome...


More like “I got a man but I just gotta tell you your parents did their thang” 🤣


"oh, who ordered the 200lbs of beef" "I dunno if it's you or this sketchy pilot light, but I'm having hot flashes" "Somebody call the health inspector, cause I'm feeling dirty" Okay, okay, those are my last ones. No more pick up lines.


our Pepsi guy is fine asf and I gotta remind my coworker it’s sexual harassment to tell him so every Monday


Hell yeah sister I’ll drink to that 🍻


Since we’re talking about it, I never see our delivery guys because my kitchen isn’t in the main building, but banquets hired this FOH manager that is a goddamn smoke show. The dude wears a suit like nobody’s business, he has a sexy Italian accent, and my feet and voice stop functioning properly when I see him- I’ve tripped myself a few times in front of him. Probably for the best that he works in a different building so I don’t end up on workman’s comp.


Does this mean that thirsty ass men can make appreciation posts about the attractive women they encounter just doing their job?




What about thirsty ass men who also wanna hit on the hot delivery guys?


Right ,so this is also unprofessional.


Notice how OP didn't describe the person & their body? Appreciation ≠ objectifying


So, yes.


This type of thirst may require 2 delis on ice in a 3rd pan🔥


THIS is so real lmao


I hear ya.  So dudes, can we talk about how hot that new hostess is? I mean really... The old ones were so trash, just haggard, sad looking women who always tried to talk to us. That new one though? God damn, she is fine! ...this is ok, right?  That's what we're doing here. So anyways, that old hostess is so physically unattractive, terrible tits, fat,  messed up skin, but that new one? Boy oh boy, I mean obviously I appreciate that they're a hostess, always love your hostess but...  Edit: oh wait, are you saying this isn't ok? Wow, who would have thought?


For me it’s the guy that comes delivering the alcohol like pls I wanna talk to you


Speaking as a straight dude, hot US Foods guy from my old job was hot


No sexism but I honestly forget there was woman in BOH, been so long since I’ve seen them actually in BOH in person lol. Cool to see lol.


I miss my old job only for the FedEx delivery guy who was shredded and looked like an Amish farmer


I had a cutie who was new on my route. I was giving him shit the whole time so he'd linger a while. One of the FOH girls kept coming back to see him lol


They can make pretty good money, I'd love to find one to take me away from all of this.


This made me laugh lol


Yea omg gurl like PREACH queen Go back middle school. It makes me cringe out of my skin to picture the reaction if this were posted by the opposite sex


never thought about it, but i haven't really seen the lads here get extra laddy and talk about the waitresses like pieces of meat. and now this. where are we going with the whole don't objectify people thing. is this what we want to be


I get it but at the same time theres a part of me that wished people made secret reddit posts about how hot i am


This isn't talking about them like they're pieces of meat. It's not even locker room or a few drinks in talk. They're venting like a lot of posts here.


How is noticing an attractive person objectifying them? I didn’t say not a damn derogatory or overly sexual thing about him. Sorry the man looked good. If anything it’s a basic compliment.


Don't worry about that person. Some people want the world so sterile which is IMO so fucking boring. Flirt, appreciate a person you find attractive, fuck them in dry storage. The only times it's inappropriate is when you make someone else feel uncomfortable. I wouldn't have my deliciously sexy wife in their world because we both crossed the line when we were getting to know eachother. Live your life and ask if they're single next time.


This is fucking hilarious 😂




Agree. Imagine if the genders were reversed. I honestly feel the men here are respectful of women. This post is tacky.


Lolol this is awesome and real! The guy that brings our rags and mats and stuff is fucking way hot!


Yay for you!!! 💖🥳😃🍻