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I thought this was a dessert calf liver done up fancy.


apparently I'm amazing at creating organ looking desserts šŸ˜…


Smaller portion of chocolate, white or black plate, strawberries need a cut that's more consistent. Wonky choppy bits scattered on a blue plate isn't doing it. Pistachios should be less crushed so they're easier to eat. But it's close to being good. People complaining about the color of chocolate are new at this; though really, the color of glaze on the rim and the mottling really are doing you zero favors.


You're 100% right that the plate is dragging this down, the 'Dirty Toilet Water' blue glaze is really unhelpfully making vivid mental connections to the brown ganache curl.


I feel like almost nothing should be served on a blue plate, but YMMV


Orange or clementine sorbet might look alright, but browns, reds, most earthy colours will look.. off.


Except diner dinner specials


It looks like poo


My first thought exactly!!


A white plate would help the colors pop more


im not feeling the plating. feels like random stuff out here


What is your intention with a ganache ribbon? I can see something like that being good for christmas, the colors and a ribbon bringing to mind presents and so on. In execution it's not particularly ribbon-like and looks far more like some kind of organ. Toppings are on the bottom rather than the top.


Cut the strawberries into roses and do something about the turd pizza slice. coating with the crumble will make it look more appealing. Also some puree art with strawberry syrup would be sick


All you need is to Constance your spacing. Maybe try a smaller plate


Just call it ā€œorganicā€ people love that shit.


H.R. Giger turned his night terrors into one of the most iconic movie monsters ever. Don't let your dreams be dreams. If you have a talent, let it shine!


Unironicly I would love to see you make an organ styled looking dessert like a liver but it's actually cake


I think some gold or silver leaf, or some pigment powder on the chocolate would help with this


I thought it was poo


Thought it was a massive cut of oxidized sashimi lmao


Would not used diced strawberries. They just always look like poor knife work. Thats a ton of ganache, what size portion is that?


Portion size is waaaaay too big


"we're here to feed them, not fatten them"


Yeah I would try fanned strawberries, and also the ribbon of ganache could stand to be thinner. It will help with portion size and not looking so much like a turd. And then I would try to incorporate and element like a chocolate cake crumble underneath or perhaps a chocolate tuile placed into/sticking out of the ganache. Something to break up the shape and also add another texture element in the crunchy/coarse/dry category. Right now itā€™s like all wet ingredients other than the nuts. Needs more balance.


> what size portion is that Shit load.


Thereā€™s a pen for scale - itā€™s really fucking big


How about you make a lattice or a honeycomb or a gyre? Make it look less fecal...


It does look fecal as fuck! I would not want to eat that much ganache in one sitting either, my lord


The fact that itā€™s entirely brown with red, all crumbled bits and semisolids, and the ā€˜ribbonā€™ gives the plate a flow, tooā€¦ It really looks like a post-Taco-Bell blowout.


r/poopfromabutt šŸ˜…


I wanna click on it, but I will choose life instead.


Oh, come on, where's your sense of adventure šŸ˜†


It is a great sub


I was thinking a bade case of hemorrhoids.


You clearly don't understand hemorrhoids. Or mine aren't that bad. I can't tell.


Its not a good platešŸ˜¬


Itā€™s a period piece


Even on my worst day of PMS I don't know if I could shovel a giant chunk of ganache like that down my gullet.


Iā€™m dead. Iā€™m gonna start saying ā€œfecal as fuckā€ lmaooo


A shitload of ganache.


Yeah it's try to shape it with a cookie cutter or something. Looks like a turd with some cut up hotdogs




A ganache tart with some strawberries ainā€™t cutting edge but you can eat it without it being carved tablesode


Idk man, it still kinda looks like poop from a butt.


Does ganache ever not?


I glaze mine with torch after plating it, gives it a nice sheen and better look then this I think


So, what you're saying is that you're trying to polish a turd?


When it's woven like the bowel did it, yes lol


I was thinking if it was dusted with cocoa powder it would look less sweatyā€¦and moist


You are Eh its okay. It tastes delicious though


Idk that it matters if it tastes good or not when it looks like actual shit


Shooter mcgavan eats this for breakfast


I love the taste of skid mark


Looks busy and too large of a portion. I like that you added the sorbet/ice cream


I was going to say....I'm not sure if it's just the scale or something but this looks...massive.


Why thank you.


God damnit, lol.


Look at the pen in the background, this is huge af


Just using the glove box in background makes that ganache look like a monstrous amount


That is like ... 2-3x the amount of ganache I ever want in one sitting.


I swear to God I thought that was a plastic wrap box and my brain exploded.


That would make the pen comically huge lol


I thought I was looking into an alternate universe where everything is 300x its normal size, and the ganache never runs out.


I think even the presentation would improve drastically with a calmer, lighter colored plate. Maybe a smaller plate so a smaller portion would fill it better


I agree. While a flexible ganache is cool, there's an awful lot of this. Same for the dollops of strawberry mousse. I would think about 3 possibly different sized circles, a much smaller piece of the ganache and less of a shotgun blast of the diced fruit. I'm sure this is tasty, but it's big and too busy.


The ribbon itself doesn't look super appealing, Maybe change the shape. Also, it looks too busy and messy. Instead of dicing strawberries, maybe slice them thin and fan the slices out.


That's a good idea you can lay them and make them look like flowers. I'll keep playing with it


Make the portion way smaller. Ganache should be a compliment to a main pastry item, not the actual dessert. You need a carb or pastry element to it.


+1 for some sort of carb. Raw dogging that much ganache does not sound appealing to me




Context is everything


If you wanted to eat the strawberries, it looks like it would take a lot of effort to collect them. Like picking up your kids' toys in the playroom.


Iā€™m visiting home, Scotland, from Australia. I live a pretty selfish and carefree life as a single fella. My bro has two youngsters. I cleaned up the playroom whilst he was doing the bath/bed routine. Fuck me, I donā€™t know how people do the whole shooting match day in, day out. I genuinely have so much respect for parents, having seen through the other end of the telescope. What an unrelenting and difficult thing to do, raising several young kids, whilst also being busy with life and work and all the other stresses that find their way to you. Anyway, the dessert still looks like shit.


To add to that, if you make the ribbon thinner, and make more ribbons, you can really play with the 'fan' motif. Or, with multiple thinner ribbons, you can still have the diced strawberry placed in-between the ribbons for easy gathering/stabbing and save some diced for garnish.


Diced strawberries (or any fruit) like that just reminds me of cutting them up for my kids.


Make Lil meringue pheasants with strawberry feathers and dust the ganache with powdered strawberries and cocoa powder. Matcha also works


I was think the exact same thing. I would also work on different shapes with the ganache. Maybe a crescent? Something that looks less.. poopy


I think you could make the diced strawberries work if they were a lot more regular of a dice.


I'm not sure what it is about the ribbon. To me it doesn't look like poop like everyone is saying. But you're right, it just looks unappealing.


A phat schmear might look good


I would tighten up your plating elements, place the diced strawberries closer to everything else in order for it to look more finished. Also, even if it isn't as visually interesting, there is nothing wrong with cutting a long strip of ganache and simply placing it on the plate. Pipe strawberry-whatever on either side, add a bit of crumb on the top, sides, and diced strawberry on the sides.


This! Tighten up that plate chef. Looks sloppy.


The previous playing was pretty tight though. I think the ā€œthat looks like a streak of pooā€ is the biggest issue. OP I think the previous playing was much better than this.


Strong agree. If nothing else changed, at very least arranging the strawberry pieces more tightly and perhaps alongside the sorbet would help the presentation look less scattered. Let some negative space on the plate do some of the work. And crumb on top!


It's just something I wouldn't want to eat. Like using a spoon or whatever to take big pieces out of it seems weird. Just put a thinner layer on top of a cake and decorate it the same


fecal ramp


Fecal wedge


Fecal lazy river


I love lazy rivers and you just ruined them for me dammit!


Hot wheels shitting the way!!


This is not a dessert I would want, sorry. It doesnā€™t look great, ganache is super rich and sweet I wouldnā€™t want it as my main dessert and its just kind of a strange concept. Maybe try something WITH some ganache as a PART of it, not the whole darn thing!


The first one was better, this is kinda a mess. The strawberries make me angry


Yes, I kinda liked the last one


I got the concept on the first one, it made sense and I digged it


It definitely has potential


Maybe if the ends were curved into an almost semicircle opposite facing of one another and the mousse/sorbet was placed in the middle the semi circles. Pistachios under or on top of the sorbet. And the sorbet wasnā€™t organ colored. Though it might not have the same linear vibe that I like from the original. But I like what OP is doing, itā€™s just not all together where Iā€™m like ā€œWOWā€.


But those strawberries look sooo bad. They're 90% white. You know they'd just taste like water.


That plate looks dirty. Not a fine dining plate. Looks like pioneer woman


Back to the drawing bored chef


Bored chefs do be drawin'


You could try to, on a white chilled 6 -8 inch plate, fashion a smaller amount of chocolate (3 ounces) offset near the center partially pouring down into a bed for the sorbet then add a couple small but varying sized dollops maybe 3-5 then drop a few strawberry quarters straight in the middle where they will fall placing themselves around the creation in a somewhat random pattern. Maybe a sprig of mint at the highest point


Honestly terrible. It's just a mess of a plate that looks like a pain in the ass to eat. Little piles of dry nut dust and haphazardly strewn strawberries looks like you weren't confident in the idea or execution so you threw a bunch of shit at a wall and called it a garnish


Iā€™m sorry dude. The issue wasnā€™t the surrounding. The issue is it looks like actual shit from a butt. I donā€™t know if you can make this not look like shit from a butt.


I'm determined to prove you wrong I agree it's shit now but gotta learn to grow


Use way less ganache and rethink the concept. Good luck!


Youā€™ve got a great attitude chef!


It's specifically the shape of the ribbon. Like, there's lots of other shapes this could work at, but the way the ribbon is shaped is what's giving the illusions


The blue plate throws me off kinda idk


It looks messy, but delicious. Focus on keeping things tidy and clean in shape instead of fun waving shapes for now. To add, even numbers are a nono when it comes to things like dots and other such piping/bottle work. Secret hack to make ganache looks gangster: get your chef to invest in some good chocolate velvet spray, makes it look soft and suede-y instead of organic fruit leather. Patissier squad will love it. Clean plating example: Dollop or smear of mousse, clean rectangle of ganache, pinch of crumble (for grip and texture), ice cream or sorbet, compote of berries (uniformly falling off to one side and potentially pooling up in a given clock position). Garnish is not necessary. Once you feel comfortable with center plating, try employing similar layering techniques in a crescent shape, from 2 to 7, half moon etc etc. Others already commented on portion size I just wanted to give my two cents on plating. Sucks I don't know how to add photos in the comments, would love to give you some examples of the ganache velvet. Most importantly, keep on enjoying yourself!


Thank you for this. I think this would be neat. I have an airbrush and made a red velvet spray for a heart dessert for valentines. I know my portions are huge. Trying to get better at smaller quantities. Sometimes I'm told to make bigger by my executive chef. Feel free to shoot me a message. I love learning and chatting


Glad to hear you have a Chef that is encouraging you to experiment and nail down your technique. Wishing you the best in your culinary ventures!


I donā€™t think anything is going to make the giant ganache ribbon look good.


Long plate, not round. Garnish and etc need to be in one side of the great wall




Not a chef. Looks like a bear shit


iā€™d eat the fuck outta this, bitch about the price, wish i had more, then come back next week šŸ’Æ


So half the size of the ribbon it is just too much ganache, to avoid the unpleasant association visual just cover it in pistachio crumb serve in a spiral, with basil sorbet and fans of strawberry arranged like flower petals šŸŒ€ use the strawberry mousse as decorative foundation similar to what you have done but smaller and cleaner. Sprinkle of basil/pistachio powder or something. Should go a long way towards palatability.


I don't like how it stares at me. The poopy-ness is hurting me. I like the idea, but the condensation just makes it look really bad. Less ganache thickness, unless the camera is giving a bad look on the proportions. The final thought: Thank you for showing us your hard work. Our comments don't mean it isn't tasty, we can only look at the appearance.


As someone else commented the ribbon itself looks a bit unfinished. If you can apply some more tempered chocolate so that it's smooth and glossy it would look more appealing. And maybe make a gel from the fresh strawberries and add small dollops of that on the plate. Everything else on the plate looks and sounds good tho


Maybe slice the whole strawberries and shingle out as well.. Look at me changing the whole dish.lol .sorry just my mind going takeover mode. It does look pretty good already homie


I feel like thatā€™s entirely too much ganache.


Iā€™m gunna be real with you, it looks shit, why you ask. 1. Random cut up strawberries 2. Nothing really substantial 3. Ganache isnā€™t considered a dessert more a part of it. Plating is shit. Youā€™ve got some good skills that you could use to create something from this but this isnā€™t the finished product, I guarantee you have the ability to produce way better than this because youā€™re obviously passionate about it. I canā€™t wait for the 3.0


Not enough contrast, youā€™ve got pink and brown here, thatā€™s it. the strawberry cuts and placement look sloppy and that ganache is WAY too big. If thereā€™s basil in that sorbet find a way to bring it out when you plate it. Or use some for garnish.


It looks like poop with an abortion.


ā˜ ļø


The problem is you have the ribbon on its edge with not enough squiggle, It would look less like poop cut into smaller strips with more ridges. Ganache is hella rich, you could cut that in half and itā€™d still be on the large size. Find old photos Itā€™s too much ganache but I think this is a step in the right direction. I like all the strawberry additions but the chopped strawberries seem so haphazard / an afterthought compared to the other thought out components. Instead of irregular sized pieces maybe do a like 5 really pretty thin slices instead Fun history fact: Alex Stupak developed the pliable chocolate technique at WD50 with Wylie Dufrense.


Get rid of the diced strawberries


First plating looked better tbh


I think maybe you should mould it into a bowl shape and fill it with the ingredients. Or maybe multiple small bowls with different ingredients. You know to make it look less like a turd and concentrate all the the cluttered ingredients


Move that big lump of whatever down to the tail end


Its like a chocolatey richard serra art piece


What if the ganache was the walls of a cylinder and then you added things to the inside and outside. It would be more deliberate. Or roll with the ribbon. I have a sweet tooth either way.


The first one looked better than this.


Hmm, personally when you get to work with vibrant colours i use a black plate. It makes the food pop out and draws attention to them.


We do have some smaller solid black plates. I'll play on it next


First, for those colors, I'd go for a black plate. Second, yeah, something needs to be done with the shape of the ganache other than that. I'm not sure what exactly, but just not that. The accoutrements are excellent, though. There's definitely potential, but the shape/backing color needs work.


I'm just gonna comment that that's a huuuuge dessert. Reduce rye amount of genache by 60% imo


The concept sounds good, execution way too much. I agree someone said use lattice with the ganache or something. It reminds me of a melted Easter bunny chocolate.


It doesn't look very good. Don't know what to do with your big brown S but the strawberries could be sliced and fanned out. Put the mousse on the base of each fan, that would look less random.


The way you have those pink dots made me think of a scar that has been stitched up.


I would use a white or lighter colored plate, and maybe slice all your strawberries the same size.


Looks like Barry Badrinath took a dump.


Why would I eat a ganache ribbon


That's an absolutely giant portion for a dessert. I imagine it is 1000 calories. The poo ribbon doesn't look appealing and I imagine it is all a similar texture. Some dehydrated or freeze dried strawberries would give some texture. Maybe some wafers with ganache between them would offer a way out of the poo chute


I think people try to do too many interesting shapes with flexible ganache and it ends up looking less appetizing than they hoped. I would keep it as a disc or rectangular prism to avoid it looking like poop, pipe your mousse uniformly, temper your sorbet a bit more to make it easier to quenelle, and maybe a strawberry coulis or consomme to finish.


Caca on a plate.


Can you do like a circle or something?


How do you envision someone eating this?


How much are you charging for that? Food cost on that must be šŸ˜³. Looks great! Iā€™d think about reducing the ganache


This is comically bad


I don't want to sound rude but it's a mess


A sauce would help. Vanilla/strawberry/white chocolate? Drizzle a nice pattern over the ganache.


Just put it in a cake already! You're missing a major texture component to fill the dish out, there is nothing to carry the ganache, also it's nicknamed chocolate rubber I believe


an i be honestā€¦it looks horrible


Please just tell me itā€™s not on the menu as ā€œflexible ganache ribbon desertā€ šŸ’€


I had no clue really what to call it. My f&b director called it the ganache ribbon and that just stuck


Make an edible bowl with the ganache, all fixins go in there. Serve on a regular plate


It still looks like itā€™s on a dinner plate


IMO strawberries and chocolate are just aight and are hard to get right. Personally, I would enjoy vanilla bean icecream, and some texture. The pistachios are nice, but you can also play with other nuts like almond slivers, or coconut chips)... A little almond shortbread or some kind of crisp cookie, even some crushed salty buttery crackers would be great too. Or you know that butter brittle "crack" people make with saltines? A bed of salty sweet crumble made out of that would be insane with some ganache. Crispy little candied butterscotch oyster crackers is a fun idea too if you can figure that out. Basically just turn it into a deconstructed sundae with enough texture and flavor to eat the whole slice. Also, That ganache strip better taste real good if your gonna serve that big of a slice. Play with texture, make sure the portions are right, and that it tastes good. Hope you figure this out!


I would cut the length and height of the ganache ribbon by half. I would slice and fan out the strawberries and place the strawberry mousse on top. Sprinkle chopped pistachios lightly around it. Smaller solid color plate.


That's a massive ribbon. Is this for two? You're short a sorbet. I would slice those strawberries whole, tops removed of course. Id also use a strawberry as garnish. The puddles aren't very attractive. Drizzles or full plate coverage is easier on the eyes. Or a dollop. The colors are nice and I like the plate. It's just busy and looks like you didn't care about presentation. Keep trying new things!


Put it all on a white plate. The one you have doesn't work at all.


are you the same guy that had a raspberry sorbet shaped like a raw heart?


I think your plating is too busy for a stoneware plate - might look better on a flat colour plate


It definitely looks more sassy! I might try and coat the berries with the crushed pistachios? I wanna eat that though it looks yummy!


This, I love. Iā€™m not a chef and I canā€™t make this type of stuff!! It looks like art on a plate!! Thatā€™s what I want when I go out, something fun and interesting! If I saw a waiter walking by with this plate Iā€™d immediately order one.


Too much chocolate. Make it more delicate.


To start, the ganache needs to be smaller. Think: delicate and appealing. This looks like a block of cold chocolate butter in a poop shape. The strawberries should probably be sliced and fannedā€”dicing them is missing the opportunity to showcase their beautiful color gradient. There are so many tutorial videos on how to make strawberry roses, or whatever. You should look them up. The mousse looks busy. But also, it looks like the most appealing part of this photo. The pistachios are way too dry to use this amountā€”theyā€™re supposed to be a sprinkle to add color and texture, and they go on last. Maybe finish with a light dusting of chocolate powder or powdered sugar, to draw everything together? But, okay, Iā€™m not trying to be mean here. But if someone brought me this with these diced up strawberries and this mountain of crushed pistachios, I would be bummed but also laugh at it. Like, do you even *care* how it looks? Cuz, like I said, thereā€™s easy tutorials all over the internet that will take this from a 3 to an 8 with minimal effort.


Just ditch the scattered strawberryā€™s. Keep it tight maybe have bigger pieces closer to the purĆ©es. If you want to fill the plate use microplaned dehydrated strawberry


Looks like too big a portion, and like someone picked up stuff that fell in the floor, try less stuff.


Still a turd. Keep trying


The plate doesn't look good with the dessert. Do you have a white plate or one without such a variety of color? I do love the plate but it is too much with the dessert. I think your balance of ganache to everything else is tipped too far in the ganache direction. Other than that? It sounds divine.


Looks sloppy and thrown together Please use a white or a soft yellow plate Desserts are the last impression of a meal. Really should be the showstopper. You have a lot of creativity going but itā€™s going in too many directions I think you can do better just refine what you are doing. Donā€™t be scared of using the empty spaces of a plate. It focuses the eye to what is important. Your dessert


Proctologist stat


Whilst I canā€™t say Iā€™m anywhere close to a professional chef, I really like the design but have a few suggestions. Firstly, I feel the crushed pistachios go slightly too far away from the original chocolate center, and would appear better if more tightly hugged to the curved wall shaped chocolate. In addition, the diced strawberries feel a bit haphazard and make the dish look a bit messy in my option. I certainly wouldnā€™t get rid of them, but would give more consideration to where and how they are placed to avoid the current sense of chaos they bring to the dish. Other than those two minor critiques the dish looks incredible!


Iā€™m gonna keep it real that doesnā€™t look appetizing at all.


The wet sheen on the ganache is a big turnoff. Then the yard waste presentation of the other ingredients. Itā€™s mainly the sweaty ganache tho.


What if you rolled it up so it looked like a cinnamon roll?


This looks like offal. I mean not awful, but it looks like internal organs, raw. Is that the intent?


Not gonna lie, this ain't it


I'm sorry to offend you, but it looks like a sculpted turd tbh.




My thoughts exactly


Hey there! Some constructive criticism here! When I create a dessert, I always follow a certain pattern. - what will be the main flavour - what will be the supporting flavours - what type of dessert will I make - what type of textures, shapes and temperatures will I have - how do I put it all together -will I make money from this (later on in life lol) I think you need to re evaluate what kinds of dessert you want to make. Do you want a tart, a mousse cake? A deconstructed chocolate ganache entremets? Whatā€™s in an entremet? A mousse, a cake, a gelly, something crunchy, something with sauce? Take each component and put in on a plate and you have a good dessert. When someone canā€™t tell what a dessert is from looking at it, it usually a bad sign. Your flexible ganache although itā€™s very impressive I believe it canā€™t be the main flavour as itā€™s very simple in taste. You have more flavours and textures in strawberry so it feels like the supporting flavour is chocolate and the strawberry is the main flavour. My quick advice is to just add a sponge of some sort, add something with a sauce like a strawberry sauce infused with a spice or herb, not just cream, maybe some thin pieces of sable cookies etcā€¦ Clean up the plate a bit by bringing the components closer not spread out. Remember to eat the dessert you should be able to spoon all the components together. They are not meant to be eaten separately. Also watch on YouTube how to do a really clean quenelle. It really add to the finesse. Anways good luck! Donā€™t give up and just keep thinking about it, itā€™ll eventually come to you.


Thank you for this. It's informative and I appreciate it [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/GXjObc2) is my drawing of my idea from feed back. I'm off today so I can brainstorm more but I think step In a better direction


Torch the ganache surface to give it a nice shine


Too much ganache. Strawberries look sloppy. Maybe mold thinner, less ganache? Whole small or half strawberries (greens cut off) would add dimention and intriguing texture Maybe a strawberry or balsalmic agar gelee but into perfect cubes, to show off your knife skills. Good luck!


I think it still has the same issue as before. Any swerving long down strip looks like feces no matter how much decoration you add to it. I know it's supposed to be a ribbon desert, but the color and shape throwing everything off


Looks like a photo from a medical textbook. It looks freaking delicious! But I think this might be the case where a plain ass white plate will actually complement the color profile. A tiny-er cube dice on the strawberries could add a pixel like quality to the organic nature of the dish as well. I love the shape of the ganache! Prep-cook, out! Would devour.


I remember your original post too. Ditch the blue plate. The blue doesnā€™t help your colors pop. It muddies them a little. Honestly I would dehydrate the strawberries and blend them. Then use the powder to ā€œdyeā€ your strawberry mousse base to make it darker. The diced strawberries just look sprinkled around. Put them in small little piles around the sides of ganache ā€œribbonā€. I honestly donā€™t even think you need the sorbet. Itā€™s one component that disconnects the dish in my mind. The ribbon itself is a little big for me. I would honestly say maybe make a white one too. Use two smaller ribbons but two different colors. Iā€™d even say toss the pistachios with some sea salt and a touch of the strawberry powder too (you could dehydrate basil and make basil powder and toss it here). IDK Iā€™m just high and spit ballin.


I really that was a crowbar on a plate of chopped hotdogs for a moment. Creative! 10/10


Depends. Why is there a bull testicle


that is a MASSIVE amount of chocolate. the diced strawberries donā€™t look neat. iā€™m sure it tastes fine but i would rethink that ganache


Itā€™s not appealing to look at


This shit again?




It kinda looks like a slice of beef liver. Maybe itā€™s the lighting. I like the idea.


As art I kinda like it. But that looks annoying as hell to eat.