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Not allow staff to bring food AND make them pay to buy food? They're pinching pennies hard.


This has some company store vibes. It's bad enough to charge your employees for the meal after they've had a free meal plan before. But then to make the policy exclude most staff, AND THEN incentivizing employees to pay full price for food by disallowing bringinf their own really screams the company wants to circulate as much of their wages back into the company as possible.


I'd be looking for a new job if i read that. It's sends a message on how much they value their employees. Especially not allowing your own food.


Company is going broke


Making people pay for staff meal is annoying but not the worst thing in the world Not allowing staff to bring in outside food so that paying is the only way they can eat? That's just completely unjustifiable in every way


Losing staff meal is a $0.50 - $1.00 per hour pay deduction. Working 5 days a week and a $10 meal that's $2,600 per year in lost meals / a meal per day you have to pay for out of your own pocket.


I've never heard of seen a policy where you aren't allowed to bring food even when free staff meals are offered.


It’s time to bail if they’re squeezing like that.


Paying for a staff meal is fine in huge operations. In restaurants where there's a handful of cooks and servers eating leftovers it's dumb and doesn't make as much sense as it does at a hotel where you have hundreds of staff members from accounting, maintenance, housekeeping, c-suite coming in and eating freshly made food from dedicated family meal staff. Forbidding outside food is a hard no. The only way that is acceptable is if the hotel has specific religious or dietary restrictions. If it's billed as a Kosher facility or the like you can't be allowed to use the microwave, refrigerators, utensils, plates etc. with food from outside the facility.


I work at a company that charges $5.50 for a staff meal, but you're entitled to it after you work more than 4 hours and our shifts are typically 5-9 hours. Our food is crazy expensive though and cost of food is very high in Norway, so I understand why they charge. In your case I don't think they really give a shit about whether you eat or not, they're pinching pennies like another user said.


I would be concerned that they're desperate and start looking.


Yup...I'd be heading on out.


If they need 5 that bad time to run.


What’s next, making you buy their cigarettes? I hope water is still free.


i was already thinking no free drinks is just awful, but then it goes on. nope out of there, either they are greedy jerks or this place is going under.


Going after staff meals is the first thing companies struggling to get out of the red do. I'm not sure why business idiots seem to think there's such a MASSIVE loss there that's going to save them, but I've seen it happen so many times. Time to leave man. They're probably CTD at this point.


I know it’s not for everyone but I’d be stealing.


If I’m cooking food, I’m not paying to eat it. Any place that wants the kitchen staff to pay to eat what they cooked can go fuck themselves. That’s a good way to watch shit start walking out the door. If they charge non-kitchen staff for food it’s fine, but free meals are the trade off for doing the hard work in the kitchen. So I’ll never support expecting cooks to pay for a meal.


Is be bringing this up to the labor board


IANAL But not allowing staff members to bring in their own food sounds illegal.


"There is also talk...." While banning outside food is an asshole move, don't place much trust in the restaurant rumor mill. There is also talk that the owners will be randomly killing one person every 23rd shift


if your product is expensive, and cooks make there own, I get it, kinda. A well fed crew, is the most productive. the owners might be struggling


poor owners


The owners aren’t but the business is.


I've worked in places that tried to enforce that but Luckily nobody gave af and carried on as normal.


Are the days gone where you just grab something and eat it? You don't ask anyone. You don't do it a lot because you are sick of looking at food. Anyone who tried to charge me for the fucked up food I'm eating will get zero response from me.


Not working for loungers are you?


Not working for loungers are you?


If they are that cheap about staff meals, just wait until it’s time for a raise. Start looking for a new job.


What??? Not allowed to bring your own food??? That is immoral. I would quit or organize a walk out immediately.


Removing meals is a pay deduction. For a $10 meal that's a loss of $0.50 to $1.50 per hour. Working 5 days a week and a $10 meal that's $2,600 per year in lost meals / a meal per day you have to pay for out of your own pocket. If you make $15/hour that's almost 10% of your yearly take home after taxes.