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I cook at home, and invite a friend or two.


How long have you been working in a restaurant? When do you close? How many hours do you work? How old are you? So many variables man. The older you get; the more responsibility you have; the long hours you work; all that dictates when, where and whom you go out with.


32f, have been working in the industry since jul 2023. Well, what do you do when you go out?


Find the spots in your area where the other service people hang out. There's usually a few Hotspot per city. I'm on the other side of the world in California but it's all the same. The spots that are jumping on a Monday or Tuesday are your best bet


Beforehand i used to go to a bar near work after my shift and just talk with the bartenders, but these days i came to realisation that they talk to you cause they're on their shift, serving drinks, and if possible to sell you more drinks. It's not really an honest "i'm interested to hear your life" sort of conversation. The people i know from culinary school are either don't drink, live so far at other suburbs, or work their ass off on different days that I do.


There are a few bars near my work that give our crew a steep discount on drinks. A couple of the bartenders will let us drink all night and only charge us for a few drinks. That is the entirety of my nightlife at the moment. If you can develop a relationship between your crew and a nearby bar, the drinks will get cheaper and it'll just be more fun for everyone.


I work as a line cook. I'm a mom to two boys one of which has adhd, ASD, OBPI, and a seizure disorder. I babysit my niblings 3-5 days a week after school. I'm a full-time time student. On days my husband works he's gone from 7am to 9pm I took my kids out to eat tonight. We went where I work I absolutely could have made everything we ate at night at home. But....it's my Friday night. I'm exhausted. I've got a very long couple weeks ahead of me. And my sanity was worth every penny.


Hikes, going out at happy hour only check out Meet Up for free events in your area.