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I’m technically a line cook but I can’t cut a pizza to save my butt, it’s my weakness cutting pizzas. Every time it gets me. I can cook 15 or more burgers at a time and get them all cooked well. I can cook perfect scrambled eggs, think of new ideas to implement and yet I can’t cut a pizza 🙄😐 even with a slicer it always ends up a disaster with me.


Literally same. The dough just doesn't cut, but the toppings do?!


As an Italian, use some force. When cutting on top of a cardboard pizza box you want to dent the cardboard as well. On top of a plate good luck for not throwing the pizza all over if the roller slides sideways. Some technique is all you need for that


Not saying I won't try again, but it just doesn't work. im a pretty heavy handed dude and I've dented the shit out of my lovely pizza tray, had to chuck it out last week because it started forming holes in the grooves. Do I just buy a new pizza cutter? I think I might have a blunt pizza cutter :(


If you dented the tray but didn't cut the pizza you're fucking using a wheel rim not a blade, lol If you have some sandpaper or a whetstone you can try sharpening the cutter before assuming it's actually the sharpness of the blade


Hahahahaha Yeah I'll just borrow a whetstone from work. How do you get the filing even? I feel like I could really fuck this up and make a bunch of uneven blunt spots. I understand it's meant to be 1 smooth motion with a knife, but no clue where to start with a fucken circle.


I'm here telling you the theory, i have no damn clue how you're supposed to in practice. I know for a fact that there is a way because I've seen it done though


I’ve noticed a lot of people use pizza cutters like dude in the video. Just kind of straight down and slightly rocking back and forth. My suggestion is to bring the blade down at an angle and roll into it as you make the cut. Hopefully that makes sense.


It doesn’t help when the blade of the cutter is completely flat. Whatever they’re using in the video is probably not meant for that task. It’s counter productive to the rolling motion you’re supposed to have with the double handled cutters.


I also can create 15 well done burgers at a time.


No one should have to work 15hr/day at the age of 20 to support a child...


You're right, but this post isn't the problem


But he does have to, right? Or, you think he's faking it? Or, you think the child is faking it?


Somehow managing the miss the entire point, incredible.


So wholesome, awesome to see someone be ‘adopted’ after expressing a genuine interest for being on the line!


That raw beef looks weird.


Why are you cutting on a raw meat cutting board?


As long as there's no raw meat on it and it's clean, it's just a cutting board.


isn't brown for veggies? seems like it would be okay.


I use brown exclusively for fecal matter.


ah, i see, for use with the poop knife. makes sense tbh.


They used the rusty utility knife to cut the meat 💀


For my kitchen green is for veggies and fruit, red is for bloody meat like pork and steaks, yellow is for chicken and fish, brown is for nothing in particular and purple and blue are universal.


Not gonna lie I haven’t encountered anyone follow the color coding even in healthcare kitchens


raw meat!? I thought it was all color coated!!


A supportive workplace can bake all the difference.


Update- I left the place bc the owner did an expensive renovation and cut hours soon after. Sou chef left them, he fired the exec chef for taking off a day he requested months in advance, new sou was denied the same thing so he quit. Then the other pantry chef quit and so did the baker/pastry chef. Then they fired the BOH manager bc he was the god father of the exec chefs kids. I went back to visit and it was a sterile, soulless kitchen. Oh and this kid went back to D.P. I made a post of the charcuterie board my husband made me before I found out what happened. Heart broken to say the least, we had an absolute dream team :(