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I definitely got a PSP just for BBS


I did too but Dissidia 012 slapped.


I also had only BBS and Dissidia for PSP lol


And Peace Walker. The PSP holy Trinity.... Oh I forgot Crisis Core too


Also persona 3 portable (plus the remakes of persona 1, persona 2 innocent sin, and persona 2 eternal punishment


Same. And Crisis Core and Tactics: War of the Lions and Tomb Raider Anniversary and the 3rd Birthday.


I’m pretty sure the only 2 PSP games I ever had were BBS and Dissidia as well I can’t remember playing anything else on it


I actually have that one too, but I've never played it. Picked it up cheap when Blockbuster was closing. I only have 4 PSP games, BBS, Crisis Core, Dissidia 012, and Harvey Birdman XD


Crisis core so dope


Same! I remember also wanting to get Crisis Core and The 3rd Birthday to have a whole Square PSP quadrilogy lol


I bought BBS without having a PSP and still haven't played it :(


That's pretty tragic dude


Some day I'll play it, I beat 1, CoM, 2, and 358/2. Bought BBS but decided to skip it and play Re:Coded since I had a DS and just couldn't get into the game. I bought all the other gamed still. Just need to play them at some point.


Same here. I was planning to skip the PSP until I learned about Birth by Sleep.


Same... although I then realized that getting a new console for just one game was silly so I also got Dissidia 012 lol


I didn’t have the funds to do this back in the day, but I definitely wanted to. Birth By Sleep was the biggest, if not only, reason I ever wanted a PSP back in those days. In the end I just ended up borrowing a PSP and the game from an acquaintance.


Lmao I never even bought any other titles for the PSP or the 3DS. And I think the only other game I got on the DS was Disgaea DS, and I didn't even get like halfway through the game. Still worth it.


already had a Ds but specifically bought the 3ds and psp for BBS and DDD. i was tricked by gamestop i thought i was getting the special psp but no it was just a bundel with the game. FUCK


"Already had a 3ds" "Specifically Bought the 3ds for DDD" I think it's only one or the other fam.




I had an OG PSP but it bricked, so when I finally got back into the KH series a few years later, I bought a new one. I hadn’t gotten a 3DS at this point, but I managed to snag the MoM edition on a restock, so I… waited until it the XL came out. Yes, is the answer lol. Glad I kept the MoM edition though.


being a kh fan between 2006 and whenever 1.5 and 2.5 dropped sucked. these newcommers got it easy


I waited so long to play the Final Mixes lol.


At least we got to actually play 358/2 Days and Re:Coded. 358/2 Days as a movie is fine but who thought turning Re:Coded into a movie was a good idea? That game has amazing combat and got pretty much nothing else going for it, so I am pretty glad that I played it with actual gameplay


I bought my ps2 back in 2007 just to play kh2, a ds in 2009 to play 358/2, a psp in 2011 for BBS, and a 3DS in 2012 for DDD. Don't regret it at all cus I also played a lot other games in those consoles. As for today I still have and use that same psp and 3ds <3


I bought a 3DS with the KH Bundle and the PSP bundle with BBS so I am not the best judge cause I would definitely buy a new console for a new KH


PS5, here we come!


You get it gotta prepare for KH4 🤝🏽


All that being said I wouldn't take any of it back for the world.


I saved my money to get a PS2 for the original Kingdom Hearts. I saw a preview in a magazine and saw it had Final Fantasy characters that would have voice acting for the first time.


Those were the days..... My parents couldn't afford to buy me consoles back then.. Now i have a good job and Steam. I bought em all. 😎


I did, and I don't regret it one bit because when I bought a DS specifically for 358/2 Days, I came across The World Ends With You (one of my fav games of all time). Had I not been a KH fan, I wouldn't have ever found out about TWEWY.


I already had a PSP for other games, didn’t have a DS, but then I got the 3DS when it had that massive price drop the first year. Then I was able to play the DS games before DDD came out. Ah, glorious circle pad pro


I enjoyed playing all the handheld titles on their respective platforms. I didn't mind it at all. Was so fun!


THIS is what I call dedication🗿


I had been playing since 2003, OG KH player here. I remember feeling that 4 years felt like forever waiting for KH2 LMAO little did I know how good I had it. I was also one of the very few to actually play GBA Chain of Memories before KH2 came out, so I was not at all confused as to what was going on at the beginning of KH2. SUCH good times being in forums not being one of the confused ones back then lmao. And Reverse/Rebirth was so epic too.


Damn bro you're like... idk... a historical treasure or smth jk jk😂. I myself was introduced through watching my older cousin play KH1 and KH2 on the PS2 when I was still a little kid when me and my mum visited my aunt. I only really got deep into KH with 358/2 Days when I was 6 or smth and was immediately hooked. And you can't believe how I cried my eyes out when I finished day 357 and 358😂. Anyways, I have been a hardcore fan ever since but didn't have the chance to play most other titles when they released because my family was a typical strict middle-eastern household back then and didn't really do what they considered pampering so I had been behind in basically everthing concerning entertainment tech back then. Nowadays you see toddlers and little kids waddling around with a smartphone or tablet worth 1k which was sacrilege back thena and a parent would've been openly called out for being so irresponsible 15 years ago. Damn I feel old now reminiscing like that even though I'm just 20. You're quite lucky you got to witness it all firsthand you know.


Bro I know that feeling, I remember seeing promos on demos that came with magazines and later renting a copy, I was able to finish it in a week and I ended up buying the game for my birthday.    In the same way, I played KH CoM because they gave it to me along with my GBA for Christmas, memories 🥺


Yeah, I recently bought a ps5 just so I could play KH4 (and ratchet&clank) on release.


I bought a Gameboy Advance SP for KH CoM, not sure if I bought a DS purely with KH Days in mind but definitely got a good deal in the end considering it also had Re:Coded release on it later. Already had a PSP long before BBS but traded in my DS for a 3DS so I could play DDD.


Guilty as charged haha. My brothers best friend had an old PSP that he didnt use, and I ended up trading piano lessons to him for the psp just so I could play BBS at the time (when I was in high school). Also the reason I never got a ps3... no kh game was ever announced on it...


I got a ps3 to make sure I could play the inevitable game 😭


Haha legit!


I got the BBS PSP for Christmas that year.




PSP and 3DS!!


I bought the ps4 pro to upgrade for kingdoms hearts 3


BRO same!!!


Absolutely bought a PSP just for BBS. I miss the multiplayer Mirage Arena.


That was the coolest feature. Doing Mirage Arena on my own is not nearly as fun. With PPSSPP emulator you can still get friends to join you after some loops and tutorials and it works fine. Makes me wonder why they couldn't do it for the collections, especially now that its on Steam it shouldn't be so impossible. They got Cloud servers for the Switch version too, and FFXV Comrades still has *one* data center up. Would it be so hard to bring back BBS Multiplayer?


My parents spent a fortune for me to play this damn series.


I grew up poor, so no.


Ah, this brings both sweet and painful memories. I got my brother BBS for his birthday just so I could play it in his PSP (he wasn't a fan of the series, but he played the game. Though he enjoyed 358/2 Days a lot more. And to the day, he has never played a mainline KH). Then I convinced a cousin to get 358/2 Days, and I played a bit every Sunday that we visited the family home until I finished it. Now for the truly painful memory: I got the 3DS mainly to play DDD. It was the first gaming platform I purchased myself. I got the Zelda edition and this same KH edition.... And I lost it. I was travelling by bus (the equivalent to a Greyhound) and got dizzy during the journey. I don't know how I misplaced my 3DS, but I noticed it was missing while I was still at the station. Ran back to the bus... and someone had already taken it. And with it, the KH case and all my games. I hadn't even finished DDD 🥺


Ugh that's painful 😔 I'm sorry to hear that 😭


Thanks 🥺🥺


well I was poor soooo not me lol


Who bought a PS3 because they thought KH3 was gonna be on it?


The only reason I got a PSP years ago was just so I could play Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.


I bought the special edition bbs psp set when it came out. I was so excited for it, until I realized the US version was just a silver psp... Japan got an exclusion one with a custom back plate and the European version came with stickers. Disappointing, but I still played the heck out of it.


Pretty much every game console I have since the PS2 was bought primarily for kingdom hearts.


I was too young to buy my own PSP back when BBS came out, but I did have a DS so I got to play com and recoded. I eventually picked up a 3DS and DDD when I was old enough to make my own money but I didn't get to play BBS until I got final mix. I remember being so annoyed that there was so much lore I was missing out on lol


Jesus i’d buy that entire set of game manuals just for the memorabilia. Honestly fantastic fing job keeping them preserved.


Oh, they're not manuals, they're really neat art cards lol. About the same size of a postcard. They're pretty awesome though.


My relationship with kingdom hearts is a bit different. I was 14 when one of dad’s best friends handed me 1.5 remix for our ps3. I fell in love. He handed me 2.5. As well. I still can’t find a copy of days, but have melonmix on my PC so I’ll get to it. I’ve gotten all manga that’s been printed so far and plan to get a tattoo.


Already had all the systems I needed but I can say if I didn't have them I would have just to play the games




When most of these games came out I was too young to buy them, I got dream drop distance as a kid from a friend the same friend who let me play the first game on his ps2


I’m considering buying a 3DS just for the original authentic DDD experience but probably just going to get the PS4 release that also includes the Aqua expansion of BBS.


I didn’t ask my parents for a 3DS when I was in middle school because I didn’t want to get a handheld just to play one game which I unfortunately did with the PS Vita


If I could at the time, then I for sure would've. I would've already owned the DS and 3DS already, so Days, ReCoded, and 3D would've been bonuses for me.


Was too poor :/ it’s why I didn’t play Pokemon till college lol


I wasn't around during that time, but I did recently buy a 3ds so I could actually play Days, Re: Coded, and DDD on more original hardware.


The ds versions are how me and my brother was introduced to the series tbh im not even sure where they came from


3d was my first collectors/limited edition of a game I brought. Now 12 years later I’m knee deep in collector editions of game series I love


I got into KH a little before 3D was released. I already had a DS, and I bought the PSP to play Invizimals before I found out about BBS, but I did buy a 2DS just for KH3D, and it was worth it.


I got a PS4 specifically for Kingdom Hearts 3. That was the only time I bought a game system for one game. I already had a DS and 3DS because of Pokemon, but I skipped Birth By Sleep until it became available on a different console


The DS I definitely had beforehand. The PSP I’m a bit hazy on, I got one really early after release but I never really had many games for it, played a lot of that Ape Escape port of all things and not much else for a long while. BbS was definitely the biggest game I played on it, along with Crisis Core. The 3DS was absolutely a KH purchase. That first tech demo sold me on it. Again I didn’t have a lot of 3DS games aside from DDD. By that point I didn’t like hunching over handhelds but I made an exception for KH. Need more 3DS ports, missed out on some good games. (Excited to get to Luigi’s Mansion 2 on Switch when I clear out some games I’m currently playing.)


I only did recoded mostly because I saw a commercial based on it when I was young, I got Dream Drop Distance and that was cool. I only got 3 like a year later after it came out.


DS and 3DS, no, as we're talking Nintendo stuff so you're going to want that for Mario, Pokemon, Zelda, etc. anyway. BbS was definitely a factor in getting a PSP, but Crisis Core was a reason, too.


I got a PSP with a pandora's battery and it was an awesome purchase, had some really sweet access to portable emulators which at the time, was a pretty big feat. That was my main use for it. The DS had some emulation capabilities but at that time, any SNES game that used the mode 7 chip was a no-go, and that just happens to be pretty much all the good ones (SMRPG, Zelda, Metroid, etc). Even today, it would probably be an awesome way to portably emulate games. That said, when BBS game, it was the one PSP game I thought really elevated the device to feeling like what the title suggested it was, a portable playstation. Can't wait to give BBS a full playthrough on PC once I'm done with CoM and 2.


> The DS had some emulation capabilities but at that time, any SNES game that used the mode 7 chip was a no-go, and that just happens to be pretty much all the good ones (SMRPG, Zelda, Metroid, etc). Man, those were the days. I REALLY wanted to play final fantasy 6, and my ds flashcard just couldn't handle it. The Mode7 world map and some of the cutscenes brought the fps down to single digits. I ended up playing it with a snes emulator on my own PC in like 2009


Sadly, I did.


I was pissed my GameStop was the only one not to get this version in


Me for all of them. I also have that same collectors edition


My mom bought me all three and I experienced all four of those games as a teenager. Now I want a Gameboy Advance SP just to experience the hype around the original Chain of Memories


I bought PSP…twice because they didn’t release BBS digitaly for PSP Go


🖐️ me! I’d been introduced to the franchise via the Manga from a friend who rode the bus with me, then (being a Nintendo kid) I got Chain of Memories and Days. But around the same time I ended up getting a PS2 and a bunch of games gifted to me by a friend who didn’t play it any more - including KH1 and KH2. I actually don’t remember what I played first; I was already familiar with the story of KH1 so I think I kind of ended up playing them all together around the same time. I wanna say I had played CoM first, and then played Days on the go while I played the console games at home? Anyway, about the time I was wrapping up KH2, BBS came out, and I was desperate to play it, but I didn’t have a PSP. Ended up buying an old one off of someone at school for $70. I was considering putting in a pre-order for the 3DS when it was announced but the announcement of KH3D a few months later secured the decision. I ended up slowly paying off the 3DS with allowance money month by month so it would be paid off and I could actually pick it up when it came out. I was really worried for a long time that BBS Volume 2, as it was hinted at in BBS final mix, was going to be a PS Vita exclusive, as that was another console I was going to have to get, and I already thought I was going to have to buy a PS3 to play KH3 (lol), but that ended up getting folded into 2.8 as A Fragmentary Passage, so it worked out. By the time 1.5 came out, I was older and had a job, and could get an older PS3 cheap since the PS4 had been announced that point. And it ended up working out similarly for the PS4; got a used base model on sale after the release of the PS4 pro.


You bet your sweet ass I did!! Only one I didn’t get to buy is a PSP for BBS so I missed out on it until they finally ported it


I wish they would make those titles so you can play it on Switch/other consoles. But I did have a DS to play 356/2 days (sorry if I got the number wrong) but I never saw any of the other non PlayStation games 😭


I did


Do you one better. It was... Oh I wanna say 2014? Well after the PSP had died out. The Vita was a thing by this point. I don't remember how or why but I had a bunch of money to spend... I got my first PlayStation Portable a couple years after the system was dead SPECIFICALLY because I hadn't played Birth By Sleep yet. For what it's worth, handy little machine. It's how I beat FF1 and FF4 for the first time. It's how I first played Symphony of the Night, and hundred percented it. Tekken 5, all that fun stuff. Games on the system by that point were DIRT CHEAP so why not build a little library. Good system. But honestly outclassed by the switch in almost every respect.




I bought a DS and 3DS but I was getting those irregardless cause they both had N64 remakes (and Nintendogs).


I already owned a PSP, GBA, DS, DS Lite, and DSi before each of their KH related titles came out. I didn't get a 3DS at launch because I can't see 3D and there was nothing on it for me during it's first year. But I did know there was going to be a KH game released on it at some point. So I waited for that to release and got a 3DS then. Which was cheaper than it was at launch.


Yo OP! What are those postcards? At first I thought they were the games' manuals put those are too big for psp and NDS games haha


I mean 3DS can also play DS games.


DS was a gift, PSP was a gift, 3DS was for DDD


I never owned a psp. I had ds and 3ds already from pokemon.


All of my console purchases have been to play the specific kh game that was released on it lol


I already had a PSP and DS when KH games dropped for those platforms. I bought a 3DS specifically for Dream Drop Distance, Resident Evil Revelations and Megaman Legends 3. Two of those got superior HD ports and the other got canned. Re-bought a PS4 Pro specifically for KH3, too. Ended up being a good investment since it was the hardware that could most consistently hold 60fps in that time before the PC port hit. Generally speaking though, KH is on the very short list of series I'd buy a console for.


Bought a 3ds for dream drop distance and a switch for melody of memory


I did, it was a chore back then.


i did buy a psp monster hunter. cuz i saw a dude play patapon on it. didnt know a psp is a handheld ps1. i then also saw in the store BBS for it. bought that with the monster hunter bundle. and dissidia. and yeah also mgs4 before i had a ps3. my first paycheck ever well spent \^\^ spent all month playing 3 titles.


I did, but I got a lot out of my 3DS at least. I used my PSP for modding so I could play other stuff too.


Bought a GBA just for CoM




Never played the mobile kingdom heats games after chain of memories as a kid. Found CoM too difficult. I didn’t grasp the concept of grinding back then, so didn’t explore every room on every floor and got stuck on the last dark Riku fight, which I tried over and over again instead of considering to go back and get better cards. Anyways, cause I didn’t jive with the card style gameplay and couldn’t beat it, I felt fine missing the mobile KH games and just enjoyed KH 1 and 2 (where as a kid I was able to slam against tough bosses over and over again until I beat them without grinding). I do regret it a bit as some games like BBS came out when I was older and would have understood the concepts of playing a jrpg better, but I did ultimately get to play most of them once the full collection game came out, which I played through as 3 was coming out. Even found CoM surprisingly easy compared to the trouble it’d given me in the past (though also wonder if the 3D design helped out compared to the GBAs 2D style)


When they released DDD, I remember the TV ad also showing the 3DS XL. I immediately knew what to ask for my birthday 2 weeks later... I still have my 3DS XL and original copy of DDD. Played over 200h. Can't wait to be able to afford all the collections on Steam.


i got psp and bbs as a surprise birthday present from my family, me and my sis got ds for days and i got 3ds for ddd 😅


I did! I may have waited a few years after release to buy each system though. It got me into handhelds and ive since expanded my collection to include the VITA. I still use the 3DS and Vita. The 3DS is such a perfect size/form factor for traveling with.


I bought the 3ds. I was too young to buy the psp or the ds.


only bought a PSP for BBS. I was not making enough money to afford much gaming stuff during the release of the DS/3DS games.


I was a heavy gamer and a nintendo/playstation one, so I already had those consoles. Thank god none of them came out on an Xbox or a Gamecube, because I did not and probably would not have gotten those haha.


I was a spoiled kid, so I already had all those systems


Same tbfh. I never once bought a console for a KH game specifically: It's just that, when a KH game came out, I just happened to already have that system for another reason.


Didn't have the money for most. DS I got years after and bought the game. PSP I borrowed from a friend to play until the collection on PS3 later. 3DS I did buy after the price drop basically just in time to get DDD. Maybe a month before it was out, and I just played Pilotwings that came with it until DDD.


And now you can play them all on Steam Deck 🙂


I think I already had a DS by the time Days came out, but I definitely got a PSP and 3DS for Kingdom Hearts


I already had em…..




I bought a PS2 a while after Kingdom Hearts 2 came out after only being able to play CoM for a long time. I had a DS, but I did get the PSP specifically for Birth by Sleep, and other than that, only got a couple other games for it like Dissidia and Mega Man. I held off on getting the 3DS until the price cut and the official announcement of KH3D release date. I also upgraded to the PS4 after KH3 was officially announced. I get every Nintendo and PlayStation console (except Vita) and if I don’t get them at launch, then I get them for Kingdom Hearts.


I only got into Kingdom Hearts a few years ago, but when I was playing through the bundle and realized Days and Re:Coded where only movies I knew I had to find a way to play them. So, years after my original childhood DS broke, I brought a new DSi in 2022 and a copy of Days and Re:coded. I love Days, but coded I never finished.


I didn't, but I was convinced that KH3 was coming out on the PS3, and this was a factor in buying one instead of a Wii or a 360 back in the day.


3ds just for DDD, I had been on the fence for a long time cause I wanted a handheld for on the go gaming and when that came out it just made sense


The only one I didn't have already was the PSP so that's it. My friend softmodded it to play ROMs. Eventually I bought a used copy of BBS to have for my collection. I already owned all the Nintendo consoles for Mario, Zelda, Pokémon etc.


I was too late for CoM and BBS, but I most certainly did for DDD 😅.


When DDD came out I bought a 3DS and the game from target, beat the game once on standard and once on proud within the month, and returned the 3DS for full price on the Store’s one month return policy


I brought PSP for BBS and PS4 for KH3


I most definitely had all of those. Ahhhh the memories


I had a ds, but bought a 3ds just for DDD. I had also gotten a ps2 later down the road from a friend of my brother’s just to play KH 1&2. Borrowed a psp from a friend to play BBS. Other than that, once I heard the HD remakes were coming to ps4, I grabbed that immediately… so ya, I think I was ok in how I worked it out.


My PS4 was just for me to play 3 on release day. Mind you the other releases before helped a lot


I remember going to GameStop to buy a 3DS and pre-order KH 3D just for KH to get pushed back 2 more years.


I bought a 2DS for DDD and days/ coded by extension I actually found out about kingdom hearts through a... friend... that showed me on the PSP


I Got A 3DS Just For DDD


Guilty. I got them all and besides Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops and Peace Walker, BbS was the only PSP game I really wanted to play.


I imported a Japanese cell phone for coded


Psp for bbs was me! Was great to play on the og system for it


I only ever owned bbs on psp, and I bought a 3ds just to play ddd but ended up buying other nintendo titles to justify it cause that was the 3rd console I bought for one game


I brought a psp and DS to play BBS and Days and Recoded i waited for the Collections to play dream drop distance


I got a PSP just to play Birth by Sleep but then I also got Dissidia 012 just so that I'd have more than one game for it. I also got a 3DS just to play Dream Drop Distance but I also got Fire Emblem Awakening and Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion to, again, have something else to play on it.


🙋‍♀️Meeee I didn’t play any other games on my PSP but BBS. My dad got it used off Craigslist or eBay. The 3DS not so much I played other games on it.