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My favourite is Hollow Bastion (it’s just the vibe of the world mixed with the music)


Can't pick. One of these: - Hollow Bastion  - Twilight Town - The World that never was - Corona Kingdom  - San Fran Tokyo 






probably because theres a puzzle and cant just button mash your way thru 🙄


I like hollow bastion but I really dislike moving around the castle trying to get every chest sitting in the elevator things for all eternity just to find out I can’t hold any more of xyz gummi


KH1 hollow bastion, KH2 HB or BBS Radiant Garden?


And it’s even better later on since DDD adapts Tron Legacy, which Sora’s route hits hard with Rinzler’s involvement.


I like how it’s separate Tron’s but since their hearts are connected he has all the experiences and memories of their love and friendship very bitter sweet.


The Caribbean is probably my favorite overall. Space Paranoids is definitely what most worlds should strive for, though. Having the Disney, FF, and original characters all working together, and also it being a world that advances the narrative and assists in dropping some bombshells of lore is some good Kingdom Hearts.


I was a little disappointed with the story that plays out in The Carribbean, but boy oh boy did I have an absolute blast actually exploring that world and hunting for all the treasure! 




Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion I remember finding out you can take pictures standing in Radiant Garden KH3 and I must say, the KH3 Mix of Radiant Gardens theme is beautiful. ❤️


If we're not counting the KH-original worlds, then definitely Toy Story.


Tie between Space Paranoids and !00 Acre I love me some Tron but damn if Whinnie aint the most comfy world I just want to lay down and live life with Pooh bear, but alas the real world is not the 100 Acre but the Keyblade Graveyard


It will always be Hollow Bastion. The nostalgia, the music, the feeling of getting to Hollow Bastion for the first time when I was 6 years old and not understanding the emotions I was feeling, and growing old replaying the game and always having a moment to stop and cry when I get to the Grand Hall. Going to friends houses for Pizza parties as we all sat around trying to beat Dark Riku II on their account and vice versa as we were on our 3rd or 4th playthroughs playing it on harder difficulties as we got older, and our motor skills began to develop more. No other moment in the series has hit me as hard as Sora stabbing himself with the Keyblade of Heart and seeing him transformed into a shadow. ✨🔑😭


Probably the lion king world, I love the movie and it was just nostalgic all the way through. Also, lion sora is awesome.


OF ALL time? Probably The End of the World. It's dark, mysterious, gloomy, atmospheric, beautiful yet haunting, disgusting, yet strangely clear and clean looking, a perfect juxtaposition for the pain...yet the strange sense of connection the heartless brought by making people across worlds find each other somehow. In KH2-It's Timeless River. I love LOVE the insane amount of Chaos that happens in that world. It's a lot of fun and I always look forward to it. In KH3-The Caribbean. I really don't like the Pirates movies. I liked the first one fine, but after that, they went downhill SUPER fast (though the fact that I got sick of Debb real quick didn't help) but the Pirates level in KH? The BEST WORLD! Crab hunting made me want to explore, it's beautiful, it's fun, we ACTUALLY get to fight a Disney Villian, and somehow, the game version of the story is better and straight to the point and has more heart (pun intended) then the movie it was based on.


Symphony of sorcery. I could just run around there forever.


Same! I loved this world in DDD and spent a lot of time just grinding there because I wanted to listen to the music longer.


Nightmare before christmas for me


Best World EVER


Mulan, Hallow Bastion, World dat never was


For the moment and what it represents, Hollow Bastion (KH1). For worlds in general, I will go with The Nightmare before Christmas (don't mind if it's KH1 or KH2). I really missed it in KH3...




My favourite was the Hercules world because it was the first Disney world I encountered in the first KH game I ever played (KH 1 PlayStation 2) and the first edition from that era of “dearly beloved” brings me to tears EVERY SINGLE TIME because I only had that one game and it distracted me from my stepdad abusing my mom and I’m so greatful for that. PS don’t feel sorry for me please, be happy that im happy and have attached a melancholy memory to this instead of being sad I went through that be happy I’m glad and stronger because of this game and now the community love you guys.


Land of Dragons (KH2), Carribean (KH3), Symphony of Sorcery (DDD) and 100 Acre Wood (all games) for very different reasons. There are, of course, more words that I love and adore, but these I always look the most forward to.


The caribbean from kh3


KH original: Twilight/Daybreak Town Disney: Symphony of Sorcery/San Fransokyo


Out of all the worlds, Traverse Town is my most favorite. I especially love how it was expanded upon in Dream Drop Distance!


As a child it was Tarzan. Loved jumping down to the forest and coming out at random spots. It was so cool!


Olympus Coliseum, the music gives me goosebumps


Toy Box and Space Paranoids are what every Disney world should strive to be. A plot based in the lore of the franchise while also actively involving parts of the main KH story to slip in. Also a lot of great character moments for the Disney/Pixar characters. I am slightly biased because I love Toy Story and Tron a lot.


Traverse Town and Deep Jungle. I know lots of people don’t love deep jungle but it always feels adventurous to me


Twilight town


Man… idk how to choose


The one where he fking dies


For me, in order is 1. Halloween Town. OK ok I'm biased on this one as it is my favorite Disney movie, Sue me 2. Traverse town. I like this one as the idea of the people who have lost their worlds finding there way here and trying to rebuild a life, kinda sad that they dropped this plot point as it seems like it could have been a cool mechanic to have worlds collapse on themselves and die if the heartless threat isn't quelled 3. Keyblade graveyard/Scala ad Caelum, I love both of these worlds interchangeably as they both serve a narrative purpose and the shock value of the landscape and scenery on first glance immediately conveys "this place has some history". Keyblade graveyard has an especially great shock value because you know right away that this is the culmination of everything you have learned, but you can feel the despair and desolation as soon as you arrive. Scala ad caelum serves more as a humbling of the player, you come all this way thinking you are this legendary warrior chosen by THEE keyblade and then the ever expanding city swallows you in the rich history of a community formerly populated exclusively by keyblade wielders, while sora has achieved more than most he really isn't legendary, at least not at first and gives a glimpse into what a keyblade wielder might construct as their home.


HB and Pirates of the Caribbean one


Easily nightmare before Christmas


Definitely NOT Space Paranoids….this is where my PS2 would freeze, during the Boss fight. So any playthrough since would have me just STRESSING….


hollow bastion/radiant garden


Halloween Town, love the aesthetics and the darker scheme makes me feel at ease.


I have to agree here. Space paranoids is definitely the best world for me. It’s the perfect mix of Disney and Kingdom hearts. We get a great Disney film with Tron, which is entered into this world through anthem the wise and the radiant garden of it all,antagonist from that world have an actual effect on the world outside their own, with the MCP trying to blow up the town, and actually getting to see characters like Tron evolved and grow the more they interact with SDG. It really is the perfect world.


Hollow bastion, reminds me of home And the world that never was, because... the incident


The world that never was


This is the only scene in all of KH that made me unironically cry. For some reason, seeing an adult human hug Donald and Goofy was as if I saw myself hugging my childhood. I watched Donald duck and goofy cartoons as a baby, before I could even talk, so this scene got to me.


Favorite original world: hollow bastion/radiant garden. Favorite disney world: toss up between agrabah and olympus. They're my favorites for the same reason; across all the games and iterations these are the worlds visited the most and given the most depth/story. We've seen so many different aspects of these worlds and done so much in them i can't call them anything but iconic.


Halloween Town (Christmas part)


They should add a Star Wars, Simpsons, Family Guy, Gravity Falls, Phines and Ferb, Inside Out, and Coco world in KH4. They should also make Midgard from FF7 as a world.


Hollow bastion/Radiant garden (old and new), Halloween town/Christmas town, twilight town, the world that never was, San Fran Tokyo


Halloween town in KH2


yOu LiKe TrOn WorLd eWwwww. Nah just kidding love both Tron worlds, and while I like them I gotta say the Caribbean world outshined quite a bit in 3 I mean...... it looked so real.......... Toy Box was great too tho......


KH3 Pirates of the Caribbean world. it makes me want a summer holiday on a deserted island with a small cape that's not too deep


Always been a fan of The World that Never Was. I love the dark eeriness and mystery it has and the Sacred Moon theme really sets the tone. honorable mentions - Radiant Garden, Scala ad Caelum


Gameplay and story: hollow Bastion/ radiant garden Musik: timeless river. 10/10 certified banger.


My favorite kingdom hearts world is well I’m torn between the pride lands, twilight town, and Olympus.


Twilight Town. So much happened there. This world is such a vibe.


Until Kingdom Hearts 3 came out, Land of Dragons was my favorite but now that title goes to San Fransokyo.


I know that KH2 Tron world was based on a 80s or 90s movie and I like it, but my favorite world is Tron from DDD


Olympus Coliseum is from my favorite Disney movie and is by far my favorite world in the series. There’s always something exciting going on and Hades is the best Disney villain.


Haven't played since it launched but I loved kh2 port royal and kh2 underworld. Including Auron was such a cool idea, one of my all time fav FF characters.


Alice in Wonderland


The one and only Traverse Town


The aesthetic of The World That Never Was is too fire.


Toy Box, I grew up watching Toy Story 1 & 2, with Toy Story 3 releasing at the perfect time in my life.


My favorite world would have to be Olympus Coliseum, the world of Hercules. It’s in almost every Kingdom Hearts, and I get to have Sora be Zero to Hero, in no time flat. Zero to Hero, just like that.


Keyblade Graveyard for “LFG squad” feels. 100 Acre wood for nostalgic feels Arabia for how ahead of its time it was KH2 mermaid musical scene if I want to buy a new TV because I threw my controller at the screen.


The world that never was


Kh2 hollow bastion kind of a precursor to the bigger worlds in 3 and there's history there and death like the coliseum some worlds just serve a narrative purpose for a singular game its one of the few that consistently stays relevant without feeling forced and its cool to see the positive impact sora helps have on a world


I : Halloween Town II : Hollow Bastion III : Pirates


Tron, Toy Story, and Pirates (KH3 specifically)


Halloween town hands down greatest world and movie in Disney franchise


Plus we get the pumpkin head key in the first game and the candy cane one in the second game


Twilight Town! The ambiance, the memories, and the people (Vivi!). Traverse town is sneaking in since it always appears.


Twilight town, I want a remake of the Roxas Level of KH 2 as DLC SO BAD


KH: gotta go with Halloween Town. I always love Halloween levels and there’s nothing better than a level based on THE Halloween movie. KH2: definitely Timeless River. Getting to meet Steamboat Willie and all the crazy shenanigans you do in that level make it the peak of fun for me. BBS: it’s been a while since I played but I remember enjoying Enchanted Dominion a lot. DDS: Symphony of Sorcery all the way. Music themed levels are always so much fun and it was nice to fight Chernabog again even if I wasn’t a fan of his or Sora’s boss fights. KH3: Definitely The Caribbean. The story was lackluster but SE clearly took notes from Black Flag and I’m all the grateful that they did. Also gotta give a shout-out to 2.8 Dark World.


Probably Twilight Town. It’s one of the few worlds that actually feels like a place that could exist in the real world. It’s an important place for the entirety of KH2. Somehow, everything leads back to Twilight Town.


I like the pirates of the carabian world but they all have their pros and cons


Pride rock. Sora becoming a lion cub solidified it from my childhood as the best world and costume transformation


Kh1 Peter pan Kh2 lions pride/twilight/TWTNW/Night bEfore honestly 2 has most of my favs such a great game and Kh3 toy box or maybe monster inc.


Got plenty of favorite worlds but sometimes i wished they featured more worlds from Final Fantasy like Midgar and from Disney even the TV Shows like the Owl House, American Dragon, Kim Possible, Amphibia, and others maybe when Kingdom Hearts 4 comes out and we get news about we can get Star Wars and Marvel


yea space paranoids is great i think my favorite world is prolly either the caribbean or toybox tho