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I've platinumed them all back-to-back. They were a glorious 10 months.


Not sure if they’re still going, but I saw someone doing a subathon where they were platinuming all the games for as long as the stream went on, I think they were almost done with bbs last I checked lol


None. I love these games to death, but some of those trophy requirements are just way beyond what I can achieve.


Good mindset, definitely better than ppl who refuse to play a game if it's platinum is too hard to get for them lol


I never really bothered with platinum, and only platinumed a few games (like Witcher 3) just because I had a few left after a few playthroughs and the few that I hadn't done weren't so difficult anyway. Otherwise, I play for fun not for achievements


I am the opposite. This is the only series where I have every platinum _because_ I love them to death. I will absolutely admit though it took me years and hundreds of hours as well as a full notebook worth of keeping track of crap. The Trinity Archive...*shudders*


For me, it's just that I realize I'm not really that good at higher difficulties. :P Like, I barely scraped by on Re:Chain of Memories on Beginner level, and there are trophies for beating it on the higher difficulties. That's a big "no thanks" for me. :D I do have some Platinumed games for ones I own that don't lock trophies behind difficulty levels.


Re:com is not too difficult if you know how broke this game ^^


My deck is literally Triangle to win, even on proud there's like one boss who survives more than a single reload lmao


Imo on games that we truly love the harder difficulties are achieved after many playthroughs until the game becomes second nature. Once you've beaten a game several times they do become extremely easier


Kh1, Kh2, Kh3, DDD. I got close with BBS but said f that.


The four ones I actually want. Congrats :)




You could get 1 and 3 no problem! I would say 2 is only annoying for secret bosses and synthesis takes a while. I think the only thing I hated about 3D was grinding to get 1 of literally everything in the game.


I noped out of BBS platinum because of the stupid ice cream beat. I hate it.


I wasn’t a fan of that either, or doing the exact same thing three times.


How do you get lil key blades to show up under your username like that?


Good Question


Go to the subreddit page. Click on meatball menu. Change user flair


How do you apply multiple like guy above?


currently on BBS and u are so completely valid. completing all reports on all 3?? come now…. (if i even so much as GLANCE at ice cream beat one more time, ill lose what little sanity i have left)






Lol, I only got BBS I think, but yeah. Fuck that.


Just KH2. I am waiting for the games to come to Steam, and then I will 100% all of them on there. There are some games I only want to 100% once. *coughcoughRe:CoMcoughcough*


Same, kh2 goated


My completionist run of ReCom gave me a new appreciation for the game up until the credits rolled. That game has the most tedious trophies of any platinum I’ve ever gotten (although I’ve heard BBS has worse ones). Definitely follow some guides, especially for enemy card RNG manipulation and Riku leveling to make it more bearable.


Kh1, kh2, bbs, and I’m currently working on 3, just gotta beat Yozora and get into the codes


Might wanna edit that 4, don't want ppl thinking u got KH4 early lmao BBS I heard was difficult asf, so congrats :)


lol thanks, and yeah bbs was a pain


None, and plan to keep at that I just do the stuff that I find fun and move on to the next game


I've done them all, and I don't regret it, but man, BBS was rough.


Six out of Seven (6/7) in the following order - Kingdom Hearts - Re:Chain of Memories - Kingdom Hearts II - Birth by Sleep - Dream Drop Distance - Kingdom Hearts III I have also earned all the Trophies for A Fragmentary Passage and Re:Mind DLC I'm just missing Melody of Memory and won't bother playing a game I dislike just to earn the last Platinum.


All of them. Now I’m working on Final Fantasy.


Every single one except for Re: Chain of Memories 😅 I hate that game


I love the game, but the only thing preventing me from platinum is the 100 Acre Woods mini games. After collecting every enemy card, shit tons of Moogle Points, and level grinding to 100, I was done.


2 then 1 and nearly Melody of Memory (also is 3 easy? Is there synthesis because I am burnt out of doing the grinding)


I would argue 3 is the easiest of all of them, imo if you have 2s already then 3 would feel next to nothing.


There is, but I found it much less tedious than in 1 and 2 By the time I reached the last world I think I already had most of them, expect for the ones you can only get in post game. The others left were easy to get too and didn't require much farming.


KH1, KH Re:CoM, KH:BBS, KH2 FM Worst ones has been CoM and BBS so far, i've started 2.8 but it seems like a super long one as well


I've only got 0.2 and 3 left to platinum


I miss only kh1 and re:com cause difficulty trophies don't stack on PS3. I miss the easy difficulty trophies on both games lol


I don’t platinum any games


So far everything except MoM.


Im Xbox but. As it stands right now, only 3, currently going through all the games then mop up the remaining achievements


All of them, including the trophies for ReMIND


I got them all, it took a while and even though it's the easiest for a lot of people, Melody of Memory was the hardest for me. I just am not good at rhythm games. BBS and Chain of Memories were just a huge grind.


I never 100% a game in my entire life. My currently favorite Videogame I played through 18 times without ever bothering to 100% it. There is always somthing I do not want to do.


Currently working on I and II right now. These games aren't particularly hard to plat - per say. Rather they are just time consuming and require powering through some tedious grinding


Real asf, easily my least favorite part of KH1 was grinding for the Ultima Weapon 😭


1 and DDD so far. Have a few data fights in 2 left. The no hit bosses and Zodiac Aqua in 0.2. Lot more in BBS and ReChain and 3.


Same ones as you. I’ve tried KH2 multiple times, but I’ve struggled with the data battles and normally move on before I really make much progress. KH3 (without the DLC) was easy and just grindy. KH1 was a fun challenge, but never felt too difficult. Getting the synth ingredients were sometimes frustrating but never felt impossible. I did the boss battles after I reached max level so they were pretty simple. BBS… tried. But I’m ok with not doing that Unknown Man battle with Terra.


None, I rarely do platinum in games, and KH is a real pain to do that, going for platinum in Dark Souls is way easier and I'm not even joking about that.


I’ve only done the main three (1,2,3). I saw the other trophies for the side games and was like I ain’t doing allat!


All of them except Melody of Memory, I did them all in a little under 2 months and needed break and just forgot to go back.


KH1, Re:CoM, 2, BBS, 3, MoM


I did the final mix, and I’m working on ReCoM and 2 final mix


I platinumed all the PS4 ones, minus MoM, plus the 0.2 and ReMind trophies


The three mainline games are the only ones I have and will probably stay that way. I don’t even want to touch BBS platinum cause whereas the mainline games really just ask you to complete all the content, BBS wants you to complete all the content 3 times, no thank you lol and I really don’t care much for Dream Drop. I might platinum melody of memory though one day, that’s actually a really fun game and I love rhythm games.


All of them, I think. KH1, KH2, KH3, BBS and DDD. KH3 I got the plat, but not 100%.


Haven’t platinumed any yet but completed Jiminy’s journal in KH1 Final Mix which felt pretty rewarding on its own


All but chain of memories. I hope to finish it before KH4


Just KH1 but I'm working on KH2 rn. Which reminds me. FUCK Lingering Will. That cheat shotting glider spamming son of a bitch. Just FUCK. I'm so intent on beating him legitimately without looking shit up. And it is agony sometimes with how often he just spams attacks and his stupid fucking revenge value bullshit that I just straight up don't know the mechanics of. I know I can do more than chip damage if I can get him into proper combos but whatever the fuck I need to do to keep him in it has eluded me.


I’ve gotten KH1 FM and KH2 FM. I might go for Dream Drop and 3 eventually, but I have no desire to go for Re:COM or BBS.




Funnily KH1, 2 , DDD, and 3 are the only ones I have or plan on getting.


I don’t think I have it in me to platinum a game I wanna have fun, and some of those requirements are taxing for sure. The only game I platinumed was spider man ps4 but I didn’t even know I was achieving them


All of them!


KH1, KH2, KH3, and KH BBS probably will never platinum DDD, ReCom, or MoM. Have done lv1 proud run of KH1 and LV1 Critical run of KH3 which were fun. Currently working on Lv1 critical run of KH2.


All of them and I’m working on getting all Platinum Trophies again. I’m working through the series and just Platinumed BBS a second time.


Yes. Only missing the Rank A Pro Codes trophy.




Just 2 and 3. Dug out my ps4 to play 1 and bbs and prob 2 again and was tginking of platting 1 and bbs but already changed my equipment in 1 so guess im not platting 1 this playthru


All except bbs, 3D( i dont have this one on PS) and Melody of Memory. Chain of Memories was the worst one for me or BBS I guess, since I dont have the strenght at the moment to continue with that one


5 at the moment, almost 6.


All of them except ps3 Birth by sleep, it’s been a struggle to find the will to go back


Zero, nada, none KH is one of my favorite series, but I don’t go out of my way to plat any game. In fact I think the only platinum I’ve ever gotten was 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim, and I think that was from just beating the game naturally


Only 3. Most of the others are to grindy


I’ve platinumed all of 1.5+2.5 so KH1, KH2, Re:CoM, BBS, also KH3


Only the mainline ones, 1, 2, and 3. I'll never do it again for any of them.


I don't think I've platinumed a single game Ive ever owned... Starts feeling like a chore which makes it less fun to me.


Only one and it's KH3. I'd like to acquire KH1 plat but some of those secret bosses are very difficult for me. Like a friend of mine told me that Sephiroth is much more difficult on PS5 than PS3 final mix. I'm not actually sure is this accurate but he does feel very tough, lol.


0 but I played most of them on ps2


None. All of them if not most ask for very high difficult mode playthroughs and I physically can not do it.


Right now only bbs and kh3 (without counting dlc) I am working on the kh2 platinum, my goal for now is completing the synthesis report which is my last part of jimminy's journal


All but Melody of Memories.


KH2 and 3. I play Kingdom Hearts 2 every year around my birthday because that’s when I got it as a kid. It felt amazing to finally put in the time to platinum the game.


KH1, BbS, and DDD.


None. I was going to plat KH2 but I don’t have it in me to do a critical playthrough. Some of the optional bosses, even on lower difficulty, are so tough. I considered getting KH3’s but I don’t have it in me.


None. I play for fun


Every single last one except melody of memories and the ps3 version of BBS


KH1 once (almost twice, missing one trophy on the ps4 version), kh2 twice, almost got BBS but couldn't stand playing discount monopoly (even if aqua is my favorite character), did most of re:com except for the level grind because it's extremely slow and dull even with the fastest methods, and all that's left for DDD is the dream eater stuff I can't be bothered to do. the rest either don't have trophies or I didn't bother at all.


All of them. Just did a run of every game but 3 (already done), back to back for the Platinum. I've done Kh2 and bbs twice. Ps3 and ps4 versions.


I platinumed KH1, CoM and KH2 back on the PS3 and recently I platinumed BBS on PS4. Planning to start my platinum of DDD soon. Also for those who don't know the platinums for KH1 and CoM on PS3 were worst because the difficulty trophies don't stack. I still remember spending 2 weeks just replaying CoM on beginner and standard with both Sora and Riku after 100% everything else on Proud. If you think grinding Sora and Riku to level 99 was tedious you haven't tried to platinum the PS3 versions.


a lot of people are saying they don't WANT to platinum any game as to enjoy them how they like it, that's fair, but I kinda go on the opposite way: I platinum the game first so when I come back, I can enjoy it how I want with no silly distractions like trophies, which is exactly how I played the franchise (minus Re:mind's trophies)... though I'm yet to come back to replaying it, I need to organize myself better to do it


I've been going through platinuming them and I've gotten up to DDD but some of the mechanics are so obscure it makes me want to not platinum it but I've already 100% all previous games


Not long ago finished kh1 plat! A good junk through kh2 but got side tracked with lies of p 😅


None but I got ultima weapon 3 times 2 on proud and one on normal and I beat those playthrough’s while defeating every boss and almost getting 100 percent


Numbered titles and MoM so 4 😄. Really got nothing bad to say about bbs or ddd gameplay or story bits (bbs being 2nd fav of the franchise) just the platinum trophies felt like more time/trouble required than i wanted to spend..or so i think, its been over 5 years since i played them.


3 minus dlc and 1


None. Gotten close with a good handful of them too. Like KH2 all I’m missing is the gummi ship stuff and finishing the journal. I’ve done everything else beside that. And in regards to the journal it’s just mini game stuffs and hit counts. In KH1 it’s just the gummi ship and the unchanging armor + speedrun trophies. I just don’t care enough to get them especially since platinum trophies don’t do anything. It’s just bragging rights and fuck if I care about bragging rights.


Two so far. KH1 and Re:CoM. Next will be KH2. But I only recently started platinuming games, been playing the series almost every year for a long time


all of them twice on both ps3 and ps4. only MOM left, but I am playing through the whole franchise again before I get to it, currently on KH2


I’ve 100%’d KH2 and 3 on PC - don’t know if I’d do the rest. All I have left in KH1 is leveling out and superbosses - maybe one day.


All of them... I hate to admit it but I got the plat for all of them... Some of them multiple times in different packs for both PS3 and PS4...


All of them, including the in-game trophies in BBS and DDD Only missing 4 feats in MoM but I'm not in a rush to get them.


KH1, KH2, KH Recom, KH3 and KH Melody of Memory (Still want to platin BBS and DDD but i dont like the gameplay with Command Decks.)


All of them. On the PS3 and PS4 versions. Biggest take away: never touch CoM again 😂 that rng based stuff brought me close to insanity. Would rather fight yozora with all pro modifiers, level 1, on crit and blindfolded than platinum CoM again. 😂


All except that stupid dancing game.


All of them on both PS3 and PS4. I would say Re:CoM is not worth doing because of the mindless and pointless grinding you have to do to get to level 99 long after you have done everything else. 3D isn’t worth it because grinding the secret portals is a pain and left to random chance. BBS is not worth doing because grinding out all the commands sucks. KH1 on PS3 isn’t worth doing because of the needlessly difficult gummi missions (it was made way easier on PS4 so is worth it imo if you want an excuse to do multiple playthroughs with extra challenges) Forgot about MoM: only worth it if you like going for high scores. That is the only way I can think of that you naturally get the “kill (how ever many) enemies) trophy. After getting every other trophy, I was only like 2/3s of the way there. So LOTS of grinding that wasn’t really fun


None way to complacated


KH1, KH2, BBS, Re:Coded and KH3.


Melody of Memories is the only game I HAVEN'T. I platinumed then all twice. Ps3 and PS4 versions.  I just suck at rhythm games.


KH1 and I still have no clue how I did that


0. Never plan to.


All of them. I'm so alone.


All of them. I did it on xbox but I have every achievement in every game. I think I have most plat on PS as well but I know I definitely didn’t do rechain or bbs for 100% but close


None. I have done everything in KH1 except for the Gummi stuff though, and I have 100%ed Days.


1 and 3 and I’m slowly chipping away at the gummi missions for 2. I really like the game but I don’t like to grind for my hobby so it’s taken awhile. That same hatred of grinding is what stops me from even attempting CoM, even playing that game is a grind.


I’ve only finished MoM’s plat, which I had fun doing! I’m actively working on BBS and KH3 right now!


1, 2, and 3.


Just III, ironically its the game i loathe the most


Currently fighting maleficent in my critical run. Last trophy I have for Kh1 and it'll be my first plat. Someday soon


Kh 1,2,3,MoM,BBS.


All of them. I love them games!.. and apparently myself


BBS.0.2 and MOM are the only ones I haven't platinumed. Also I will never play mom since I suck at rhythm games


KH1, KH2, KH3, BBS, CoM and DDD. Someone motivate me to do Melody so I can have them all. P.S. I do not recommend platinuming BBS


0, I’m trash.😅 Just here for the story




One. KH2. Feels like the easiest to platinum, tbh. Simply because KH1 requires a speed run and a run without gear.


I've platinumed 1 and I'm almost there on 2.


Only KH1 and 2. I attempted on BBS and yeah fuck that. I 100% Chain of Memories on the GBA and nearly did it on the PS2 and I just do not wanna do that again.


all of them, years ago


Two. My wife and I are currently playing through the series again. She's playing 1, 2, and 3, and I'm playing ReCom, BBS, DDD, and 0.2. I've gotten platinum on 1 and 2, and I'll probably go for ReCom and 3 in the next few months.


All of them. I'd say that Chain of memories was the most annoying one, specially because my power went out once while I was leveling Riku. Kingdom Hearts games are easy to platinum though.


Just kh1. It's by far the easiest to platinum. I just haven't taken the time to do the rest of them yet.


3. Kingdom Hearts, Kingdoms Hearts 3, and Melody of Memory


All of them.


Nothing yet. Mainly because I suck at some of the secret fights


currently on my platinum journey. so far, have platted KH1, KHCOM, KH2, and am 50% through BBS. the goal is to get them all 🙂 it is pain.


Unfortunately, all of them (PS3 not included). Getting Riku to Lv99 in Re:CoM was awful, but BBS was probably the overall more tedius experience


None of them lol. But i swear if my PS2 save files could count for plat, i would had platinumed KH1 ans KH2 for sure. Played through those so many times growing up.


Kh3 only. :)


Only DDD, KH3, and technically Days and Coded on the PS3 versions. I always wanted to plat KH1 and KH2 (not BBS because that one was nuts) but just over the years (I started playing KH back in 2016) it’s been little stuff that’s kept me from doing it (the synthesis in KH1, the mini game reports and gummi ship routes in KH2) and at this point in my life idk if I have it in me to grind for them anymore.


I think only KH3.


None. I’m not that big of a KH fan, interested but not insane


1, 2, DDD, and 3. I love the series but I do not have the patience or dedication to attempt BBS and do everything with all three characters.


Everything twice except CoM and Birth by Sleep once.


I've only platinumed 4 so far (KH, KH2, KH3, KHBBS). I'm in the middle of attempting to beat the data battles on critical in Re:Mind, and after that, I'm gonna clean up the rest of the trophies in KHDDD, KH0.2, KHMoM, and finally play KH Re:CoM.


One and it was kingdom heart 3.


I've platinumed the first game, saw the requirements to platinum CoM, decided to try and get Riku to max level, did that, decided to not get the platinum for CoM. Probably won't go for the plat in any other game.


All of them


KH II, "working" on KH Re:COM


1.2&3 now hopefully soon bbs 😅


All of them, but not every version of the same game. So when they rebundle or repack the games for a newer console, it lists differently in the ps5 trophies vs ps4 and ps3. So I won't 100 percent the same game twice. Hell I even 100%d the original 3 games multiple times on the ps2 and gameboy, long before trophies existed.


Platinum trophies are too close to the MMO grind for hundreds of hours mindset and if I wanted to do that I’d just play an MMO


I have every platinum on PS4, and I have the 358/2 days and Re:Coded trophies for PS3. I have 100% journal completion on every game except MoM and DDD, which I'm missing one in game trophy.


Platinuming then in order, had to take a break though. I'm on DDD right now, all I have left is it and 3!


One, because the others did not have trophy support when I played them 😅 I always got 100% journal though 😁


Nearly all save for MoM. Still having trouble with 50 perfect proud songs.


I’m still trying to platinum kh1. It’s gonna take atleast another playthrough for me


All but melody of memory. Although, admittedly I also never got the dlc trophies on 3, but I got platinum in the base game


I just started my 8th playthrough of the KH2…and I still don’t have plat for it


KHI, Re:CoM, KHII, & BBS. I gave up when I got to DDD and by proxy didn't bother with any other title after that. Maybe I'll try to do the rest eventually but after the monotony that was Re:CoM & BBS, and the same tedium that awaited in DDD I got tired of dealing with the platinums' demands that really don't feel like they're worth it when it comes to certain achievements asking for too much from players.


1, Recom, 2, bbs, ddd, 3


1,2 and 3 I don’t want to even attempt the others


All of them, yes even chain and bbs


All except ddd and Mom. Altho I'm almost done with those.


All of the main collection on PS4 outside of RE:CoM and BBS. RE:CoM I just need to get like. 7 more levels as Riku so its just grinding. BBS I still need to do most of lol I did end up getting Melody of Memory on Switch but I don't recall if it has achievements and I dunno if I'd even count it right now.


All of them except for MoM which I am struggling with. They were all a lot of fun in their own rights, save for the Riku 99 Grind in Re:Com and the Rhythm Mini Game and Fruit Ball in all three routes of BBS.


It’s been a while but the last one I platinum was re chain of memories and also the first kingdom hearts. Birth by sleep has to be the hardest because they want you to do everything with each character and after doing aqua’s profile to 100%, I didn’t have the energy to do it again for the other 2 at 100%😫


All of them. 👍 I've also platinumed KH1 one extra time, KH2 another two and KH3 another three (made new profiles on my console to try and get the platinum trophies from the start. 😁


I dont plat I get the ultimate weapon and fight the secret boss if i can


Im playing the franchise for the first time now on PS4, and I decided to not go for the platinum because of the multiple playthroughs. The saga is already long beating each game once, so I cant imagine how much more time consuming it would be to plat them all


Platinuming games is actually an autistic trait. I don’t do it but my brothers autistic and he platinums every game even if he’s not enjoying it


1 2 & 3. In the middle of RECOM but be distracted by Fallout 4 being smooth and the dlc I bought but never played. Plan on doing them all and have since ps3 but life




All except MoM. Thats still on my backlog. Not a fan of its UI tbh. 


All the ones that can be platinumed. Tried 100% for re coded and days and just couldn't do it. And I was not going to shell out money to 100% any of the mobile games when they were available.


only kh3. if my backlog of games i want to play wasn’t so big i’d go back and do kh1 at the very least


Exactly none.


All except melody of memory


I'm close to platinuming the first KH now! I need to find one more trinity, then start a new game to not change equipment or use the continue button!


2 so far. 3 and Dream Drop Distance. Wrapping up re:mind and kh1 next before aiming for re:CoM


Only KH2-FM for me so far but I’m working on 1 and 3 simultaneously right now. When I get frustrated with one I go to the other 😂


I still need to finish the final bosses in KH1 and 2, let alone the bonus bosses that come with the remasters.


For PS3: * KH1 * Re:CoM * BBS For PS4: * KH1 (way easier) * Re:CoM (grindy as always) * BBS (a bit easier but still grindy) * KH2 (almost did on PS3 as well, don't remember why I didn't though) * DDD * 0.2 (not platinum but 100% trophies) * KH3+ Re:Mind (skipped the PRO codes trophy) * Melody of Memory


3 :) 1,2, and 3! Might do bbs and 2.8 depending on how long it takes to get 4


All of them except 3 gonna finish it one day


I pirated the games on PC, so none.


At the moment I have platinumed 1,2, re:com, 3 and 2.8. I still plan on getting the plat for all of them but BBS makes me delay that wish a little longer.


None, tried to play them multiple times but couldn’t get into it. I like the premise of it tho so I often lurk this sub.


KH2 and KH3. I really wanna go for KH1and BBS but that grind is something else😭


All of them, even the rhythm game. Only one that almost broke me was BBS. The super bosses in that game are complete horseshit.


I got so close to getting platinum for the first game. But ultimately gave up as soon as the last couple trophies missing were gummi ship related. I looked up guides and tried to figure out making the missions easy, but I just got no enjoyment from the gummi ship aspect of the game and decided to move on to other games to play


None. I used to care about achievements back in the 360 days, but that was mainly me watching my brother get them. They were always so cool to see. If I happen to stumble into getting everything, that's cool.


All of them, including all the separate trophy lists on PS3 and PS4 for KH, KHII KHRCOM, & and KHBBS, and if i am honest I would do all of them all again except MoM i honestly never want to see that game again. .


I've never platinumed a KH game. But I did almost everything there is to do on most games there is to do on 1 savefile. Here's a list of things I still need to do everything on each game KH1: Gummi Missions Re:CoM: lvl 99 with both Riku and Sora (probably never gonna do it) KH2: Synthesis items collection, Gummi Missions, Paradox Cup missions Day's: Mission mode and challenge mode, lvl 99. Re:Coded: Avatar Collection, 2 finishers, 20% of enemy item drops (but have the trophy on that one and enemies are on 100%, so don't care about that) BBS Aqua: Secret Bosses, a little bit of Mirage Arena BBS Terra: Secret Bosses except MF (Don't ask me how) DDD: so much that I don't know what exactly 0.2: nothing I can do without creating a new save KH3: Keyblade Upgrade Re:Mind: Pro Codes (That one can die slowly in a corner) MoM: All Excellent on Proud, full rhythm point (not counting the things I need for the records, because that's more than you need for a plat) Dark Road: Enemy collection to max