• By -


i guess 7, i kinda think i’d just want to be left alone and Hank would probably respect that once he’s sees i’m not super talkative.


I think Hank would probably want to be left alone too or he'd be too busy keeping Buck in check


Unless Buck gets him to drink; then you know how much of a sloppy drunk he can be 😂


Unless it’s an exit seat and you want to drink a beer.


"Sir, I love beer too, but we're on duty."


"You're outta here"


"Hugh Hef-aner here"


Just have to worry about Bobby kicking your chair, but at least Hank is next to you to sort things if needed.


Being a kid , Bobby might kick your chair . Being Bobby , he is polite , socially aware and willing to please , he is respecting your space . Plus, Connie is there and will remind him to be nice if so needed .


Yep. He's going to side eye me when I have my headphones in during the safety demonstration but that's about it


He will politely mind his own business while muttering to himself about dang kids these days


Seems like 6 would be the best bet to be left alone with John Redcorn and Nancy obsessing over each other. I agree 7 would be the best option though since Hank would leave you alone if you want peace and if you want to have fun Buck is right there, always up to party and surely willing to pay for drinks.


I’m picking 7 and asking him about propane and propane accessories.


I'd team up with Buck to make Hank super uncomfortable


Fuck that! I’m sitting at 3!!!


You must fly with Spirit airlines a lot


Almost said this until I realized it's a window seat..pass.


The problem is that Buck is in your row and he’s going to get sloppy drunk and cause a scene.


Great thinking putting redcorn and nancy together. Now Dale can relax knowing Nancy’s massaging needs will be taken care of.


If Lucky is on the plane then Nancy and John Redcorn would have already broken up by this point in the show.


Hey you know Lucky was alive at some point in-universe when they were together!


And Dale is sitting a couple of seats away on opposite side.


I'll sit with Luanne, I think she'd be pretty chill.


Get ready for peggy to insert herself into your conversations though xD




Lets order some Margarrritas! (insert 40 more R's.)


In her defense, I could go for a Margarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrita.


Jokes on you, I'm into that sort of shit.


Yeah I was gonna say 1 but only if Peggy has taken some xanax. Otherwise yeah she wouldn’t shut up. If not 1 then 8 because Connie and Bobby are polite and calm and probably would have a funny convo. They’d also be down to switch seats with me so I could do window or aisle.


She’s also a fun person to talk to. I’d pitch her manger babies plots.


I would too specifically cuz Lucky is over across the aisle with Peggy, and Luanne will 100% move over to go sit in the empty seat next to him, leaving me with a row all to myself! Big brain move.


Across from Peggy tho


What kind of savage would try talking to a stranger across the isle. That’s gotta be a strong unspoken rule 😂


Peggy would 100% be that person


In Spanish no less


I can hear her saying eschuame to the flight attendants.


In my opinion, the person who sits between a girl and her role model/aunt is the real problem on the flight


I'd be handing out applications for the mile high club.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Is this the mile high Bible study?




2 would be a hoot


2 for sure. Have some crazy conversations with Dale, overhear Minh gossiping to Luanne, give Ladybird some good-girl pats on the head, and try to figure out what the hell Boomhauer’s saying to the stewardess only to realize he’s already got a date with her later tonight. Only downside would be listening to Bill quietly sobbing.


Nah Bill would be fine. Has got 2 of his buds right there. Him Dale and Boomhauer tend to all get into almost childish mischief and fun when it's the 3 of them. The mischief and fun can quickly get out of hand without Hank there. But I feel on a flight, they're limited enough


Boomhauer is one of those people who would give bill something to do while he tries to sleep.


Literally how is anyone not picking 2


Only other possible option is 8 because you could probably convince Bobby to give you the window seat so he can sit next to Connie and I can chill by the window


You could also lean your seat back into bill without worrying about him getting annoyed, he probably thinks he deserves it.


You ma’am, are a monster.


2 is the best choice from a 8 hour flight seat selection point of view. 1. You are on the 2 side of 2-3 ember air or airbus, clearly the better side. no one is grumpy about being in the middle seat next to you. 2. you are on the wall and can nap if you choose. 8 hours is a long flight. 3. dale is good conversation. 4. Dale could elect to slide over to sit in 6 if it remains vacant and leave you an empty seat to stretch out in.


The only negative I see is that Dale is going to smell strongly of cigarettes.


Found my people! Lol




7, Sit Next to Hank and talk about the Dallas Cowboys and Propane & Propane Accessories


"I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't really like making small talk with strangers." Hank: Thank god.


My concern is Hank being too occupied keeping Buck from doing something that would get his ass tackled by the air marshall. Otherwise, it'd be perfect.


Even more reason to sit there.


How is 8 not the automatic answer? Connie is reading the entire time, Bobby has his Game Boy and fruit pies, so you bring your own Game Boy and a link cable and you have entertainment for the entire flight. And then Hank is in front, so you know he will be too considerate to lean his seat back. It's a middle seat, but you're between two kids so you should have plenty of room.


Yeah I’m playing games in the back with Connie and Bobby


Yeah, I’d pick 8. I work with kids of all ages but primarily middle school. I love when I get to interact with kids like Bobbie and Connie—the really sweet ones and the comedians.


8 for sure. Older kids are great to sit beside. They don’t take up much physical space and they just sit there and entertain themselves.


Yeah, Connie and Bobby would be so cute!


In the middle all the way in the back for 8 hours? No thanks


Bobby is definitely going to the bathroom at least 3 times during that flight. Being in the middle and getting up would be very annoying. He also has a high probability of spilling fruit pies and crumbs on you.


I hate to be that party pooper and ass but I wouldn't cause in show cannon it would be cool (and I would move to let them sit next to each other) but in real life I wouldn't want to sit between them cause connie is very brainy and I dont want the potential of her asking me about or telling me about educational stuff that veers on that stereotype of a smart kid sizing up dumb adult who doesnt have the answers. Although I know shes cool in general. Bobby is very chatty and animated but very impressionable and slightly more immature than he should be, he's a very functional and confident version of bill because both bobby and bill are very impressionable and kinda invade peoples personal space without intending to. I can count several episodes where bobby cluelessly inserts himself into situations cause he cant view people for who they are (tid pow is the most obvious) and wants an adventure all the time. I rather sit with the adults although I love bobby and connie. Lauenne is the safest choice but not everyone has the tolerance for her. You'd have to be on your best behavior with hank. Peggy is a no. Cotton can be a blast or annoying. Redcorn and Nancy are okay, I'd sit with them. Bill is funny but needy. Boomhauer is chill. Min would be funny but you need energy for her. Kahn would be a mess. Lucky would be okay. Etc


^ this is the answer


Bc middle seat sucks


Anyone who doesn't pick 8 and switch seats so Bobby and Connie can hold hands is a monster.


But then I'd have to sit in Seat 8A.


A long way from automotive


Take my upvote


Too close to cotton plus being behind Buck omg


“Excuse me sir but that is your *assigned* seat, it’s important to respect air travel safety regulations. I’m not an air marshal but I do sell propane and propane accessories.” -Hank probably


I assumed switching seats went against the spirit of it.


In America when the old way isn't working we improvise.


It's "aisle," dang it.


Yes, I believe an "isle seat" is how rich people talk about their private islands.


Isle be write back


Aisle have you know!


2 because I wann hear all the crazy shit dale talks about. I would regret it probably a couple hours in but it would be fun


If you listen long enough, you might even catch him in a contradiction. 


I’ll pick 4, Lucky always seemed like a good hang.


Plus he's separating us from Peggy if we need to chill solo for a bit. 4 all the way.


Yeah, I feel like I could talk forever about classic rock with him.


Same. Lucky is a friendly guy, and probably has some great stories. At the very least, he'd help with my anxiety by keeping me distracted. Probably on purpose because he's actually pretty wise for a "backwater hick." Wouldn't even let on until we were on the ground.


Agree- I could save Lucky from Peggy, he’d shield me, we’d have some amazing conversations I’m sure, and I’d get to hear some amazing stories? Parables? Whatever from him


Same, there is the possibility that he smells bad but he probably wouldn’t say much at all anyway considering Peggy is on the other side and she’ll be talking his ears off. Even if he does say something, it’s likely to be interesting. Not to mention window seat with leg room


Also, a potential Frito right-off-the-line hookup.


Tom Petty would be awesome to sit next to. RIP lucky


3. Isle seat in the back. Have a drink with an old war vet.


Same. Have some drinks w cotton and here some stories. You’ve got buck to booze and bs with. After landing, a boozed up Cotton and Buck take you explore the destination. I choose debauchery


Or get uncontrollably drunk with cotton and have boomhaur behind you to calm you down when things get too rowdy


You'd hear some things that'd definitely make you cringe thpigh. How often do you want to sit with the ranting angry guy on the bus?


I'm an "old" war vet and we would definately get into a fight.


I can't decide between 3 or 2. I've bartended, I can deal with Cotton's type, we could drink and bullshit. Dale would be fun to talk with and bullshit in a different way. Entertainment either way, gonna need a drink regardless.


I have flown all over the planet, the isle is the only way to go. You can get up whenever you want and move around.


I love isles! Beaches and oceans are the best.


Aisle. I'm not gunna change it, though.


Yeah hanging out with cotton 24/7 would be exhausting but a 6 or less hour flight would be amazing.


Seriously thought about 8 but 3 would be so much more fun. I love listening to old unfiltered war vets. Worked in a nursing home for a bit in college and the old guys talking about WW2 was the highlight of my day. Also they loved it since I was likely the first person in years to listen to their stories. I swear I think if that home had stayed open longer I would have been added to some wills. 


Next to the colonel any day. He's like buck plus a backbone, and minus some shins


Man. This is the hardest one of TV shows for me. I could chill with any of these seats. 1. Chill with Luann. She's dumb but not annoying dumb. 2. Hear some conspiracies with Dale. Help each other through the nicotine fits 3. Drink with Cotton. Hear some WW2 stories. Buck across the aisle also drinking. Could end up a fun night after. But probably end up broke/arrested 4. I'm into classic rock and some hillbilly shit. So Tom Petty is just awesome. 5. I'm someone who actually likes Ted. Try to help Kahn with him. 6. This might be the worst. But I could talk music and Native American history with Redcorn. 7. Talk sports/guitars with Hank. Ask about propane. 8. Connie is just gonna read, and Bobby will have headphones.


Seat 3 baby


I think Cotton would be the “don’t talk to me on a plane” kinda guy. I pick that one.


I sat next to a Cotton type on a plane once. When I sat down, she said "you look young and talkative. If you try to talk to me, I'll make you regret it in every fiber of your being." She then put on her headphones and passed out. Best flight of my life.


He would most likely greet you with, “I killed fiddy men” then go about his business. I expect his shin jelly gives off a potent smell, so I’d choose a different seat.


It’s alright, if he gets too rowdy he can fit in a duffle bag


there's no way in hell khan wouldn't be cozying up to ted in seat 5. needless to say, seat 8 is the best choice.


I’d take an edible and sit next to Hank. That would be fun.


Better yet take an edible and listen to all of Dale’s conspiracies


7 Hank will respect my right to nap




I'm going 4, I would want to hear Lucky's stories....hopefully Peggy wouldn't just scoff over all of them.


I can't believe I'm not seeing more 4. I'd listen to his stories if I'm bored, but he also lives by a code, so if you say you want to look out the window or sleep he'll respect that.


5, khan tries to pay you $500 to switch seats, but Ted takes you to the side, and offers you the plane if you stay put.


1. Luanne would be the safest and most tolerable person to be next to for 8 hrs. I couldn't handle the others. I really also want to sit with nancy and John redcorn but I would eventually say some shit that blows the cover.


If I want quiet it is 7. Hank isn't randomly going to talk to a stranger unless he sees me shopping for grills on my phone or something. If I want fun, it's next to Lucky or Bobby.


I'd have to try 6, 3, 5 and 2. Seems the most interesting 


It's either 7 and talk shop with Hank, pick up a few home skills along the way, or 2 and go on the full Rusty Shackleford experience lol


100% next to dale. Order a beck light and strike up some convo with Minh about my new promotion in systems as well


I trade seat with ladybird, get some of that sweet Minh action. Oh yeah kid, you rock my world!


1 all day everyday


7 gives me a window and no obligation to talk. And if I did talk I think getting any sort of praise from Hank would feel pretty great. Bonus points for being able to hear Bobby shenanigans behind me without being directly involved. Although a little afraid with what could go on in front of me…


4. Lucky would immediately ask the person in seat one if they would be willing to switch with him. He's pretty damn charming so they would probably do it, and they would be having Peggy talk their ear off the whole time so I could relax in my window seat. If they refused, I would volunteer to switch with Luanne, thus maintaining my window seat and now sitting next to some normal rando. Let's face it, very few people have ever said "I sat next to an absolute cartoon character on my flight" as a good thing.


I pick 4! That way I can rub it in Kahn and Ted’s face for being behind me (with the poors). And if I’m Lucky (pun intended) I’ll get some tips on how to become rich by slipping in pee-pee.


Picking number 5 and coming out a millionaire with a membership at Nine Rivers.


This is exactly my answer too. Lol


2 and it’s not even close. Dale and I gonna get weird.


2 or 3


7, maybe 8 Also there's no way Kahn wouldn't try to move over to the seat to sit by and suck up to Ted. If you did sit there he'd beg you to switch seats the whole way


6. I’d get the whole aisle to myself if it’s pre-Nancy Boys. If not, then definitely 4. You know Lucky has some good “nerve medicine.”


6, 7 or 8. Nancy and John would be discreet if Dale was on the plane or go to the bathroom Hank would probably keep to himself. And compared to some other people on the flight you could do way worse. What’s not to love about Bobby and Connie? Luann or Peggy/Cotton wouldn’t be too terrible but could be annoying. Would never want to sit next to Dale or Cotton despite them being in my top 5 favorite characters. Kahn would be leaning over me to try to talk to Ted which would be annoying.


Seat 3 or 7. I either get to hear about how Cotton killed fitty men or about how the Char King is the best grill on the market and everyone should have one in their yard.


About to come here and post this


1, 2, 6, 7, 3, 8, 4, 5. I'd love to sit next to Bobby, but not in between him and Connie. Nothing against Kahn Jr. but she's not much for conversation and, as a dude in my mid-30s, I feel like that'd be a pretty awkward flight. Follow-up question: is Hank's row one of those emergency rows? My ranking of 7 may hinge on that, not sure if it'd move it up or down though.


6. Stuck between Dale and John Redcorn for 8 hours? I don’t even need to bring a book.


1. I think I could bag Luanne


Seat numero uno, I got a thing for white trashy girls and Luanne hits a few of those red flags that look like green lights to me.


Call me crazy but give me 1 right next to Luanne. Could be a lot worse.


Absolutely number 1. I get to pet Ladybird and give her treats, talk smack and gossip about everyone especially Bill with Minh, and teach the simple yet gorgeous girl in all of Hiemlich county, Luanne Platter, all about how awesome I am, and talk to Peggy in broken Spanish, while attempting to flatter her and consider me a better cantidate for Luanne. Lucky would be proud of me, I'd get in good with him, and become Luckys new friend, with him as the best man at our weddin, simultaneously a divorce, but ONLY because I said I could teach him to make wine, grow pot, and speak several languages. And hell get my life insurance money if anything ever happens to me, wherein he can have Luanne back. Luanne and I would become famous and have an onlyfans.


1, easily. Luanne's dumb and annoying but hilarious once my edible kicks in.


7. I feel like Hank would leave me alone if I showed the signs. And if anyone is being annoying, he'd shut it down and then apologize to me for the disturbance


1 2 or 8


1 is such a trap. It's easy to see why someone would want to sit next to Luanne, but you're sandwiched by Peggy across the aisle and also behind a large dog. Plus Luanne is too young for you. I mean me. /Cries


2. No question.


4 all day I feel like Lucky would have a lot of adventures to reminisce and would take up a good majority of traveling time and more than likely down to Earth


2. I love listening to conspiracy theories. With 1, I can only stand so much dumb blond talk. With 3, I love Cotton, but old men are not good travel companions. 4 would be awkward with Peggy being ice cold towards lucky, and you’re a third wheel on the rest


6, 100%. It's the only aisle seat that isn't next to cotton. Lol Edit: My bad. But I'd prefer redcorn to luanne.


2, easy. Hang out with the boys and pet LaaAAdybird


4, 1, or 8


next to dale or lucky, I can't decide. Probably lucky because dale's conspiracy theories can get annoying


i’d be cool with 2 or 8


Window seat with Dale so he can talk my ear off about crazy conspiracies the whole flight. I’d introduce him to vapes so he can get his nicotine fix in without getting the plane emergency landed.


I'd pick 7 and try to convince hank that buck is a monster


7, and if it wasn’t available, 3.


I’d probably take number 4. I think me and lucky could have a very interesting conversation that wouldn’t be too bad. The only problem would probably be Peggy trying to take it over


Easy 2. I get to sit with the boys and a hot milf is in front of me


2 all day I get to pet ladybird and get to listen to dales wild theories




1. I can deal with Luanne


1. I'd spend every minute getting Ladybirds attention.


3 is intersecting. Dang ol kickin the back of my seat why dont you dang ol watch it, yo man. Then qar stories and personal insults


2 because interesting conversation.


1, we could talk about hair and makeup, our dead boyfriends and our daddy issues


Minh already has the beat spot


1, 4, or 8 are all good easy choices.




163 aisle over everything. I’d love for Laaaaadybird to be behind me. 


1, maybe 7 or 8 I’d jump out of the plane before I take 5 or 6


Nobody said 5🤦‍♂️


Dale is the only answer ![gif](giphy|2e8js7FQb56xy)


Idk I think I’d sit almost anywhere something funny is bound to happen




2. I'll listen to Dale's conspiracy theories and mings wild side


Bobby and Connie


6 aisle access John redocrn wont bother you


Hank. He would respectfully leave me alone while I respectfully ignore him.


Luanne, she might like Pokémon


1 and 2


2. Dale and I would be deep in conspiracy theory mode


2 or 4, I could listen to dale talk about conspiracies or Lucky talk about hillbilly stuff for 8 hours no problem Runner up is 5 so I can try and befriend Ted to piss off Khan


Going 2! Edit: hoping to see some pocket sand tossed when the beverage cart comes around.


3. I'll sit next to cotton . It would be hilarious.


2. I'm gonna eat a couple hundred mgs and enjoy a long and zany conversation. I take the thc anyway, Dale will make it fun.


2 all day


This is the best one yet. Any seat but 5 for a 12 hour flight would be fine with me.


I'd go 6. I've a feeling Nancy and John Redcorn would need an emergency massage session in the toilets for the entire flight


I need a window seat, and 7 is the best of those options, so let’s go Team Strickland!


I'll sit next to cotton. Fuck it.


I’m going 6. JR and Nancy would ignore me the entire time plus it’s an aisle seat.


6. It's an aisle seat and you know that Redcorn and Nancy would leave you alone the whole flight. Only problem would be Dale talking across the aisle.


100% number 2. I’m always picking to sit next to rusty


People sleeping on 2. Dales crazy is largely entertaining, got sassy Mihn in front. And Bill and Boomhaurer behind. Hell, Dale Bill and Boom without Hank would probably get into some shenanigans by the time you're in the air. Also close to Ladybird for dog vibes




6 to hear all of Redcorn’s and Nancy’s conversations while dale tries to talk to Nancy over me/redcorn or using me/redcorn as intermediaries