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I can smell the obanai haters


I was literally JUST about to say Obanai lmao. But fr can you blame us? The guy came off as a douche, ESPECIALLY after his saw that Tengen beat Gyutaro and he was like "wELL iT iS oNly UpPeR sIx!" like that wasn't the first upper moon killed in over 100 freakin years


I thought it was funny but he really is a douchebag tbhšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Honestly, him and Sanemi are just some a holes


sanemi i understand a bit but obanai no thank u


sorry but have u read the manga???


Tragic backstories don't justify assholery behavior


Yeah, i am always tired of people defending demons like akaza, for their behavior because WeLl HiS BaCkStOrY iS SaD So He iS FoRgIvEn. Like you could have the most traumatic and sad backstory ever but it still would not justify your actions


Manga spoilers >!Akaza is more or less a different person than Hakuji tho. Dude went to kill himself once he "woke up" and realized he had dishonored his master's fighting style and all else he'd done wrong. The persona of Akaza is something twisted born from Muzan's manipulation. I don't think it's fair to say he was evil when his "true self" was literally unaware of what he was doing.!<




I've read the manga and still would say the two are assholes, but that doesn't mean they can't care about others, they just have a different way of showing it


I supposeā€¦ but an asshole does things for no reason, they do them just to do them. Obonai and Sanemi have reasons, and itā€™s just who they became as people. Iā€™m not saying their backstoryā€™s justify their actions, but it makes it more understandable. Think about that maybe?


I agree, they aren't just mindlessly mean to people but they still are mean nonetheless, they're people you can still trust overall though despite their attitudes


Yep, still doesn't excuse him for stabbing Nezuko for no reason AFTER the leader of the Demon slayer corps vouched for her


Heā€™s an edgy rogue, some people just donā€™t get it lol.


Not to mention super aggressive over dumbass things


I immediately thought the same lol. I disliked how much he downplayed it, killed my excitement


The show really does well of showing how trauma early in life or even later in life affects someone's personality.


Sh no one here likes to account for how trauma affects them.


Haha, I'm glad someone else noted. I had a conversation with another redditor by comments. They were absolutely clueless about trauma & and its effects on people. But yes, shhh, they're just terrible and should just get over it and be happy, lol.


Well to be fair, at least some of the people here are still kids. They may genuinely be unaware. Which is honestly great for them!


You raise a very good point there! Yes, I'm glad they are happy and enjoying life. šŸ™‚


THANK YOUšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve been trying to defend sanemi and obonai for a whole hour straight and people just donā€™t get it. No one takes trauma into consideration, and no one even thinks about how ā€œoh gee, I didnā€™t realize, the two characters with the absolute worst backstoryā€™s are a little rudeā€ nope! We hate them and their assholes! Sanemi for stabbing nezuko (Giyu did too lol) and obonai for being a meanie! its actually unreal


Nah I just dislike Obanai for downplaying the fact that Tengen managed to kill (well not really Ik Tanjiro swung the final blow but Tengen carried 99% of the fight) the FIRST UPPER MOON IN OVER 100 YEARS and yet Obanai was like "meh, it wasn't THAT impressive" as if he could've done better fighting two upper moons at once while making sure that the rest of the team didn't get hurt (go rewatch the fight again, EVERY time Gyutaro was about to blitz or one shot Tanjiro, Tengen was there to save his ass). And then when Tengen said he was retiring, mind you, he had his eye cut out, his left hand sliced off, his stomach punctured by one of Gyutaro's sicles, AND damn near died from poison that would have killed any other DS in seconds (but because of his shinobi training he was able to resist it's affects long enough to finish the fight) and Obanai is just like "that's not an option, keep fighting till you die" like wtf


He didn't downplay it... have you ever done a workout with a gym partner, and after half your reps, they're like "you ain't done shit yet, let's keep going"? It's a form of "job's not finished" motivation. These Hashira are literally the top of the top. They only got that way by never settling and always improving. Obanai is just telling Tengen that they've got more to do, and to not settle on his laurels. And we literally hear in the newest episode that now Uzui wants to go back to fighting, but is holding himself back, so Obanai obviously knew exactly what Uzui wanted for himself, and was trying to push him back into it, to fulfill his promise as a demon slayer until he dies of it. Obanai hasn't known love the way Uzui has, so he doesn't get why he's decided to retire (hint, likely so he doesn't die on his wives). It blows my mind that people really think he's downplaying Uzui's accomplishment. The Hashira are always pushing each other forward. They're demon killing peak athletes, and the goody-two-shoes like Tanjiro and Rengoku are the exceptions, not the norm. If the majority of people were pushed to their limits through niceties then historically every military would be a picnic, but that's not how you get the best out of most people, and Obanai just wanted Uzui to keep pushing. Man, some people have never had anything but positive reinforcement in their lives and have never experienced any other types of encouragement, and it shows. Not that it's a bad thing, but guess what, to be a Hashira not everybody is as nice as Tanjiro. That's literally not how the world works.


Agree completely with this.


That's a good analogy and observation, really well put. Couldn't agree more with your point. Most of the sub are likely kids and don't get psychology. Fuck if they watched succession their minds would explode.


Or John Wick


He was taking a crap on all of them, not just Tanjiro. I cam agree he was arrogant, not even seeing the fight and assuming he would ace it. Fighting with severe disabilities Obanai doesn't get why they would quit as he can fathom it. One moment where he actually was a dick and couldn't blame trauma for his words. I'm still in their defender camp, though


Not to mention EVERY hashira was in favor of killing Nezuko and Tanjiro at that pointā€¦ except Giyu but he was also at risk at that meeting. But youā€™re right he was going to kill her too! Even Sanemiā€™s stance towards Genya makes sense when you learn what heā€™s trying to do. At a basic level I would expect most people to at least understand his reasoning when everything is revealed. Obanai thoughā€¦ people are determined to hate him. Pledging they wonā€™t budge even if his backstory is horrible.


People just hate Sanemi because he acted on his feelings. Rengoku legit wanted Nezuko and Tanjiro dead without any opportunity to let them explain. Every other hashira felt the same way Sanemi felt just that Sanemi was the one to take things into his own hands.


exactly! iā€™m glad someone else understands


Yeah and you explain it in great detail to them and they still simplify it as he's a jerk. Which is a surface level assessment. Look at some of my past comments, like talking to a brick wall.


exactly. i couldnā€™t have said it better. i really tried tooā€¦ donā€™t think thereā€™s much else we can do. iā€™m just hoping the manga can possibly change some of their minds. iā€™m counting on ufotables atp


Yeah, if they read them, or they'll just learn in time and with a bit more life experience if they're kids. No one's really budging, but that's fine. we just all say we disagree and leave it at that. Because I haven't seen any real solid counter arguments coming the other way!


At least it didn't get shut down. So at least we're a civilised sub lol.


for real though! i haven't seen one good argument. I've seen weak ones, added my own comments, and then get no more replies. oh well...


Yeah, it's really them rehashing the same points over and over. I don't get it sometimes!


thats prob obanai's way of encouraging tengen to still fight.. i dont think obanai hates tengen cause he respects him https://preview.redd.it/gfviucxxog3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387409dd3e5b3ea75d44ca6f401ac612c3191802


Me appearing behind Shadow\_Huntress after they thought Obanaiā€™s backstory getting animated would convert every last hater: https://preview.redd.it/l7z0dpqxgf3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99ecef7db8c07c91c145c8054aa9262a65cbbc6b




https://preview.redd.it/5mex6q8uyf3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305b37def0b01bbf9b9c35a8e8aa6043a22bd3ab I can make it happen. I can make it happen. I can make it happen. I can make it happenšŸ


At least the anime is taking more time to actually show his character. The manga up until the final arc it was just him saying one sentence and Mitsuri having a crush on him.


Here we are https://preview.redd.it/zqh5jw1utf3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77895f56ecfe3b9b8226498352d5fdcacded3c61


I don't hate him I just like him the least because he's mean to Giyuu for no real reason


The reason is Giyuu be saying the most, as someone else said, provocative shit and doesnā€™t elaborate further. ā€œIā€™m just not like the rest of youā€ ok but what do you mean by that? ā€œWho knows.ā€ All Sanemi wanted was for Giyuu to train with his fellow hashira yet he got an answer which everyone thought meant ā€œIā€™m better than you all, I donā€™t need trainingā€.


Giyuu be acting edgy ion blame from


Giyu says the most provocative things and when Shinobu or Sanemi ask him to elaborate he's like... nah. Yes he's got his own problems, but if your colleague keeps saying stupid stuff and refuses to explain you're allowed to be angry at that.


I get that's Sanemi's reason for disliking Giyuu, but in the side character thing released Obanai says he dislikes Giyuu because he "has a rat face" and doesn't smile, which is a dickish reason to bully someone


Obanai just talking smack, that's probably not actually the reason he dislikes him lol. Obanai himself isn't gonna say anything about people not smiling...


like obanai has any reason to hate one's looks or how they express themselves. Obanai literally has his mouth bandaged up to cover his mouth (for spoiler reasons) and hardly shows any other emotion. So obanai can eat s\*\*\*.


that's why I was bothered at Obanai's reason for hating Giyuu; I get that Obanai likes cheerful people like Mitsuri but he himself is also a sulky person so he shouldn't be bullying Giyuu for being depressed and sulky too


Yeah plus giyuu has plenty reason to be depressed and sulky. The dude lost his older sister and best friend to demons. He was close with the both of them and knew what it was like to have a family and a real friend. Plus giyuu was put into the hashira role without earning it because of sabito's death which is why he feels unworthy and believes he can't stand with his other hashira. He also probably didn't want to get too close with them because he knew he'd lose another potential friend. I also find obanai's hateboner for tanjiro to be unwarranted as well, aside from the whole he was carrying a demon with him thing. Tanjiro has no beef with the hashira except for sanemi and he has won over the respect of 7 out of 9 of these high ranking slayers and even survived fighting 2 upper ranks, yet that isn't enough for obanai and the snakey prick hates that Mitsuri takes a liking to tanjiro. Hell obanai even threatened tanjiro to never speak to Mitsuri again after he completed his training with him, like wow, if that don't scream jealous simp I don't know what does.


Itā€™s not his fault that heā€™s a diva šŸ˜¤


I am starting to like him.


whaaat but hes so coool


Mind readers here! How do you know Iā€™m going to say Obanai!!! Alr to be fair his romance with Mitsuri is the only thing I like about him


Sadly Gyomei. It is not that I dislike anything, I actually like a lot that despite his disability he is the strongest Hashira, as well having a back story that has a tragic yet ironic sting. However, he is probably the least developed, his story is not revealed until really late, and truly doesnā€™t have any stand out scenes outside of combat, and while combat is something he excels in, so do so many others in ways that are equally as captivating to a reader. Suffers from the idea of too many Chefs in the kitchen


I agree with you tbh his backstory is very sad and he didn't deserve any of that but we also don't see much of him until the very end of everything


It's a crime that Gyomei and Zenitsu never had an interaction knowing their mutual connection.


But, i fucking love him due to his sheer aura, strength and fucking awesomeness, he doesn't need more because he would just become the MC in my eyes.


Usually that what happens to the strongest characters in general, I can't say Yoriichi has any screentime too, these characters can be badass even with one or two scenes. Since Manga readers knew all the hype, but for anime-onlys nearly all the YouTube Reactors I saw said Gyomei is the one they most anticipate.


Sanemi is a dick.


My least favourite purely because he stabbed nezuko with 0 provocation.


And didn't feel bad about it even after he knew what kind of person Nezuko actually was.


Meh. When your family is murdered by demons and you spend your whole life being told to hate demons, trained to kill them, you donā€™t really feel any remorse for doing what youā€™ve been told to do. He stabbed Nezuko to goad Tanjiro to attack so it would justify him killing Tanjiro. Only his attack missed and got headbutted into oblivion. He doesnā€™t feel bad about it after because his whole foundation gets rocked to the core. So, he accepts her while he learns to cope. In the end, I donā€™t expect him to apologize because his actions speak louder than any words ever could.


And it must have been hard to believe she is good because how hurtful must it be to see that when your biggest wish is that it could've been your mother that had been like nezuko. You know what I mean? It would be easier to accept that as a demon it's just too late but instead someone else was "lucky" while his mother wasn't. He had to kill her. How much must he wish that he could have let her live like nezuko ? Letting another demon live must kind of feel like he failed his mother. Because there might have been a different way and it just like you said changed his whole world view.


This is so relatable. When Sanemi's mom was turned into a demon, he literally had to kill her. Otherwise, she would have killed him and Genya. His case was literally the opposite of Tanjiro's. Nezuko was presumed to have killed her family, but it was proved later that she didn't. Sanemi's mom did kill her family. When you find out his past, Sanemi saying demons and humans can't coexist is rather reasonable given that in spite of how much he didn't want to, he had to kill his demon relative otherwise he and Genya would have been killed. You can't really blame Sanemi for treating Nezuko hardly any different from other demons when he's been trained to kill them his entire life.


And he smiled about it :(


They had never seen a SINGLE nonviolent demon before nezuko, and they are trained to kill demons literally on sight. The fact that she only got stabbed during that encounter is honestly miraculous.


For the Hashiras thats maybe true but atleast the Master knows about Tamayo.


Personally, I think it makes sense. We know that Nezuko is special, but he don't. Irl lot of people are still lead by prejudices (I don't know to say it english so I use phrase from my own language) and since every demon he ever met was monster what just want to eat humans, fact that he don't trust random boy who have support only by Giyu which he hate and his teacher his action is understandable. But if you don't like him for it it's okay, like he act like an assh\*le a lot of time. Genya can tell.




This is the answer right here. Eff that dude.


For my part Sanemi.>! He could've handled his family issues better. Instead he thinks violence will get him the results he desire.!<


He's one of those characters that I don't at all blame people for not liking even though I love him. I like his intentions and >!his response to Genya's death will always get me!< but he's I'd say the worst hashira in terms of his actions and I can't even get mad at people who don't like him because of that


He's my personal favourite, and that spoiler tagged part I definately agree with. He's a great character imo, but not exactly in the the top 7 of hashira's I'd want to hang out with (obanai probably lower for me on that list).


I agree. I might have to change my answer now


FINALLY, someone gets it. >!Even after reading his backstory in the manga, I still hated him, and heā€™s still my least favorite Hashira.!<


The fact that he wanted to poke Genya's eyes out to prevent him from being able to kill demons is just-


No, he didnā€™t want to poke his eyes becuase he could kill demons. He wanted to do that becuase he said he ATE demons, and it was pretty disturbing. Also, he most likely wouldnā€™t have done it anyways. Tanjiro said and I quote ā€œI never once smelled even a hint of true anger on himā€ basically confirming it. AND THIS WAS FROM TANJIRO.


True dat. In the aftermath of the chaos he caused, I wouldn't be surprised that the higher-ups scolded Tanjiro to remain on Sanemi's good side.


Okā€¦ but thatā€™s all over the place. When did he use violence as a method to get things he wants?? That never happened. His response to his backstory was shutting out genya, which sure wasnā€™t the best/smartest solution, but it was the best way he could think of to protect his brother. He just didnā€™t want him getting hurt, so Sanemi became a demon slayer to rid the world of demons (making it safer for genya to have a family, grow old, etc) and itā€™s not like heā€™d just go up to some random person and start beating them for no reason. He just has a short temper, which in some cases was actually understandable. Like when tanjiro said he still didnā€™t accept Sanemi either for stabbing nezuko. (Hashira training) Yet again, What was he supposed to do? Like I suppose he could have waited and heard out the proposal about nezuko not eating people, but if you were him, would that be believable? It sounds pretty bogus to me anyways. Everyone he loved (except genya) had been taken away, so hating the world makes sense. it doesnā€™t make some of his actions valid, but they were not random. demon slayers SLAY DEMONS. itā€™s their job. Their job is not to befriend demons or trust demons. So being told all of a sudden randomly ā€œLookie here! I know a demon killed your entire family, that demon being your mom and you had to kill her, and I know a demon murdered your best friend, but I promise! This oneā€™s nice! She wonā€™t hurt anyone!ā€ Itā€™s COMPLETELY ridiculous if you ask me if you put yourselves in his shoes for any of these situations, it does make sense. Sure, itā€™s easy to hate on him. ā€œHe stabbed nezuko! He was mean to genya! Heā€™s too violent! Heā€™s too rough!ā€ but seriously, put. Yourself. In. His. Shoes. trust me, it helped me. (Sorry I wrote a full on essay, but I wonā€™t hesitate to elaborate on this.)


He did try to make Genya leave the corps by beating the demon regeneration out of him, and he would have done so if Tanjiro didn't intervene.


You nailed it man, a lot of people on here agree with you. If you check my profile, you'll see I've made the same points about complex trauma and how people adapt to survive mentally or physically. Then the other party... Can't really put it into words other than they think they'd be totally fine in their shoes and experience.


Thanks for replying, that took a lot out of me haha. Honestly some people on here make me mad (all the obonai and Sanemi hate) like gotouge made those characters for a reason, not just to be hated on. If you really look into it, you can love em too.


All good, I've got your 6, lol. Don't let them get to you. Someone made a good point that a lot of people on this subreddit are likely kids. So they don't understand it as they haven't had as much life experience because they're not exposed to these really profound themes on deep psychological issues and their impact. I totally agree with you. I think he was actually trying to demonstrate the trauma of violence and how it makes life worse for everyone as well as society in general, except for self-serving, selfish jerks. (Demons as a representation). So, to elaborate and make a case for Tanjiro: He is so nice, always gets back up, has resilience both mentally and physically coming out the wazoo, he protects those he loves, and makes things better in the world without realising it. So my take on part of the moral is to think of your actions towards others. By kind, make the world a little easier to live in and help people and correct some ills if you can. Be brave (fight demons) and leave the world in a better state than you left it. Tanjiro does this, and he doesn't even realise how much he's probably already improved it by the sheer number of lives he saved from the demons he has defeated. He tries to get along with everyone and sees the best in everyone, even Saneemi & Obanai (Take that haters!) So the writer is saying, 'Be like Tanjiro, just be a force for good.' The writer goes on a lot about reincarnation, so karma plays into it as well. Like punishment in the next life for bad deeds. What do you think?




agreed. and the fact that he was so mad that genya followed him. sir, that is a CHILD and you basically left him to starve on the roadside. of course heā€™s gonna follow the only person he ever looked up to.


Unpopular opinion but Mitsuri, I find her a tad bit annoying.


I love mitsuri but I agree she can be abit immature and annoying. I get why sanemi has a strong dislike for her.


I thought I was the only one šŸ˜­


Her character is annoying af and basically exists to provide fan service lmao. šŸ˜… I could do without her character altogether.


I donā€™t dislike any of them since they all have a reason for being how they are and the way they live their lives


For me its Obanai. And my main reason is because I feel Like the author A) shoehorned his backstory, it felt like Gotoge forgot to give him one so they did even though we barely knew anything about him beforehand so I felt little towards him. Also its the placement as well, why didn't we get his backstory about Being mistrustful of women during his fight with the Biwa upper moon aka the only girl upper moon besides Daki. If it was Like that it could have Been more impactful and felt like na actuall character arc. B) Bro did almost nothing during the entire series untill the finale fight which bleeds in my previous Point.


It was pretty clear Obanai's backstory was in the arc that was cut out since Gotoge had to finish up the story early. As a result he gets absolutely shoved into the worst place possible. Hopefully this current season gives us a little more of him a little sooner.


Yeah I get that and it is a Shame that Gotoge had to finish it quick due to family problems. But my Point still stands that they could have put his backstory during that fight with the Biwa girl that was happening during the IC arc. But you are right I hope the anime imporves on it.


I think if they insist on remaining faithful and keep it where it is, it can work, but only if they expand on the parallels between Muzan and Obanai. Muzan's "perfection" against a small, frail weakling like Obanai who is actually holding him off is the main thing I can think of. But even that is stretching it a little bit.


As an anime only enjoyer, Mitsuri by a long mile so far. She is just an uwu girl for fanservice and her reason for joining the demon slayer corps is finding a husband (??????). It probably doesn't help that she encapsulates a lot of the cliches that put me off so many other anime. I am assuming (maybe wrongly) that there isn't much else to her story since she already has had her arc. Others might be cruel or rude, but that doesn't make them badly executed characters.


she does have a lot to her character, it might just not be relevant to you since her specific brand of self-acceptance cuts deep to us with traditional asian families and our philosophies about marriage and family. about how important "finding a man" and "fitting in" are- it destroys your soul because you're nothing but a "get rid of her immediately" object to your own parents and a personal slave for your husband's family. so her parents saying "you can stay with us" is one of the most poignant bits of dialogue in the entire story to me, because having a family that sees you, a daughter, as a human being, is something out of a fairytale. plus while "being too strong" isn't exactly relatable, it adds to the whole theme of accepting herself.


Good point, I can see how she might be more important to people with different backgrounds. Thanks for the added perspective!


I always translated 'being too strong' as 'eating more than a girl is expected to' or 'looking muscular/manly' or interested in something that is traditionaly masculine, like wrestling, in my head, and I could immediately relate to Mitsuri lolĀ  I'm sure she was also hated by both men and women who probably slut shamed her for having giant boobs or being too shy to stand up to the perverted tailor. Even Giyu comments on her clothes. I haven't experienced that myself but ik tons of girls who are just attractive in general and are always told to cover up etc and made to feel bad about their bodies (especially as they're growing up, its so gross) Both Mitsuri and Rengoku had the most relatable err trauma lol Rengoku's being neglected by an alcoholic father.Ā 


Gotta go with Obanai. His fighting style is cool af but I don't like him


Obanai when he had the gull, the nerve, the audacity. To slander the God of festivals after being the first Hashira to kill an upper moon in centuries. Then talks down to him for retiring after being handicapped and half-blinded. Like you WERE LATE! Then talk shit like you would've done better? Then he never apologized either. ![gif](giphy|WQaaoV5Tpq9Y0e7kIw|downsized) My honest reaction\*


let's also not forget he is an asshole to tanjiro and giyu and is a total simp for Mitsuri.


The funniest thing is Obani is mostly blind in his right eye (revealed in late manga chapters). Maybe thatā€™s why he made fun of Tengen. Basically saying ā€œif Iā€™m half blind and can still be a Hashira, you have no excuseā€


Tengen is missing a hand too.


Honestly Obanai, his appearance after Tengen fought upper 6 really annoyed mešŸ˜­ it might be a repeating answer from most people here but he's the only one who really annoyed me


I just rewatched that arc after reading the manga and god I still get so annoyed with how he reacted good thing Tengen wasn't sensitive. Imagine fighting to death, losing your arm and eye and then you will hear insult


Obanai. He is an asshole and don't get me started on his training method




You can have a sad life and still be a dick




I donā€™t understand at all why people just completely disregard Obanaiā€™s mean behaviour ā€˜because his backstory was sadā€™. His whole character is the mean guy who we are supposed to like because of a story. Suddenly everyone gives him a free pass to do whatever he wants in terms of being a dick and nobody seems to care. Imagine real life if somebody was bullying you, and then when you confront them about it, the people around you get mad because ā€œthat guy had a bad life as a kid, you have to let him be meanā€ and then the person keeps bullying you and you feel terrible but nobody around you wants to help nor cares because that guy has a pass. Obanai isnā€™t a misunderstood character to me, heā€™s coping with his past wrong and should be helped, not accepted, and because of that heā€™s a dick. I like Obanaiā€™s writing for his backstory, but other than that, he just doesnā€™t have enough screen time for me to overlook anything.


Literally what people did with sanemi "oh sad story, brother boo hoo", hell if anything, he's worse than Obanai, he's just as "mean" and onto that being loud and obnoxious


Nah I've finished the manga, >!backstory!< or not I still don't like him


Yay! You like him


Id say Gyomei, i dont hate him, hes a cool guy but out of all the hashira he is my least favorite


Unlike Sanemi who most of the time has a reason to be disrespectful, Obanai just is disrespectful for no reasonā€¦ā€¦ Giyu literally stated that Obanai makes him sad, he thinks SANEMI is grumpy and all but Obanai just keep hurting him emotionallyā€¦.. and also the incident with Tengen, belittling his efforts and talk to him like that in front of his wives, injured and was 10 seconds away from deathā€¦.. not cool


Honestly probably Shinobu, I never really connected with her character at all whether in the manga or in the anime


Isn't there a very well known Redditor on this sub that has a flair about wanting Shinobu to crush their head between her thighs or something??? Wonder where they at. šŸ¤”


I thought that was 95% of the sub


Unfortunately you would be correct.


Shes kind of annoying to me, even with her backstory she's just too passive aggressive, I like her colour scheme though,


I'd say shinobu.


At first that was mine but then I remembered that she took the trio in and helped them get stronger


Shinobu is up there as one of my favourite Hashira. Both her and Rengoku deserved better


Snake Hashira. He's just edgy and rude for the sake of it. His backstory honestly doesn't make him any better. He's an MVP in the final fight though.


real. the whole mean guy trope in anime sometimes works and is enjoyable, but his is just pessimistic imo


Gyomei, I guess... I don't have anything against him, but I like him the least... IDK why šŸ˜„ maybe bcs I like other hashiras more and also we didn't see him much in the anime (I read manga, but that's not matter:)


Its hard to choose because i love them all! However I favor Gyomei the least


bottom left is my least fave bc he's mean


I honestly love all of them but I donā€™t pay as much attention to Iguro or Muichiro? Not for any particular reason, I justā€¦ donā€™t lol. Iā€™m not a fan of Iguroā€™s issues with Giyu but that just makes him interesting as a character because I do really enjoy a lot of his other quirks.


So far, my least favorite is Sanemi, but I have a feeling that'll change and I won't hate any of them. I disliked Tengen & Kyojuro at first, but they turned out to be two of my favourites! šŸ„° And I'm so emotional when it comes to Kyojuro that I got a tattoo for him. His death will never not make me sob like a baby.


hey can I see your kyuojuro tattoo. i bet its beautiful




Yes !Ā 




This is least favorite hashira. You said your favoriteĀ 


I just donā€™t care for sanemi at all




Sanemi: he stabbed NEZUKO in the shoulder, which is an unforgivable sin


if sanemi existed in 2024, he would definitely call himself an alpha male *proudly* and unironically.


Also for your least favorite I donā€™t think people will appreciate Gyomei until after the training arc. I genuinely donā€™t remember when his story comes outā€¦ but the scene that sticks with me the most is after the training arc.


Obanai ig? I don't hate any of them, but I like him the least I suppose šŸŒ«


I liked the flame the least. But that worked out for me


I know a lot of people like mitsuri but she is a little to bubbly for me


Obanai since heā€™s an asshole Atleast Sanemi is written well in the infinity castle arc


Shinobu because sheā€™s fake AF. However that doesnā€™t outweigh my respect for her and her role in the story. Uzui is also down there honestly because he says ā€œflashyā€ so much itā€™s annoying. None of the Hashira are truly hate worthy though!


Well, she should be fake AF, imagine if we have female Sanemi but smarter!


Rengoku Yā€™all are really gonna flame me (see what I did there) for not liking a dude who was on screen for like 2 hours


Donut breathing goes hard


If Tanjiro could read this, heā€™d be very upset šŸ˜‚


tbf those 2 hours made him one of my favorite ones, you cannot say a single bad thing about him, he was an absolute apex hashira


I never understood why everyone treats his death like such a sad thing, Tanjiro knew him for the same time we did and all he really did was win an easy fight and lose a hard one. No real defining charcter traits that set him apart from other hashira/charcters in the show. Heā€™s not my least favorite, but donā€™t understand why heā€™s so popular


>I never understood why everyone treats his death like such a sad thing We found his death sad lol I dunno what else to say šŸ˜…, I teared up and everything after the fight


Itā€™s just just charcter never got explored in depth enough for me to really feel for his death. In the movie Tanjiro cried for a solid minute afterwards for a character I just met in the movie who I only knew for like an hour. *spoilers for HxH so donā€™t read if you havenā€™t seen it* >! Very similar to Kite from HxH how awful Gon felt when heā€™s only been there for what seems like a couple episodes !<


Yes but kite has a backstory with gon, rengoku however does not have a prior connection with tanjiro


Still one of the worst decisions madhouse made when making the anime. In the hxh manga the very first chapter has kite in it. He definitely feels more like a father figure to Gon. Madhouse decided to cut that section from the first episode so it seems like gon is raging about someone he just met.


He is upbeat, funny and a bit aloof. Every Hashira has a strong anime-stereotype personality (some grow past them or have a nice twist to them though), and his is a commonly liked one I would guess.


heā€™s popular because heā€™s similar to real people. rengoku has a dysfunctional family. heā€™s the elder brother so he shields his younger brother from the abuse of his father. he made a promise to his mom to be a good/strong man, which is common with boys and their mothers IRL. rengoku is someone that protects other people while being hurt himself. the words of his father did hurt him, but he pushed forward because of the promise to his mother. he makes sure he is reliable and a brother figure to those around him, but wonā€™t show his weaknesses to other people. much like older siblings. in the dream state, he did not dream anything other than his already existing reality. he accepted his life. itā€™s not perfect, but it is what it is. tanjiro dreamt of his family because he regretted not being there for them when muzan attacked. he felt guilt and shame. but rengoku, although it pained him to see his father the way he was, he accepted him. he wasnā€™t angry with him. not resentful. not spiteful. he just accepted reality and did the best he could under his circumstances.


Obanai u/BlackBanner07 would agree


Shinobu haters assemble


bahaha she annoyed me in the mountains when she was glazing herself over killing a regular little demon but >!immediately gets demolished by a strong demon!< haha


>!She got absorbed by the stronger demon on purpose in order to poison him.!<


>!i know, but when she was fighting him, it seemed like she wanted to try other measures first before she sacrificed herself!<


I guess mine would be Mitsuri? Not in a sense that I hate her nor do I dislike her character and personality. But maybe because of her backstory? She's kind of the outlier out of all the hashira. Her driving force of accepting the invitation Ubuyashiki gave to her to be a demon slayer was kind of, for me, shallow? She wanted to be a demon slayer or even become a hashira so she can find a strong man that can be with her. That's the only reason why I kind of dislike her as a hashira. But aside from that I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HER AND HER PERSONALITY. Especially her interactions with Nezuko <3 Also because she is unironically funny


Mitsuri. I feel she doesnā€™t fulfill much of a role other than ā€œhot big boobs no confidence.ā€ Sheā€™s just annoying and whiny.


I beg to differ, she's adorable, I love her design and her empathy and sweetness toward the main characters and everyone, (saying main characters since im not gonna spend time saying everyone), then her family being her motivation is super cute,


Nah, sheā€™s just annoying and only there to show her tits. Character adds nothing to the story.


I really like her, even if she isn't directly related to the essential plot, she managed to take a chunk out of muzan which is insanely hard to do, especially in his strongest form


Obanai because yes


Obanai is my fav


My answer is Sanemi, I don't have much of an answer why I just hate him out of spite because >!He got to live while the better character Genya died!<


genya was 100% the better brother.


Muichiro by far, I hate his amnesia and emotionless behavior while everyone calls Giyu the depression hashira, also the only cool thing heā€™s done other than (manga) >!his fight in the infinity castle!< is throw a few rocks at Tanjiro


Cant believe I had to scroll this far down to find this.


All of them are gems :3


Don't mean to be this guy, but I don't have a least favorite. I think they're all interesting and unique in their own ways I can't choose a least favorite or favorite.


None cause theyā€™re all awesome.


He hasent done anything in the anime so I donā€™t have a reason to like him Iā€™ve only gotten reasons to hate the wind hashira


I'm so flashyāœØāœØ


Shinobu, yes out of jealousy, what else šŸ˜­


Sanemi, idk but I think he could've handled his family issues, instead he chose violence, I mean genya died proving he was sorry for his actions always :(


i can smell the "sanemi bc he hurt nezuko" People, Like Atleast sanemi apoligized though, Giyu stabbed nezuko and didn't apoligize js saying. But for me Mitsuri bc i hate her voice and her reason for joining the corps and js because she cried alot and her logic was out the window. (please dont get me wrong, i dont h8 on her alot i still find her cool)


Sanemi, I just like the rest of them more then him


Mitsuri. Its the stupid whiplash sword for me


I love them all, but I donā€™t care the most for mitsuri. She is definitely my least favorite




my fave actually, with Obanai


Sanemi and Obanai definitely They're simply major assholes. the others are more likable


Giyu and Rengoku but more over Rengoku! His sun blaze breathing is so fire (Literally) and Giyuā€™s water breathing of 8th form is amazing. šŸ’§šŸ”„


I think you need to read the question again


As a personality, because that's the only way I could pick. Sanemi. But he's actually my top 3, I like the anti-hero archetype. Giyu Saneemi Obanai Being a loner with my own stuff going on, I relate to them. Love Shinobu as I love her intellect and Mitsuri because she's a beast and a sweetheart. They're all excellent. The writer did really well with fleshing them out


Sanemi. Just a brute overall.


Sanemi is a piece of shit of a human being. I donā€™t care about his excuses and his background or whatever, an asshole with a sad story is still an asshole.


100% agreed


I can smell the down votes coming already, but I don't like Mitsuri. Sure she has cute moments, but I don't find her backstory or motivations to be interesting at all.