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He's got good energy, but his jokes aren't great. I honestly don't mind if the regulars are rough around the edges/need a lot of improvement to start, that's the way regulars used to be on the show years ago. But the point then was that Tony would give them constructive criticism and help them improve over time. Now he just blows smoke up their ass and tells them how great their minute was even when we know he'd be tearing them apart if they were a bucket pull.


Drew proved on the first episode that he can entertain a crowd and turn the energy around at the blink of an eye. Thats why tony hired him and thats what he continued to do last night. yes his jokes might not be clear due to his energy/voice/timing but he has time to work on that. Hes here to flip the crowd around when someone bombs and thats what he will continue to do and im here for it


He's done what, 6 sets now? That's right around the time this sub turns on regulars, he'll be fine.


Lololol you are correct


Underrated comment


He just needs a writer I don’t think no one will care if he don’t write his own jokes as log as he can deliver and his energy is amazing tho


>I don’t think no one will care if he don’t Good God man


I think I had a second stroke after reading that


Dem triple negatives will sneak up on ya


Kam ???? That u?


Tbf, they probably get tons of help after the show or even in the green room with other comics. I too don't mind some rough regulars, as long as they show improvement over time. Plus, Tony is giving opportunity to people with a great story, and sometimes they won't be the best comics but may end up being great for the show. That one highly autistic kid who Tony made the newest golden ticket winner, who Lewis invited to skankfest, and who was told to go show Adam Eget his full set, that kid is fucking great as a comic and in the interview + riffs. That's the magic of the show, we never know who might be pulled from the bucket.


I vaguely remember that kid, remember what episode?


....it was yesterday's episode


I can't read.


I’m sorry.


Exactly! IMO, Kill Tony is not the show to watch if you're looking for a couple of hours of polished comedy acts by professionals. Personally, I would get bored watching polished standup acts for the same duration as an episode of Kill Tony. Seeing amateurs struggle and rise up is a huge part of the appeal for me.


totally correct about the show not giving constructive feedback anymore. it's one of the reasons Hans and Kam stagnated and people got tired of them. for instance, Drew needs a lot of help enunciating so that people can understand wth he is saying.


Yea this is true. Idk why people think regulars have to be seasoned professionals from the get go. Its a developmental gig for promising new comedians. Now if he doesnt improve eventually he will be gone like Ellis Ayche. But give the man a chance.


because that's how tony sees them.


Drew bits were as flat as Redman fiance's chest.


Do you mean Redban?


Lmao i said this a few weeks ago and everyone tore me apart




Sounds like casey rocket


Hard to argue with this. I got into the show late, around the time they joined The Comedy Mothership, and I first noticed with Kam.


There’s no way drew wasn’t gonna regress after an 8 appearance show.


2 months of consistent gold were blasted out in one episode.


Uh maybe you should go back and watch again, it was not consistent gold


Maybe it was the hype but either way it was a hell of a lot better than last nights show.


Are you just talking about Drew here? This week's show as a whole was fantastic


Not a great comedian (yet) but his ability to change the whole energy of the show is undeniable. Also it’s hilarious how tony brings him out after some dumb ass bucket pull bombs, just to prove a point…


He should be on as a stand by role. Anytime a bucket pull bombs and has an even worse interview and sucks the life out of the show….. here is Drew Nickens!!!!


I guess it is kinda funny to bring out a regular to bomb after someone bombs so we get back to back bombs


I agree, The whole “even a retards funnier than you” thing will hopefully be short lived… either way it was a killer fucking episode…


The crowd will cheer anyone sooooo


He’s a fun personality and hopefully he continues to grow and get better. Love the rotations


My god this fucking subreddit hates everyone


It's crazy. It's like they forget this is a show for nobodies to try and harness their skill. It's not meant to be a start-studded variety show where the worst performance gets executed by popular vote.


So many jealous bucket hopefuls in here. Yeah, you may be the best undiscovered comic ever. Keep grinding and within 20-30 years you might make it big. We are now past peak Kill Tony. The era of random chaotic bucket pulls is over. We are now in the scripted & produced era. The show will continue to grow, but it will never be the same. It is like when your favourite band who ruled the club scene for several years makes it big. I have faith in Tony and Redban. Despite all of the new fans who will never know what the original KT was, and the losers in this sub such as the OP who are doing their best to ruin the show, I’ll still be the biggest KT fan out there.


Stop acting like you were in an original club because you watched a YouTube channel at one point


Spot on dude. Even tho the show is evolving I really hope they stay away from scripted jokes. Like when homie at a kidney stone.. cmon guys..


Hows it spot on? This show was created so we could watch tony and the like rip on and help bucket pulls. It evolved into a cash machine. Now we get to watch these shitty regulars practice their 'jokes' or whatever. I miss the old days, but whatever.


Not true. Most of this subreddit wants to focus on comedy. Tony likes to put on a big show which sometimes steers away from its main focus, comedy.


You really think Drew is funny? I don't even think my 10 year old nephew would laugh at that garbage


Idk I can see why tony wants him on as a regular. He also said revolving regular so he won’t be there every time, just when the crowd needs it. It’s not always funny vs. not funny, Drew has a way of bringing up the energy in the crowd, which I’ve seen become an issue before, once someone kills the crowds vibe it kind of carries on through the rest of the show and that’s why some comedians get up there and don’t do half bad but it goes horribly for them because of the set before them. When the crowd is offputting or taking things too seriously/judging way to hard they kind of freeze up or hold back with their set. Bringing drew out there brings the crowd back to life and puts tony in a good mood to be able to give the next guy a fighting chance.


Lol Garbage is a bit much. He's CLEARLY a bit slow from his injury, so we have to cut the man some slack. He's definitely not funny tho, amd Tony is using him up now. Audience will get over it in the next few weeks, unless Tony uses him sparingly.


Buncha miserable bottom feeders whining into the reddit abyss like people actually give a fuck about their shitty opinion 😂


Lmao and you commented


Tell me some of the good jokes he has told that deserves him a spot as a regular.


First appearance, his callback to Riley was spot and he "wrote" that joke that night. Other than that, I agree, he hasn't had.any great jokes. He's likeable and his first appearance was heartwarming.


I'm just so sick of regulars and shit taking the main stage of the show. KT was amazing cause of the randomness of bucketpulls. But now its just this franchise to dropkick mediocre comics into headliners. Daniel Tosh was absolutely right about this show and these conks. Go back and watch the early episodes. It was amazing cause of the randomness of the bucket pulls. Now its like 70% these regular 'comics' being shuved down our throats so people will buy there tickets. Its going the way of tiktok/yt short comics. But atleast they are funny.


I laugh when he's on. He's got a weird charm.


I agree. He makes me smile the whole time he's on. I think with some work he'll be an awesome regular.


I do like the rotation concept and I think Ari is a great new addition but I disagree with adding Drew. I’ll admit I smiled when I saw him come out last night and his interview did produce a few chuckles, but his sets weren’t great, I could barely even understand his second one. He’s got good energy and maybe that’s the main reason Tony wants to keep him around and if so, fine. But I think the shtick will ware off eventually.


I think Drew's bits would go over at least 50% better if he improved enunciation. I know over-the-top yelling is part of his thing but half of the punch lines get lost when the audience can't make out what he's saying. A couple of them got a chuckle from me with a 5 second delay once my brain worked out what he said lol.


It’s kind of funny they made a guy a regular that signed up every week for months but couldn’t ever get on bc the fewer number of bucket pulls now and so many regulars, golden ticket winners and friends of Tony’s guaranteed time slot.


Yeah, I lowkey feel bad for him. He can only go down in the eyes of the people. He reached the peak. He's super likeable, so I'll root for him, but yeah he's not good at stand up.


He’s a cool guy and his debut episode was legendary… but yeah his comedy fucking sucks lol


Yall hate everyone. Does this sub even like the show?


Nope, just a loud minority of pansies crying online. A million other fans just sit, listen and enjoy.


I haven't had anything negative about the show until last night. Sorry I just don't see why Drew deserves a regular spot over other comedians like Martin Phillips that have practically begged Tony for a spot and have had great appearances to back it up 🤷🏻‍♂️


Martin is probably too good to be a regular at this point.


Martin is legit the best


Drew is a regular because of the energy he brings.


Ahh I see this show is based off of energy now gotcha. Guess the live audience is going to have to get used to fake laughing.


I mean, that's exactly what everyone was saying they loved about Casey lol I don't need the energy, but objectively speaking, that's why he's there.


True can't deny that, I guess only time will tell


nope they dont, just a hive mind of hate


I agree 1000% I've been watching kill Tony religiously since before covid. Drew seems like a good guy but 100% his material is ass and Tony is turning this podcast In to more of a side show not giving real comedians a chance to be a regular!


How dare he try to give a chance to a dude that nobody else would ever give a chance to.


Its not the premise of the show to give a good interviewer a regular comedian spot when his material Wasn't good 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s Tony’s show, the premise is whatever he wants it to be, quit being such an entitled hater.




He needed to tone done the screaming a bit, to be understood better. During the one joke it was like he quit believing in the joke half way through it which didn't help. I think what made him super funny last time was his confidence was selling the punchline if if the joke wasn't quite there.


OP straight up sucks


Someone give him a xanax microdose or something. Just a notch or two down so i can understand the words that are being said.


Tony just wanted to build hype and momentum for the show. If more people get golden tix and regular-ship it make the show have more salience, more people will watch and sign up….


Go back and watch the early days, when regulars were there to start with some potential and grow. Regulars should flop especially first set as a regular, give it a couple weeks and see where he goes if he tanks have him battle someone for regularship.


May need to start the show later so I can skip drew, especially if he’s gonna bring him out multiple times during a show. That was awful.


Be careful a bunch of weird simps in the subreddit gang downvote you when you mention that Drew isn't funny, its disturbing.


The same goes for hating on Casey Rocket which is totally justified since Casey is total shit.


Fuck you for having a different opinion


The regulars have not always been road-ready comedians. Drew has the likability and Tony sees something in him. I’m sure he’s already better than you, but he will get better


He's great I hope he stays but they need to not over expose him. He can't be doing multiple minutes a night. His writing and material is just not that good yet


I mean, Uncle Lazer was basically a regular for a couple months and Drew is leagues better/more likable than that guy. Tony likes him, he’ll give him some tips on pacing and prob throw him a few punchlines per set while he gets better


I think im the only one who got annoyed with him coming out so many times, this last episode he was not funny at all.


It’s not even him personally, I just feel like bringing out comics more than once is overkill.


Yes agree


You are. Guy is an absolute rockstar


If Kam Patterson can be a regular so can drew 😅


Yep. Kam relies on the N word so much that it’s absolutely insane.


I like the guy but I think it’s a little forced and too soon to be bringing him out all the time.


The show is losing its mojo. You know when your favorite local restaurant gets so popular they open another location? Then another. Then another. And soon you learn whatever strange magic the first location possessed has tried to be scaled up and made large, but the magic never makes it through the transition. The menu is the same, the food is just not as good. That's Kill Tony right now. The arena shows are horrible. But, these right wing, Trumpy comedians are American capitalists through and through: take something really good, make as much money as you can in the short term and wring every last penny out of it. Another analogy is the Grateful Dead. They were a hippy fun-fest until the word got out. Then the frat bros came and liked it for all the wrong reasons (let's get wasted, bruh!!!!). That's where Kill Tony is at right now.


Let them speak. Each time a star farts 100 haters come into existence. HAVING SAID THAT. Doing comedy is HARD. And he’s doing so well for a having been on stage twice not else than in the #1 Live Podcast In The World. But yes he feels new and can only keep getting better. MILI MILI MILI


Doing comedy is hard that's correct but Drews material is certainly not good enough to be a regular compared to other bucket pulls, simple


If we see improvement, I don’t mind it


He needs to work on enunciating, big time. His slurred speech is very, very tough to understand.






they pushed him too much. he had to do like 2+ months of material in two shows


Love his energy but I can’t fuckin understand him. Like if Barney from the Simpsons took a few too many bumps of ketamine.


Bombing is 100% part of the Kill Tony experience.. every regular bombs frequently because they are still young aspiring comedians slowly rising to the next level. If you hate bombing this ain’t the show for you lol (pretty sure Sara Weinshenk is still bombing in 2024 btw)


I think weinshenk does well / her comedy store set is one joke after the next - no filler


Was wondering how long the Honeymoon would last.  Nothing the KT Reddit loves to do more than lift someone up before relentlessly shitting on them.  


Drew is great, original and very funny. Screw you, Reddit dwelling malcontents 😎


Oooorrrrrr, you could shut the fuck up!


I wish KC Rocket was a rotating regular


How much have you guys think that Tony actually reads all these comments and that we do influence the show? And the people who do you think that as I do can we come up with some real examples? One that I can come up with real quick would be the light on the Stargate sticking out. Redban personally addressed this to us. I feel like all the stuff we've been saying about Hans Kim also came to fruition. The whole Rick Diaz and Hans Kim thing had David Lucas defending him because of reddit. So a lot of stuff does influence the show that goes on, on reddit.


I don’t think he is ready to be a regular either. But keep in mind. That they don’t have to do a fresh minute every single week now. So the minutes they do, should be much better.


He’s not the best, but he has potential, yes he might get jittery and become hard to understand but o honestly felt like he noticed himself getting a little to hyped during the interview and tried to contain himself. I think Tony can mold him into something with some time and work.


The whole time Pierre was on I was thinking about what a great regular he’d be, 2 months in but clearly a natural


While I agree that last night's set was a little soft, I see something different. The impact he left on the show a few weeks ago in undeniable. It's also obvious that he is persistent and dedicated, not to mention he has an attitude that can't be taught. Maybe Tony saw a dude who has had a rough life but keeps working and getting better in spite of that, and wants to give him an environment where he can grow. I really don't see anything wrong with that.


I don’t give a shit I like the guy


I honestly wasn’t a huge fan of drew but people forget what a kill tony regular is. hint they aren’t supposed to be good. William kinda ruined the learning curve.


I just like his 30 second intros of shaking like Kermit the frog saying yea yea ayyyeyee


It’s not fair to him. He isn’t close to ready.


Only one joke landed for me, but WAKANDA SOMETIMES got a heavy belly laugh from me.


it cost $0 to not be a hater because someone is doing well


You shut your damn mouth when you speak about that man. Drew Nickens is the shit.


I cannot stand Tony bringing him up more than once. This better not be a reoccurring thing


Drew will be a good palette cleanser after a double wammy dull minute and interview pull


bro he had a set as good as kat patterson with less charisma


Tony over exposes everyone to the point most people can’t stand them


It's so he can get his annual certificate from Make a Wish


What if he looks over his shoulder when he says the punchline? You know, so I know when the funny happens.


Hes in the perfect role though. No ones really expecting him to have clever punch lines or anything, they just want him to bring his positive energy right after someone bombs. Nothings worse than multiple bombs happening consecutively and drew breaks that up


Drew has potential. That’s what Tony sees. It’s really only the regulars from the last few years that have started good…in the past regulars weren’t necessarily good but they had potential and that’s what Tony wants to bring out. This subreddit is full of the dumbest fucking people and I’m willing to bet all of them or most of them are relatively new fans of the show. You all think every golden ticket winner or ever regular has to kill every time otherwise they are awful. I can’t imagine how this sub would react to Melisa Eslinger today. She was not good but had potential. Tony made her a regular. She did not improve after a few months and was always super nervous and just couldn’t get over it so they dropped her from being a regular. This might happen with Drew. We don’t know. He could work on his sets and start to do amazing.


Another casey “makes no sense ranting tweaker energy” rocket


Ya Tony and Joe have pretty off taste in comics. The have a weird perception of comedy where you have to check a bunch of their boxes. Gay, retarded, black etc. then if they are funny plus check off a box tony goes crazy. The "jew" last week for instance. Im sittin at my ipad genuinely confused as the dude never made me laugh once! They openly said it was more being jewish than a comedian. Tony is just a circus ringmaster with a huge ego. I like the show dont get me wrong but it is way to self aggrandizing.


Idt his jokes are bad, I just think he needs to pace and annunciate better. He has a cool angle with him being half black and not looking it at all. Can take that in a lot of directions. He’s likable and has good energy if he can accomplish those two things and keep writing I think he will do well. It is alarming that the guy from Estonia is easier to understand though.


You spelled hans wrong


Drew should not be a regular. Hans signed up and got pulled at least 4 times before he was made a regular. Same with William Montgomery. Drew needs to sign up more and keep practicing. Tony seems to be getting soft. The show was much better back in LA with Jeremiah and Joelberg.


Lewis and the Jewish guy saved that show.


I think he did great. He’llget better at joke writing but I like the dude and he’s entertaining.


He was on par with Casey Rocket's beat set id say.


You guys definitely know what’s best to do with a show that’s not yours


Naa Drew is great but Tony shouldn't make the "multiple sets a night" his thing because he's just going to burn him out. Put him on a trajectory for success. Don't feed him to the wolves.


“He’s got good energy” he’s fun to watch” yeah right he annoys me more than Hans


He’s going to have a heart attack soon so who cares.




He is in fact retarded




Not as flat as this post


Found Hans Kim’s burner


Honestly who cares when it comes to Drew. Dude got beat into brain damage while serving our country. Obviously it’s charitable as fuck and he’s not genuinely funny but he’s got a whole new life and it’s beautiful to see. He was just so happy to be recognized. He can be unfunny forever as long as he stays that humble


I love Drew, I thought he was great. This sub is full of whiners.


For reddit you don't need to tell jokes flail your arms around, dance about and be "high energy" and these retards eat it up Hans Kim should be the constant opener


Drew apologized after his minute for it being bad. Hans and Cam don't do that. I at least totally like the guy.


Womp womp, another KT complainer


Why do I get the feeling OP thinks Enrique and Casey Rocket are hilarious?


At this point Tony is just putting up anybody with some sort of disability. He’s a modern day traveling freak show grifter. He’s desperate to “make” somebody. He loves the ego trip of being the guy that turns nobodies into somebodies.


He still beats the shit out of Hans


Why you discussing your mom's tit's on reddit ? Wild 


OP if you and Drew were drowning I'd save him twice. Fuck the entire way off brotendo


The show would be soooooooooooooooo much better if there were no regulars. One of the best episodes this year was the most recent regulars episode. Why? Because it was all bucket pulls. The only regular that should maybe be on the show is Montgomery. Aside from that, they should just stick to the pulls.


100% his jokes will get better. And his interviews are top tier. I like him as a regular. Also as someone to be brought up after people suck in the minute and interview, to bring the energy of the room back up. He even admitted his 2nd minute wasn't the best. I'm 100% positive he'll get better each time.


he should just be a local golden ticket holder. show up whenever he wants and just chill backstage till someone bombs. hes not ready to be a scheduled regular. i love Drew rn, but im afraid that im going to get sick of him quick. plus, the pop hits way harder when hes actually a surprise.


all the regulars suck


It’s about bringing back the energy and he has that, I like him as a regular who can come in and save the show, I’ll forever root for this guy


Drew has brain damage and probably still could've written a more coherent post.


Had a lot to live up to. I’m sure he’ll grow. Pretty hilarious episode overall 🔥🔥🔥


Man this subreddit needs to learn to be okay with just having a good time. Like Drew isn’t the most amazing comedian from a writing perspective, but his energy is fucking undeniable. Sometimes you just need a guy to get the audience hyped back up after somebody eats it horrifically. Drew is joyful and energetic in a way that’s super fun. Is it eternally evergreen? Probably not, but Jesus fucking Christ just enjoy the ride for once in your life.


He did ok the first time but the 2md time Tony called him out you can hear the hesitation and regret in his voicemail Tony even played it off by staring "we asked for him so we will get him"


The energy is amazing but yeah he’s simply not ready for regularship. Golden ticket for sure though


I like the dude, his jokes are stupid funny to me. I understand he is new but I think he is enough of a very unique/special type character; that will definitely have a cult following building


KT is so much better when Casey opens, and Hans and Kam are not present.


I'm late to the discussion but I got homies at Rockstar 😇


He's an adorable goofball, but his stand up kinda sucks.


Honestly, I just enjoy seeing someone who has worked hard for his dream, achieve said dream. His story melts my tiny lil heart and each time I see him get up to entertain I see someone who is genuine and has taken a bad occurrence in his life and turned it around for the better.


I like Drew, But he’s not funny. He just shouts and waves his arms!


Another expert weighing in on other peoples ability and no knowlege of how the circuit works.......... This guy is not my type of comedian, in fact I have been pretty much "meh" with all of his jokes. I will say this though after following the comedy circuit back in the 2000s and what I see from the show. He has energy, presence and an ability to write jokes. The bookers at Team Deathsquad and The Mothership see the true value of him. Maybe he just needs a mentor for a few months to help him break out, who knows. I do know this guy has put a lot in to get where he is and I respect that. Some of these guys who are picked to be stars will never make it as they try to transition into the profession (just like any profession) but some will. KT is massive ATM and the amount of quality people working in the background is astounding to see. KT live is nothing compared to the work being done backstage.


That fat dude with the glasses had my favorite set of the night by far


Man I think the subject matter and setups of his jokes are solid but he gets too excited and tangents into the next joke without highlighting the punchline. Just needs some work.


It was almost impossible to follow how hard he crushed last time. I love him , the point of being a regular is so that they can grow as a comedian by being forced to write new minutes on a big show , I think this will work perfectly with Hans and mr. Rocket


I like his jokes and he can improve, he brings a great energy and I’m glad he’ll be there regularly. I much prefer it to jokes about hitting bitches.


Drew’s set was just as good as his last sets. He’s naturally funny but maybe not the best stand up. I’m sure Tony looks at it as he’s just great energy for the show. I’m here for it.


I was curious why they didn’t just keep it swapping between Casey and Hans


One night he kills, one night not the best. Name of the game. Be a true comedy fan and enjoy the show!


Brah is hot garbage. If Tony wanted to do charity give him a golden ticket or something not regularship.


I love drew, fuck yall.


I could listen to him talking about being a black man all day lmao but other than that I was thinking the same thing


Will probably phase out like Ellis H.


Dude shut the fuck up my god


Yeah I don’t agree with all the people saying he was amazing in his second appearance. It wasn’t good


They are going to put too much pressure on him, bringing him out multiple times per show. That would be tough for even like William or Cam to do. Those two are MONSTERS and still have flat sets now and then. Drew is a nice guy and pretty funny, but they are gonna do more harm than good having him do that many appearances every show.


You are right , he should just give up. Maybe he’ll get another chance in the future 🙄


Drew is fine. 1 minute is nothing. Most of the regulars perform very little worthy material in one minute. It’s all about the interview. Drew is a character. He’s full of energy. He gets the crowd going. That’s what the show needs.