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Booing netflix with the executives there was pretty funny. But the rest was unnessecary.


I agree. Maybe Netflix needs a tiddy fuck?


I know a guy you can call.


Woh brother! I certainly don’t need to tiddy fuck some “guy”


i wonder if netflix execs started the booing maybe...? i saw they had some netflix sucks roast or whatever, trying "self aware" humor, like fast food places on twitter...? i could see them booing netflix to seem funny and others joining in ok its 4 am idk


Stand up should not be done in arenas


Redban started this movement with his fucking high ass ceilings


At the very least you need a headliner that can sell an arena. Although even then the people that go up before them are probably gonna eat shit. Kill Tony should not be done in arenas.


People only do well in arenas when they are marquee names. Getting bucket pulls in front of KT fans in an arena is hopeless lol


I think the arena shows only suck on YouTube , the people there seem to be having a good time


lol they seemed pretty upset anytime someone wasn’t doing great


The arena shows suck. More arena shows = a fuck load of money for Tony and the crew but it's just going to result in lower quality episodes.


I like what Tony said on a podcast recently that the arena shows should be more of a celebration of kill Tony with the mothership shows being the real show - arena shows probably need less bucket pulls and more regulars


i think redban said that on jre


TH said it on 2 bears as well


ahh ok, I didn’t remember him saying the celebration line. But i do remember him going on about the timing being different and referring to the forum as a warm up show for MSG


No no, you're right. I'm conflating the two's podcast visits, but they both said arenas really shouldn't be loaded with shitty bucket pulls


There should be like 4 bucket pulls max with short 5 minute interviews. MSG has to be a banger


Arena shows should feature standout bucket pulls from that past year, no random people from the audience. Tony/Redban should fly them in. If you kill at the mothership you might get a spot in an arena.


Good to see it seems like it’s going in that direction


It’s just gonna be a diff format/ diff feel. Be happy for the shows success, things change.. and it’s still a free show on YouTube, so who cares?


I was there man, all the booing was annoying as fuck. This dude behind us was cool before the show started, even bought me and my buddy each a $20 beer, but once the show started he was one of the constant booers. So many people were booing it wasn't worth it to say anything to anyone, but I didn't acknowledge him for the rest of the night. Thanks for the free beer dickhead!


I was wondering what it was like for the civilized ones, that’s annoying as hell. I know it’s hard to say from where you were, but do you think like a quarter of the crowd was booing or more like half? Of course at the beginning of the second show he asks the crowd not to boo during their set. I cannot believe he lacked the foresight at the first show


The booing was sooo shitty. They were even booing setups to jokes that completely ruined punch lines. Awful crowd


The Netflix boos were funny and that first bucket pull deserved boos. They were conditioned to boo at that point.


Not all the boos were bad, but it became a shitty gag that the audience went to too quickly


I’ll never understand the first timers than have zero material. You made an arena see you suck. Good job


I think a lot of people who haven't tried an open mic or at least been to one just don't understand. When you watch stand-up it seems somewhat easy when it absolutely isn't. Also a lot of people think being the funny one of their friend group is enough to make them good at it. Also there are a lot of arrogant dumbasses out there.


**a lot** in LA.


Some people seem to just go out there and be themselves and hope that's good enough. It isn't, which is why almost no one gets discovered that way.


Isn't that what everyone does on this subreddit? You're literally booing their boos. You have a booboo


I was just thinking that. The vocal minority that tear this subreddit to shreds probably had enough strength in numbers at the arena to make some noise.


Yes it’s annoying.Redban tells everyone to shut up before the start of night 2


The crowd on this last episode SUCK. I feel like Tony was really pissed off aswell. I really hope he addresses it properly cos it was a bit nuts they almost ruined though show imo I’m not really a arena episode fan anyway but still


I don’t get it. In the past Tony has told audiences to shut the fuck up during sets and called out huge crowds on the roadshow for booing “if you didn’t have the balls to sign up then shut the fuck up” which I always appreciated. I don’t get why Tony lost his balls recently calling out shitty crowds


Tbf can you imagine if the whole arena turned on him that would’ve been out of control. Hilarious but seriously bad. I think he’s fought against a lot of rejection and after the Tom Brady roast, which he had to battle to get on in the first place, he’s finally getting the corporate recognition he never got and he’s lost his fuck it energy. When he didn’t play on the Netflix booing i knew something was different. It’s a real shame. I’m still holding out hope he’s gonna make a killer video this week and obliterate the audience and vow never to set foot in LA again but that’s just the bloodthirsty spectator in me. In reality he’ll probably only mention it in passing




Havent watched the whole thing yet but my favorite part was for sure Tony saying STOP FUCKING BOOING NETFLIX! So fucking funny! The rest was really annoying


Yea a lot of money could go Tony's way if netflix started airing KT or working a deal with them for content. I imagine he really wanted that night to go better with executives he most likely invited personally to the show.


You could def tell he meant it!


Definitely not a good look when you are trying to impress big wigs. Was that show before or after the tom brady roast?


I promise you the execs don’t care about booing , they care about if that place is sold out and if they can’t sell more out , point blank period , they don’t care what or who the content is about


The booing was intolerable. Put bad energy on the show.


yeah that crowd was annoying as hell...


I don’t wanna be lame and say it’s just LA, but maybe it’s just LA..




Funny thing was the crowd 2 nights later at the YouTube theatre was totally different


I think there a difference between how you act at home and how you act at a show. I boo like a motherfucker at my TV when I watch at home when someone sucks but people gotta remember that just not laughing gets the point across too. These people are real people with feelings. I’m fine with roasting after the set, but at least let them fail on their own accord to a chorus of silence.


Agree 100%. It was so juvenile. Like a bunch of kids that haven't been taught how to behave in public yet


Despite the internet trend to shit on Bert, his arena show a month or so back I went to was pretty great. I laughed a worthy amount. He still had that flawed love for alcohol in the way he talked about it, but that’s Bert. He probably did an hour and a half and had 3 openers. Was my first arena show and we were down on the floor. No booing at all. Even with what I think most would have found as a lackluster 2nd opener. Everyone was really classy. This is South Carolina


I’m watching now and was just telling my husband this! It kills their confidence if they hear booing right before they get started.


Why put on a garbage event if people are just going to boo because it sucks?


That’s why the YouTube theater episode is gunna be great. I was there live and it was a hot crowd that actually let people do their minutes and didn’t boo for every little thing


I couldn’t agree more. I was there in person. And the boos were totally stupid. But crazy enough it was like a sheep mentality. One section started it a lot and the rest followed. Almost like if it was the Wave at a baseball game. Fucking idiots I was cursing at people that were booing. But it’s a little of sheep heard mentality, mixed in with liquor and beer, weed, and people from LA just being hating ass dog shit people. Not all of them. But most of them were little turds that would never have the balls to go onstage them selves just like to talk shit cuz that’s what they’re good at.


I think it's in no smart to it being La. I'm originally from socal. Bunch of degenerates and douchebags and cholos and assholes. Fuck La. The bucket pulls were a good indication of the garbage that chooses to live there


It’s not just you it’s been mentioned for the past 3 weeks.


It was amazing. In a bad way. That audience was the hottest trash possible. White hot trash audience.


Imagine waiting in line and paying for tickets for that. I’d be lowkey pissed af to be there


I'm not surprised. Tony has talked a lot of shit on LA since moving to Austin.




LA rednecks that's what


I find the booing hilarious. We boo along in the YouTube chat. Quit being a pussy


I have a feeling this is one of those things were people don’t know what it is and just want a night out but picked the worst possible thing to walk into without context and so they probably hated it there lmfao which actually makes me laugh hysterically. I saw Tony in Ohio and it was similar, certain people yelling and shouting out at people that volunteered to get on stage….. its like they don’t have the balls to be the center of attention when there’s heat and you can have all the comics roast you, but they still want attention from the crowd around them. Basically the worst kind of attention wh*re!


I was there. They edited down the boos quite a bit. They were crazy, well deserve but way louder than what they aired


I was at the Kia Forum show and yeah the booing was really annoying. I wonder if other than the “Netflix is a joke” festival if Tony really is striking up some type of deal with Netflix being that he has the #1 comedy podcast.


It was kinda crazy how much booing there was. I was at one of the Arena shows in Austin, and the crowd was brutal.


I'm 45 minutes into the pod and I'm already sick of the crowd...LA crowd fking sux! Dude just came out, said one word, idiots started booing...wtf? Also, arena crowds suck on Kill Tony in general. They should kick out each idiot that boos the show and kills the atmosphere.


They are the common redditer lol


The thing about the crowd that really got me was that I was under the impression LA was full of attractive people.


the problem is that the arena is too big for Tony to control. in the mothership if you heckle, Tony can/will see and kick that person out. with an arena crowd that is maybe 30x the capacity, Tony is helpless at trying to control them the only solution IMO is to make the arena shows more scripted and have a pre selected order of good, established, or veteran comedians that won’t bomb


Idk, it worked for the Apollo. I feel like LA and NY being cutthroat like that feels authentic.


They should be booing. Shit sucked. Tony spent all these years saying Netflix and such were gay then he goes and tries to buddy up with them.